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Why am I here? ((Self RP))

Postby Amellina » 03/28/2010 12:20 PM


Zeus laid his chin on his front paws, looking out over the rolling hills of golden farm land. "Good night, sweet plains." He sighed, swinging his paw over the scenery in front of him as the sun disappeared. The totally insane kuhna thought he caused night and day with his paw. He yawned, getting up and flicking his tail away from him, and stretched as he bounded down the hill toward the small field. The field was like nowhere Zeus had ever seen before, three acres of pure hay, circular indents every few inches where fellow pets slept. Zeus had run from the valley, where Lina was, and was hiding among the farm-folk. Slowly, right on time, the buttload of tired, dirt-smeared pets approached over the hill, and Zeus bounded over to the nearby mud puddle, where he rolled to make himself dirty in appearance, as though he had worked the whole day. He ran around in circles until he was tired and panting as the rest of the pets that filed in were. Finding his way to a 'bed' of pounded down hay, he sighed, curling his tail around his face, shielding his eyes so in the morning the sun would not hit them and wake him up. Everything was quiet as Zeus fell asleep, except for an occasional rustle as a pet rearranged himself in his nest.

Hard as hard as it can be
Holding on to what we believe
Accepting fact and realities
In the darkness of our soul
Strength is what we need
Hard to receive or to hold on
Waiting to disappear
In the ocean of your dreams
No matter how hard we try
It will always hunt us
You'll know that your dream is over
And your strength you will take with you
Achieving what you want and living free forever

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Re: Why am I here? ((Self RP))

Postby Amellina » 03/28/2010 12:28 PM


Zepher pushed through the last of the trees, exhausted from that days trudge. His eyes scanned the dark horizon, where rolling, seemingly endless hills extended far beyond his vision. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a movement, and watched as an arkuhna, about his age, bounded down the hill. Zepher, being curious, followed the bright kuhna, wondering where he would be going at this time in the middle of nowhere. It seemed, however, that it wasn't nowhere, it was 'SomeWhere'. At least that's what a faded wooden sign read, which swung in the wind, and creaked on it's post. The sign seemed to be an entrance of some sort, stretching like an arch above Zepher's head. Looking out beyond the sign, Zepher noticed small indents in the ground, and instantly thought of swiss cheese. Licking his lips at the thought of food, Zepher decided to take a chance and approach the group of pets that had come from nowhere, all of them looking tired and beat. Crawling behind the bushes, Zepher glared at the arkuhna he had seen earlier, rolling in mud. What was that thing doing? Zepher shook his head, rustling some leaves and hoping the kuhna had not heard him, which he hadn't. Disappearing farther from that area, Zepher walked another half mile, and decided to sleep on the side of a hill that night, to avoid being seen.

Hard as hard as it can be
Holding on to what we believe
Accepting fact and realities
In the darkness of our soul
Strength is what we need
Hard to receive or to hold on
Waiting to disappear
In the ocean of your dreams
No matter how hard we try
It will always hunt us
You'll know that your dream is over
And your strength you will take with you
Achieving what you want and living free forever

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Re: Why am I here? ((Self RP))

Postby Amellina » 03/28/2010 12:41 PM

Zeus had an absolutely terrible dream that night. It went something like this:
It was quiet, and dark. The sound of pounding waves somewhere in the distance echoed throughout the area. Zeus seemed to be standing on a cliff-edge, very close to where the rocks dropped off suddenly. Wind whipped his fur in many different directions as he got down on his belly and eased forward, glaring over the edge of the cliff in ultimate curiousity. It seemed he was near the ocean, black waves with white hats pounding in anger against the solid gray rock surface below. It was a straight drop, about 200 feet down. He gulped, and got up hastily, pushing away from the cliff, and back to stable ground. Zeus whipped around at the sound of heavy breathing, and saw a familiar kuhna brake away from a forest's wall of trees, like the one near the valley. It was Mystie, the Kamazake kuhna. She had a determined look in her eyes, which was mixed with total adrenaline. She seemed to be loving what she was doing, but also purely horrified. Myst ran right past Zeus, seeming not to notice him, and glanced over her shoulder, as if something were following her. As she looked over her shoulder, she didn't notice that the ground she was pushing so hard against disappeared from under her feet, and she was suddenly plummeting toward the white capped waves, screaming in pure terror. She didn't seem to be scared of falling, but more of the thing that had crept up behind Zeus. There was a splash below, and a cry of pain, as Zeus was frozen in confusion. He whipped around, seeing only blackness, no more trees, no more cliff, nothing. It was quiet once more, nothing around him, as he circled, trying to find something, anything that had been there before. He breathed heavily, and yelped when a pair of blood red eyes blinked out of the darkness, glaring at him until he woke up.

