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Learning from the best (Self)

Postby Sitara » 05/20/2011 5:57 PM

Grandpa Celestial and Abbey

Celestial walked down the country lanes and paths of the country side with Abbey jogging beside him. "Can we please stop for a minute!" Celestial looked down at the sweating panting kuhna at his feet. "I suppose so, but you are the one who insisted on coming with me. If you cant keep up, its your own fault." Abbey is about to chew him out and dish out a piece of her mind, but when she looks up at him his eyes were twinkling. She realizes that he was just joking and she climbs up his arm to his shoulder so that she can better talk to him.

Human nature doesn't change, although, many people delude themselves into thinking that it does. People may change how they act, but the core of a person always stays the same.

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Re: Learning from the best (Self)

Postby Sitara » 05/20/2011 6:14 PM

Celestial settles into the ground making is shake due to his massive size and almost throws Abbey off his shoulder. He holds out a rocky claw to help stabilize her as she readjusts herself. "So why were you so insistent in coming out with me today?"

"Well... you see there's this guy I like."

Celestial nods his head slowly. "I had a feeling that it might be something like this. Who is he?"

Abbey bites her lower lip and stares at the ground "I'd rather not say."

"I would like to know little one."

"I promise I'll tell you later Grandpa Celestial."
Human nature doesn't change, although, many people delude themselves into thinking that it does. People may change how they act, but the core of a person always stays the same.

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Re: Learning from the best (Self)

Postby Sitara » 05/20/2011 7:34 PM

Celestial grumbled a bit and gave a shifty eye to wards Abbey. He had an idea of who this unnamed love interest was and he didn't like the idea of it one bit. That Vincent fellow was a womanizing layabout who was no good for his sweet little Abbey. "Well now, why do you like this mysterious fellow then?"

Abbey sat and thought for a moment. "I like him... because he's so sweet. He can make you feel like your the only two creatures in the whole world. He goes out of his way to do nice things for me and... and whenever he looks at me I feel like my stomach turns in knots."
Human nature doesn't change, although, many people delude themselves into thinking that it does. People may change how they act, but the core of a person always stays the same.

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Re: Learning from the best (Self)

Postby Sitara » 05/20/2011 8:05 PM

"My dear Abbey have you given much thought about what type of kuhna this boy you fancy is?"

"What do you mean Grandpa?"

"Can he provide you with a means of survival if you decide to become mates? Does he know how to work and make some sort of living for his wife?"

"Well I'm not sure. I haven't given it much thought." Could Vincent provide a good life for her? All she had seen him do is paint, but with all the dinners and presents he had to have paid for it all some how. Unless he was in serious debt. That couldn't be true though.
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Re: Learning from the best (Self)

Postby Sitara » 05/21/2011 6:37 PM

"These are the things that you need to think about if you are going to start a life for yourself. You aught to think about going out with that Elliot boy. He would make a good match for you."

Abbey cocked an eyebrow at Celestial. "Elliot? He's nice and all, but he's too... math-y for me. He can't think beyond his equations and theories."

"But he can give you a reliable future. He's a sensible boy who's...."

"But I don't want to be with someone safe!" Abbey interrupted, "I want to be with someone who can make be feel like together we can be the most amazing couple in the world."
Human nature doesn't change, although, many people delude themselves into thinking that it does. People may change how they act, but the core of a person always stays the same.

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Re: Learning from the best (Self)

Postby Sitara » 05/21/2011 7:32 PM

Celestial looked down at his little Abbey, she had such a fire in her. He wasn't used to this coming from a woman. In his time women had these traits beaten out of them at a very young age. A woman's life was decided for her by her father or who ever the eldest male of the family was. "I want you to reconsider your feelings for this boy. I know you can do better."

Abbey jumped down off his shoulder and glared up at Celestial "I think that you already guessed who it is, so I might as well tell you that it is Vincent. And no, I don't know his financial means, his work ethic, or how he would take care of me if things get more serious. But I care alot about him and I refuse to give up on him." She felt a small paw on her shoulder.
"Why my dear, why did you not tell me how strongly you felt." Vincent had appeared behind her without her knowing.
Human nature doesn't change, although, many people delude themselves into thinking that it does. People may change how they act, but the core of a person always stays the same.

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Re: Learning from the best (Self)

Postby Sitara » 05/22/2011 8:07 PM

Abbey turned shocked that someone had snuck up behind her. "Vincent!"
"My dear." He takes up her paw and kisses it lightly. "I thought today might be the day that you told your doting grandfather about me, so I thought I would find you to... " he pauses to look at the massive black stoney before him and wondered how this creature became her grandfather "...to lend a paw in aid."

"Aw, thanks Vinny, but that's not necessary. I've got it covered." Vincent scowled at her nickname for him. He hated it, but that never stopped Abbey from using it.

Celestial glared down at Vincent with absolute loathing. What did Abbey see in this brute.
Human nature doesn't change, although, many people delude themselves into thinking that it does. People may change how they act, but the core of a person always stays the same.

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Re: Learning from the best (Self)

Postby Sitara » 05/26/2011 4:41 PM

"I refuse to let this continue!" Celestial was furious, how could Abbey betray him like this. "I will not continue to let you fraternize with this filth Abbey. We're going home." He tries to reach out and pick her up, but she doges and scrambles out of the way.

