In contrast to the Dead Coast, Sa'fir Coast is jokingly referred to as the world's largest pepper deposit because of its black sand beaches. They attract tourists, who can enjoy the tropical landscape of Barakka without facing its harsh environments. (+2 Endurance)

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.:.'Enjoying' the Beach.:. (P)

Postby Remedy » 08/02/2010 1:29 PM

Kawena slowly strode along the black sandy beaches, smelling the sea air and letting her mind wander.  She closed her eyes.  It was so peaceful here...  She thought about the Village, about what prank she was going to pull next, about who it would be on...  Calming beaches certainly helped sooth the evil mi- K's eyes shot open as she found herself in a three foot deep pit.  She fell in while she was walking with her eyes closed...  An oh so familiar giggle snort came from above, and she looked up to see Madison, her 'arch-enemy'.  "Gaah!  I hate you!" she screamed up at her, scrambling to stand up and get out of the pit.  Madison just laughed, then turned around and started pushing black sand into the hole ontop of Kawena.  She escaped before Madison finished, and chased her all up and down the beach.  Before Kawena could stop her, though, Madison had run into the water and disappeared.  "Stupid... Hydrokuhna..." Kawena said, catching her breath.  She was standing right along the shoorline, and a line of water shot up at her and splashed her in the face.  "I hate you." she said angrily, turning around and heading back up the beach.

I think back to the time when my search first began,
I left behind those shores of sand
For the endless everlasting world out there.

I know that with this burning passion driving me
Someday, somewhere I'll finally see
The light I have searched for everywhere!

-One Piece, "Hikari E"

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Re: .:.'Enjoying' the Beach.:. (P)

Postby Eunwon » 08/02/2010 7:13 PM

Bitter trotted along the side of the beach feeling slightly uncomfortable. It was, afterall, her first time without her mother's protection... and her brother. She sighed, remembering her brother's scent and voice. He wasn't her only sibling, she had three more besides him, but Ghastly was by far the closest to her. If only he could be here with her right now, then everything would be perfect. It seemed that her lively and slightly, troublesome, spirit had drained out of her the moment Eunwon told her to go and get some fresh air, without Ghastly. That was the bad part - being without her brother was nearly unbearable. She had been with him since birth, and the minute they were born the two had this 'connection' that nobody else could understand. Even though they were still just kits, Ghastly and her had become partners in crime, and together they dared to play tricks on the most ferocious and evil critters of the pen. And together they survived. Together. It just wasn't the same without him.

Bitter tried to stay happy but things just didn't seem right - although the kuhna had to admit the sand sinking into her paws was bliss. She looked around, trying to push all the other thoughts out of her mind. The Kuhna closed her eyes for a moment, breathing in the sea air and letting the water lap on top of her paws every now and then. For a second Ghastly almost cleared her mind, almost. She snapped out of her 'heaven' when she heard a voice, an angry voice. Looking up, Bitter saw a Kuhna walking away with a mad look from the beach. Something must of been up, and her curious nature took control.

She padded up to the Kuhna, tempted to do some kind of prank (like always), but she assumed this wasn't the best time right now. "Excuse me, but is there anything that you need help with?" Bitter smiled kindly, though the smile didn't follow her thoughts at all. She wasn't really interested in what made this Kuhna so angry, she just wanted to know what happened. Knowing Bitter, she wasn't the type to, care, to much about others. If it had been her way, she would have simply stated ''What's the matter with you?" And of course, with that famous smirk plastered across her face. But, if she had done that, the Kuhna would have most likely stomped off and Bitter would never know what happened.
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Postby Remedy » 08/03/2010 2:14 PM

Kawena looked at the new kuhna and blushed.  It must seem pretty ridiculous for a young girl like herself to be yelling angrily at the sea. She begun, "Oh, it's just that ideot Hydrokuhna messing with me again.  Her name's Madison, and she's a real pain in the-" All of a sudden, another line of water shot out of the ocean and sprayed her in the face.  "...Yeah." she said.  Little spurts of giggles came from the waves.  When the next one came creeping up on the black sand, a puddle of water stayed there as it went back out.  The puddle then materialized into a mischevious looking Hydrokuhna.  "Oh, you're no fun.  Do you give up?" Madison asked, her two tails flicking.  "You wish." Kawena muttered.

I think back to the time when my search first began,
I left behind those shores of sand
For the endless everlasting world out there.

I know that with this burning passion driving me
Someday, somewhere I'll finally see
The light I have searched for everywhere!

