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Re: Somebody Else's Sky [Self]

Postby Shieba » 02/10/2011 10:30 AM

Having fallen asleep, she was woken the next morning when she was nudged by the Grim Paragon. “Wake up, demon-blood.” When she blinked, tired, and looked up at him, he nodded. “We talked to the Aumakuas. They told us to deliver you to them and that they would tell Hina of you.”

Ailys nodded and got up. “Thank you. Will we fly now?

”Yes. Same formation as in the night.” The Grim flew up and Ailys followed him, finding herself surrounded again, but this time, her guards were a female Windgill and two Lavamancer Paragon. Obviously, the Grim was the only one who was still awake after the night shift. She was glad for this, it was easier to deal with him again than with someone new.

It was, as Ailys learned, not that far until the island of Hina’s tribe. The Grim pointed it out when it got into sight. It was a fairly large island, most of it grassy and flat, with a beach made of fine sand. There was a forest on it, too, but it was rather small compared to the forests of the islands Ailys has stayed on so far. She could see the settlement clearly as soon as they got nearer; there appeared to be around eighty nests and from Hina’s tales she knew there were a few hatchlings as well, probably meaning Hina’s tribe had around hundred members. It seemed so small to Ailys, who had lived in the big cities with thousands of people, but in a good way. She hated and feared crowds.

She quickly saw where they would land – the whole Aumakua tribe seemed to have come together and everyone was forming a rather large circle. Ailys quickly looked around and saw Hina standing next to two Primal Paragon, probably her father and uncle. She searched for Hina’s emotions, but couldn’t clearly make them out in the mass of feelings washing up to her senses from all the Paragon below. Some were scared, some curious, but there was a great deal of resentment throughout.

The eyes of everyone were upon her when they landed, but the second Ailys touched the ground, Hina ran up to her. “Ailys! Are you alright?” Ailys found herself hugged and could do nothing more than return the embrace.

I am fine...I am sorry for worrying you.” What else could she say after leaving Hina behind? Ailys felt terrible and guilty, yet she could sense no anger from Hina, which confused her – until it flared up, but it wasn’t directed at her.

Why did you search the islands in our region?” she demanded to know from the Grim.

”Pardon me?” The Grim looked at Hina. “We didn’t, we would never. We found the demon while she was flying towards the shore, close to the rocks near the southern sandbank.”

Hina’s gaze returned to Ailys and the Halfling could feel her confusion, then disbelief, anger and hurt. “You left? You just...left in the middle of the night?!” Hina could feel her heart break. She had been so worried when she had heard about Ailys being captured and had felt nothing but anger towards the other clan overstepping their border, just to learn they hadn’t... and that Ailys, her Ailys, her best friend, had left her. She shook her head. “No... but yet, it is something you would do, wouldn’t you?

I’m sorry!” Ailys looked up. “I... I thought it was for the best! I didn’t want to burden you and I knew you would have tried to stop me with whatever means you had if I had waited any longer...!

”Silence!” one of the Primals roared then. Hina and Ailys both jumped and turned towards him, but he was nodding at Ailys’ guards. “Thank you for bringing her here. We will deal with her now. Send your chief my thanks for his cooperation in this matter.” He waited until the guards had nodded and taken flight, leaving Ailys and Hina in the middle of the circle. “Hina. You will tell us now who this person is, why you know her and what you know of her intentions.”

Hina drew a shaky breath. She couldn’t cry right now, couldn’t yell at Ailys. Right now, she had to follow her uncle’s orders. This was the crucial moment, she had this one chance to convince her tribe to take Ailys in. Inwardly, she smiled wryly. This would still be easier than convincing Ailys to stay... as her friend had just proven. But for now, the tribe had to know.

Ailys watched as, slowly at first, but then getting more fluent, Hina started to talk. How she had found Ailys, what Ailys was, then how she had hidden her on the island with the waterfall. Hina’s eyes never left her uncle, but Ailys felt how she was talking to the whole tribe. Hina also talked how important she, Ailys, was to her and Ailys felt tears in her eyes again. She had betrayed the only one caring about her so badly... yet she wasn’t sure if she really regretted what she had done, even though the guilt was right there, in the middle of her heart.

