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Aliens & Angels (P - Jedi) [M]

Postby Kitsumi » 01/05/2016 5:43 PM

Continuation of this breeding.

Three months had passed, and still Gloria wasn't used to luring out aliens. But it was a job she did, mostly to keep Kzeleck from roughing them up too much. Her partner, while a bit more trustworthy now that he wasn't trying to kill her, was still someone that she didn't fully get along with. At least now that they were nearly equals, the Seraph had gained a bit of courage to stand up for herself. Several changes had been made since she had joined him.

Now she was clothed in a silver dress, standing in the middle of seemingly nowhere, attempting to lure out an alien. This one's arrival had been tracked, and it was known that his species had a sort of...interest...in pretty women. Hopefully Gloria would be pretty enough to draw it out of hiding.

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Re: Aliens & Angels (P - Jedi) [Soft M?]

Postby Jedi » 01/05/2016 6:08 PM


Nearly a mile away, Kzeleck held a rifle in his hands. His boinic eye was zoomed in on his partner, but she was not the target. Merely bait to lure out the true target. A homicidal Gliffix named Blikk, who was smuggled to Evelon recently. He had a real soft spot for pretty females, which for now meant Gloria.

"I could take you out right now," he whispered jokingly about her. He faked a recoil as he pretended to shoot her. "BANG!" He let out a light chuckle before realizing he had a com in his ear. She could probably hear everything he was saying. "Not like it'd kill you. You weaseled me into using tranquilizers."

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Re: Aliens & Angels (P - Jedi) [Soft M?]

Postby Kitsumi » 01/05/2016 6:13 PM

The silence in Gloria's ear was suddenly replaced by her partner's voice. As he began joking, she rolled her eyes. His humor had frightened her at first, but now it was simply a mild annoyance. "You think you're so funny, don't you?" she whispered. "A normal bullet wouldn't do much damage to me anyways. I heal extraordinarily fast, remember?" Her initiation hadn't gone well. She had received a deep cut from her left shoulder to her right hip. But although Kzeleck hadn't expected her to pull through, she had been ready to go by the time he received his next mission.

"Now be quiet," she said as quietly as possible. She barely moved her lips, hoping not to alert the alien to the fact that she was speaking to someone. "I think I sense him coming."

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Re: Aliens & Angels (P - Jedi) [Soft M?]

Postby Jedi » 01/05/2016 6:31 PM

Kzeleck still didn't understand the abilities they already knew about. He was curious as to what other powers she might possess. He zoomed out a bit, so that he'd be able to see a bit more. That was when he saw him. He was about three meters away from her. The abandoned  car lot they were in was very dark, but he could make out the blue-green tone of the Gliffix. His four eyes were locked onto Gloria. So Kzeleck zoomed in on him, focusing his rifle as well. He pulled the trigger...

And nothing happened. He searched the surface of the gun, trying to find the malfunction. "Damnit, it's jammed. You're going to have to stall him for a bit while I get another shot ready."

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Re: Aliens & Angels (P - Jedi) [Soft M?]

Postby Kitsumi » 01/05/2016 6:38 PM

The fear that Gloria felt during these missions was beginning to fade, but it was still there every time. She felt it now, low in her stomach. She wanted to fly away, but she knew that Kzeleck would simply track her down. And if she were captured a second time, she was sure she would be granted no mercy. Besides, so far she had been able to keep her wings hidden. They were her secret weapon, in case she ever had to gain an advantage over her partner.

"What?!" The fear was quickly turning to panic as Gloria learned that her partner was unable to provide her with the cover she normally had. "What am I supposed to do? How do I distract a-" her sentence cut off quickly in a gasp. The alien was coming towards her, four eyes wide as they took in the sight of her.

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Re: Aliens & Angels (P - Jedi) [Soft M?]

Postby Jedi » 01/05/2016 6:50 PM

"The file on him said he likes to trap young pretty women. Just keep him talking, and I should be able to get a good shot. He thinks very highly of himself. If you can start asking questions about him, you might just buy me the time to fix this jam. Remember, you've got that knife you stowed away. You are wearing it, right?" While he talked, he tried focusing on unjamming his rifle. He opened the firing chamber and removed the dart. He started scrubbing away with his finger to remove the gunk. Gunpowder ash had hardened around the opening of the barrel, blocking the dart from firing. He then set the dart back in the chamber and loaded it again. "I think I have a clear shot." He then pulled the trigger, letting the dart fly.

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Re: Aliens & Angels (P - Jedi) [Soft M?]

Postby Kitsumi » 01/05/2016 7:11 PM

While she couldn't answer, Gloria did nod her head ever so slightly, confirmation that she had her weapon. Feigning fear was no problem for her as the alien appeared right in front of her - she was so afraid that she didn't need to fake it. "What are you?" she asked. "You've got to be the most ferocious creature I've ever come across!"

The woman didn't bother listening as the alien began giving her a history of his species, and all the terrible things they'd done. She was fairly sure that this one wouldn't survive the assimilation process, but he'd still be given a chance, just as she had begged Kzeleck time and time again before he finally gave in and changed his procedures.

