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One Last Shot {I and DeadAlice} [FINISHED]

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 03/10/2015 2:00 PM

Her altitude was decreasing rapidly, feathers splayed over the windshield, and her right wings engine was shot.

Iolanthe heart rate increased, she was about to crash. She pulled up on the yoke forcing the nose of the plane to come in. The noise was overwhelming but Iolanthe only heard of the emergency beeper going off informing her of the expeditious altitude decline.

The last thing she remember was the extremely rough landing in a pasture outside of the town of Nabias. Which ended with her clashing her head into the steering and conking out.
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Re: One Last Shot {Self}

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 03/10/2015 10:06 PM


Iolanthe walked forward holding out her gun. She had it pointed at a man that was pressed against the back wall of his office.

She had come in without warning and with determination in her eyes. She was a trained killer: her job consisted of getting tips and money with the reasons why someone must die. Then if the tip was proven true she would find the unfortunate soul and give them what they deserved. She was known in the underworld as ruthless and powerful. They called her Kali.

"You must have done something extremely horrid for someone to call upon me to put you down."

He pushed his chair in front of him as if it would protect from what was about to happen. "I don't know who you are but if you don't leave I will call security!"

She didn't bat an eye "please do, I would like to see you try."

He scrambled for the phone and jabbed in numbers. He stared shocked at her when only ringing came back. "What did you-"

Iolanthe cut him off "I may have misguided them, don't worry they're fine. It's you, you should be worried about.

She came closer as he attempted to scoot away. "Before I go any farther would you like to admit your mistakes, at least you would die an honest man."

"I- I have done nothing wrong" he stuttered.

She tutted "wrong answer, here let me remind you." She pulled out a picture of a family, when she unfolded it she threw it on the table facing him.

His eyes widened as he stared at the picture  "how- how do you know?" He looked back at her stunned.

"The truth always does seem to come out in the end, if we like it or not. You ordered that family to be murdered because they caught you making illegal transactions during a court case and they were going to go public with the information."

The man was getting desperate "and what you're doing, how is that any bet-"

A shot rang out through the room and Iolanthe holstered her gun "its not." She walked out the open door as the man slowly slid down the opposite wall, blood smearing down as he went.
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Re: One Last Shot {Self}

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 03/10/2015 11:32 PM

Iolanthe took a deep breath and her eyes flew open. There was a sound of steady beeping coming from a nearby heart rate machine and the bustling of people in the hallway. She was in a hospital and a nurse just came up beside her.

"Relax your fine. Some minor injuries and a few cracked ribs but you will live. Honestly I'd call you lucky you must have some pretty amazing flying skills in order to land that crashed plane."

Iolanthe's eyes grew wide in remembering the events before she blacked out. "My plane, how is it?"

The nurse looked at her patient sadly "oh, sweetie I don't know. But what I do know is that the doctor is having you stay over night so he can check you for a concussion."

"I don't have a concussion or any broken ribs. I'm fine and would like to leave so I can check on my plane."

The nurse blinked "I think you need to lie down for a bit more, of course you do. I took your xrays not even an hour ago. I saw them. And with that big bump on your head I would be surprised if you didn't have a concussion." She bent over to check her head injury in which she got head butting the yoke, only to find it gone and the bruise around it rapidly healing. The nurse looked on amazed before stuttering "I'm going to go get Dr. Howard to have a look at this."
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Re: One Last Shot {Self}

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 03/11/2015 10:27 PM

(Character> Berzer)

It wasn't uncommon for there to be supernatural beings about but for one to be so human it shocked the doctors who came in to check and clear her to leave tomorrow morning. It was their policy to keep their patients over night just to be sure.

Iolanthe was majority human but as a small child was gifted with that of part of a demon's soul that masked itself as the bull. It slowly beat, feeding off her own soul hidden behind her heart. The demon called Osiris came to her when she was ill, he was dying and in order for them both to survive they combined.

A knock on the door stirred her from her thoughts as someone came in. It was a man that definitely wasn't the doctor. "Who are you? And why are you here?" She questioned not caring that she was  blunt.