...I had planned on talking to you about this. I wanted Ailys to become a part of the clan and I still want that.” Hina heard her own pulse racing. She was used to talk in front of the people, but never had something been so important. “Ailys might be different from us, but she is not evil. It is not her fault she is what she was born as.

There was silence for a moment and Ailys tracked the emotions of the clan. Most were wary now, but it was clear they believed Hina a great deal. “You, Ailys”, the other Primal then said, “My daughter just spoke for you and is ready to vouch for you. Yet from what I heard earlier, you have hurt her. Is that true?”

Ailys needed a moment to find her voice. “Yes, I have. Hina told me she would do everything in her might to hold me here and I wanted to prevent that. I never wanted to hurt her, but I knew I would leave eventually, so it was not something I feel I could have prevented anyway. I thought... that leaving now, when she wasn’t expecting it, would be the best for us both.

”So you do, contrary to my daughter’s wish, not want to become a part of this tribe”, Hina’s father continued to ask.

Ailys glanced at Hina, who looked at her pleadingly. She was too scared to read her emotions right now. “I... I don’t feel I deserve it”, Ailys slowly answered. “I don’t feel like I belong here and that I would only cause trouble. I can’t be sure I’m not followed by my hunters from the mainland and, as Hina said, I’m different from you all. I have never been really part of society and know not much of its ways and I sometimes misjudge my own demon-strength. So, in the end, I feel like I would only be a burden. A dangerous burden.

I know my dreams are made of you
Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

However cold the wind and rain
I'll be there to ease your pain
However cruel the mirrors of sin
Remember beauty is found within

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Re: Somebody Else's Sky [Self]

Postby Shieba » 02/13/2011 4:16 AM

Hina’s uncle looked at her for a moment. “We have dealt with trouble from the mainland before”, he finally said and Ailys felt a great deal of relief washing over Hina next to her. “Yet we don’t know enough about you yet to fully judge. You will stay here for the time being until I have a clearer view of who you are. There will be guards stationed around the island to prevent you from escape.”

Hina felt her heart pound in her ears. Her uncle was doing this for her, to keep Ailys by her side, no matter what he was saying. But one look at Ailys showed her that this was the wrong way; that it would be enough to make Ailys stay temporarily, but not forever. And Hina realized that the only way to Ailys’ heart would be the one with the greatest risks. “Uncle, please don’t.” Hina shook her head. “No guards. I promise you that Ailys would never want to hurt someone. She… she must see that we are different – that we don’t see her as someone who needs to be watched and guarded. That we are different from the people on the mainland who treated her so badly.

”But you do realize that she could then leave in the middle of the night again and that no one would bring her back this time?” Hina’s father asked.

Hina sighed. “I am aware of that. But… everything begins with trust, does it not?” She smiled at Ailys, who looked at her surprised.

”Wise words, Hina.” Her uncle nodded. “Very well then, no guards. You will introduce your friend to the rest of the tribe then in the last free days you have before you return to your studies. Ailys, you are free to stay with the tribe for now. If you want to leave to visit the surrounding islands, please tell a guard. You are also free to leave for good – but know that if you do that, you can not come back. Do you understand?”

Yes, Sir.” Ailys bowed her head. “T-thank you for being so kind to me.

”Then this meeting is over now. Everyone, feel free to leave now!” Hina’s father and uncle turned around and left. Most members of the tribe lingered a bit longer and stared at Ailys. Hina finally nudged her friend and beckoned her to follow. Ailys nodded and together, they made their way down to the beach. In the shade of two palm trees, Ailys sighed and sat down.

Hina watched Ailys and sat down next to her, unsure what to say. Finally, she made up her mind. “Please stay for a month”, she slowly said. “The season of storms will be gone then and you could leave in safety, if you still wish so. But… please give the tribe a month, just like you gave me a month in the last weeks. You have nothing to lose. I know they seem unsure and rather hostile now, but I promise they will change.

