A wide open space in contrast to the dense Tengel jungle, the Sekudui Farmlands are open to all farmers and ranchers! There is much space available and plenty of resources to help raise some fine Tuskow or Roosken. (+3 Endurance, +2 Speed)

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Mona Lisa [P Jessari]

Postby Mousen » 12/28/2010 6:24 PM

Large bustling filthy cities gave way to quiet rambling country roads that seemed to stretch on forever, green hills and green fields, green trees and quaint brick houses. Where was the smell of smoke? The sound of many voices trying to be heard over one another? Where was the sense of urgency here? It was all too quiet, too peaceful. It was rattling his nerves, the constant smell of  yingshee and other livestock did little to help. He missed the roar of the city, he missed the constant filthy smog under which he lived, it was pretty crazy of him, but he missed the noise. He missed the rish of not knowing what was around the corner, he didn't fear the pickpockets and unsavoury figures that made the city their home, quite the contrary, goodness knows he could do with a good unfair fight right now. They didn't expect to tackled head on my a rather reckless, ridiculously tall industrial machine repairer. He couldn't help but smile thinking about all completely stupid situations he'd gotten himself into using the 'rush in, don't get killed, think later' method. Still, life needed some excitement every now and then.

Emery let his feet catch lightly along the road as the horse drawn cart he'd managed to catch a ride on bounced down the little road. Thank goodness there had been someone willing give him a ride, not for free of course, the country bumpkin he  was riding with now owned one of the pocket watches his 'sister' made. Alanna wasn't actually his sister, but she might as well have been. The only thing the daft farm hand hadn't realized was the fact that his sister had never actually repaired the watch, on her rounds collecting Aldrect's scrap metal she'd been given it, so really it was all fair really. Emery was normally the honourable sort but he had the feeling that the person who was paying was one of those who subtracted for being late.
"Hang on, Sir, this path has more pot'oles than-" Sadly the farm hand never got say what the road had more potholes than because he was promptly cut off by a rather irritated man twice his size.
"I get it, pumpkin-head. Go back to chewin' yer grass." His accent carried that off the poorer side of Aldrect, it was a rather hardened accent though not altogether unpleasant, just harsh.

He must have fallen asleep, because he was promptly awoken by a few drops of rain splattering his face. That was all he needed. He sat up, slowly cursing under his breath as his back made some awful clicking noises. He really should stop doing that. He must have been asleep a while for not only had the weather changed, so had the scenery, if only slightly.

Amid the raindrops that fell with alarming regularity, creating a watery haze in which you had to peer through. Emery was going to be soaked to the bone in minutes, not that it mattered all that much, it was just another irritating thing to add to his already formidable mood. The grass was the same green as always giving away to a sticky country mud in places while the winding roads with potholes running riot was now covered in hunreds of puddles which splayed up on occasions, it was just luck that it was raining enough to wash the mud away.  The constant green seemed to be diluted slightly by the mud and the rain, even so, he couldn't help but be struck by the beauty of the place. He looked over and between fence posts spider's webs were decorated with rain drops, and between valleys a soft haze of mist hung, yet to be dissipated by the rain. Grey clouds swirled over head, though they didn't look particularly menacing, just... pensive. The occasional yingshee bleated and he could just here the bells of the tuskow, despite the fact any edible mammal made him uncomfortable they were almost pretty in such a setting. He vividly remembered the point a  good few years ago when he tried to become a vegetarian, Alanna's idea, or rather Alanna's scheme that she dragged him along for threatening dissection or at least a killer Chinese burn if he didn't go along with it. He couldn't help but laugh at the thought of it, it had all stopped soon once Alanna got bored of it, being just young teen at the time, thank Zu'hai she'd gotten bored before-

Emery let out a noise of frustration, almost falling off the cart in surprise. How could he be so stupid?
"All right there, sir?" The only reason he was being so polite was because Emery scared him.
"What's today?" He asked suddenly.
"It's a Wednesday, sir."
He could have swore out loud but as it was he just grit his teeth and said nothing. It's not like he could have explained his predicament to the farm hand anyway, it was a little complex for that... Tell a lie, it was idiotically simple, it was more to do with the fact he wouldn't have been believed. There was barely three days until, well until the full moon rose... No, now is not a good time to stop reading! As cliché as it was, as completely and utterly mental as it was, under the slight gravitational pull of the full moon, Emery Sonnets turned into a werewolf. It wasn't something he could help or even do anything about, he'd lived with it since he could remember. Not that he could remember too far back into his childhood, even if he strained his memory he could only remember his adopted family and his honorary adopted family.

