The waters of the Rewhister Ocean have tempted many a traveler, as from the shore they seem docile and inviting. Upon reaching around 100 km from shore though, the sea floor drops greatly and waters are often violent. Sailors fear the horrors that may lurk below. (+2 stat of choice)

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Curiosity (Nearly) Killed the Captain (Self) [M:L]

Postby Kitsumi » 09/21/2017 1:00 PM


Sitting at the desk in his cabin, Raven studied the charts in front of him. He squinted at the paper, as if looking closer would magically make the lines and words that he sought appear. Finally, he sighed, leaning back in his chair and closing his eyes as he wiped one hand over his face.

The map was useless. Rewhister Ocean wasn't a widely explored area due to the dangers lurking within its depths, and the crew of The Hellfire had already sailed beyond what was charted. To be honest, the crew hadn't exactly been happy with this undertaking. A few of the newer members - those who hadn't fully given their loyalty to their captain yet, had chosen to leave the ship.

Of course, the loudest protester had been-


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Re: Curiosity (Nearly) Killed the Captain (Self) [M:L]

Postby Kitsumi » 09/21/2017 1:04 PM


As if the very thought of her had summoned the woman from her drugged slumber, Nodia charged into the captain's cabins without bothering to knock. "What the hell? You lied to me, and then drugged me so that I wouldn't find out? That's not something a parent should do to their daughter, even if she is grown!"

Raven shrugged. "I told you I know nothing about being a father," he said. "Besides, I personally didn't drug you. I simply...suggested to Cookie that things would be much more peaceful for everyone if you were asleep for the first part of the voyage. I didn't even provide him with the sleeping powder, he bought it himself."

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Re: Curiosity (Nearly) Killed the Captain (Self) [M:L]

Postby Kitsumi » 09/21/2017 5:43 PM

Nodia stared down her father, refusing to look away or blink. In the end, it was the captain who glanced away, unable to meet her glare any longer. There was a sense of satisfaction that came with knowing that her father at least felt some amount of shame for his actions. But it wasn't enough to appease the woman. Not by a long shot.

"I wouldn't have had to do it if you didn't give me such a hard time," Raven said finally. "You know that I can't have you challenging me in front of the crew. If I let you walk all over me, they're going to think I'm weak."

"Is that why you're making this death trip?" Nodia growled. "Because you want to look strong or something?"

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Re: Curiosity (Nearly) Killed the Captain (Self) [M:L]

Postby Kitsumi » 09/22/2017 11:12 AM

"Don't call it a death trip." Raven let out a weary sigh. "And no, I'm not making this voyage just to look strong. I've simply grown weary of travelling the same old routes. I want to sail waters that very few men have sailed before me. I want to discover what lies beyond. What if there's new lands to be found? New goods to export?"

Nodia crossed her arms over her chest. "And you think that's worth risking your life? The lives of your crew? The life of your daughter?"

"I gave you the option to stay behind," Raven argued. "In fact, I offered you a chance that I didn't offer anyone else - I would have let you rejoin the crew once we returned if you had stayed behind."

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Re: Curiosity (Nearly) Killed the Captain (Self) [M:L]

Postby Kitsumi » 09/22/2017 12:02 PM

The woman rolled her eyes. "Yeah, like I was about to just stay behind while the father that I've only just reconnected with sails to his death. I didn't go to all this trouble to build some sort of relationship with you just to let you throw it all away by getting yourself killed."

Raven grinned. "Well then see, you don't need to worry. We all have you around to make sure that nothing disastrous happens. All is well."

The attempt at lightening the mood only seemed to piss Nodia off. "Do you have to joke about everything?!" she shouted. "Why can't you ever take anything seriously? Is it really so hard for you to admit that you were wrong, and turn the ship around before we all have to pay for your mistake?"

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Re: Curiosity (Nearly) Killed the Captain (Self) [M:L]

Postby Kitsumi » 09/28/2017 12:21 AM

The man sighed wearily. "Nodia, I promise you, nothing is going to-"

"Captain!" The word was shouted through the door as the speaker rapped his knuckles against the wood three times. "We need you on deck. Something's been spotted in the water!"

Purposefully refusing to look in his daughter's direction, knowing the scathing glare that he would find focused on him, Raven tried to remain calm. "Tell everyone to remain calm. I'll be up in a moment."

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Re: Curiosity (Nearly) Killed the Captain (Self) [M:L]

Postby Kitsumi » 09/28/2017 12:23 AM

"I know what you're going to say," Raven finally turned to his daughter. "But let's save the lecture for now. We don't even know if we're in any danger."

Nodia stared at him as if he had three heads. "Seriously?" Rubbing the spot in between her eyes, she groaned. "I just can't even with you right now. Can you please just get up there and get us back to safer waters? Preferably before we all get eaten by some huge sea serpent or something."

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Re: Curiosity (Nearly) Killed the Captain (Self) [M:L]

Postby Kitsumi » 09/28/2017 12:39 AM

Mumbling something about how children shouldn't be able to boss around their parents, Raven stomped towards the door. Once he was on the top deck, he was immediately swarmed by members of his crew.

"It's getting closer!"
"Lookit the size of those waves! That thing must be huge!"
"We're going to turn around, right?"
"We never should have come this far out!"

Everyone was speaking at once, and nobody was being very helpful. Finally, Raven silenced the crew by putting two fingers between his lips and whistling loudly. "Everyone shut the fuck up!" he growled. "Now, you," he pointed to one man. "Tell me what's going on."

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Re: Curiosity (Nearly) Killed the Captain (Self) [M:L]

Postby Kitsumi » 09/28/2017 12:44 AM

It soon became clear what exactly the problem was. Looking through a handheld telescope, Raven was able to spot the signs of a creature at least three times the size of their ship heading towards them. It was moving quite fast, a fact that instantly worried him.

Shouting out orders, the captain made a beeline for the wheel. Swinging the ship around, he watched as his crew began preparing the cannons to fire. Hopefully they would be able to scare the beast off, because there was no way they were going to be able to outrun it.

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Re: Curiosity (Nearly) Killed the Captain (Self) [M:L]

Postby Kitsumi » 09/29/2017 3:48 PM

It took several cannonballs, but finally the creature seemed to turn around. All was well for now, but Raven kept his wary gaze focused on the waters around them. He had finally given in to the demands of not only his daughter, but now his crew as well, to turn the ship around. It felt as if his dreams had been dashed, but he knew that his disappointment was a small price to pay for the lives of his crew members.

Still, he had a feeling that this wasn't the end. Even if he had to hunt down the craziest adventurers in Evelon, he would find a crew willing to sail these waters. Someday...

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