Ailys said nothing for a minute, feeling Hina’s emotions instead. The other Paragon was angry with her, but kept her rage in check. She also was obviously relieved, though Ailys couldn’t say if that was because of her uncle’s decision or because Ailys had failed to escape. And she was sad and felt betrayed and this hurt Ailys more than she wanted to admit. She sighed. How could she deny Hina her wish after all she had done to her? And Hina was right – there was not much Ailys had to lose if she tried. ‘Everything beings with trust’, Hina has said and Ailys decided that, if anyone, Hina deserved her trust; Hina, who had fought for her even though she was hurt. And if the tribe was willing to give her a chance as well… “Alright. One month.

Hina sighed in relief. “Thank you!” She lay down next to Ailys, who followed her example. “…I’m really a bit mad at you, but you probably know that already. So go ahead and eat so at least I won’t be angry in vain.

I’m sorry…” Ailys closed her eyes and did just as Hina had suggested; not only was she hungry but she also knew Hina would appreciate it.

Hina watched Ailys, who seemed, given the circumstances, at least halfway relaxed. In the end, things had gone much better than she had anticipated. And she had a month now; she knew Ailys would keep her promise. And…

Hina mentally fought with herself. Ailys had been through enough change today, but Hina had never been one who had been good at keeping secrets. And especially not from Ailys, who could read her emotions so easily. Right now, she could hide behind her anger, but…

What are you thinking?” Ailys asked. “You are troubled all of sudden. Tell me? Is it because of the introductions?

Hina laughed lightly. “No, I’m sure everyone will like you just fine. It’s just… just…” She sighed. “I love you, Ailys.

I know my dreams are made of you
Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

However cold the wind and rain
I'll be there to ease your pain
However cruel the mirrors of sin
Remember beauty is found within

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Re: Somebody Else's Sky [Self]

Postby Shieba » 02/13/2011 4:19 AM

…What?!” Ailys opened her eyes and looked at Hina, shocked. Surely the other Paragon meant that she loved her as a friend? Ailys reached for Hina’s emotions again, more careful this time and looking closer. “That…

I think I have for a long time.” Hina just smiled, a bit unsure. “But I just realized it, in the minute when I was told you had been caught and I was so worried… I realized… that I don’t want to live without you anymore.” Looking at Ailys’ shocked face, knowing the Halfling was reading the truth in her emotions now, she sighed. “You don’t have to say anything. I just wanted you to know. Please don’t feel forced to stay – or leave – because of this.

I… I just…” Ailys struggled for words. No one had ever loved her before. And Hina was a girl, just like her. How could this even be? “I… I don’t know anything about love”, she finally admitted. “It’s not something I ever learned about. You are the first one who ever told me that. I am… I am honored. I wish I could tell you I love you, too, but I… I don’t know. There is no one in my life who is as important as you and I never want to hurt you, ever. But I don’t know if that is love…

It’s perfectly alright. That already is enough for me.” Hina tried not be sad; this was even more than she had hoped for, but… “Just stay with me for another month right now and I will be happy. And then stay forever. As my friend.” The last thing she wanted was for Ailys to be pressured into something else right now.

Alright…” Ailys was glad that Hina seemed content to just lie there right now since she felt overwhelmed with everything right now. Not only was she suddenly in the middle of a tribe, Hina now also was in love with her, which changed the one thing she had right now to cling to as something she knew. But if Hina was willing to just leave things like they had been for now, hopefully things would be fine.

Someone approached from behind, but stopped. Ailys could feel uncertainty radiating and looked up. Hina, startled by her friend’s movements, looked up as well and saw an old Frost Paragon standing there. Inwardly, she braced herself. “That’s Morgana. She’s a cranky old, superstitious woman – she’s been the one who kind of forced my uncle to dispatch the guards searching for you by just annoying him with her dark talking without end”, she whispered to Ailys. “Let me do the talking, I’ll try to—

“You there, Halfling.” Old Morgana simply interrupted Hina. “So you eat negative emotions like a pure-blood demon?”

Yes, I do…” Ailys stayed wary, but unlike her tone suggested, there was no malice in the Frost’s emotions, which confused her.

Morgana stared at Ailys for a moment, then nodded. “Come to my nest this evening. Miss Hina can show you the way.” She turned around and started to walk away.

Ailys looked at Hina helplessly and confused. Hina mirrored her glance. “Morgana, why—“, Hina called after the old Paragon.

”I’m having back pains since weeks in the evening. It’s the storm’s coming that I feel in my bones. About darn time there’s a use for this!” Morgana didn’t stop.

