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Lightening never strikes twice

Postby dirtylion » 05/02/2015 1:09 AM

An amplified crack erupted through the empty street, breaking the silence that night. Thunder so loud it shook the ground and then rain fell, almost instantly and hard, pounding the wet pavement where they stood. The only two brave enough to venture out that night watching mother nature's extravagant show with front row seats. Then exactly 55 seconds after the thunder, the faint counting could be heard from under the girls breath, an army of lighting fell from the sky leaving no crevices of darkness to hide. They watched on, amazed, too ah struck to be worried of their fate.
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Re: Lightening never strikes twice

Postby dirtylion » 05/02/2015 1:12 AM

The girl was watching the rain dance in the dim glow of the street lamps when she heard another crack in the sky. She glanced in time to witness her brother be struck down by a soldier that knew no mercy. As lighting pierced through his body a scream rang out as she reached for him and grabbed his hand. The lighting connected them in a grip that she couldn't release. Strong waves of energy filled her almost instantly and the last thing she remembered seeing was the reflection of the all mighty storm in her brothers petrified eyes before she collapsed unable to withstand the jolts of power coursing through her veins. Intertwining with her blood, pumping through her heart, and connecting with her mind.
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Re: Lightening never strikes twice

Postby dirtylion » 05/02/2015 1:14 AM

It had been several years since that night and since then many things had changed. One, there foster parents ended up hating for accidentally breaking thing due to unknown causes and so Noel and her twin brother Leon left. Two, they became homeless children that wandered from city to city. Three, after a year of traveling and learning the ways of the world they got offered a spot at a guild called Black Wrath. Oh and of course four, which was after the lightning had hit them, they had changed and now both had the ability to control electricity. This was of course why the guild wanted them.
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Re: Lightening never strikes twice

Postby dirtylion » 05/02/2015 1:20 AM

Noel sat at her desk and had her hand hovering over her lamp. Static crackled from it as she moved her fingers over the light bulb. Little bolts of electricity sprung from the bulb and followed her figures. A knock from her door lost her focus and the static energy was lost.

"Come in," she called out to whoever it was.

Her brother entered grinning, "I got us a case to go on."

Noel perked up, " really?"

Leon made his way to her bed and sat down at the edge of, "yup. We are heading Sekudui Farmlands."
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Re: Lightening never strikes twice

Postby dirtylion » 05/02/2015 1:24 AM

"What's there that we need to do?" She questioned.

"Something mysterious is going around to all the farms in the area and killing the farm animals and doing property damage that's causing the crops to be behind in harvesting."

Noels face dropped, "really? At of all the bounties you fucking chose that one. Yeah, I'm not allowing you to pick jobs for us anymore."

"Woah now calm down you didn't let me finish, they are offering 50,000ks."
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Re: Lightening never strikes twice

Postby dirtylion » 05/02/2015 1:27 AM

"Hold up who in that area can afford to spend 50,000ks on a bounty." She question being intrigued once more.

"Since the whole area is under the attacks the community has come together to get rid of this invisible pest."

Noel shot up out of her seat and went to her closet, she pulled out her bow and arrows, "what in the world are you doing still sitting down, up and at it. There is easy money to be made, we shouldn't be sitting around doing nothing. Go grab your sword so we can get out of here."
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Re: Lightening never strikes twice

Postby dirtylion » 05/04/2015 1:37 PM

Leon and Noel stepped off the old bus and it quickly sped off leaving a big dust cloud behind it. The bus was the only way to this place that was out in the middle of nowhere and it wouldn't be back until next week. They stood on a dirt road with a corn field on there right and a cotton field on there left.

It was sweltering hot, there was no shade for miles and no clouds to hide the sun's burning rays. In silence they started their trek to the nearest town. They were going to meet with the one who gathered the money from the anxious farmers.

An hour later they both ended up in the small town. It had one main road, and on that road was a diner, a bar, a post office, and a bank. Hot and exhausted they made their way into the diner. A tiny bell went off above the door when they entered and smiling older lady came out from the back. She saw their weapons and she turned grim, “may I help both of you?” She asked.

“We are looking for a man, he said to meet him at a diner. His name was Bernard.” Leon stated.