"You can't order me around like this about who I want to spend the rest of my life with. I get to pick my own future not you." Abbey was furious, how could Grandpa Celestial betray her like this. She expected to get some much needed advice, which he always had ready for her. She had never seen him act like this before. How cold Vincent upset him so much.

Vincent had a knot of fear rise up in his throat. Her future with him. he wasn't ready to settle down yet. What about all the other women in the world he had yet to meet and romance. Settling down, building a future, nothing frightened Vincent more than those ideas.

Human nature doesn't change, although, many people delude themselves into thinking that it does. People may change how they act, but the core of a person always stays the same.

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Re: Learning from the best (Self)

Postby Sitara » 05/26/2011 5:10 PM

"Abbey, you're not seeing reason. He is a user of women and I'm sure in massive debt with the amount of money that he spends."

"I resent that insinuation. I just so happens that I am the heir of the Dosenthorp fortune. I am the only son of Rose and Frank Dosenthorp. After they died when I was a child I was left everything. I have accountants who take care of my finances and investments for me. What little money I take out for my free time I use on my lady friends."

Abbey gave Vincent a confused look. Lady friends? She had thought that she was the only girl that Vincent was seeing. They would have to have a very serious talk soon.

"You say that your a Dosenthorp, prove it. I refuse to believe such a ridiculous claim until I can see some prove that you are who you are."
Human nature doesn't change, although, many people delude themselves into thinking that it does. People may change how they act, but the core of a person always stays the same.

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Re: Learning from the best (Self)

Postby Sitara » 05/27/2011 5:46 PM

"How am I supposed to prove myself to you right now. I don't have my birth certificate casually on hand with me."

Celestial bent down so that he was eye level with Vincent and exhaled in his face. "Until you can prove who you are I refuse to sanctify any relationship my granddaughter has with you." With that he flew away fuming at how disastrous things had gone.

Abbey looks to Vincent "Vinney, what did you mean by lady friends?"

Vincent was in deep trouble now.
Human nature doesn't change, although, many people delude themselves into thinking that it does. People may change how they act, but the core of a person always stays the same.

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Re: Learning from the best (Self)

Postby Sitara » 05/31/2011 6:51 PM

Vincent stuttered "Um... well, you see dearest. I haven't ever attached myself to one female before. Although I have been giving it some thought since I met you."

"ARE YOU SERIOUS! I fell for you because I thought that you were a fun person, but I though things were serious between us."

"They are darling. This is the most serious relationship I've had with anyone before."

"Oh ya. Then tell me how many girlfriends you have right now."

"Why would you want to know that?

"Why wouldn't I want to know my competition?"

"I won't tell you Abbey."

'If you don't tell me we're through."
Human nature doesn't change, although, many people delude themselves into thinking that it does. People may change how they act, but the core of a person always stays the same.

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Re: Learning from the best (Self)

Postby Sitara » 06/02/2011 6:50 PM

"Fine then." Vincent steadied himself. He knew no good would come from what he was about to say, but lying to he would only add insult to injury "Three. I have three girlfriends including you."

Abbey screamed and lunged at him. She landed on top of his stomach and began to claw at his face. "You despicable excuse for a kuhna. How could you do this to me?" Tears were pouring from her eyes.

Vincent just laid their and took he cuts. His face was soon bleeding quite a bit. If anyone else had tried this they would not have walked away with out severe injury to their own face. However he just couldn't bring himself to fight against her.

Human nature doesn't change, although, many people delude themselves into thinking that it does. People may change how they act, but the core of a person always stays the same.

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Re: Learning from the best (Self)

Postby Sitara » 06/07/2011 5:28 PM

Abbey staggered off Vincent slumped down on to the floor. Tears mixed with snot and rage dripped from the tip of her nose. Vincent rolled over to his side and watched his blood mix with the dirt around him. The swirls calmed him some. He sat up and started to clean his face. Eventually he got his stained fur to a light pink color. He looked up to see how Abbey was doing, her whole body was shaking. He reached out and touched her shoulder. She turned around and smacked his paw away "Don't... touch... me."

Human nature doesn't change, although, many people delude themselves into thinking that it does. People may change how they act, but the core of a person always stays the same.

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Re: Learning from the best (Self)

Postby Sitara » 06/08/2011 4:44 PM

She stared at the ground. She knew that if she looked up at him she would either burst into tears or maul his face again. "I don't want to see you for a while. Don't call me or try to see me until you decide if you want a relationship with me or to be with those other girls of yours."

Vincent didn't speak. It was probably for the best. He wanted to stop her, tell her that she was his favorite girl and that she shouldn't leave. But, who was he to try and stop her leaving when she wanted to go.
Human nature doesn't change, although, many people delude themselves into thinking that it does. People may change how they act, but the core of a person always stays the same.

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Re: Learning from the best (Self)

Postby Sitara » 06/08/2011 5:07 PM

Vincent hung his head in defeat. "I understand."

Abbey turned on her heels and walked off with purpose towards her home.

Vincent watched her leave with some longing to chase after her. Wait why was this bothering him so much he had several other girls in the wings waiting for him to take them out on dates. Why was he caring so much about this one girl. He walked off in the opposite direction to head home and clean up. Little did he realize that no girl would ever fill the hole that is now placed in his heart from Abbey's disappearance.

Human nature doesn't change, although, many people delude themselves into thinking that it does. People may change how they act, but the core of a person always stays the same.

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