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Re: Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Kitsumi » 08/02/2014 9:32 PM

Seeing the obvious worry in her new friend's eyes, Renee put a hand on Lucy's shoulder. "A lot of people have died," she said quietly. "And it's more likely than not that your friend is no longer among the living. But if there's a chance that he or his father could help us...I think it's a chance worth taking. If you're willing, that is." Her eyes studied the young woman, wondering if she was pressing too hard. Renee was the type of woman who was physically and mentally prepared for practically any situation. Lucy, however, was not. Were the two of them - Zen and herself - asking too much of the girl?

Zen seemed to sense this as well, and sighed. "It will be a difficult experience if we go looking for your friend only to find him dead or turned. But if you're willing, I myself will go with you." He ignored Renee's look of surprise. "One of us should stay here to keep the area secure, and while Renee is pretty tough for a woman, I'll give her that, I've had far more training than she has and am more equipped to protect you." He shrugged. "It's up to you, though. If you'd rather stay here for a while and then leave for a new area, we can do that. But it would be a great help if we could find someone who at least knew a little about doctoring people up."

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Re: Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Jedi » 08/03/2014 5:04 PM

Lucy took the time to think things over. She could set out with Zen to look for survivors, but that would be putting everyone at risk by dividing the manpower. Not only that, but it'd be dividing the resources in half as well. "I think," she started to say, but didn't know how to phrase it. "I think we should stay here. We're not ready to look for others yet. Maybe when we're ready to move to another place, we could look for survivors, but I don't think it's safe for any of us to be alone."

Orlando ripped his belt off and wrapped it around Anton's arm, between the bite and pit. "Come with me. We've gotta disinfect the wound." He ran towards the bathroom asle, browsing through the different brushes and soaps. He grabbed a jug of peroxide, then pressed down to turn the chile proof lid. Orlando was about to pour it, but he paused to tell Anton "Brace yourself." Anton grabbed the shelf, getting ready for the burning sensation. Orlando poured it into the open wound, causing Anton to nearly pull the shelf down. Orlando wrapped his arm in bandage cloth and tape, making sure it wouldn't come undone. Once he had a hold of himself, they ran out of the store into the streets. A horde of zombies had gathered down the street, leaving them with the only option of running the opposite direction, out of the city...

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Re: Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Kitsumi » 08/03/2014 5:47 PM

Zen smiled slightly. "I suppose you're right about that." His smile faded and he sighed. "But we can't stay here too long. In fact, we should probably leave within the next three days. That's more than enough time to hunt through the houses around here for any supplies worth taking with us." He gestured towards the door leading outside. "I bet we can even find a car in some of the garages around here. This is a nice community - most people had more than one car, and the families that did make it out of this place still alive did so with their whole family I'm betting. Meaning that they would have left a few cars behind. All we have to do is look for keys inside the houses when looting for any other supplies left behind, and we'll be gold."

Although she looked like she still wanted to find a doctor, Renee finally nodded. "Yeah, that's probably a good idea." She frowned. "But do you think we should really stay for three whole days? I was hoping to leave tomorrow at the latest. You know that it's dangerous to stay in any one place for too long..."

"I know," Zen cut her off. He pointed to Lucy. "I just thought I'd offer her the chance to say any goodbyes that could possibly be said. Seeing as you got here on foot, I'm guessing that this is your hometown, right?"

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Re: Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Jedi » 08/03/2014 8:09 PM

"What were you doing?" Orlando asked, the two of them running from the crowd of zombies. "I was looking for weapons. I found this," Anton replied, pulling an automatic hand gun from his belt, "I think it's called a gloc. Wanna see what it does?" Anton pointed the gun at the crowd and fired off a short burst of bullets, dropping nearly a dozen corpses. "Sweet, now can we keep moving?" said Orlando. "Wait." Anton paused, then walked over to  the side of a car and picked up something. It was a sword, still in it's scabbard. "I've always wanted one of these. It's called a Katana," he said as he unsheathed it, both of them walking again. The black snake skin covering the scabbard and handle had begun peeling back, but they felt good in Anton's hand.

