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Let's Cross this New Divide [Self RP]

Postby Rebel_the_Proud » 12/06/2009 12:15 AM

So g i v e me reason
To prove me wrong
To wash this m e m o r y : : . . . clean
Let the f l o o d s cross
The distance in your >>eyes<<
Give me reason
To fill this Hole
Connect this s p a c e between
Let it be enough to r e a c h the truth that lies
Across this new divide

{1 Post; Level 1}

The road was quiet and abandoned, not a living soul on it. It was more of an old dirt path rather than a road, but all the same it had not been used in quite a while. The sky above was a deep, dark blue, broken by bits of sparkling light, called stars. There was no moon to cast its silvery glow over the land. Instead it was pitch black. There was a soft breeze blowing, a cold wintery breeze, but nothing of great speed; just a gentle bitter breeze.


The sound of a running two-legged beast shattered the silence as it came unto the dusty road. The speed of the footfalls was incredible. There was no doubt this was some Gyrraptor who had wondered onto this road. He ran with his head low, eyes gleaming brightly in the night; the darkness surely did not scare him. The Gyrraptor ran with an incredible speed down the lonesome road, claws tucked closely to his body, keeping his chest and hands warm against the bitter cold wind. This was Shikon, the Chaos Gyrraptor and he was here for a reason.

Look into my eyes you'll see
A graveyard filled with dirt and defeat

Look into my eyes you'll see
The weight on my soul

Where the fallen angels sleep
The crooked hearts and the crossroads meet

Where the haters say my name
And carve it in stone

I'm gonna make a comeback
I'm gonna dig six feet up tonight

I'm gonna get it all back
I'm gonna make a comeback this time
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Re: Let's Cross this New Divide [Self RP]

Postby Rebel_the_Proud » 12/06/2009 12:55 AM

C r A w L i N g in my skin
These wounds they will not heal
Fear is how I fall
C o N f U s I n G what is real

{1 Post; Level 1}

It would seem that something like her could be easily seen on even a dark night like tonight, but this fae had a way in hiding her presence, especially when she was stalking a potential victim. Her hollowed 'eyes' stared blankly without blinking into the darkness. She could hear him coming, and if the skull that was her head allowed her to smile, she surely would have. The Blood Kasuga chuckled darkly to herself and crouched lower in the bushes that hid her presence so eerily well. He would pass her soon... just a few more moments....

Ketsueki leaped from cover just before the Gyrraptor could pass her, the blue flames rising from her hide intensifying, her two tails twitching in irritation. She kept her head low and ready to fight, antlers and horns clearly prepared to impale. If there were eyes in her sockets and muscles attached to her bare skull, it would have been clear that she would be grinning slyly, but no features showed on that bare, empty skull. And then, jaws opening in a rather eerie manner, chilling words came out with very little movement of the jaw.

What thinks you upon the path of mine? Pass me you dare dear brute? Pray tell your name or the last breath for you it will be.

Look into my eyes you'll see
A graveyard filled with dirt and defeat

Look into my eyes you'll see
The weight on my soul

Where the fallen angels sleep
The crooked hearts and the crossroads meet

Where the haters say my name
And carve it in stone

I'm gonna make a comeback
I'm gonna dig six feet up tonight

I'm gonna get it all back
I'm gonna make a comeback this time
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Re: Let's Cross this New Divide [Self RP]

Postby Rebel_the_Proud » 12/06/2009 5:38 PM

{2 Posts; Level 1}

Shikon's speed was a great aid in battle or trials, but there were times that it was a hindrance. Many times it would prove to be a disadvantage for his eyes; he would move so quickly, they would fail to see the minor details that could mean ambush. And this was one of those times his eyes failed him. Before the Gyrraptor realized it, a Blood Kasuga leaped from the bushes, blue flames illuminating the dark road before him. Quickly, and with a surprised yelp, the Chaos raptor threw his legs out ahead of him and slid to an incredible stop a couple yards away from the intruder. Shikon hissed in annoyance at the ambush, partly with himself and partly with her. He shifted his weight, killing claws erect and ready to use if the need arose. Shikon really didn't want to be here... it was the last thing he wanted, but here he was in a confrontation.

What thinks you upon the path of mine? Pass me you dare dear brute? Pray tell your name or the last breath for you it will be. Shikon's feathers bristled in both irritation and a bit of fear at this strange beast; the way it spoke was haunting and chilling, but he brushed it off responding first with an irritated hiss. My name is Shikon, not that it's any of your business. And why I'm here is none of your business either. This is no one being path; it is for any to use at any time. So, who dares to cross my path and try to stop me, fae? The Gyrraptor finished a snort, teeth bared in irritation; he really didn't want to be here right now in this situation.