"Oi! Sir, unless you want find yerself a good mile north o' where your supposed t' be, yeh better jump 'cos I ain’t slowing down."
Emery sighed, suddenly feeling pleased that he'd given the irritating youth a pocket watch which was about as useful as he was. Which wasn't at all. After a moment he just stepped of the cart, watching the farm hand's face fall when he didn't. He carried with him only a beaten-up rucksack that carried more tools than it actually should be carrying, it seemed to be made up of more patches than actual cloth and it was covered in smudges of soot. Everything Emery owned seemed to have some soot on it. A few more country roads and he'd actually be able to fix whatever damned contraption he was being paid to fix. At least the rain was letting up, it did little to dry him off. His hair was still plastered to his scalp.

He let himself into the farm yard, he couldn't see anything that on first glance needed fixing, though he'd find out sure enough. The place itself seemed to be a little more modern than the other's he'd seen from his short but rather irritating trip on the back of the cart. First off there didn't seem to be any yingshee, that was an upside. Despite only being a werewolf part of the time, it didn't mean he was completely free of the instincts even without fur. "Hey!" he shouted, getting bored of being alone. "Hey! Anyone?! Did I take a wrong turn or somethin'?" Now that he thought about it, it was more than possible. "Anyone here? I'm supposed to be fixing some industrial-scale farming equitment? Anyone home?"  Emery really hoped he hadn't taken a wrong time, he could just see the rather attractive pay check getting uglier by the hour.

(Hee, my posts should get better, that one was all over the place. x3;; And if there's anything wrong I'll edit. The obscure title is because I was listening to this while writing it. x3;;)

We’re all hysterical & going nowhere together.

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Re: Mona Lisa [P Jessari]

Postby Jessari » 12/29/2010 11:32 PM

Not far from where Emery stood was a large, black barn, its double doors slightly ajar. Following the impeccable appearance of the outside, the inside was neatly organized. Rakes, shovels, and other tools hung on racks along the wall. The stalls, currently empty of animals, were filled with fresh straw. The entire place smelled of dust and animal musk. In the center was a green and yellow tractor, the widely-known symbol for John Deere painted on its side. On top of the tractor, feet dangling over the side, was a young woman.

"Haar'chak, Kotep!" Her head lowered over something on her lap, Runi sniffed. She wasn't crying, no, but only through supreme effort. On her lap lay a Clockwork Fellox, a kit judging from the size of it. It draped across her legs, completely limp and lifeless. She ran her hand along its length, her calloused fingers tenderly smoothing down its grey fur as her eyes strayed to the small access panel on the side of its metal torso, and although she knew absolutely nothing about the workings of mechanical things, she was tempted to open it. If only her idiotic brother had left him alone, he'd still be running about the grounds, starting the occasional fire with an ill-timed burst of flame from the tips of his tail.

Runi continued stroking the Fellox with one hand, reaching tentatively out to touch the panel. It was slightly warm to the touch, and she paused, uneasy. Although she had nothing against modern conveniences, she'd never exactly been as at home with machinery as Kotep seemed to be. When her father had presented her with the Fellox kit for her most recent birthday, she hadn't quite known what to think about the mixture of creature and machine. It hadn't taken long for Vash to wriggle his awkward way into her heart, though, and she'd come to see him as a completely living thing, metal parts or no. Opening that panel, messing around inside, it just seemed wrong to her. Besides, what could she do to help?

With a frustrated huff, Runi withdrew her hand and leaned back on the seat, tilting her head up toward the rafters. Then she heard something. She paused, listening intently. It had sounded like a man yelling something outside. With a frown, she pushed herself off the tractor to land on the dirt floor, dust swirling around her bare feet. That had better not be Kotep. She'd told him off but good after he'd admitted what he'd done, and if he thought he could breach the sanctuary of her barn so soon, she'd teach him a thing or two.

After setting Vash gently down on a nearby hay bale, Runi strode to the barn doors, pushing one of them wide open as her narrowed blue eyes honed in on the lone figure. "Kotep, I swear-" But it wasn't Kotep. It wasn't anyone she knew. Her glare softened into one of embarrassment as she took in his clothes and the bag he carried over his shoulder. A repairman for the tractor. Oh yeah. After discovering the condition Vash was in, she'd forgotten he was supposed to come today.

"Um, hi," she said with a small smile, shifting awkwardly as she realized how she must look. Her dusty brown hair hadn't been brushed, simply thrown back in a ponytail that was already working its way loose, and she was sure her loose grey t-shirt and jeans made her look like the country bumpkin he probably already thought she was. The lack of shoes didn't help any, either. "I'm guessing you're here to work on the tractor?" Only then did she seem to realize the rain, and she beckoned him inside. "Come in already. No sense in you catching a cold out there in the wet. Do ya want a towel or something?" There was only a soft hint of southern drawl to her words as her expression changed from self-conscious to concerned. Stranger or no, she wasn't about to let any visitor take sick if she could help it.

