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Re: Foggy Day For a Kidnapping (PALMIE EVENT)

Postby Elektra » 01/28/2011 11:51 PM

"What do we do?" Ceanna hissed quietly, still up against the wall.  The voices seemed to be getting closer, or perhaps it was just the louder tones that they were using.  But either way, she didn't want to be discovered just when she had gotten her freedom.  She looked around the room, scanning it for anything that she might be able to use as a weapon if need be.  She normally wasn't a violent girl, but she'd sure as heck start hitting one of those nasty pirates upside the head if they tried anything on her.  

Her eyes landed on the chains that had been attached to her just a few moments ago, and had an idea.  "If he comes," she whispered to the the others, "grab anything that looks like it'll hurt him.  I don't wanna be chained up right after I got out of here, and I'm pretty sure that's a mutual feeling."

If you knew knew what the bluebirds sang at you
You would never sing along
Cast them out cause this is our culture
These new flocks are nothing but vultures

Because they took our love and they filled it up
Filled it up with Novocaine and now Im just numb
And don't mind me, Im just a son of a gun
So dont stop, dont stop until your heart goes numb
I dont feel a thing for you

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Re: Foggy Day For a Kidnapping (PALMIE EVENT)

Postby GrayGriffin » 01/31/2011 8:57 PM

Langlin nodded casually at the Palmie, glad for some form of comfort. However, he then heard the noise and froze, the flames on his tails flaring up, but not particularly increasing in their heat intensity. At Ceanna's voice, however, he tried to steady himself and focus.

"I'm-I'm armed!" he stammered, flailing around on the ground for the piece of metal he had put down, his flames continuing to glow. "Don't come down here, or I'll attack! I'm not joking, no way!"

Crossing my heart
Open wide
You're my crystal and clover
All of me
Is dedicated to hold you

Swear to God
Double knot
What would you do if I stole you tonight? (Ahh ahh)
Why waste time? (Ahh ahh)

'Cause the world goes on without us
It doesn't matter what we do
All silhouettes with no regrets
When I'm melting into you
'Cause I belong in your arms
I belong in your arms

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Postby Sappheara » 02/03/2011 12:16 AM

Both the Khimera and the Ash Palmie were stuffing their faces with as much food as possible. Iolana wasn't sure how far they were from the shore. The Khimera felt like she was on this stupid ship for months. She looked around the kitchen before speaking. "Do you know where a lifeboat would be?" As she was speaking some food crumbs started to fall from her mouth. It was rude of her to speak with food in her mouth. Iolana wanted to get off the ship quickly, there was no time for manners. She knew that the Palmie and her had been in the kitchen long enough, any longer they may get caught. Grabbing the Palmie, she headed for R4.
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Re: Foggy Day For a Kidnapping (PALMIE EVENT)

Postby .:Random Event 2:. » 02/03/2011 5:46 AM

((From this point on the rules have changed again. From now on, I will not reply, the aim is for you guys to let yourselves out of this thread. It can be one, or more posts it is up to you. You also have full control  (if successfully tamed) of the Palmie. The change has occurred, since I wish to finish this up and free myself up so I can work on other RE2 projects and normal tamings. I apologize, and below, I will supply you with what you have won from this event. Please PM me when you have finished, thank you.))

GrayGriffin & Elektra

The tawny Palmie watched the antics of the pair, furrowing its brow with obvious frustration. Gah, this was getting so irritating, but nevertheless a plan hatched in its mind, one that would at least get the off the ship.

It cleared its throat for attention and eyed the pair off before stating, "I have a plan, and it involves this. I'll distract the guard, while you guys make a beeline for the water. The current will drag you to shore, I'll follow but I don't think I'll hang around with you losers, no offense. Okay? We all cool? We all got that? Good."

That was possibly the longest string of words that the Common had heard the Palmie say, without it being an angry tirade. And without waiting for an answer, it scuttled off.
The Common almost shouted out in surprise, but common sense got the better of it. "Come, on this maybe our chance. I've seen that Palmie get out of worse, it'll be fine."

The Common Palmie had formed some sort of attachments to the Elder Kuhna, feeling sorrow regarding its past, and decided to stick by it. Maybe it had made a new friend.
And if Ceanna took a closer look at those shining silver chains and shackles around her neck, she'd find that they were made out of valuable metal, and if held onto could possibly be sold for Keystones at a jeweler. In fact, they could be sold for exactly 92 Keystones.
Nevertheless, escape looked pretty good right now.

((And if you guys didn't get that, the Common Palmie has been successfully tamed by Gray and Elektra has found 92 Keystones which you will get once you leave.))


The Ash Palmie took a few bites where it could, and helped the Khimera gather enough food. Waste not, want not, it thought and plus these guys had wreaked enough trouble on everyone who had come into contact with them. They deserved every pitfall, famine and disease to befall them.