Look into my eyes you'll see
A graveyard filled with dirt and defeat

Look into my eyes you'll see
The weight on my soul

Where the fallen angels sleep
The crooked hearts and the crossroads meet

Where the haters say my name
And carve it in stone

I'm gonna make a comeback
I'm gonna dig six feet up tonight

I'm gonna get it all back
I'm gonna make a comeback this time
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Re: Let's Cross this New Divide [Self RP]

Postby Rebel_the_Proud » 12/07/2009 2:36 PM

{2 Posts; Level 1}

The brute was prepared to fight; this could be a bit trickier than she first had planned but Ketsuekei was not one to just give up. Never. Next, the brute dared to speak to her in such a manner it offended her... or so she would act. My name is Shikon, not that it's any of your business. And why I'm here is none of your business either. This is no one being path; it is for any to use at any time. So, who dares to cross my path and try to stop me, fae? What could only be described as a sickened scoff, the fae shot her head up, stamping a hoof in irritation. Fae you dare call! Ketsuekei is I; tremble will you! If wishing to pass, from me path you must claim. Die or Fight! Foe, wisely choose.

It would be a surprise if this brute could understand her. Ketsuekei was not educated in language very well, and it surely showed. But most of the time she could easily get her point across with fear. Somehow, she felt that this task would not be so easy with this one. Still, it would be quite a fun game.

Look into my eyes you'll see
A graveyard filled with dirt and defeat

Look into my eyes you'll see
The weight on my soul

Where the fallen angels sleep
The crooked hearts and the crossroads meet

Where the haters say my name
And carve it in stone

I'm gonna make a comeback
I'm gonna dig six feet up tonight

I'm gonna get it all back
I'm gonna make a comeback this time
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Re: Let's Cross this New Divide [Self RP]

Postby Rebel_the_Proud » 12/07/2009 2:42 PM

{3 Posts; Level 1}

Fae you dare call! Ketsuekei is I; tremble will you! If wishing to pass, from me path you must claim. Die or Fight! Foe, wisely choose.
So it seemed Shikon was going to have to fight. He wasn't given much choice not to.. unless he could stall long enough to confuse her... No, that would never work... would it? Shikon couldn't help but wonder as he thought; This... fae, Ketsuekei, doesn't seem to have much learning. Her sentences are very choppy and unorganized, nearly having no meanings at all... Perhaps she could easily be detoured from fighting. I'll just have to play my cards right.

With a hiss, Shikon smiled to himself. He was ready to see where this would take him. Boldly, he spoke out to the Kasuga.Well, Ketsuekei. I don't see how I can make such a decision from the choices you gave me. Surely there is another option. One we can both be happy about, eh?

Look into my eyes you'll see
A graveyard filled with dirt and defeat

Look into my eyes you'll see
The weight on my soul

Where the fallen angels sleep
The crooked hearts and the crossroads meet

Where the haters say my name
And carve it in stone

I'm gonna make a comeback
I'm gonna dig six feet up tonight

I'm gonna get it all back
I'm gonna make a comeback this time
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Re: Let's Cross this New Divide [Self RP]

Postby Rebel_the_Proud » 12/09/2009 12:52 AM

{3 Posts; Level 1}

Well, Ketsuekei. I don't see how I can make such a decision from the choices you gave me. Surely there is another option. One we can both be happy about, eh? The Kasuga tilted her head in slight confusion at the brutes words, although from the lack of muscles and skin upon her face, it was hard to tell that she was confused. Ketsuekei snorted, taking a step forward as her flaming tails swished in irritation. Once again, she spoke in her strange way. What says you? Fight I must. Fight I want. What says you? The Kasuga snorted, smoke billowing from her nostrils as she 'glared' through empty eyes at the brute.

Look into my eyes you'll see
A graveyard filled with dirt and defeat

Look into my eyes you'll see
The weight on my soul

Where the fallen angels sleep
The crooked hearts and the crossroads meet

Where the haters say my name
And carve it in stone

I'm gonna make a comeback
I'm gonna dig six feet up tonight

I'm gonna get it all back
I'm gonna make a comeback this time
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Re: Let's Cross this New Divide [Self RP]

Postby Rebel_the_Proud » 12/10/2009 3:32 PM

{4 Posts; Level 1}

What says you? Fight I must. Fight I want. What says you?
Shikon had to admit what she said was a bit hard to understand, but he quickly deciphered what she meant and prepared a response. His killing claws were still tense ready for a fight; it seemed at any moment this Ketsuekei would charge... I say I'm not interested in a fight. I just want to pass by without confrontation. But of course, if you must fight, why not fight with your own kind? I'm sure they would rather have a fight with you anyway... The raptor waited for a response with a calm demeanor, despite his tensed body ready to pounce if the need arose.