Both totally speechless, Hina and Ailys watched until the Frost Paragon had left. Then, Hina giggled, feeling much better than just a moment before. “You have just been invited to a free meal. And I suggest you follow the invitation. If old Morgana accepts you, things will be well. And we need to figure out how to keep you fed anyway. There’s not much drama going on here normally.

I see…” Ailys shook her head, still unable to believe that so many people were suddenly so nice to her.

I know my dreams are made of you
Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

However cold the wind and rain
I'll be there to ease your pain
However cruel the mirrors of sin
Remember beauty is found within

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Re: Somebody Else's Sky [Self]

Postby Shieba » 02/13/2011 5:56 AM

As her uncle wished, Hina used the rest of the day to introduce Ailys, who shyly and unsure of what to do just walked behind her friend and quietly greeted the other Paragon. Most of them were just as stumped as the Halfling, but almost everyone made an effort to be friendly. Especially the hatchlings were excited to meet someone new and, unable to comprehend why Ailys was different, made her promise to play with them soon. Hina especially made sure to introduce Ailys to the healer of the tribe, an older Placid, who was interested in Ailys’ abilities to locate pain so well. Hoping that Ailys, now that she was somewhere where everyone knew she ate emotions, would maybe pick up her old profession as a healer’s assistant again, Hina made sure to tell Ailys that everyone of the tribe was supposed to contribute something for everyone’s sake.

Ailys had trouble to keep up with all the names and faces, having never been in the situation to know so many others before. When the sun was finally about to set and Hina brought her to old Morgana, Ailys had long given up on remembering everyone. Morgana had, indeed, back pains and, after making sure that Ailys was indeed eating, Hina left her friend in the care of the old Paragon. When Ailys returned an hour later and reported shyly that she had located the woman’s pain and applied a pressure technique she had learned years ago to help, she was more than sure that Morgana would tell all the other old Paragon of the tribe and Ailys would soon end up very popular with the older generation.

On Hina’s last free day, the two friends flew back to the island with the waterfall and spent the day just talking and enjoying the warm sun. Away from all the people, Ailys felt much better, though she could sense Hina’s love within the emotions of the other Paragon all the time. However strange this was still for her, though, she couldn’t help but feel happy about it as well.

On the next day, Hina had to return to her studies, which left Ailys alone for most of the day. At first not knowing what she wanted to do, she considered flying to the island again, but was then approached by a few Paragon of the tribe and asked to help gathering wood for new nests for the hatchlings. Ailys gladly went with them, happily using her supernatural strength to break small trees into pieces. As soon as she had returned with the more than impressed other Paragon, she got caught by the hatchlings and, to their delight, flew around with them on her back, effortlessly carrying as many as her size allowed. When Hina returned from her lessons in the late afternoon, she found Ailys half asleep, but content.

Ailys found herself surprised at how quickly the days went by after that. She was always busy with one thing or the other, helping out with various tasks. Like Hina had assumed, Ailys quickly had to join forces with the healer to keep the older Paragon happy and as pain-free as possible. Whenever someone was sick or ill, she got approached by them to get some food; something she still couldn’t really believe since she had always seen that aspect of her demon-side as the worst, yet it seemed to be natural for everyone else to feed her this way.

Hina asked Ailys once if she didn’t want to build a nest, hope in her voice. But Ailys sadly shook her head, telling how she had built one only once in her life and had to leave it behind to flee soon after and didn’t feel certain enough that she would stay yet to try again. Hina could tell that, while Ailys certainly wasn’t unhappy with the tribe, she was still wary because she couldn’t believe that no one wished her to go away. And while there remained some Paragon who weren’t happy with the Halfling being there, they didn’t raise their voices; especially not after Ailys became widely accepted by everyone else.

I know my dreams are made of you
Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

However cold the wind and rain
I'll be there to ease your pain
However cruel the mirrors of sin
Remember beauty is found within

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Re: Somebody Else's Sky [Self]

Postby Shieba » 02/13/2011 6:30 AM

More than two weeks after Ailys had been introduced to the tribe, the storm hit. Ailys was visiting her old island when she got surprised by the wind getting stronger and clouds slowly covering the sun and she hurried to get back before she got trapped. It was only thanks to her demon-strength that she managed to fight against the rising storm and land on the island of the tribe safely. Fighting wind and sand getting blown into her face on the beach, she made her way towards the main part of the settlement, hoping that everyone was safe.