Lucile thought it was a good idea to look around in the nearby houses. If they made sure to survey the streets every so often, they'd be able to watch out for the zombies too. She nodded in approval of the idea, but then she saw how concerned Renee was about finding a doctor. "I don't need to say goodbye that much. I suppose we could leave as soon as we empty the other houses. But it would probably be a good thing to have a vehicle. Then we could make a quick getaway in case there were any nearby hordes."

Several miles down the road, Anton paused, the crowd of bodies still staggering behind them. "Hold on, I need to catch my breath" he said as he leaned over. Anton heaved out a coupe of coughs, painting the dirt with specks of blood. They both looked at the drops, then at each other. They knew Anton wouldn't make it. "I'll hold them off. You go ahead." Orlando nodded. "I'm not leaving you here to die like some animal." Anton pulled the gloc out and handed it to Orlando. "You'll need this more than I." Orlando took it, giving Anton a friendly smile.

He stood there and started shooting the corpses, dropping them one at a time, as Anton started walking toward them, sword drawn. One by one, he cut them down, the blade slicing them through their skulls like butter. He killed one, then another, and another. A walker bit a chunk out of his wounded arm, sending a scream through his windpipe before he struck that one down. A few more cut down and another bit into his other arm.

Once he'd killed them all, he was marred from head to toe with bites and chunks taken out of his flesh. He looked over his body, feeling death would take him soon, then looked up at Orlando, who was still holding his gun at him. "I won't turn," he assured him. The sudden seriousness of Anton let Orlando know his time had come. He held the katana in both hands, turning the crease towards himself, then drove his arms up to his temple...

Orlando started walking, feeling an emptiness from the loss of a friend. Eventually, he came to a suburb. the houses empty, save for darkness. Not a corpse to be seen. The only house out of the ordinary was a broken-down home with boarded up windows. He walked to the door then banged on it's three times. when no one answered, he thought of leaving, but tried again...

R.I.P. Anthony Stevens, friend of Orlando

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Re: Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Kitsumi » 08/03/2014 8:31 PM

Neither Renee nor Zen had the chance to reply to Lucy. At that moment, a knock was heard at the doorway. Both froze and looked to Lucy, instantly gesturing for her to stay down and remain quiet. For a moment, nothing happened. Then the knocking was heard again, and there was no doubt that someone living was at the door.

"That's not a zombie," Zen whispered. "A zombie would be constantly banging. Whoever is out there is knocking - and rather loudly, too. If there are any more zombies around, they'll be sure to hear it!" He turned to Renee, wondering what to do.

Renee took a deep breath and pulled out her knife. "Stay with Lucy," she ordered Zen. "And Lucy, stay down and stay quiet. I'll go see who it is."

She wandered down the halls to the front door. Leaning against it, she asked, "Who's out there? Keep quiet; I don't want you alerting any of the dead to the fact that there are living here for them to feast on. I'm not opening this door without knowing that you're safe to let in, so if any zombies come looking for the source of noise, you'll be on your own." Hopefully, that would be enough to keep him quiet...

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Re: Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Jedi » 08/04/2014 7:33 PM

Orlando did as told. He talked no louder than necessary for them to hear. "My name's Orlando. I don't mean you any harm." He thought about what he said next. "I... I just lost someone." He stood there, waiting to see what would happen, when he heard them coming. More zombies had followed him there. He recalled seeing a barn overrun by them, but had managed to walk past. Unfortunately, he didn't do so unnoticed, as he'd thought. "There's more of them out here," he said, careful not to let his nervousness raise his voice. He ducked behind the brick fence on the porch, making sure he was unseen. "Can I come it.?"

Lucy did as she was told, save for whispering "What did he say? Who is it Renee?" Never the less, she remained laying on the floor next to Zen, her hands behind her neck.

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Re: Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Kitsumi » 08/04/2014 7:42 PM

Renee looked from her two companions hiding in the kitchen to the door, and then back to her companions. Their safety was more important to her than anything else. But Lucy was proof that not all strangers were dangerous. And they were looking for people to help them with their plan - what if this guy could be of some sort of service to them?

"I can't just let you in," she whispered back. "There are others here. Let me talk to them and see if they're okay with trusting you. I'll be quick...just don't get eaten before I come back."