Look into my eyes you'll see
A graveyard filled with dirt and defeat

Look into my eyes you'll see
The weight on my soul

Where the fallen angels sleep
The crooked hearts and the crossroads meet

Where the haters say my name
And carve it in stone

I'm gonna make a comeback
I'm gonna dig six feet up tonight

I'm gonna get it all back
I'm gonna make a comeback this time
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Re: Let's Cross this New Divide [Self RP]

Postby Rebel_the_Proud » 12/10/2009 3:36 PM

{4 Posts; Level 1}

The Kasuga fae stamped her hoof in irritation and took a bold step forward to the raptor, shoving her empty skull into his face. Coward be you! Fight no one for afraid you are. My own against, no fun at all. Fight we must; prey and predator. With what could be best described as a hiss, Ketsuekei reared up quickly and aimed her antlers and horns for the head of the brute like a big horn ram aiming to pummel his opponent. Fight!

Look into my eyes you'll see
A graveyard filled with dirt and defeat

Look into my eyes you'll see
The weight on my soul

Where the fallen angels sleep
The crooked hearts and the crossroads meet

Where the haters say my name
And carve it in stone

I'm gonna make a comeback
I'm gonna dig six feet up tonight

I'm gonna get it all back
I'm gonna make a comeback this time
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Re: Let's Cross this New Divide [Self RP]

Postby Rebel_the_Proud » 12/10/2009 3:49 PM

{1 Posts; Level 1}

A brute had been watching his brethren from the start of this confrontation. The brute was tempted to leave at the start but his instincts told him otherwise. The Serraptor could tell this confrontation was going to get ugly, before it even began. Now, it was about to get nasty. The Kasuga struck and the Serraptor screeched as he burst from his cover. The larger raptor thrust himself between the attack and just in the nick of time reached to block and hold the faes antlers with his clawed hands, aiming to hold her back away from the Gyrraptor. A growl rising in his throat, Senka spoke with a threatening voice to the Kasuga.

Step down from this fight now... or you will see your end today...

Look into my eyes you'll see
A graveyard filled with dirt and defeat

Look into my eyes you'll see
The weight on my soul

Where the fallen angels sleep
The crooked hearts and the crossroads meet

Where the haters say my name
And carve it in stone

I'm gonna make a comeback
I'm gonna dig six feet up tonight

I'm gonna get it all back
I'm gonna make a comeback this time
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Re: Let's Cross this New Divide [Self RP]

Postby Rebel_the_Proud » 12/10/2009 4:10 PM

{5 Posts; Level 2}

Coward be you! Fight no one for afraid you are. My own against, no fun at all. Fight we must; prey and predator. That didn't sound good... and nothing good followed her words either. The Kasuga reared and lunged for Shikon, who shrieked in surprise as he leap back out of the way of those deadly horns; and just in time. But even so, a stranger Serraptor suddenly appeared out of no where to take the blow. Shikon was surprised, if not a bit relieved. At least the odds were better now than they were when he was alone.

Step down from this fight now... or you will see your end today... Even Shikon couldn't help but grin as he looked from the Serraptor to the Kasuga, feeling much more confident and ready for a battle... although it seemed the Serraptor was focusing on getting out of a battle. Chuckling to himself, the Gyrraptor waited and listened to see what Ketsuekei would make of this.

Look into my eyes you'll see
A graveyard filled with dirt and defeat

Look into my eyes you'll see
The weight on my soul

Where the fallen angels sleep
The crooked hearts and the crossroads meet

Where the haters say my name
And carve it in stone

I'm gonna make a comeback
I'm gonna dig six feet up tonight

I'm gonna get it all back
I'm gonna make a comeback this time
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Re: Let's Cross this New Divide [Self RP]

Postby Rebel_the_Proud » 12/10/2009 8:25 PM

{5 Posts; Level 2}

The quick raptor had dodged her attack, but he really had no need to. Out of the corner of her eye, Ketsuekei saw a quick move and before she knew it, the Kasuga was caught by the claws of a large Serraptor. Ketsuekei was incredibly surprised and stood stock still by the sudden appearance. It took a moment for her to analyze what had happened, but it really kicked in when the Serraptor spoke. Step down from this fight now... or you will see your end today... The Kasuga fae snorted, pushing her head against the strength of the Serraptor to match his. She glared at him through an empty eye; if she had had nostrils, they would have been flaring with threat. With a dark chuckle, she responded to his threat.

"Words brave. Opponent worthy for Ketsuekei... Are you?"