They had spent the last days securing the nests; Ailys had helped to bury big stones and large trees around them so that they wouldn’t get carried away by the wind. She found most of the tribe curled up in their nests or still hurrying around, making sure they had enough food stored to last a few days without moving too much. Ailys, who had offered to check on everyone from time to time since she was basically the only one who would be able to move around during the worst storm, started her duty already and made sure that all the hatchlings were with their families.

“Ailys!” Hina’s father approached her, having to roar over the wind to make his voice heard. “Have you seen Hina? I can’t find her, was she with you?”

Ailys felt her blood run cold. Hina was missing?! ”N-no! She wasn’t! She wanted to help with the food rations!” Ailys yelled back and immediately started to worry. “I’ll search for her!” This was unlike Hina, where could she have gone? Ailys strained her senses, but couldn’t feel Hina’s emotions anywhere nearby. Leaving Hina’s father to look around the main area, where there would be enough shelter to protect him from the ever-increasing wind, Ailys left for the other parts of the island.

Circling the island by following the beach, Ailys grew increasingly more panicked when Hina’s aura continued to remain absent. What if something had happened to her? Fighting against the elements, Ailys bravely made her way forward, glad that the sand was soaked enough by now that only the wind continued to hinder her sight. Two times, she was almost swept away by sudden waves and hurried to stay away from the water then, even though it meant she had to stumble over more rocks.

After searching half the island, Hina still remained missing. What was left of the island was the part with the forest, but why would Hina go there during a storm? By now, even Ailys had trouble to walk and the forest was a deathtrap, with branches breaking and being whirled around by the wind. Yet it was the only place where Hina still could be if she hadn’t left the island. Ailys just hoped Hina hadn’t tried to come to her to warn her about the storm and was now stranded on one of the other islands, all alone – or worse. Determined to even fly if she had to, Ailys for now braved the forest, hoping for the best. If she got hit by a falling tree, she wouldn’t die thanks to her demon-bones, but if she was knocked unconscious, the wind could carry her away. Still, there was no other way.

I know my dreams are made of you
Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

However cold the wind and rain
I'll be there to ease your pain
However cruel the mirrors of sin
Remember beauty is found within

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Re: Somebody Else's Sky [Self]

Postby Shieba » 02/13/2011 6:53 AM

Tears were running down Ailys’ face which weren't only caused by the wind blowing into her face. Life had always treated her badly, from the very first moment. If fate now took Hina away from her… Hina, who was her best friend; Hina, who had offered her a home when no one had ever before; Hina, who had risked so much for her by hiding her – and Hina, who loved her and wanted to be with her… The thought alone of losing Hina was unbearable. Ailys doubted she would be able to go on if something happened to Hina.

When she entered the forest, it started to rain. Leaves, dirt and small branches were whirled around, the trees were bending under the force of the storm and it was as dark as if the sun was already about to go down. Ailys feared she would get lost in the moving, ever-bending forest, being almost blind by now thanks to the rainstorm. Even though the trees offered at least a bit of protection, she was soaked soon. She was glad that she couldn’t get ill like normal beings and pressed onward, stumbling over roots and stones and slipping on wet moss.

How long she was making her way through the forest, she didn’t know. She got hit by branches suddenly swinging her way more than once and was glad that the wounds she suffered from thorns and sharp stones healed immediately, but Ailys figured out very quickly that she was, indeed, lost. Every direction seemed the same; nothing but bending trees and rain and dirt. At least she was somewhat protected from the wind, which helped with her breathing, but that was just a small relief compared to everything else the forest flung at her.

And then, only faintly at first, Ailys finally felt Hina’s aura. As fast as she could, she tumbled forward, now with her goal set before her. To her relief, Hina’s aura was strong and not flickering, but when she came nearer, Ailys also felt panic and worry in Hina’s emotions. There was almost no light left by now, but Ailys’ demon-senses were good enough to help her see at least enough for now – enough to see Hina in the distance between the trees, fighting bravely against the elements.