"I do believe the crew keep them up on the deck, around the central mast. We keep quite a few - that's how you were brought here - so I don't think one would be too hard to find."

And with that, the Palmie was whisked back into the other room. It had made up its mind to at least follow the Khimera to a point where it was able to help her, in return for being freed. It was in debt to the Khimera, for helping both the Palmie and it's sister and it wasn't going to let that slide.

((Congrats, you successfully tamed an Ash Palmie when you've gotten out of this thread~ ))


((As of now, I'm not too sure if you're too interested in finishing this, I've still had no reply from you, but when I do, I'll post and declare what you've found.))
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Postby Sappheara » 02/06/2011 1:23 AM

Iolana was glad that no one caught them while they were eating in the kitchen. Entering storage room once again, she looked to see if there was anything in this room that they need. Digging in the boxes, the Khimera couldn't find anything useful. Growling in the back of her throat, Iolana looked at the Palmie. "This time you head up first. I doubt there would be a pirate up there." Watching as the Ash Palmie climbed up the rusty ladder. Iolana started to climb up the ladder right behind the Palmie, making sure that he didn't fall. Climbing on to the desk, Iolana turned around and closed the heavy wooden door. The cost was clear, they just had to find the central mast area where the lifeboats were at. Once they could get in a lifeboat, they would be able to get to land.
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Postby Sappheara » 02/12/2011 12:44 AM

Breathing heavly from the thin fog, Iolana was glad when they finally found the central mast. They were going to home free pretty soon. Walking up to the closest lifeboat, the Khimera spoke. "I'm going to help you into the lifeboat." Lifting up the Ash Palmie into the lifeboat, Iolana looked around them. She just gald that they haven't bumped into any pirates, yet. Jumping into the boat with the Palmie. The purple Khimera used her twin bladed tail to cut the ropes that was holding the lifeboat in the main ship. Iolana held onto the Palmie, as well as the lifeboat as it fell several feet, landing on the water.
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Postby Sappheara » 02/12/2011 4:19 PM

Not to far a head, Iolana could see land. She was so glad to see it, it seem like she was on the pirate ship for months. The Khimera looked at the small Ash Palmie with a small smile before speaking. "We're going to be home soon." With the help of the Palmie, the Khimera and the little creature use the paddles to help the boat to the shore. "Home, sweet, home. I never thought I see this place again." As the lifeboat hit the sandy beach, the lifeboat stopped moving. Iolana jumped out of the lifeboat first, before helping the little Ash Palmie out. "We're going to head home, now." She turned to look at the Palmie. "You never given me your name." Iolana stopped walking and watching the little creature, before it spoke. "I do not have one." The Ash Palmie spoke in a small voice, the Khimera shook her head at his comment. "When we get home we'll figure out a name for you." The little Ash Palmie smile at the Khimera and head back to it's new home.
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Re: Foggy Day For a Kidnapping (PALMIE EVENT)

Postby Elektra » 02/13/2011 6:18 PM

"Hey, what are you-" a small Serraptor said, backed by two others like himself.  Immediately she ran at him, not bothering to worry about the size difference.  He fell to the ground with her on top of him, and she held onto his neck until he blacked out from lack of oxygen.  "Getting out of this dump is what I'm doing." Ceanna said, kicking the leader in the stomach for good measure.  She shook her head, and grabbed a few more lengths of chains, just in case others had heard the scuffle.  She looked back at Langling, and was satisfied that he would be find on his own.  Smiling at him one last time, she looked to the door that their previous captors had come through, and went through it.  There wasn't much there, but a staircase lifted her spirits, and she started up the stairs, slowly at first, but then at a run, skipping every other one.  She found herself in yet another room, and with yet another door.  "How many rooms are there on this hunk of junk?" she said to herself quietly.  But there seemed to be a small light coming from the room to her left, and she went through the door, and saw an old but somewhat sturdy looking latter, with light shining down from the top.  Shaking her head, she started up.  Suddenly a bright light hit her, and she found herself on the ship's deck.  A few feet away were some small boats, and it seemed as if there were a few already missing.  Of course, she started for them carefully, for the fog had restricted the visibility of the whole deck.  For a second, she could've sworn she'd heard footsteps following her, but simply continued.  

Finally she was standing in front of the boat, and to her dismay, it seemed to be a row boat.  Groaning, she stepped in, and took a rope that was attached to it.  Letting it up little by little the boat was lowered into the sea.  "Good riddance!" she called out to no one in particular before taking the two oars and plunging them into the water.  She wasn't sure, but she could've sworn she'd seen the outline of the shore to her left, and decided to risk it.  Turning herself in that direction, Ceanna looked up at the ship one last time, prayed to Zu'hai that Langlin and both Palmies would make it out safely, and started rowing.

