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Re: New Beginnings

Postby Kylo » 09/15/2011 3:38 PM

Anthos laughed at Navvi's suddenly almost child-like antic and gave the noodles to Navvi to help layer. "I never had much of one and perfer not to speak of it. Sorry. Uh ask another question since that really wasn't much of an answer." He smiled apologetically and tended to layering the meat sauce. "It takes me a while to be able to tell someone about my childhood. It just isn't a very pleasant memory for me."

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Re: New Beginnings

Postby Kitsumi » 09/15/2011 5:33 PM

The sound of Anthos' laughter was music to Navvi's ears. Especially after Anthos had just been crying; his laughter meant that although he was grieving, he was also beginning to heal enough to find joy in laugh as well. As Navvi took the noodles given to him and started layering them accordingly, he grimaced. "Ah, I'm sorry to have brought up a touchy subject. I completely understand if you don't wish to speak about it. Well, in that case..." He bit the right side of his lower lip, chewing on it slightly as he thought. "How did you come upon this place? It's simply spectacular! All dust aside, of course." he winked playfully.

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Re: New Beginnings

Postby Kylo » 09/15/2011 8:07 PM

Anthos laughed again at the dust comment. "By complete accident atcually. Me and the group of people I worked with came across this village when we got lost. Some of the not so nice creatures that live here attacked us, but some velix appeared out of no where and scared them off. Now the velix shows up here weekly bringing food and messages from some mysterious person that refuses to meet us, or me now. In fact the velix are due to show up tomorrow." They finished making the dish and Anthos smiled in satisfaction. "Now to bake it." He slid it into the oven and turned back to Navvi. "Alright my turn. How old are you?"

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Re: New Beginnings

Postby Kitsumi » 09/15/2011 9:58 PM

As he listened to Anthos speak, his eyes grew wider. "You mean, you simply stumbled upon it? Well, that's great luck! Although I can't imagine how horrible it must have been to be attacked for absolutely nothing!" Navvi let out an indignant snort. "Those people must be little more than savages to have attacked like that. My god, I can't understand how people can live with that." He shook his head slightly angrily.
"But these mysterious they interest me. I hope I'll be able to see them when they come. I've heard of them, but I've never actually seen one. Is it true that they have huge, rather disturbing eyes?"
At Anthos' question, Navvi ran a finger through his hair in an embarrassed manner. "Well, believe it or not, I'm 28 years old. I've been told that I look more like 18 before, though."

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Re: New Beginnings

Postby Kylo » 09/15/2011 10:09 PM

"I'm 38. I met Rufus when I was your age. I still don't look it though. People still think I'm barely twenty. I get carded all the time at bars." He chuckled and sat down at the kitchen table and waved his hand offering Navvi a seat. "The velix are unique and their eyes really are quite large. The one though is a bit damaged. It makes terrible screeching and squeeking noises when it moves. And the other makes a hissing noise as if steam is escaping from it. They're odd little creatures." He smiled across the table at Navvi. "You look nice for your age Navvi."

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Re: New Beginnings

Postby Kitsumi » 09/15/2011 10:38 PM

Navvi's jaw dropped. "Really? 38? Wow, I feel quite young now." He grinned, showing that he was only joking. "I'll be 29 soon though, so I suppose you only have 9 years on me. Anyways, we're both adults, so an age difference is much less inconsequential."
He suddenly realized that it might have sounded as if he were talking about them having a relationship...which he wasn't, of course. Yes, Anthos was sweet, and kind, and quite handsome. He was fun to be around, and brought a smile to Navvi's face. He was seemingly perfect in every way...
Damn. Navvi was falling for him; something that never happened with him. Of course Navvi had been with guys before, he had even thought he was in love a few times. But for him to fall for someone so quickly? No, it couldn't be possible. What he was feeling was probably simply caring for Anthos, wanting to make him happy again and keep a smile on his face.
With a start, he realized that Anthos had answered his question. Taking the seat that Anthos had gestured to, Navvi smiled. "Hmm, they do sound rather odd. Of course, I suppose we appear odd to quite a few other species of creatures when they look at us."
For some reason, Anthos' compliment combined with his smile caused Navvi to blush. "Well, thank you. You look quite handsome as well." He returned Anthos' smile, trying to ignore the flush of color.

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Re: New Beginnings

Postby Kylo » 09/16/2011 10:24 PM

"Yes age is not really of importance." He caught what that could mean, but smiled anyway. As lovely as Navvi he wasn't ready for a realationship, at least not yet. Even if he was kind, caring, handsome, perfect...he still loved Rufus and could not bring himself to let another take his place. Anthos caught the blush on Navvi's face and frowned slightly. "Are you alright? You're a bit red." He leaned across the table and placed a hand on Navvi's forhead. "You're a bit warm."