She hurried back to the others. "His name is Orlando," she said. "He came alone, I'm pretty sure of that. But there are zombies coming in, and we need to make a quick decision. Can we trust him enough to let him in, even if only for long enough for the zombies to pass by?"

Zen shrugged. "I'm not sure. This one here was obviously a good choice," he grinned at Lucy, but then his face became grim again in light of the current situation. "But not everyone will be as sweet and willing to help as she is."

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Re: Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Jedi » 08/10/2014 12:27 PM

Lucy remembered her friends boyfriend. "I think we should let him in. Orlando was the name of my friend. The doctors son?" She got up and walked to the door, but fell back, startled by a loud pounding on its surface. "Hurry! I don't think that's him knocking!"

Orlando lay against the  short wall, hoping no corpses happen to stagger up to the porch. Luck wasn't on his side as a pair of zombies walked up to the porch, one dragging their right leg, the other with an unhinged jaw. The first hadn't notice him, as it went to the door and began pounding against it with what little strength it had. The second had walked up the steps, then turned it's dead gaze towards him. Orlando took the baseball bat out and started swinging it from his crouched position, crawling backward as much as he could. He couldn't draw too much attention, but he managed to knock the jaw the rest of the way off, simultaneously bashing the skull in. The zombie at the door noticed and headed for the boy, who was now in a laying position.

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Re: Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Kitsumi » 08/12/2014 4:53 PM

Realizing that Lucy actually knew the boy outside, Renee nodded grimly and hurried back to the front door. "Zen, cover the door and make sure that none of them get inside!" Renee said over her shoulder as she flung the door open.

One of the zombies was already dead, killed by Orlando. But another was closing in, and the boy wasn't exactly in the best position to protect himself. Luckily, the older woman was ready. Hunting knife in hand, she kicked the zombie in the kneecap. The sound of shattering bone was heard, and the zombie fell, still reaching for the meat that was just out of his reach. Renee's blade cut through the rotting flesh of it's head as if it were butter, and the knife crunched through the skull to penetrate the brain.

Turning her attention to the boy, Renee offered him a hand. "Need some help up?" She offered him an apologetic smile. "Sorry we couldn't let you in sooner. There's no way of knowing who you can trust and who you can't anymore. Luckily, you might find a familiar face inside - she's the one who vouched for you."

Meanwhile, Zen was severing the head of another zombie who had ambled up the stairs. "Hurry up!" He called, tossing the head over the porch railing. "We need to get some more barricades up before the entire hoard reaches us. I don't know about you guys, but I don't want to be stuck inside a house with no escape as zombies break down the doors!"

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Re: Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Jedi » 08/14/2014 6:09 PM

Orlando was sure this was the end. He crawled away from the assailing corpse in hopes of escape. Fortune smiled on him as the zombie fell to the ground, it's kneecap smashed from behind. Orlando tried kicking away the claw the corpse was reaching at him with. The woman who dropped then jammed her blade into the skull, destroying the brain. Orlando watched all of it, grateful that his life was spared. He took her hand and stood up straight. "It's fine. I'm just glad you came to help." He let out a breath of relief. His narrowed his eyes, confused at what she said. "Who could possible vouch for me here?" He ran into the house, both wondering who was inside and to get away from what was outside. "Lucy?" He couldn't believe it. Someone he knew managed to escape the school. He ran up and gave her a hug. "I've never been so glad to see you. Where's Michelle?" Lucy backed away, all the memories rushing back to her. She looked down at her hands, her brain tricking her into thinking they were still wet with her friends blood. "Lucy? Are you alright?" Orlando ran up to her, managing to catch her as she passed out.

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Re: Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Kitsumi » 08/14/2014 11:05 PM

Once everyone was inside, Zen instantly began barking out orders. "Renee, what did we do with all those extra boards from the basement? We're going to need them. Lucy, put out all the lights that you can find, and make sure that there is no extra noise that could possibly alert those things to the fact that there are living beings here. I'm sure they'd love a snack."