Hard as hard as it can be
Holding on to what we believe
Accepting fact and realities
In the darkness of our soul
Strength is what we need
Hard to receive or to hold on
Waiting to disappear
In the ocean of your dreams
No matter how hard we try
It will always hunt us
You'll know that your dream is over
And your strength you will take with you
Achieving what you want and living free forever

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Re: Why am I here? ((Self RP))

Postby Amellina » 03/28/2010 12:50 PM


"N-NO!" Myst screamed, her feet flailing above her head. She shot up from her nightmare, her feet landing on solid ground with a thud. "What?" Myst whispered, blinking as she absorbed her surroundings. She was somewhere she'd never seen before, a golden hill, surrounded by a sea of empty land. Mystie's breathing got heavier, and her head swirled with pain so much she fell back to the ground. "Where am I?" she hissed quietly, bounding down the hill in determination to find someone who could help her. How could I be in the farmlands when I fell asleep in the valley? Myst's thoughts kept leading back to this specific one, where she could just not answer. The sun was rising over the horizon, and she scolded herself for being so ignorant. "Cami wouldn't play that bad a trick on me..." Myst promised herself, turning toward a place that looked like it contained civiliation. She pushed herself to run harder, but only tripped over a kuhna she had not seen, sending her sprawling onto her face in the itchy hay.

Hard as hard as it can be
Holding on to what we believe
Accepting fact and realities
In the darkness of our soul
Strength is what we need
Hard to receive or to hold on
Waiting to disappear
In the ocean of your dreams
No matter how hard we try
It will always hunt us
You'll know that your dream is over
And your strength you will take with you
Achieving what you want and living free forever

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Re: Why am I here? ((Self RP))

Postby Amellina » 03/28/2010 12:54 PM

Zepher awoke with a start as he felt a jab in the ribs. Swatting at what had attacked him, he automatically got into a pouncing state, but his shoulders slumped when he saw it was a small Kamazake girl. Her head hit the ground, and she rolled forward, stopping flat on her face. "WATCH IT!" she screeched, getting up and brushing herself off quickly. "Oh, I'm so sorry..." Zepher apaoligzed, helping the Kamazake kuhna to her feet, and stepping on her paw. "Oh... Oh goodness, I'm a clutz. Are you okay... OH MY GOD, MYSTIE???" his jaw dropped as he recognized the kuhna in front of him, and he fell on his tails.

Hard as hard as it can be
Holding on to what we believe
Accepting fact and realities
In the darkness of our soul
Strength is what we need
Hard to receive or to hold on
Waiting to disappear
In the ocean of your dreams
No matter how hard we try
It will always hunt us
You'll know that your dream is over
And your strength you will take with you
Achieving what you want and living free forever

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Re: Why am I here? ((Self RP))

Postby Amellina » 03/28/2010 1:00 PM

Zeus got up before the sun rose, pushing himself to his quivering feet, terrified from the night's dream. Was the valley in danger, or was it really just a regular dream, all fake and stuff. As the sun rose, Zeus said good morning, waving his hand almost identically to last night. He needed time to think, which was perfect since, unlike the other farmers, he actually ditched working and went off to play with lunaflies or think about the world of Evelon. He stumbled toward the fields, like the rest of the zombie-like pets, but ducked behind the one, lone bush. What surprised him, though, was the big paw prints in the mud behind the bush. Someone had been spying on SomeWhere last night? Zeus inquired to himself, following the muddy trail a while until the tracks stopped. He looked up, not seeing anything, and decided it was nothing until he heard a voice, which he wasn't sure was coming from his head from last night, or a real voice. "MYSTIE?" he heard a yelp, and broke into a run, deciding he wasn't insane and people were actually talking somewhere near him.