"Well hello to you too, I know its been awhile but to completely forget."

Realization dawned on her face before it became hard again "Berzer I don't have anything more to do with you, leave."

He sat down on the end of her bed “Thats no way to treat an old colleague.” Iolanthe stayed quiet and he continued on “I am here because I have information for you.”

“I quit, I don't kill anymore.”

He chuckled “I noticed, you fly planes now.”

“No, I fly one plane, my plane.”

Berzer cringed “Not anymore.”

Iolanthe sat up “What's wrong with my plane, I know it crashed but-”

“Stop worrying, with a few patches it will be up and flying again. I was actually on my way to see you when you crashed. I was the one who called you in. However I didn't come here to make small talk about your new hobby.”

“I told you-”

“I know what you told me, I am not an idiot,” He growled. “I remember what you told me three years ago when you stopped. That doesn't change why I am here. Hear me out, please I wouldn't be here if it wasn't important.”

Iolanthe sighed “Well since I can’t go anywhere, be my guest.”

He smiled “Good, good. This has gone a lot better than I thought it would. I was for sure that you would of shot me down by now.” He chuckled again “No pun intended.”

“Don’t get too excited, I only said I would hear you out. I never agreed to anything.”
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Re: One Last Shot {Self}

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 03/12/2015 9:56 PM

It was a windy day and it threw Iolanthes hair around her face as she stepped out of the hospital. She stood there waiting for Berzer to come around and pick her up. She had promised herself that she wasn't going to get dragged back into this but what Berzer told her she couldn't help but get the urge to jump back into old habits.

He mentioned a name, a name that haunted her, the one fish that got away. He went by Zion Reginald. He was known all over for his black market scams, that sometimes ended in someone dying.

An old light blue 1978 Trans Am pulled up to the front. She walked over to it and pulled open the door. Berzer sat in the driver seat waiting.

"What made you come all the way here, I mean so inland that is?" She questioned.

"Oh, the seas have been quiet and when I heard about the tip at where Zion could be making a trade plus so near I thought eh why not give you a heads up. I may be a pirate but that man's cruelty puts me to shame."
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Re: One Last Shot {Self}

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 03/16/2015 4:04 PM

As soon as they had gotten to her apartment, she headed straight into her room leaving Berzer in the kitchen.
When she finished showering and  pulling on fresh clothes she grabbed a stool and pulled it over to her closet. She stretched and rummaged through the top back shelve until she found an old shoe box. When she got it down she set it on her bed, slowly opening the lid. Inside was a gun sitting on a bed of cloth ensuring its protection.

Iolanthe held it up and pointed it at the wall in front of here. Many memories of past people who faced her gun flooded her mind and she brought it back down. She knew deep within that a day like this would come, that she would pick it back up because if she didn't believe that she wouldn't have kept the gun.

She was going to do this, tie up loose ends and finally settle things. She let out a sigh "eh, what's one last shot."

She set it back in the box and walked into the kitchen to get the rest of Berzers information.
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Re: One Last Shot {Self}

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 03/19/2015 10:13 PM

Half an hour later they stood back out in the winding day and Iolanthe watched Berzer walk back out to his car.

"Leaving so soon?" She questioned.

He leaned against the side of the trans am. "Yeah I get to claustrophobic when I'm away from the sea too long plus my crew needs their Captain."

"Well then good sailing" Iolanthe wasn't sure how to give pirates farewells.

He chuckled and got into his car while calling "you too... Kali" over his shoulder.

As Berzer road off she walked back inside and up the elevator to get her own keys, her plane needed her. Plus a good ride was needed to clear her head and straighten her objectives.

One thing Iolanthe found out was that the closest thing to flying that wasn't flying itself was motorcycling. She pulled out of her assigned spot revving her engine letting a beastly roar emit from her ancient but well taken care of 1929 Indian motorcycle with hard metal box saddlebags that were added on later by herself.
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Re: One Last Shot {Self}

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 03/19/2015 11:18 PM

As she rode down a country road to where her crash happened, her mind traveled through the past. Iolanthe had only failed one mission, out of all the shots she fired she only missed once. Zion wasn't the reason she quit but when she did she always regretted him getting away. Now she had a chance, then she would put an end to killing for good. Zion was her first target and he was the reason she continued on. Iolanthe refused to miss ever again.