But when he turned, Lucy was passed out and Orlando had caught her. His expression changed to one of concern, and for a minute he forgot what he was doing. He took a step towards Lucy, reaching out to her, and then shook his head to clear it. "Take her to the bedroom," he commanded Orlando. He gave quick directions to the room so the boy could find it. "Then hurry back and help us."

When he turned around, Renee was already there with several boards of wood. "Will this be enough?" She asked. "We could always break down some furniture and use the wood if we have to."

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Re: Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Jedi » 08/19/2014 10:54 PM

He did as told, easily carrying her up the stairs to the bedroom, then set her on one of the mattresses. He set her down carefully, making sure not to wake her. He figured that since Lucy had passed out, he could help by taking care of her duty she'd been given after passing out. He ran through the upstairs, making sure there were no left on. He overheard the other man mention barricading the doors, so when he saw a pull-down ladder to the attic, he figured there could be wood up there. He opened it, then climbed up. In the attic, he saw a large pile, just as he thought there would be. He grabbed as many as he could, sliding them down one side of the ladder. Once he finished getting it all down, he repeated, carrying it downstairs. "Not necessary," he said regarding destroying the furniture. "I found an attic. There was more wood there." He took one board over to the door, assisting in blocking the entrance.

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Re: Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Kitsumi » 08/19/2014 11:05 PM

While Orlando got Lucy into the bed, Renee and Zen snapped into action. Of course all doors and windows were already closed and locked, but zombies had a way of not giving up until a door was in splinters or a window pane was shattered on the ground. They started with the front door first, knowing that it was where most of the noise had been made and a likely spot for the zombies to congeal.

They had just finished with the front door when Orlando appeared with more wood. "Wow, I'm impressed." Zen shot a look towards Renee. "Two useful survivors in a single twenty-four hour period? Geez, Ren, we got lucky."

Renee began to laugh, but the sudden sound of scraping outside caused the smiles to fade from both faces. "Orlando," Renee whispered. "Come with me. We'll get the back door and the windows towards the back of the house. Zen, you got it covered up here in front?" She waited until he had nodded his confirmation before she began leading Orlando back.

Although the zombies were still lingering around the outside of the house two hours later, Zen was relatively sure that they didn't have to worry about a break-in that night. There had been plenty of wood to board up all possible entrances into the house. And since none of them were creating any significant noise and all lights were off, the zombies had seemed to forgotten that anyone was there.

"Come on," Zen finally said tiredly. "Let's go check on Lucy." He sighed. "There's plenty of daylight left, but I doubt we're going to be able to get out of this house and use it."

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Re: Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Jedi » 08/20/2014 5:50 PM

Carrying a load of planks, Orlando followed Renee to the backside of the house. He set the wood down on the counter next to the wall, then began looking for something he could drive the nails in with. He searched through the drawers, finding plenty of silverware and utensils, but settled on the best he could find; a meat tenderizer. He looked to Renee and asked, "Do you have any nails?"

Several minutes passed as Lucile lay unconscious, but eventually she woke up to the sounds of scraping and pounding downstairs. Blindness was her initial guess as to why she couldn't see, but then she saw several beams of light streaming through the boarded up window. She got up slowly and carefully stumbled her way to where she remembered the door being. She found it, then proceeding through the hallway, bumping into a ladder she hadn't recalled seeing before...

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Re: Ain't Gettin' Any Deader [P] [M: Everything]

Postby Kitsumi » 08/20/2014 8:26 PM

While Zen went to check on Lucy, Renee stayed with Orlando. "Have you eaten recently?" She looked concerned as she studied him. "I know how hard it can be to get food in times like these. Luckily, this pantry seems pretty well stocked. Although we're going to have to get out of here soon so we can get to a more reliable place to settle down." She sighed. "Hopefully, we'll be able to start living life again, eventually. You know, the kind of life where you're not always on the run and raiding abandoned buildings for food?"

Meanwhile, Zen found Lucy just as she bumped into the ladder. "Ouch, are you okay?" He hurried to her, and offered her a hand. "Sorry about the darkness. We had to board up all the doors and windows. Are you okay?" Without really realizing he was doing it, he crushed her to himself in a hug. "You just passed out...do you remember why?"

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