Haar'chak - Mandalorian word that means 'darn it', just slightly stronger, if you catch my drift? :P
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Re: Mona Lisa [P Jessari]

Postby Mousen » 01/02/2011 8:24 PM

So he hadn't taken a wrong turn. "Oh." Emery said, sounding a little surprised. "To tell you the truth I was expectin' someone a little more bearded. " He chuckled good naturedly, really he hoped she wouldn't take offence. That was just how Emery was, his little quips were nothing more than him showing good humour. "Stereotypes aside, I'm guessin' I'm at the right farm, then?" Emery looked over to the barn with a look of slight disinterest. No doubt it would be a tractor or some other generic farm equipment, he'd really been hoping for something more industrial. He'd heard all the horror stories of people that had lost arms in one kind of machine or other, that was more his kind of thing. A good friend of his had done a job similar to his own, only a little more dangerous. While Emery fixed the more generic repairs, stuff that had to be done on a regular basis along with non-urgent repairs that were often done while the machines in question were stationary, Maddox used to do the emergency repairs, they'd always assumed that it would have been that which eventually killed him...

After a moment or two Emery realized he'd been blanking the young woman. "Oh, sorry. I was just er... Thinking, don't tent t' do that alot." He shot her a good natured grin. "Nah, I'll dry off soon enough. When I catch my death of cold pigs'll fly."

After a moment or two Emery made his way to the barn, and gently pushed open the door, atleast in here seemed to be a bit dryer than the outside, which was nicely dampened now. The faint smell of straw and meadow hay was rather sweet, mixed in with the lingering scent of petrol. At any rate it was better than the stereotypical 'farm smell'. Well, on first glance the tractor seemed fine, which meant it was engine trouble, he really hoped it wasn't anything too fiddly if there was one thing he could stand it was delicate jobs. It was the main reason he hadn't followed in his adopted father's footsteps and gone into clock making. All the tiny gears and patience-eating, monotonous work made him shudder just thinking about it. At the time he was just wondering whether checking the exhaust first was worth the effort when he caught sight of a rather sorry looking creature on the floor. His first thought was that it was dead, but upon bending down his rather acute sense of hearing picked up the steady tick of it's heart and the slightly uneven rise and fall of it's chest. It was rather strange for a clockwork fellox to be somewhere like this, wasn't it? To tell you the truth even in the clockwork and steel part of town on which he lived, never had he seen one before. It was the worse for wear, gently his hand traced across the fellox's metal mask, a melancholy expression playing across his face.

If Alanna, his honorary sister had been there the poor fellox would be already half fixed, she was a genius at that sort of thing, if a little ditzy when it came to everything else. He didn't work with clock work, even if he knew a fair bit about it. After a moment of thought Emery was almost certain he'd be able to fix whatever was wrong with it, out of respect he hadn't actually taken a look at it. Even if he couldn't fix it entirely he was sure he could help, living with two clock makers for most of his life had to come in handy come time, right? He wasn't sure if the young woman had followed him into the barn, but she'd probably hear him anyway. "This isn't my area of expertise, but I grew up w' me family making clocks and wind up grasshoppers and the such like. I could take a look at him for you? And if I really can't help I know my sister just adores the countryside." He couldn't help chuckle a little at that. "Sorry if I'm stickin' my nose in al all, but to be quite blunt I wouldn't like to see anythin' get any worse."

At the end of the day, Emery was a rather kind fellow, even if he did appear rather roguish on first glance. He hated to see suffering of any form, especially something so imposing as a clockwork fellox. It was a real shame the animal had ended up as it had. If she'd let him help, he'd do all he could. Despite being a little rough around the edges (alot rough when he had fangs and claws and was eating sheep) but he was a good person, especially with animals that weren't so edible as ying-shee.

(Sorry for the wait, my muse seems to have gone into hiding, and the post is awful and I need to stop making references to his family. D8;; Sorry~ <333 )

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Re: Mona Lisa [P Jessari]

Postby Jessari » 01/11/2011 9:06 PM

Runi tilted her head, simultaneously entranced and amused by his accent. She'd heard its like before, lurking within the voices of those who surrounded her when she made a rare trip to the city. Never before had she heard it so pronounced, though, and she found that she liked the rhythm of it.