She looked down and saw she was going way over the legal speed limit. Thinking about that horrid man getting away made her blood boil and so instead of slowly down she sped up. Her motorcycle let out a few pops before gunning ahead. The wind felt amazing on her face as it thrashed her hair around in the back knotting it up. It would be pain later but she could care less, she was now pulling up to where a man was attempting to hook up her planes wreckage and take it somewhere else, off private land.

She kicked her kickstand down and stepped over the barbed wire fence the was ripped apart in that area thanks to her crash. As she got near she yelled over the wind "Do you need any help?"

Iolanthe must of startled the man because he jumped and knocked the back of his head on the wing of the plane. He turned around rubbing the back of his head. "Who are you?"

"I'm the pilot." She answered as she finally came up to him.

"I thought I heard that the pilot was in the hospital." He looked at her suspiciously.

Iolanthe reached into her pocket and pulled out a set of keys, "if I wasn't how would I have a spare set of keys?"

He contemplated it for a minute before he nodded in satisfaction "okay, okay  I guess that makes sense of enough." He stuck out his hand, "I'm Jamison and I'm attempting to get your wreckage out of here."

Iolanthe became confused, "I would think that would take more than one person."

Jamison nodded "oh it does but its the weekend and everyone's off. So its just me here to take care of everything."

"Well I'm here if you need assistance, I won't be leaving anyways." She made it very clear that she wasn't letting her plane out of her sight.

"Well if you put it that way, do you mind taking this cord and hooking it up over there." He pointed near the wing that was busted out.

"Yeah sure thing," Iolanthe grabbed the hook and made sure it secure.

"It's a Cessna right?"

"Yeah she's a Cessna F406" She spoke as she pulled her hair up in a ponytail.

"So what's her name?" Jamison patted the plane.

"Her name is Rudra" she was now studying the podded engine on her small craft, it was burnt out and smouldered. Sharp metal pieces stuck out from when it blew.

"Good name, what happened?"

Iolanthe pulled out some duck feathers from inside it, "pesky birds."

An hour later they had the plane up on a giant trailer where it would be hauled off to the hangar to be fixed up again.
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Re: One Last Shot {Self}

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 03/20/2015 12:36 AM

She pulled up to the hangar behind the trailer and directed him to her spot. She gave him a farewell, and paid him before he left. For the rest of the day way into the night she worked hard in fixing and repairing what had broke. It wasn't until around almost one in the morning when she moved out from under the Cessna.

Out of the whole hangar she owned two units and she had the dividing wall removed so she could have room for all her repair tools along with her plane.

Iolanthe grabbed a grease rag and sat on a rolly stool while wiping her hands off. She rolled over to the side of her plane and leaned against it. "What do I do Rudra?" She let out a sigh and placed her head in her hands.

Iolanthe knew this was the right thing to do, finishing what she started but it had been around three years, could she still do it? Berzer told her that Zion would be making a very high end trade himself in two days, well in one day now but he would be making it on the other side of the town.

She pulled out a piece of paper from her jacket that Berzer gave her that had the address on it. She crumpled it back up and stuffed it farther into her pocket. Iolanthe stood up and walked over to a large sink with an old dirty mirror in front of it. When she finished washing her hands she looked at herself. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath and reopened them. "I am Kali, the killer that leaves no survivors... Zion Reginald I'm coming for you."

Iolanthe grabbed her keys and threw a leg over her motorcycle, revving up she peeled out flying back down the roads she had came letting the cool morning air clear her head.
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Re: One Last Shot {Self}

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 03/20/2015 12:41 AM

Her light feet carried her from one hiding spot to the next. She slipped behind a big box crate so she could get a better look at the deal that was going down. She held her gun at the ready in front of her. Iolanthe peeked around to look, she honestly didn't care about the deal but she needed to know who was around because extra people were variables that she couldn't handle. She would have to patiently wait until she could get Zion alone.