Some of her facial features returned, “of course you two must be the bounty hunters. Follow me,” she grabbed two menus and walked them to a booth that had a man sitting at it. The only customer that the diner had at the moment besides the two twins.
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Re: Lightening never strikes twice

Postby dirtylion » 05/07/2015 7:12 PM

The man stood up and they got a good look at him, he wore dusty faded blue jeans, a button up white shirt with an old brown vest. He had a large cowboy hat on and a welcoming warm smile that looked just as old as his jeans.

"Howdy there, you two must be Leon and Noel." He stuck out his hand and Noel shook it with a polite smile on her face. her brother shook his hand next and they both took a seat across from him at the booth.

"Hiya," Noel responded

The lady came back over before anything else could be said, "what would you kiddo's like to drink?"

The twins looked at each with the same look, kiddo's? Leon answered first, "water will be fine for us both."

"Okie dokie," she jotted down what they wanted and cheerfully walked away.
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Re: Lightening never strikes twice

Postby dirtylion » 05/08/2015 12:39 PM

Leon looked at the giant dirt cloud that the truck they were riding in the back of was leaving behind them. Him and his sister were riding in Bernard's pickup truck that seemed too old to still be working. After their long conversation at the diner Bernard offered to let them stay at farm free of charge. There wasn't many places in town to stay at and Bernard was more than happy to help out.

"What do you think of the case now Noel?" He asked his sister.

They were both sitting opposite of each other in the bed of the truck so Noel had to slightly shout to be heard, "I think this case is worth the money. A question I forgot to ask Bernard was when all this started to occur?"
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Re: Lightening never strikes twice

Postby dirtylion » 05/11/2015 1:43 PM

When the truck stopped Noel noticed they were on a large ranch. She and her brother jumped out of the back of the truck with there bags in tow. Bernard got out of the driver seat and turned to them, "we have a loft up in our barn that is suitable for you guys."

"Bernard are you home?" An older woman called from the small farm house porch.

"Yeah hon, I've got guest with me," he called back.

The woman came out next to them while drying her hands off on a kitchen town, "oh, hi I'm Denise. Bernard's wife, if I knew we were having guests I would have made my famous chili."

Leon smiled at the lady at the prospect of getting chili, "hello I'm Leon and this is my sister Noel. We are the bounty hunters that are on the case of the vandalizing that is happening around the community."

"Oh good, finally something is going to be done about that, Well I better head back in, I've got some chicken in the oven I have to tend to." She gave one last warm smile before heading back inside.
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Re: Lightening never strikes twice

Postby dirtylion » 05/13/2015 1:40 PM

"Follow me and I will show you to the barn." Bernard started to walk off in the direction of the setting sun. They picked up their bags and followed him. Once they reached the bard Bernard opened the big sliding door. Inside the twins noticed a giant cotton harvesting tractor in the middle with hay covering the floor and barn stalls on either side, housing some well taken care of horses and one mule.

After seeing Noels face Bernard laughed, "don't worry the loft isn't like this." He walked over to a set of stairs that went up to a large open area. It looked insulated and hay-less. Two beds and a dresser were on one side and a couch with a bookcase was on the other side of the room.
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Re: Lightening never strikes twice

Postby dirtylion » 10/02/2015 6:01 PM

Noel set her stuff down and walked over to the window looking out over the fields. The sun was starting to make the sky turn red as it ducked behind the horizon.

"Alright, I'll let you guys get settled then," Bernard waved a hand and then walked back down.

When they heard him close the barn door Leon turned to his sister, " I guess we could look into it tomorrow."

She rolled her eyes, " no we're going to be staying up tonight and keeping a close eye on everything. The vandalism happens at night so that's when we will be awake."
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Re: Lightening never strikes twice

Postby dirtylion » 05/21/2016 1:45 PM

After waiting until the sun set completely and all the lights had gone out in the main house the twins set off to one of the fields and hid behind a big piece of farm machinery. Leon yawned, "so what are we suppose to be waiting for exactly?"

"Something that the people around can only describe as a monstrous beast," Noel rolled her eyes.

Leon frowned, "I thought Bernard said that nobody has seen it."

"Yup but from the destruction it causes and the noises they've heard it make they don't think it just a normal wild animal. You were part of this conversation to earlier why am I reexplaining this to you?" she asked.

"Because I wanted to rehear it," he shrugged.
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