Look into my eyes you'll see
A graveyard filled with dirt and defeat

Look into my eyes you'll see
The weight on my soul

Where the fallen angels sleep
The crooked hearts and the crossroads meet

Where the haters say my name
And carve it in stone

I'm gonna make a comeback
I'm gonna dig six feet up tonight

I'm gonna get it all back
I'm gonna make a comeback this time
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Re: Let's Cross this New Divide [Self RP]

Postby Rebel_the_Proud » 12/10/2009 9:29 PM

{2 Posts; Level 1}

Words brave. Opponent worthy for Ketsuekei... Are you?

Senka's eyes narrowed at the fae's words, starring into her empty skull, searching for those non-existent eyes. The brute stood strong against the fae, unwilling to let go of her antlers. He was quiet for a long moment, starring into the blank skull. Senka showed no teeth; did not have that wild look to fight in his eyes. Instead, he held a serious composure, ready to take on any challenge with serious thought and wit.

Believe me, Ketsuekei... I'm no opponent you wish to fight. Stand down.

Look into my eyes you'll see
A graveyard filled with dirt and defeat

Look into my eyes you'll see
The weight on my soul

Where the fallen angels sleep
The crooked hearts and the crossroads meet

Where the haters say my name
And carve it in stone

I'm gonna make a comeback
I'm gonna dig six feet up tonight

I'm gonna get it all back
I'm gonna make a comeback this time
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Re: Let's Cross this New Divide [Self RP]

Postby Rebel_the_Proud » 12/11/2009 6:14 PM

{6 Posts; Level 2}

Believe me, Ketsuekei... I'm no opponent you wish to fight. Stand down.
Shikon couldn't believe the fearless attitude of this Serraptor, but he didn't believe for a minute it was a bluff. This raptor meant business; if Ketsuekei did not back down, it would surely break into an epic fight. But Shikon was able to relax a bit; he had a feeling that, though a bit unschooled, the Kasuga would think better of the situation... hopefully, anyway. The Chaos Gyrraptor stayed quiet and out of the way for now, acting as back up in case something happened.

Look into my eyes you'll see
A graveyard filled with dirt and defeat

Look into my eyes you'll see
The weight on my soul

Where the fallen angels sleep
The crooked hearts and the crossroads meet

Where the haters say my name
And carve it in stone

I'm gonna make a comeback
I'm gonna dig six feet up tonight

I'm gonna get it all back
I'm gonna make a comeback this time
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Re: Let's Cross this New Divide [Self RP]

Postby Rebel_the_Proud » 12/11/2009 7:20 PM

{6 Posts; Level 2}

Believe me, Ketsuekei... I'm no opponent you wish to fight. Stand down. For a long moment, the Kasuga remained quiet, unmoving. Her 'eyes' stared with sheer emptiness into those of the Serraptor, the air filled with tension. Ketsuekei was trying to decide if any of this would be worth it... it had seemed like a good idea when there was just one, but now there were two... that could be trickier. Not only that, by the grip this brute had on her antlers, she could tell he had skills to fight, and would probably even be more of a match than she could take... With a snort, the Kasuga backed away and yanked her antlers out of the raptors' hands. The fae tossed her head as she turned away from the two, looking over her shoulder with that death stare.

Over is not for two you. Back I will be; mine is your blood...

And with that, the fae galloped off down the dark road, her blue flames whisping in the wind behind her but never being extinquished.

Look into my eyes you'll see
A graveyard filled with dirt and defeat

Look into my eyes you'll see
The weight on my soul

Where the fallen angels sleep
The crooked hearts and the crossroads meet

Where the haters say my name
And carve it in stone

I'm gonna make a comeback
I'm gonna dig six feet up tonight

I'm gonna get it all back
I'm gonna make a comeback this time
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Re: Let's Cross this New Divide [Self RP]

Postby Rebel_the_Proud » 12/12/2009 2:28 PM

{3 Posts; Level 1}

Over is not for two you. Back I will be; mine is your blood...

Senka had a feeling that she was right; she'd be back. The Kasuga was too proud to just let this go. Senka would have to keep his guard up. The Serraptor watched the disappearing form of the Kasuga until she was gone, making sure she did leave. When she was out of sight, the larger raptor turned and faced the smaller, looking him over with a keen eye.

You alright?

Look into my eyes you'll see
A graveyard filled with dirt and defeat

Look into my eyes you'll see
The weight on my soul

Where the fallen angels sleep
The crooked hearts and the crossroads meet

Where the haters say my name
And carve it in stone

I'm gonna make a comeback
I'm gonna dig six feet up tonight

I'm gonna get it all back
I'm gonna make a comeback this time
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