Hard as hard as it can be
Holding on to what we believe
Accepting fact and realities
In the darkness of our soul
Strength is what we need
Hard to receive or to hold on
Waiting to disappear
In the ocean of your dreams
No matter how hard we try
It will always hunt us
You'll know that your dream is over
And your strength you will take with you
Achieving what you want and living free forever

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Re: Why am I here? ((Self RP))

Postby Amellina » 03/28/2010 1:05 PM

Myst heard her name screamed by the bunker kuhna she had tripped over. She whirled and looked at the familiar face. "Zeph. What the heck are you doing here?" she yelped, pushing back in surprise. She stumbled, and fell on her bum, like Zepher had. Mystie flicked her tails, knowing that she would also be asked the same question. There was one major problem, though. She didn't know how, or why she was there. Excited, a new thought came to her: Didn't Zepher's parents study medicine? Maybe he'll know something! He can help me! she squirmed with excitement, cutting off Zepher's answer, which she hadn't listened to. "Can you help me?" she asked, grinning wildly.

Hard as hard as it can be
Holding on to what we believe
Accepting fact and realities
In the darkness of our soul
Strength is what we need
Hard to receive or to hold on
Waiting to disappear
In the ocean of your dreams
No matter how hard we try
It will always hunt us
You'll know that your dream is over
And your strength you will take with you
Achieving what you want and living free forever

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Re: Why am I here? ((Self RP))

Postby Amellina » 03/29/2010 2:56 PM

Zepher pulled himself up, still not believing what he was seeing. "Wait... help you?" he asked, looking at Myst's big pleading green eyes. He sighed, plopping down on the ground when he heard running. "Myst... someone's coming... fast." he whispered. He darted off, over the hills quickly and quietly, hoping the the Kamazake kuhna behind him was actually following. Glancing over his shoulder to make sure, he tumbled over a rock that protruded from the grass, and rolled to a stop at Myst's feet.

Hard as hard as it can be
Holding on to what we believe
Accepting fact and realities
In the darkness of our soul
Strength is what we need
Hard to receive or to hold on
Waiting to disappear
In the ocean of your dreams
No matter how hard we try
It will always hunt us
You'll know that your dream is over
And your strength you will take with you
Achieving what you want and living free forever

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Re: Why am I here? ((Self RP))

Postby Amellina » 03/29/2010 2:58 PM

Myst looked at Zepher like he was totally insane. "Dude, no one here at the farmlands is a threat to us... especially you!" she giggled, pulling him up. She turned her head around, just in case, though, and her eyes opened wider than ever, which was pretty big. "Zeph? You were right..." She cracked up, rolling on her back and hoping she was making a huge deal about the kuhna that was approaching.

Hard as hard as it can be
Holding on to what we believe
Accepting fact and realities
In the darkness of our soul
Strength is what we need
Hard to receive or to hold on
Waiting to disappear
In the ocean of your dreams
No matter how hard we try
It will always hunt us
You'll know that your dream is over
And your strength you will take with you
Achieving what you want and living free forever

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Re: Why am I here? ((Self RP))

Postby Amellina » 03/29/2010 3:02 PM

Zeus approached a bit more carefully now, since the two he had seen from far off on the hill had run off when they most likely heard him coming. One of them was huge while he was sure the other was Mystie. He growled, his legs beginning to hurt him, and pushed faster, hoping the couple would come into view soon. He heard heavy laughter, and swept over the hill with unbelievable speed, stopping right behind a hill where he saw Myst and the other kuhna. "What the he.... ZEPHER???" Zeus growled, pouncing over the last bit of incline and between the two familiar kuhnas beside him. "What are you guys doing here?"

Hard as hard as it can be
Holding on to what we believe
Accepting fact and realities
In the darkness of our soul
Strength is what we need
Hard to receive or to hold on
Waiting to disappear
In the ocean of your dreams
No matter how hard we try
It will always hunt us
You'll know that your dream is over
And your strength you will take with you
Achieving what you want and living free forever

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Re: Why am I here? ((Self RP))

Postby Amellina » 03/29/2010 3:06 PM

Zepher looked at Myst in pure amazement as she rolled around on the ground, laughing her heart out. He then tapped her shoulder with his paw, telling her to get up. "ZEPHER???" he heard his name called, and out of astonishment fell flat on his bum, the incline forcing him to flip over backward and start rolling down the hill in backward somersaults. "HE-EEE-EE-ELL-LL-PPP" he hissed, bouncing off stones and digging his nails into the hillside, forcing himself to a stop. He got up and charged up the hill in time to hear Zeus' words, "...you doing here?" "The better question is, What are you doing here? The whole flippin' valley is out looking for you!" Zepher growled. "Personally, I wouldn't have thought it a big loss if we never found you..."