-One Piece, "Hikari E"

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Re: .:.'Enjoying' the Beach.:. (P)

Postby Eunwon » 08/03/2010 2:24 PM

Bitter couldn't help but let out a slight chuckle, and she gave a side-long glance at Madison. It reminded her of back at the pen, when she and Ghastly would do little pranks like that. Well, Bitter had nothing else to do and it wouldn't really be any harm to hang around the two for a while. Who knows? Maybe she could work with the Kuhna to pull a prank on Madison, and nothing could have been better than a prank at the moment. "So, what is your name? I'm Bitter. I'm a Ghastly Kuhna but me and my brother, Ghastly - a Bitter Kuhna - decided to switch names as a prank... But it turned out being a life-long thing. So now I'm stuck with the name Bitter and I'm a Ghastly!" Bitter smiled, but she shot a quick look at the Kuhna, hoping she hadn't bored her.
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Postby Remedy » 08/03/2010 3:33 PM

Kawena and Madison looked a tad confused.  "Wow..." they said at the same time, which followed by a hateful glance at each other.  They were known for saying the same things at the same time back at the Village, and being enimies and all, that didn't really please them.  
"My name is Kawena, and like I said before, this is Madison." Kawena said, introducing them both.

I think back to the time when my search first began,
I left behind those shores of sand
For the endless everlasting world out there.

I know that with this burning passion driving me
Someday, somewhere I'll finally see
The light I have searched for everywhere!

-One Piece, "Hikari E"

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Re: .:.'Enjoying' the Beach.:. (P)

Postby Eunwon » 08/03/2010 5:39 PM

Bitter wasn't surprised to see a confused look on there face. Most everyone was confused as well, anyways, and it's not like it bothered her. She just enjoyed the look when people messed up and called the two opposite names and then get angry every time Bitter and Ghastly corrected them. But then it was her turn to be confused, the two, Madison and the other Kuhna seemed to say the same thing, and then get all worked up about it. Which means that saying the same thing at the same time wasn't new. "Nice to meet you, Kawena and Madison. What are you guys up to today?" She smiled at them, being a whole lot nicer than she normally was. So Kawena was the name of the Reiz Kuhna. That was, er, different? Well, compared to Madison at least. Bitter wondered what all the tension was all about, and she hoped somehow she would be able to get the truth.
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Postby Remedy » 08/03/2010 8:07 PM

Madison smiled.  Nice to meet you too.  Today, oh I dunno, I'm planing on ruining whatever she's planning, I guess." She said, grinning at Kawena.  "Already have... " Kawena muttered.  "You can just call me K, if you want." She added.  She cast a glance at Madison that said, 'I'd kill you if Bitter weren't here right now'.  
She and Madison had always had a grudge against each other, mostly because they hated the fact that they were so alike.  And maybe also because they like the same guy, but mostly because they were too alike.  For example, When you want to claim the title 'prank master' but someone with your identical personality comes along, it gets pretty competitive.

I think back to the time when my search first began,
I left behind those shores of sand
For the endless everlasting world out there.

I know that with this burning passion driving me
Someday, somewhere I'll finally see
The light I have searched for everywhere!

-One Piece, "Hikari E"

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Re: .:.'Enjoying' the Beach.:. (P)

Postby Eunwon » 08/04/2010 8:19 PM

Bitter had to laugh at Madison's statement of ruining Kawena's day, though she also shot an apologetic glance at the Reiz Kuhna - hoping she hadn't offened her. She wondered why these two hated each other so much, after all, they seemed pretty similiar, so wouldn't they have 'clicked' right away? The Bitter Kuhna hadn't got ahold of the other perspective yet, where being to alike could be highly competitive and annoying. There wasn't to many arguements or fights back at her home, so she wasn't all that used to bickers and debates. Being in a family with five children, that seems like an unusual thing. But three of Bitter's siblings went to live with her father, so when she did see them, they were all on good terms. Ghastly, the one sibling that did stay with her, well, he was far to important to Bitter than to argue with him. She shook her head at the thought. "Well then... Do you guys wanna do something?" Bitter was aiming at a subject change, so that maybe the two's arguement would settle for a while. In the end, the Ghastly Kuhna was hoping to choose which one she liked more, and then help the one get revenge by playing a prank on the other.
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Postby Remedy » 08/04/2010 10:28 PM

Kawena did feel a bit bad at the laughing, but she certainly didn't show it.  Instead, she smirked and put her flame tipped tail beneath Madison's, and in a minute or so, Madison't tail was boiling and steaming.  She yelped and jumped into the ocean, disappearing.  Kawena chuckled and said, completely ignoring Madison who had rematerialized on the land, "Sure, I'd love to do something.  What something did you have in mind?"  Madison grumbled something that sounded like this: 'I'll *grumble*put that *grumble* tail *grumble* you won't be laughin when *grumble* flame goes out...'  and so on.  kawena only sat there and grinned.

I think back to the time when my search first began,
I left behind those shores of sand
For the endless everlasting world out there.

I know that with this burning passion driving me
Someday, somewhere I'll finally see
The light I have searched for everywhere!