She crossed her arms over her chest, looking up at the man who towered over her at least as much as her own brothers did, a wry smile curling one side of her mouth. "I'm sorry to disappoint, but I've never been much good at growing anything. Beans, begonias, beards...no luck whatsoever. But yeah, you're in the right place." Her green eyes shot over to the tractor, and she shrugged as if unconcerned about the fate of the yellow and green hunk of metal. "I'm not sure what's wrong with it. One of the hired hands was complaining about it acting up the other day, and the morning after that, it decided not to start up at all."

Then he was moving past her, into the barn. Runi paused, a hand on the door, not sure whether she should follow him or go get someone who knew more about the tractor. In the end, he made the decision for her when he bent over the broken Fellox. She hovered over his shoulder, as protective of her pet as any bear would be of her cub, and only the sympathetic expression on his face kept her from swooping in and hugging Vash to her chest. After all, he was in this condition because some mush-for-brains thought he could fiddle around with his insides and get away with it.

"Do you think-" She stopped, almost afraid to ask. It took her a moment to get the question out around the lump in her throat. "It's not too late, is it? He's..he's very special to me." Again, her eyes teared up, making her view of the stranger a little blurry. She blinked hard to clear them, frustrated and angry and hopeful all at the same time. This was twice in one day (twice!) that she'd nearly cried, and Runi wasn't the crying type.

(No need to apologize. Your writing is amazing and well worth the wait! My post, on the other hand? *winces* )
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Re: Mona Lisa [P Jessari]

Postby Mousen » 01/24/2011 8:31 PM

Emery gave a amused chuckle at her comment, biting down on the curiosity as to why she owned the farm in the first place. It seemed rather strange really, the only conclusion that he could come to was that she kept livestock. Unless it was a dairy herd or something of that ilk then it would be animals for the slaughterhouse and that seemed as likely as a lamb savaging a bull mastiff. Okay, it was slightly more likely than that, but it he still couldn't bring himself to believe his theories. He just hoped it wasn't sheep. He really hoped it wasn't sheep.

"Farm hands will moan at anything if you give 'em 'alf a chance, like shop assistants. You should 'ear 'em at me dad's, they act like it actually 'urts when they catch themselves on the clock mechanisms." Emery rolled his eyes, he was one of those people that wouldn't stand for moaning, even if the person in question did seem to be in pain, having a rather high pain tolerance himself meant he'd never really been the most sensitive sort when people he didn't really care about we mildly injured. Mind you, Emery wasn't the sensitive sort at all, really. Not to say he didn't care... He was just very brash.

Her tone when she asked about the fox made him regret even thinking about her keeping animals for meat, clearly she cared about the animals she kept, mechanical or not. He took a long look at the fellox before answering. It wasn't a apprehensive silence, like  the kind that usually accompanied bad news, this silence was merely thoughtful. "This ain't my area of expertise and I don't want t' make promises I can't keep, but in my book, so long as 'e's breathin' there's still a chance, so I'll try me best." After a moment or two he opened up the metal panel on the side of the unfortunate fellox. Emery winced, it wasn't that the fellox was unfixable, infact he was sure he could fix it. It was the sheer complexity of the fellox that made him wince, it really made him wish he'd took someone who was more used to clockwork with him. "Be dammed whoever thought messin' around w' this creature was a good idea." he growled. "I mean," he added hastily, for all he knew it could have been her (he'd doubt that) or someone close to her that had caused the damage. From what he could see it was screws, cogs and bolts moved slightly that had caused the damage, causing alot of the system to jam. "'E, assumin' it's a he, is fixable. It will take time, but 'e's got time from what I can see. I'll fix him as much as I can t'day, so 'e'll be on two, I mean, four feet, but since I wouldn't recommend doing anythin' strenuous with him 'till 'e's fixed. I ain't no vet." Here he laughed softly, clearly finding some humour in that statement. " But I don't think it would do 'im any good." He bent over the fellox examining him further, after a moment Emery started muttering to himself. "Nah, if I bend that back in place, it'll weaken it. Be better off solderin' it..." Generally acting the stereo typical repair man, atleast he actually did the work rather than lazying around talking about how hard his job was.

"Oh! Sorry 'bout that, always tend t' do that. Yer can just tell me t' shut up and get back t' doin' what I'm s'posed t' be doin' rather than mutterin' t' myself like a hermit or somethin'." Emery was one of those people that talked to fill the silences, even if they weren't awkward. Infact Emery wasn't awkward in anyway shape or form, much less, silent. Despite the fact he was looking over the fellox trying to access the amount of damage he spoke with his hands, his expression always warm. He seemed to pause before he went to actually start work on the unfortunate creature, seeming to be seeking permission from the woman before starting.

((Your writing is fantastic <33 ^w^))

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