Hard as hard as it can be
Holding on to what we believe
Accepting fact and realities
In the darkness of our soul
Strength is what we need
Hard to receive or to hold on
Waiting to disappear
In the ocean of your dreams
No matter how hard we try
It will always hunt us
You'll know that your dream is over
And your strength you will take with you
Achieving what you want and living free forever

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Re: Why am I here? ((Self RP))

Postby Amellina » 03/29/2010 3:21 PM

Myst started to stutter when Zeus asked the question, and was thankful that Zepher's clumsiness proved itself helpful at this point in time. He stumbled down the hill, yelling, but caught himself and climbed back up before anyone could even try to help. Zepher and Zeus got in an arguement, however, and Myst's shoulders slumped in exhaustion. "You guys. YOU GUYS!" Myst screamed to get their attention. "Okay, so, guess what? I can officially travel through dreams. Yup, I'm a dreamwalker. Nope, no one cares, thanks for listening." she mumbled, while the two kept fighting. She glared at them with fiery eyes until they realized what she had just said, then grinned in satisfaction.

Hard as hard as it can be
Holding on to what we believe
Accepting fact and realities
In the darkness of our soul
Strength is what we need
Hard to receive or to hold on
Waiting to disappear
In the ocean of your dreams
No matter how hard we try
It will always hunt us
You'll know that your dream is over
And your strength you will take with you
Achieving what you want and living free forever

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Re: Why am I here? ((Self RP))

Postby Amellina » 03/29/2010 3:23 PM

Zeus heard Myst screamed, but kept yelling at Zepher. That was until he heard what Myst was saying. Halting mid-word, he turned toward the smiling girl, and his eyebrows scrunched together. "Huh. Don't believe you! You do have a reputation of lying back at the valley, right?" Zeus didn't wait for an answer, but smiled smuggly to himself, as if pleased with his statement. It was silent for about 10 seconds, and then a fight broke out.

Hard as hard as it can be
Holding on to what we believe
Accepting fact and realities
In the darkness of our soul
Strength is what we need
Hard to receive or to hold on
Waiting to disappear
In the ocean of your dreams
No matter how hard we try
It will always hunt us
You'll know that your dream is over
And your strength you will take with you
Achieving what you want and living free forever

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Re: Why am I here? ((Self RP))

Postby Amellina » 03/29/2010 6:48 PM

Zepher stared at Myst as she screamed, gaping at what she had just said. "Dr-" he started, but was cut off by Zeus, "I DONT BELIEVE YOU!" Zeus chuckled loudly. Zepher's eyes filled with fire as he glared at the arkuhna, "If Myst says she's a... whatever she said, then she is. You're just afriad because you think she'll be more 'powerful' than you or whatever. You don't have powers you freak!" Zepher raged, no longer in control of his anger.

Hard as hard as it can be
Holding on to what we believe
Accepting fact and realities
In the darkness of our soul
Strength is what we need
Hard to receive or to hold on
Waiting to disappear
In the ocean of your dreams
No matter how hard we try
It will always hunt us
You'll know that your dream is over
And your strength you will take with you
Achieving what you want and living free forever

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Re: Why am I here? ((Self RP))

Postby Amellina » 03/30/2010 11:50 AM

Myst winced as the two bigger kuhnas began fighting with words, knowing it would soon build up to actions. "You guys, you're so freaking stupid! Why are you fighting over who thinks I'm lying or not when I know if I am or not, and I can tell you?!?!" Myst barked, pushing between them. She expected Zeus to say something like, "Cause you're a liar." or something, but his answer surprised her.

Hard as hard as it can be
Holding on to what we believe
Accepting fact and realities
In the darkness of our soul
Strength is what we need
Hard to receive or to hold on
Waiting to disappear
In the ocean of your dreams
No matter how hard we try
It will always hunt us
You'll know that your dream is over
And your strength you will take with you
Achieving what you want and living free forever

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