-One Piece, "Hikari E"

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Re: .:.'Enjoying' the Beach.:. (P)

Postby Eunwon » 08/05/2010 4:04 PM

"Nice, Kawena." Bitter stated with a genuine smile, though making sure Madison was fully in the water - it wouldn't have been good if she heard. The Ghastly Kuhna was slightly impressed, though. If she had a flame tail, she would have done the same excat same thing. "Actually, I was hoping you would have something in mind... But if you don't I'm sure we can figure something out..." She then smiled at the two of them, as she was actually having fun.
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Re: .:.'Enjoying' the Beach.:. (P)

Postby NatureGirl » 08/06/2010 10:41 AM

Rillian shook her head and laughed at the antics of the creatures above the surface. She had been watching them for a while now. She looked down at Tear, only visible to her and those he trusted. "I should go up, shouldn't I?" she asked her constant companian. He looked up at her and nodded his head enthusiastically. Rillian sighed and let him climb onto her back as she stood. She gasped mentally as she brushed by one of the angry Kuhnas leaving. She laughed silently and surfaced as the Kuhna kept moving and grumbling to itself. Rillian sat down in the warm sand and made herself comfortable. "Hello, I'm Rillian. I see that we have an arguement going on here," she laughed quietly as she addressed the others. As Rill spoke, Tear peeked over Rill's head at the others. He ducked back down and snuggled against Rill. Newcomers...
he thought as he snuggled down even more.

(hey guys, so sorry i'm really late!!! my concussion and all so... you know...)
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There's a hate inside of me like some kind of master
I try to save you but I can't find the answer
I'm holding onto you, I'll never let go
I need with you with me as I enter the shadows

Caught in the darkness I go blind
But can you help me find my way out?
Nobody hears me, I suffer the silence.
Can you tell me it's over now?
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Postby Remedy » 08/06/2010 1:38 PM

Madison looked at Rillian.  She stopped grumbling, smiled, and said, 'Hello.  My name is Madison, and over there is Bitter and That-Ideot-Who-Boiled-My-Tail."  Kawena laughed and smiled as well.  "Yes... nice to meet you.  And please,  just Ideot is fine." she winked at Rillian, then turned back to Bitter.  "So um...  I don't really know what we should do.  we could explore the beaches some.  I've never been here before." she said.

I think back to the time when my search first began,
I left behind those shores of sand
For the endless everlasting world out there.

I know that with this burning passion driving me
Someday, somewhere I'll finally see
The light I have searched for everywhere!

-One Piece, "Hikari E"

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Re: .:.'Enjoying' the Beach.:. (P)

Postby Eunwon » 08/07/2010 12:23 AM

(No problem, ^^.)

"Yeah, that would be fun. I've never been here either - actually I've never been anywhere. It's my first time out alone, and I have to say, I'm enjoying the freedom." Bitter smiled, and glanced at the newcomer, Rillian. She was a Kalamarei, right? The aquatic creature looked just like Ben, except for her color, of course. "Hey there, like she said, I'm Bitter. Nice to meet you!" Glancing back at Kawena and Madison she added, Perhaps you'd like to join our little 'exploration'?"
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Re: .:.'Enjoying' the Beach.:. (P)

Postby NatureGirl » 08/09/2010 1:57 PM

Rillian looked at the other Kuhna. "Nice to meet you all as well," she laughed quietly. "And I would love to join you!" She smiled at all of them, hoping to seem welcoming or nice. Maybe presentable. Tear looked over her head as he felt Rill talk. Rilly's okay with them... Maybe they're okay... he thought timidly. "Rilly," he whispered right behind her ear. Rillain felt a brush of air behind her ear and heard her name. She twitched her ear as a response. "Rilly... are they okay?" Tear asked her, afraid to make himself noticed. Rillian smiled to herself. "They're very nice people, Tear," she said, trying to assure him. "Would you like to come out?" she whispered. Tear shook his head against her and she sighed. "Okay, maybe later then!" she smiled to him as he snuggled down again.
~ My Zoo Pen! ~ Wishes! ~ My Clickies! ~
Red - Shadows

Click Me!

There's a hate inside of me like some kind of master
I try to save you but I can't find the answer
I'm holding onto you, I'll never let go
I need with you with me as I enter the shadows

Caught in the darkness I go blind
But can you help me find my way out?
Nobody hears me, I suffer the silence.
Can you tell me it's over now?
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Postby Remedy » 08/09/2010 2:04 PM

Kawena smiled.  "That's perfect!  I'm sure this place has a lot of cool stuff to find." she said excitedly.  Madison smiled too and when Kawena wasn't looking, she spit water onto her flaming tail.  It didn't do anything, though; all they heard was 'tsssssssssssss', and Kawena didn't even flinch.  She smiled at Madison and said, "You'll have to try a lot harder than that, honey."  Madison hissed at her, embarrassed in her failer to upset Kawena.
"So, where should we head off to?" Kawena asked Rillian and Bitter.

I think back to the time when my search first began,
I left behind those shores of sand
For the endless everlasting world out there.

I know that with this burning passion driving me
Someday, somewhere I'll finally see
The light I have searched for everywhere!

-One Piece, "Hikari E"

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