(So I ended up going from R1 to R2, than up the stairs in R2 into R3, which led to R4, where the ladder was, and climbing up that, I ended up on the deck?  ^^;)

If you knew knew what the bluebirds sang at you
You would never sing along
Cast them out cause this is our culture
These new flocks are nothing but vultures

Because they took our love and they filled it up
Filled it up with Novocaine and now Im just numb
And don't mind me, Im just a son of a gun
So dont stop, dont stop until your heart goes numb
I dont feel a thing for you

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Re: Foggy Day For a Kidnapping (PALMIE EVENT)

Postby GrayGriffin » 03/21/2011 12:12 AM

"Thank you!" called Langlin, and with that, he plunged out of the slave hold, the small Palmie waddling after. The tall man immediately slammed into a crate, and hissed angrily, gripping his now-bruised knee and leaning over somewhat.

"You okay?" asked the Palmie, rushing past the guard, who was apparently still winded from Ceanna's attack. His lackies had backed up, and quickly dashed away upon seeing the flames swirling around Langlin.

"Just peachy!" gasped Langlin, and the two rushed onwards, dodging around the various crates and barrels piled up in the room. The flames were dying down now, Langlin's initial burst of adrenaline not being enough to fuel them for long.


[Now in R2]
Crossing my heart
Open wide
You're my crystal and clover
All of me
Is dedicated to hold you

Swear to God
Double knot
What would you do if I stole you tonight? (Ahh ahh)
Why waste time? (Ahh ahh)

'Cause the world goes on without us
It doesn't matter what we do
All silhouettes with no regrets
When I'm melting into you
'Cause I belong in your arms
I belong in your arms

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Re: Foggy Day For a Kidnapping (PALMIE EVENT)

Postby GrayGriffin » 04/04/2011 11:05 PM

"C'mon! Don't slow down!" yelped the Palmie, waddling ahead as fast as it could. However, it stopped at the stairs. Having such stubby little legs, it unfortunately couldn't climb very well. Just as it was contemplating asking Langlin to help, the Ancient rushed by and scooped it up himself, scrambling up the stairs. He finally collapsed at the top, panting for a moment, his legs not used to such strenuous exercise.

"Well, where are we now?" asked the Palmie. Langlin looked around, and his jaw dropped in horror. Standing right in front of them was a burly human-form Rasengan cook, the wild mane of fur-hair around his face giving his species away.

"What're you two doing up here?" he growled.


[Now in R3]
Crossing my heart
Open wide
You're my crystal and clover
All of me
Is dedicated to hold you

Swear to God
Double knot
What would you do if I stole you tonight? (Ahh ahh)
Why waste time? (Ahh ahh)

'Cause the world goes on without us
It doesn't matter what we do
All silhouettes with no regrets
When I'm melting into you
'Cause I belong in your arms
I belong in your arms

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Re: Foggy Day For a Kidnapping (PALMIE EVENT)

Postby GrayGriffin » 01/15/2013 11:43 PM

Langlin froze for a second, then dove forwards desperately, slamming right into the cook's stomach. He went down with a crash.

"Hurry!" he called, and then turned to scoop up the Palmie anyways. For a moment, it protested, but then settled down. Being carried wasn't that bad. Soon, the two had made it into the next room, clambered up the stairs, and, after a brief pause, dove into the water. This time, it was the Palmie's turn to help, as it grabbed Langlin and began to swim slowly to shore with him.
Crossing my heart
Open wide
You're my crystal and clover
All of me
Is dedicated to hold you

Swear to God
Double knot
What would you do if I stole you tonight? (Ahh ahh)
Why waste time? (Ahh ahh)

'Cause the world goes on without us
It doesn't matter what we do
All silhouettes with no regrets
When I'm melting into you
'Cause I belong in your arms
I belong in your arms

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Re: Foggy Day For a Kidnapping (PALMIE EVENT)

Postby GrayGriffin » 01/15/2013 11:45 PM

"Thank you," whispered Langlin as they finally made it to shore. "I'd be dead without you."

"Same here," replied the Palmie. There was a pause.

"Do-do you want to come home with me?' asked the doctor after a while. "It-it's nice there."

"I would like that, actually," it replied.

Langlin smiled.

Crossing my heart
Open wide
You're my crystal and clover
All of me
Is dedicated to hold you

Swear to God
Double knot
What would you do if I stole you tonight? (Ahh ahh)
Why waste time? (Ahh ahh)

'Cause the world goes on without us
It doesn't matter what we do
All silhouettes with no regrets
When I'm melting into you
'Cause I belong in your arms
I belong in your arms

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