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Meeting the Gardener (P)

Postby TrizzyTreke » 07/15/2014 3:26 PM


The Gardener used to have many interesting names, but he chose to become anonymous for an unknown reason. No one knows anything about his past. He lives in a house decorated by the earth's photosynthetic wonders on a piece of land higher than the nearby village. He gets few visitors, and he never leaves the place. When he does receive company, the villagers hush and wait for the person to reappear. It is not because they fear the man, but you know how people are about socializing with folks they don't know.

The children, however, did fear him. They made him into a ghost in the scary stories they told each other. They had great fun, but as you know stories plant seeds of curiosity in children, which is how young Joel came to the Gardener's doorstep.

The Gardener was a calm man. He did not jump when he heard the knock on his front door. He simply put down the watering can and told the flower he would be back soon. Then he walked down the stairs and opened the front door to find a small boy of about seven years shivering in the night air.

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Postby TrizzyTreke » 07/15/2014 11:28 PM

The Gardener imagined he made an intimidating sight, for he was a very tall man. "What are you doing at a stranger's door on such a cold night, my boy?"

The boy's eyes widened. The Gardener could see that he had not been expecting welcoming tones to come from his lips. Perhaps he would teach this boy a lesson about believing in stories made by people who knew nothing of the subject they spoke about. "You look like you are freezing. Why don't you come inside where it is warm?"

The boy scurried inside. As the Gardener closed the door, he could feel the irrational fear in the poor boy. He smiled warmly and left the door unlocked. The boy relaxed, then blurted, "Are you really a ghost?"

The Gardener chuckled and said, "So that is the latest story about me?"

"There are more stories about you?" the boy's voice rose.

"You are a young lad. Your village has made up numerous stories about me. I have been a goblin, a vampire, a werewolf, and the devil himself. Can you imagine?"

The boy nodded. Of course he could imagine, the Gardener realized. Those stories were what the villagers grew up on. It kept their imaginations alive so they could make up more stories about him with each new generation. "And now I learn that I am a ghost! How disappointing. There is nothing scary about a puff of smoke. Where have the people's minds gone?"

The boy still stared wide-eyed at the Gardener, and he was shivering. "Not warm yet, eh? Let us go to my kitchen. I will make you a hot drink." The boy followed him silently.

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Postby TrizzyTreke » 07/17/2014 12:45 PM

The Gardener continued, "You know what I find most foolish about all those stories, my boy? Everyone can tell from a distance that my home is warm and lovely. All of those creatures they imagine me to be dwell in cold, damp places. They do this because heat reminds them of the fiery realm they escaped to this world from."

The boy finally made a peep. "So you aren't planning to...exact revenge upon our village?"

The Gardener smiled. Did the child even know what he was saying? "No. As cowardly as the men in your village are, they would have attacked my home by now if that were the case. Now here, have some hot nectar."

The boy accepted the cup and took a sip. The Gardener watched the color return to his cheeks. Then the boy asked, "If you spend all your time in this house, then how do you know so much about the villagers?"

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Postby TrizzyTreke » 07/17/2014 8:16 PM

"Another inaccurate notion. Come sit with me, my boy." The boy obliged, and settled in a green wooden chair. The Gardener sat across from him in an identical one, folded his hands and continued. "I visit the village sometimes. I meet with acquaintances from towns I used to go to in the past, and they give me supplies I can use to tend my garden. I also sometimes put on disguises and talk to the villagers. I wear a different one each time, so none of them know what I truly look like."

The boy's eyes lit up. "So I'm the first villager to see the real you?"

"Yes, but only because I think I can trust you."

"Why do you trust me?"

"Simply because you trust me. And you have not made a bad first impression on me." The Gardener paused. "Wait. Before I go further, I have just realized something. I do not know your name."

"It's Joel, sir."

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Postby TrizzyTreke » 07/18/2014 3:19 PM

"That is a very nice name, lad. You may call me Mr. Gardener."

"Thank you for the drink, Mr. Gardener."

"You are quite welcome, Joel." The Gardener smiled at the boy. It felt good to get along with someone so young. "Now that you are warm, perhaps you can answer the question I asked you when I opened my door. What were you doing out there?"

