In contrast to the Dead Coast, Sa'fir Coast is jokingly referred to as the world's largest pepper deposit because of its black sand beaches. They attract tourists, who can enjoy the tropical landscape of Barakka without facing its harsh environments. (+2 Endurance)

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Seaside Explorations (Open)

Postby Thunder » 08/29/2010 3:05 PM

(Human Form)

The pirate ship floated quietly on the waters, anchored down near one of the town's small docks. On its side, in faded pale blue paint, were the words "The Blue Tide". Those who passed by the ship stared at it warily. There was not much in Sa'fir that would be of interest to pirates, unless these particular pirates had a thing for black sand beaches, and they couldn't imagine why the ship was there. It seemed that perhaps some mischief was going on, and they did their best to avoid the area.

But the truth was that the pirates were not there to plunder or do anything else that could be considered a crime. They were simply resting from a long voyage, and the ship's captain had sent down a few less suspicious looking fellows to buy some supplies so they could set sail again soon. The captain himself, Vell, was taking a stroll through the small town, after giving firm orders to his crew so they wouldn't run off and cause trouble while he wasn't there. His lady Tara was watching them, and if something happened, she would inform him immediately, and he would give his followers a sound scolding. Vell liked causing havoc from time to time, but this was such a small, quiet place, and he did not want to break the peace of the citizens that lived here.

So instead, he decided to explore the town and do a bit of window shopping, and maybe he would find some nice jewelry for Tara. Although, he thought, I could always just conjure some crystals out of the ground...but where's the fun in that? Vell gazed down at the fine, rainbow colored mist that surrounded both of his hands, his own personal Crystal Dragonforce that gave him the ability to summon gemstones from the earth.

"And of course," he laughed to himself, "she'd be more flattered if I bought something for her!"

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Re: Seaside Explorations (Open)

Postby SpringsSong » 08/29/2010 3:20 PM

"Aquina!  I must object to this frivolous shoppin', ya hear?  We should be preparin' the Sapphire!"

"What's the use without Marc there, Enrin?  Or Jonju?  Or... Tillo or his brother or Abbie?" the Hydrokuhna asked, glaring back at the Winter Kitrell.  "The Sapphire's empty to me now, Enrin.  And we can't expect Miss Rai'naren to keep with us, either."

"Now, you get yer head back on those shoulders, Cap'n!" Enrin said.  "Th' ship 'erself might be empty wi'out the rest o' the crew, but that don't mean ya have to abandon 'er!"

Both were rather oblivious to the other pirate that was there, but that would doubtless change soon if he'd heard them speaking.

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Re: Seaside Explorations (Open)

Postby Thunder » 08/29/2010 4:31 PM

As Vell was looking into the window of a store that sold necklaces and bracelets, he heard what was obviously pirate speak somewhere nearby. Turning from the window, he saw two other people standing a short distance down from where he was, and they seemed to be arguing amongst themselves. Although Vell himself didn't speak that way, lots of his crew did, as well as other pirates he had met, and so he thought it was safe to conclude that these two were in the same boat- no pun intended- as he was.

Vell left the shop window and approached them, not getting too close at first so they weren't too uncomfortable. "What might you be talking about, fellow seafarers?"

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Re: Seaside Explorations (Open)

Postby SpringsSong » 08/29/2010 4:46 PM

As soon as the other pirate spoke, Aquina snapped her head around to look at him.  "Oh--you see, our first mate... and most of our crew, actually; 'cept for Enrin and our temporary medic, a lady of dignity called Maria de Rai'naren, kinda left one day.  None of them said where they were heading, they just...left."

"Issues arose, y'see," Enrin said, folding his wings against his back.  "Our first mate and his beloved both changed homes, an' then two more o' our crew jes... left, as did our cook."

He tried his best not to show any emotion as he mentioned Abbie, the cook from the Sea Sapphire II.  She'd been a gorgeous girl, even if she was an albino and incredibly fragile.  Here, though, Aquina cleared her throat.

"I'm Captain Aquina of the Sea Sapphire II.  This here be Enrin, the artillery master.  We're... just about all that's left of the Sea Sapphire II's crew.  And who would you be?" she asked.

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Re: Seaside Explorations (Open)

Postby Thunder » 09/01/2010 11:49 AM

Vell nodded as the other pirates spoke. "Ah, that's a pity," he said, frowning. "I hope they return, or if you'd have find some new members to join..." He couldn't fathom why a bunch of crew members would suddenly just leave a pirate ship, unless something strange was going on behind the scenes that these two weren't aware of, but when they announced their names he stopped pondering and nodded, holding out his hand with a grin.

"Nice to meet you, Captain Aquina and Enrin," he said. "I'm Captain Vell Rickavit of The Blue Tide." The rainbow mist surrounding the extended hand seemed to shimmer a bit as if it was also greeting Aquina and Enrin. People often asked Vell what that mist around his hand was for, and after a quick demonstration, most of them were left standing with their mouths agape. He wondered if he'd get a similar question from these two, and he was most certainly glad to show them his strange power if they asked.

"If everyone is one, none will be afraid."

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