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Re: New Beginnings

Postby Kitsumi » 09/16/2011 11:54 PM

Now how was Navvi supposed to explain without making him sound like he was falling in love with Anthos? Of course, it was true that he was perhaps developing a fondness for Anthos, maybe even a "crush". But falling in love? Well, that took time. Navvi didn't believe in love at first sight or any of that; at least, he hadn't experienced it himself. Perhaps it did exist, but if it did, he hadn't had the privilege of seeing, nor feeling it. In his opinion, love took time and effort.
"Oh, well, erm..." Navvi suddenly, for the first time in quite a well, felt speechless. "It must be the heat from the oven or something."

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Re: New Beginnings

Postby Kylo » 09/17/2011 7:51 PM

"I'm not really affected by temperature that much so I would not really understand, though I am starting to get more feeling since I've come to this world. I never used to be able to feel pain or temperature changes. Now I can feel slight changes in temperature, such as your forehead." He smiled at Navvi and truelly believed what he said, though he still thought that maybe Navvi had some kind of feelings for him. "Let's move to the living room then. I already set a timer so we'll hear it when the lasagna is done." He got up and took Navvi's hand in his to lead him to the living room.

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Re: New Beginnings

Postby Kitsumi » 09/17/2011 10:31 PM

Navvi started to nod in understanding, and then promptly stopped when he realized that he didn't, in fact, understand. However, he remembered how Anthos had avoided talking about his childhood, and wondered if he would be hesitant to talk about this subject as well. Still, Navvi had to ask at least one question. "You used to live in a different world? How is that possible?"
Anthos took Navvi's hand, and Navvi fought to keep his countenance as he stood and followed Anthos into the living room.

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Re: New Beginnings

Postby Kylo » 09/17/2011 10:41 PM

"I was there one day and here the next. Me, Rufus, and the rest of the Turks just woke up here. We later found out it was because of a thing called materia. It's a stone full of life energy and each one does something different. It transported us here on accident." He sat down on the couch and let go of Navvi's hand. He smiled at Navvi to show him that he wasn't upset about the question. "I could go on about my home for hours, even days but I want to know more about you. Do you have any family Navvi?"

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Re: New Beginnings

Postby Kitsumi » 09/17/2011 11:09 PM

"Well, I must say, that's quite spectacular!" Navvi smiled back, although he felt an odd sense of loss when Anthos let go of his hand. Still, he was happy enough to be finally speaking to someone after so long of being alone. He sat down next to Anthos and tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Well, I suppose you could say that it all depends. I mean, yes, I technically have family. But they disowned me when they found out I was gay. They wanted me to lifemate with a rather crude girl named I'lanae, who wasn't even interested in me! They told me to either join with her, or leave and never come back. So I packed my bags and left." He shrugged. "I've had quite a few adventures since leaving, I must say."

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Re: New Beginnings

Postby Kylo » 09/17/2011 11:19 PM

"That's terrible. How could anyone want you to leave because of something like that? Especially you're own family. I've never had a family, but I always thought that family loves each other no matter what." He hugged Navvi tightly. "They're wrong for wanting you to leave. You're such a nice person. I could never understand someone wanting you to leave." Anthos knew he didn't want Navvi to leave. He felt safe around him and even...loved. He didn't want to lose him or see him go. He was falling for Navvi and he knew it, he just wasn't ready to act on it.

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Re: New Beginnings

Postby Kitsumi » 09/17/2011 11:26 PM

Navvi leaned into Anthos' hug and hugged him back. He had healed from his family's rejection a long time ago, but it still hurt sometimes. The comfort that Anthos offered warmed him from head to toe, and Navvi sighed happily. "Yes, most families don't mind about that. Mine was just...very old-fashioned, which you can still see a bit in me, although I'm not as disapproving of changes as they were." He smiled at Anthos' words. "To be honest, I don't think they really wanted me to leave. They expected me to give up being gay to stay. I have a feeling they regret doing what they did, and would rather enjoy having me back. But my father would never hurt his pride by letting me back and admitting that he was wrong. Besides, I'm happier now."
Navvi leaned back against the couch, interlocking his fingers behind his head and resting on them. "So is there anything else you'd like to know about me? I'd be fine answering any questions, until you're sick of hearing about me." he chuckled slightly. "And then you can tell me about your old home. I'm quite interested in hearing about it."

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Re: New Beginnings

Postby Kylo » 09/17/2011 11:43 PM

Anthos smiled at Navvi's joke and scooted closer to him. He wanted to be close to him right now. "I suppose I can tell you a little bit before asking another question." He leaned against Navvi and relaxed. "The city I lived in was called Midgar. It wasn't very pretty and the sky was always covered by dark clouds. Most people hated it and thought it was a horrible place, but I loved it. It was my home and I knew it like the back of my hand. I met Rufus there and we fell in love. While many bad things had happened there, I can't help but remember all the good things. The rest of the world was much like Evelon. It had a desert and forests, mountains, oceans, rivers. And two countinents and countries." He smiled in memory and sighed. "So now about you. What are some of your favorite things?"

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