Hina!” Ailys couldn’t even hear her own voice over the howl of the wind, but the other Paragon still looked up. Hina had various scratches, but seemed otherwise unharmed. Then she pointed forward and Ailys hurried to keep up when the other Placid tried desperately to move on. Ailys was almost next to her friend when she saw what Hina was doing in the forest in the first place: She was chasing after an egg which the wind had obviously seized and which was, amazingly, still whole, but rolled away from them both, carried by the storm.

Moving with the wind instead of against it right now, Ailys waited until she had a bit of space between the trees, then she spread her wings and allowed the storm to propel her forward. She was almost flung against a tree, but managed to catch herself before that and landed in front of the egg. Gripping two trees to her left and right and burying her feet deep into the ground, she stopped the egg from rolling further away. Hina caught up to her and, being shielded by Ailys, managed to finally grab the egg.

Then Ailys saw the big branch, suddenly shooting out of the dark in front of Hina. Grabbing her friend, Ailys quickly pressed Hina to the ground and took the blow instead. For a moment, her vision went black and when she finally blinked again and shook her head to clear her thoughts, she saw Hina frightened and worried shouting something at her she couldn’t make out over the wind.

I know my dreams are made of you
Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

However cold the wind and rain
I'll be there to ease your pain
However cruel the mirrors of sin
Remember beauty is found within

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Re: Somebody Else's Sky [Self]

Postby Shieba » 02/13/2011 7:25 AM

Ailys forced herself to stand up again, dragging Hina with her. Holding onto Hina while the other Placid pressed the egg against her chest, they slowly started to make their way back. Wherever ‘back’ was – Ailys couldn’t tell in which direction they were heading or if they were walking in circles. But Hina seemed to recognize some landmarks; a giant rock, a small cave and something that had been a stream before but was now already half a river. Ailys allowed Hina to push her into whatever direction she wanted to head; the Halfling felt how even her strength was slowly approaching its limits and wanted nothing more than to be out of this forest.

The storm raged fully now and a few times, Ailys had to rescue Hina from things flying their way again. Hina’s aura was getting weaker as well, but she radiated confidence and Ailys clung to that, hoping that Hina would steer them correctly.

And then, almost suddenly, the forest ended and they were out again. The wind hit them like a fiend and for a second, Ailys had trouble breathing and was gasping for air until Hina forced her to look at the ground, which helped. They were at the side of the island and it was still a good distance until they would arrive at the nests, but at least there was no chance of them getting lost anymore.

How long it took them to reach the settlement, Ailys didn’t know, but it felt like hours. When they met the first nests and their concerned inhabitants, Hina just smiled weakly and pressed on, now being able again without Ailys’ help thanks to the strategically placed rocks and old trees. With a tired smile, she managed to return the egg to the more than grateful and worried mother, then turned into the direction of her own nest and Ailys, too tired to think anymore, just stayed by her side.

Hina’s father and uncle looked up when they approached, both obviously relieved that their family member was save, but Ailys didn’t even notice. All that mattered right now was that Hina was and would be safe and that she reached her home. Ailys had made herself a small sleeping spot near the beach which she had made secure with rocks, but when they finally reached Hina’s nest, Hina just dragged Ailys into it with her and Ailys just let it happen.

And then they were safe; protected from the storm by the high rim and the stones around the nest and Ailys just lay there, clinging to Hina and then sobbing. So happy that Hina was well, so glad that she wasn’t dead, that her own life still had its center and that everything would be alright.

Hina held onto Ailys as well as the other woman cried and black essence dripped from her eyes onto Hina. Ailys had saved her; chased after her through the forest just as Hina had chased and saved Ailys all these weeks ago and Hina wasn’t ready to let go. She wanted Ailys to stay with her, for now and forever.

The nest was too small for both of them, but all that mattered to them was that they were together, keeping each other warm in the middle of the raging wind. And, exhausted beyond all measure, even the howling storm couldn’t stop them from falling asleep.

I know my dreams are made of you
Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

However cold the wind and rain
I'll be there to ease your pain
However cruel the mirrors of sin
Remember beauty is found within

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Re: Somebody Else's Sky [Self]

Postby Shieba » 02/13/2011 8:24 AM

The storm raged for two more days, with no one but Ailys moving around, who quickly made her rounds to check if everyone was alright and, by the most worried Paragon, being invited to stay for a quick meal before returning to Hina’s side. Being forced to share a nest made her body hurt quite a bit, but she preferred that over leaving Hina alone.