Joel became interested in his feet. "My friends dared me to knock on your door. I had to prove I was brave enough to look at your face," he said. "But you have a very not-scary face."

"I see. What are you going to tell them when you go back?"

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Postby TrizzyTreke » 07/18/2014 9:37 PM

"I'm not going back to them." Joel lifted his gaze and looked at the Gardener with twinkling eyes. "I'll be friends with you now."

The Gardener was surprised. The boy liked him. No one had acted this way toward him since...

He regained his composure and asked, "But do you...not like...your friends?" Talking was difficult.

"Not as much as I like you," Joel replied with cheer. "Besides, they were mean most of the time, because I'm younger than them. They made me knock on your door to prove I wasn't a baby."

The Gardener's heart warmed. "My boy, you have just given me an idea. Come with me. I want to show you something special."

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Postby TrizzyTreke » 07/20/2014 11:26 PM

He stood and led the boy through a few rooms. As they walked, Joel's eyes stared in awe at the beautiful plants in each room. Some shimmered as if fairies had kissed them. Some changed colors with a chiming sound. Assorted flowers and shrubberies decorated every surface. Some rooms had grass on the floor, and others had vines clustered in corners or stretched across walls. "Where did these plants come from?" Joel wondered. "And how do they grow in here?"

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Postby TrizzyTreke » 07/20/2014 11:30 PM

The chain of rooms ended with a large glass chamber. No light came from the cloud-coated night sky outside, yet the room was adequately lit. In the center of the room was a strange flower with a blue center and green petals. The flower was the radiant source lighting the room. The Gardener beckoned Joel towards the plant for a closer look. Then he picked up a watering can and sprinkled the gorgeous flower, which seemed to hum in response to the shower.

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Postby TrizzyTreke » 07/21/2014 4:59 PM

"Mr. Gardener," Joel spoke. "What kind of flower is that?"

"My boy this is a type of spirit flower."

"What's a spirit flower?"

"It is a special flower from a distant land that has a relationship with the heart, soul, mind, or body of its owner. I have several different spirit flowers in my home. I call this one 'Patience'."

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Postby TrizzyTreke » 07/21/2014 8:04 PM

The Gardener saw Joel smile with glee in the presence of the flower. Children are easily fascinated by the visual. They are beautiful in that way.

Joel said, "I've never seen a flower like this before! Where did you get it?"

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Postby TrizzyTreke » 07/21/2014 8:19 PM

"I have acquired spirit flowers from many people and places. I used to leave my house quite often. In disguise, I would visit my acquaintances at the village trade center to arrange deals, and embark on voyages on occasions when I felt caged in this region. I have lived here most of my life, you know. Even old men like me grow restless and crave adventure." He chuckled.

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Postby TrizzyTreke » 07/21/2014 8:25 PM

Joel's eyes grew wider at hearing this. Goodness, the boy's eyes appeared too excited to stay in his head! "What's the world like?"

The Gardener smiled a pleasant thought. Young eyes want to absorb every sight the world offers. "The world is..." Then he came to a pause. When he saw Joel looking at him, he started again. "The world is many things, good and bad."

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Postby TrizzyTreke » 07/28/2014 2:01 PM

The boy appeared to have noticed his lapse, so he recovered. "But this is not the spirit flower I wanted to show you. It is in the next room that we need to be." So the Gardener turned and led Joel into the next room. This room was very different from the last. It was dark, and no light came from the many flowers stored here.

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Postby TrizzyTreke » 07/28/2014 2:04 PM

Joel asked, "Why isn't there light in here? What kind of flowers are these?"

"These are also spirit flowers..."

"But they are shining! What's wrong with them?"

"Patience. I was about to address it. These spirit flowers do not glow because they do not have a partnership to nurture them."

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Postby TrizzyTreke » 07/28/2014 2:23 PM

"Is that why you brought me here?"

The Gardener smiled again, and he knew he had made the right choice. It suddenly struck him that no one had made him smile this much in a long time. "Very perceptive, Joel. Good! You are right. I have brought you here because I want to give you a spirit flower. However, there is more to it than that. You remember how earlier I said I trust you?" The boy nodded. "Well, you should know I do not trust easily. There is a reason for that. I am looking for someone I can entrust my greenhouse to."

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