Zion stuck out his hand and shook with the other man and pointed to certain crates over to his left. He had two guards with him that she would have to also take care of.

Iolanthe took off in stealth and maneuvered around so she faced behind them. She watched the other man leave the building and Zion turn to talk to his guards. Her moment arrised. Iolanthe pulled two throwing knifes from the holders on her left leg and released both at once each one fly towards the two guards. Both punctured through their necks making them crumple to the ground. By this time she had moved herself so she stood behind him as he frantically looked around in search of the killer.

He turned and finally noticed her and realization flooded his eyes "Kali..."
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Re: One Last Shot {Self}

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 03/20/2015 12:44 AM

"I'm guessing then I need no introduction." She held her gun in front of her with both hands keeping it steady.

"No, oh no I know who you are, you are widely know, its an honor mighty assassin," he calmly bowed.

Instead of falling for his trap and getting mad and losing sight of the target she held firm "why thank you for such a warming introduction. You then probably assume why I am here."

"Ah yes so I can atone for my sins. I'm not denying the horrid things I've done. I just wish that I had a longer amount of time to do more." His attempts to rile her up wouldn't work this time, things have changed.

"To bad for you," she cocked her gun.

He raised an eyebrow realizing it wasn't going to work this time around, "I heard a rumor that you quit?"

"Your death will put an end to my killing, you should be honored." She pulled the trigger and the shot rattled the walls of the ware house. Iolanthe hadn't given him time to formulate any ways of shaking her like last time. She blew the smoke away from the gun and she holstered her gun walking out the door brushing past a confused buyer.

That was it, she was finally done. Flying was what now she could concentrate on fully.
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Re: One Last Shot {Self}

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 03/20/2015 12:46 AM

A week had past since she finished and yet every morning since that night she woke with this feeling inside her. A feeling that could not relieved with by flying. She walked into her little kitchenette and poured herself a glass of milk, when she looked at the counter she saw her gun laying there, taunting her. Iolanthe looked away angry with herself that she hadn't come up with the courage yet to get rid of it.

She was about to finally throw it out but a knock at her door stopped her. When she swung it open a man with dark hair and wear a white T-shirt while smoking a cigarette stood there.
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Re: One Last Shot {Self}

Postby DeadAlice » 03/20/2015 1:24 AM

Raz looked down at the woman in front of him, he let himself in and sat down quietly on the couch. He sat there for a few moments to finish his cigarette, he blew the smoke into the middle of the room and decided to look around the apartment observing everything, learning more about this woman. He finally looked at her with his light gray eyes and said: "Are you interested in a job?" He opened the window behind him and threw the small bit of his cigarette, closed it and faced Iolanthe with no expression in his face or voice. "Your skill could come in handy and I believe you'd enjoy this line of work." He folded his arms and his shirt stretched to his large muscles that laid beneath.
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Re: One Last Shot {I and DeadAlice}

Postby CookingwiththeCobra » 03/20/2015 6:55 PM

The man walked in and finished smoking his cigarette before asking her to join his line of work.

"I'm afraid to inform you, I do not kill." It took her a minute to reply, her heart debating with her mind. She had no idea who this man was but she refused to kill another person again. Iolanthe stuck firm, she didn't care if it felt amazing. She was getting older and her conscious could handle all the weight.
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Re: One Last Shot {I and DeadAlice}

Postby DeadAlice » 03/20/2015 11:26 PM

"I'm not asking you to kill anyone. You shouldn't assume things," he finished looking at her with rage in his gray eyes. "What I'm asking out of you is to become a bounty hunter." Raz decided to put his feet onto the couch and lay back against the arm-rest, he yawned and used his hand to slightly cover the sound that came from his mouth. "A bounty hunter catches criminals and turns them in for money and if you join my guild you'll be part of a community of other people. You of course have to pay for your apartment and other things but, the rest of the money is yours," he finished with a small chuckle. Thinking about the guild he wondered if Hellen had made it back from her last mission safety. A little crossed his face and he knew that was a stupid thing to think about. The one he should probably worry about was Maurice but, if Hellen's with him then he's fine.
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