Just as the alien was reaching out to touch her, Gloria heard her partner's voice again, and ducked out of the path of his tranquilizer dart. As usual, his aim was perfect. The alien gave an angry roar, which soon faded as the effects of the dart set in.

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Re: Aliens & Angels (P - Jedi) [Soft M?]

Postby Jedi » 01/05/2016 7:38 PM

Kzeleck sighed. "That was close. You okay down there skygirl?" He knew it probably bothered her that he was using a nickname for her. He had given it to her shortly after her initiation as a reference to her skyward decent. He started disassembling his rifle, placing the pieces in a form fitting foam suitcase. "I gotta tell you, you're pretty quick on your feet. I'd be sweating if I'd accidentally shot you, provided if I had sweat glands. So what did he say? Another monologuer" That was his term for aliens that went on about their story in unnecessary moments.

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Re: Aliens & Angels (P - Jedi) [Soft M?]

Postby Kitsumi » 01/05/2016 7:42 PM

"It wouldn't have been a close one if you would have had your shit together." Gloria surprised herself by using foul language. Apparently, her partner was becoming a bad influence on her. "And don't call me that. I could just as easily call you skyboy - we both know that you weren't born on this planet either." She didn't bother answering whether or not she was alright. It was obvious that she was. "Yeah, he was going on about his species. I really didn't care to hear what they did to women like me." Shuddering, she stood watch over the alien, binding him the way she had been taught while waiting for Kzeleck to join her.

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Re: Aliens & Angels (P - Jedi) [Soft M?]

Postby Jedi » 01/05/2016 7:50 PM

Once the rifle was completely put away he closed and locked it up. "Hey, it's not my fault. If I'd used a lethal shot, it would've gone through the barrel without a hitch." Of course, he'd been needing to clean the barrel out at some point, but he wouldn't tell her that. He grabbed the suitcase and leaped off the ledge He started falling for a short period before he kicked in his repulsor pack he wore on his back. Immediately, his decent abruptly ended as he took to the air. Kzeleck soared towards her position like an eagle closing in on it's prey. As he landed, he gave a sly smirk. "Hey there." He noticed as she finished tying up the alien. "Getting kinky, are we?"

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Re: Aliens & Angels (P - Jedi) [Soft M?]

Postby Kitsumi » 01/05/2016 7:58 PM

Gloria snorted. "If there's a problem with your gun, it's your fault. And don't pretend like the tranq darts are the problem. That gun is well equipped to handle them, as you've assured me time and time again." She didn't take her eyes off her work until she heard her partner's voice behind her. "Ugh, do you ever shut up?" The Seraph looked up to glare at Tzeleck. "I'm only tying them the way you taught me. This one should be good for transportation now."

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Re: Aliens & Angels (P - Jedi) [Soft M?]

Postby Jedi » 01/05/2016 8:26 PM

He picked up the huge brute, but nearly exhausted himself doing so. "Alright. Let's tag 'em and bag 'em." They headed back to the lair he'd brought her to after every mission. The lair he'd brought her to when he first met her. "Help me get him in the restraints. The sedative should be wearing off soon." It was more of a command than a request, but he doubted that she'd refuse. Kzeleck let out a loud grunt as he dropped the Gliffix in the chair. He hurried in getting the clasps around his thick wrist. In a few seconds, he managed to get it clasped.

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Re: Aliens & Angels (P - Jedi) [Soft M?]

Postby Kitsumi » 01/05/2016 8:30 PM

She didn't have much strength, but Gloria was quick with her fingers. Although she didn't reply to Kzeleck's request, she did obey it without question. Hurrying with the restraints, she was able to secure the Gliffix's other wrist and both feet just as her partner finished with the first wrist.

"So now what? Do we just wait for him to wake up, or do we take his blood while he's still out?" This whole procedure was still new to her. Usually Gloria had stayed away after the initial capture of the alien. For some reason, this time she wanted to stick around and see exactly what it was that Kzeleck did to their captives.

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Re: Aliens & Angels (P - Jedi) [Soft M?]

Postby Jedi » 01/05/2016 9:09 PM

"He has to be judged." Kzeleck waited for her to leave, but was surprised when she stayed. After he hit a few buttons, the cylindrical screen lit up. On it, six silhouettes appeared. Three were humans, but the others were that of alien species, from their shape. They began listing details about Blikk, such as his age, birthplace and information about his various galactic crimes. After they were finished, they all shouted "GUILTY!" The one closest to the center then spoke. "Sentence is to be carried out immediately." The screen immediately went black. Kzeleck looked to her for a second, a look on his face reading oh well. He pulled a gun out from his belt, launching a bullet into the alien's skull.

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Re: Aliens & Angels (P - Jedi) [Soft M?]

Postby Kitsumi » 01/05/2016 9:16 PM

Of course, Gloria had expected this particular alien to be guilty. Hearing his crimes listed, she could agree that he was a danger to all humans. Still, she wasn't happy to watch him die. Turning her head, she flinched as she heard the gunshot echo. "You could have done that somewhere else," she grumbled. "And don't think that I'm going to help clean up the blood." It wasn't as if she was afraid of blood or anything. She just didn't want to clean up the gore of a man who was killed practically right in front of her.

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