When the wind finally abated and most of the tribe agreed that while there would still be violent winds, there would be no other storm, everyone started to clean up. Rocks and branches were littering every part of the island and all Paragon were glad to stretch their bodies a bit by helping to restore their home after sitting around doing nothing for so long. Hina’s duties forced her to coordinate the efforts together with her father and uncle, which left Ailys to deal with the bigger branches and small trees which had been uprooted, but when most of the work was done and it looked like the night would be clear, Hina and Ailys excused themselves and flew to their island with the waterfall.

The storm had shaken the other island badly as well and both took the time to clear the area around the lake a bit before they settled down, willing to spend the night there. When it got colder, they retreated to the cave and, being so used to it now, curled up next to each other.

Hina rested her head on Ailys’ back. “Thank you for saving me. I hadn’t had the time or chance to tell you yet.

Ailys smiled. “I was just returning the favor. Besides that…I couldn’t and can't imagine to live without you anymore.

Hina raised her head to look at Ailys. “Does that mean you are staying with the tribe?!

Ailys laughed lightly when Hina’s hope washed over her. “Not the tribe. But with you. I’m going to stay with you. You’ve become the center of my world and I don’t think I can be without you anymore. ‘Home is where the heart lies’, right? And my heart… that belongs to you.” She gently leaned against Hina. “Keep it safe, please.

Hina had trouble not to simply cry or scream in happiness and failed miserably, starting to cry silently against Ailys, who just held her, letting Hina’s emotions do the talking for the other Paragon. For the first time, Ailys wished she could sense her own emotions as well or just send them to Hina, so Hina would know how truly happy she was. She sensed Hina’s question before the other female managed to dare to ask. “Yes.” Ailys smiled. “I believe I love you. More than anything in the world… for you are my universe.

Hina couldn’t believe what she was hearing, that it wasn’t her brain playing a trick on her, but one look into Ailys’ eyes confirmed every word. Sobbing, she nuzzled Ailys. “Y-you want to be my mate? Build a nest with me? H-have a family, maybe?

I’d love to be your mate.” Ailys gently returned the caress. She had no idea how they were supposed to have a family, with both of them being females, but then she remembered Hina, with the egg clutched to her chest and figured that maybe, there would be a way, one day. For now, she was already overwhelmed with happiness by just having Hina - her Hina - and Hina’s love. Never would she have imagined that someone like her could ever find love. “Do you think we can get your father’s and uncle's blessing?

Hina laughed under her tears. “I’m sure they already suspect something. Don’t worry about it, everyone will approve. And I mean everyone. You are a part of the tribe now.

Ailys pressed Hina against her and lay down back again, pulling Hina with her and getting comfortable. The cave was nice for now, but a big nest for them both would be even better. She certainly looked forward to building it. “Guess I can’t escape the tribe anymore, being the mate of the niece of the chief…

Hina smiled. “No chance indeed. You’ll just have to suffer through everyone liking you.

I’ll just sneak off with you to this place here whenever we get the chance.” Ailys wrapped her tail around Hina’s.

I look forward to that.” Hina sighed happily, cuddling closer. “This is the island of my childhood, my past, filled with so many happy memories. I can’t wait to spend some wonderful time in my future here as well, with you.” She looked at the ceiling of the cave and smiled. “When I was a hatchling and my father always brought me here, I practiced flying in this cave. I was always terrified to try it outside because the sky seemed so big and far away, but here, I felt safe. This here was my world, with my own little sky. I’m so happy that I brought you here, of all places, when I found you, because I want you to be forever part of my world.

Ailys looked at the ceiling of the cave as well, familiar with it from all the nights she had spent inside and felt warmed by the fact that she was finally home, here, under Hina’s sky.


I know my dreams are made of you
Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

However cold the wind and rain
I'll be there to ease your pain
However cruel the mirrors of sin
Remember beauty is found within

*~*~*Pen*~*~*Wishlist*~*~*Imp. Docs*~*~*
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