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A High School Story [Private] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 12/06/2015 5:52 AM


[Continued from this roleplay.]

Iris, perhaps shockingly, easily agreed to getting a ride to school from Maddox for the duration of their project. It was better than walking, and it was the least he could do. She was being forced to keep him as a partner in this project, so she might as well benefit from it where she could. It would also likely help their project, in the aspect of pretending to be a family. Her mind mostly considered the benefits to her. She didn't agree because she just wanted to. That's what she told herself and that's what she believed. In no way did she actually want to become genuinely friendly with Maddox. She couldn't do that again.

Lilly, the bag of flour that was their pretend child, was sitting safely on Iris' lap in the car. She didn't want to risk setting her down loosely with her book bag and the picnic basket she loaded up, as well. It seemed like it would have been too much for Iris to carry, but the picnic also had a purpose. In her bag, she had a camera, and she was ending to have a picnic lunch and take a picture, to make it look like a family outing for their project.

Of course, she didn't exactly relay any of this to her partner. She just loaded up the big basket like it was the natural thing to do and remained silent, staring out the passenger window, as they drove.

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Re: A High School Story [Private]

Postby Mojave » 12/09/2015 10:58 PM


When he got behind the wheel of his car, he reached toward his stereo to turn the music up. He paused halfway when he realized he didn't know what kind of music she liked. Deciding to leave it off, he struggled to find a topic of conversation, leaving an awkward silence between them.

As they got closer to school, Maddox cleared his throat. "So... Do you have any extra curricular activities I need to know about? I'm generally at practice until six." He explained, realizing he might not be able to give her rides home in the evenings. "If you don't mind the wait, I can take you home too."

He waited nervously for her reaction, embarrassed that he hadn't thought of that before making his offer. Hopefully they could work something out without arguing. He really didn't like to begin his days with drama.
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Re: A High School Story [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 12/10/2015 3:22 AM

"I don't participate in any after school activities," she answered. She hardly thought that was any surprise. It was obvious that she didn't exactly advocate social activities."I study, but I can do that anywhere," she went on, after a moment. She supposed it really didn't make a difference where she was, as long as she had her books with her.

"Are you sure you want all of your football buddies seeing me waiting around for you?" She then ventured to ask, the words coming out before she could help herself. Although he seemed to have forgotten all about her, the experience stuck with her. Mentally, she reprimanded herself for letting such words slip, but it was too late to try to take them back.

Instead, she found herself going on. "I'm sure you are well aware that you wont garner any good reputation for hanging out with the 'weird, quiet girl that hates everything and thinks she's better than everyone else,' any more than you're required to for our project." Wasn't that what it was back then? That he was embarrassed to be seen with her?

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Re: A High School Story [Private]

Postby Mojave » 12/11/2015 10:21 PM

He had been about to give a flippant reply that the guys wouldn't say anything when she kept going. He shut up, realizing she was referring to their past, when he had stopped hanging out with her to play football. He grimaced, wishing he could get them past this.

He was silent a moment while he thought how best to answer. "The guys know I'm paired with you for this project." He said simply. "And if they ask, I'll just tell them the truth. I'm giving you rides to and from school while this is going on. We are neighbors, after all."

He glanced over at her to see how she would react to his statement. He didn't mention that if any of his friends became lewd, he'd just throw a punch or two to make his point. She didn't need to know that.
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Re: A High School Story [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 12/12/2015 6:11 AM

A quiet, "hm," was Iris' initial response to his answer.  If just the football players would be concerned with her presence, then that would be fine. At least, good enough. Although, she had the feeling that the cheerleaders, and any other members of the student body that noticed, really, wouldn't be quiet about it.

She'd heard plenty of comments behind her back that weren't exactly so, "behind her back," as they were actually said to be heard when she walked by, than she cared to think about. Bad things were said about her plenty without her showing up at school events or being involved with anyone; she could only imagine how bad things would be when she was caught hanging around Maddox, even with their project as an excuse. She was already dreadfully aware that, from now on, she would never hear the end of it.

Iris didn't allow herself to be particularly happy about his words. They'd grown up, they weren't little kids now, so he could do at least this much, when they had no other choice but to work together. Again, they had the project as an excuse. This wasn't just hanging out because they wanted to.

"If any weird rumors start about you, it's not my fault, then," she warned him. He had to already know that no one but the teachers had nice things to say about her at school. Nothing good could come with hanging out with her, as far as high school social status went.

Only then, as she gave her warning, did she finally glance over at him, but her expression didn't exactly reveal what she was thinking. She'd grown used to things being said about her, so it didn't appear to have any effect when she talked about it. It was just the reality of her life, something she had expected. She was numb to it.

"I guess the whole school will already know we're neighbors now, though, so everything should check out." She'd said so in front of an entire class when she'd pulled him from class the day before and she was sure it would have already made its rounds.

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Re: A High School Story [Private]

Postby Mojave » 12/22/2015 3:11 AM

He laughed, unaware of how she was treated by the cheerleaders. They tended to be more interested in flaunting their wares than discussing the unpopular kids when around him and the guys. "What kind of rumors?" He asked, glancing at her again and catching that unreadable expression. He stopped laughing as he came into the parking lot of the school, his speed slow as he looked for a spot. "Seriously, Iris, what kind of rumors would start about me? So we're neighbors. Why would anyone care?" He parked the car and looked at her again. "Wait. Has someone said something to you? Was it Kaellie?" He asked, referring to the head cheerleader who was known to be a raging bitch to other girls. Especially when it came to Maddox, much to his despair. He really couldn't stand her, and since she'd been with the rest of the team, he had no interest in banging her which drove her crazy.

"Iris, if someone said something to you, tell me. I'm not the same snotty little boy I was when we were kids. And I don't care if you don't believe me. I don't participate when the others make fun of others. Unless it's the other schools' football teams." He said lightly as if that was perfectly acceptable, and in his book it was.
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Re: A High School Story [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 12/26/2015 8:09 PM

Iris sighed when he kept asking questions, well, specific questions. It was those sorts of things that were annoying to answer. "I don't know," she replied, at first, and that was sort of an answer to both of his initial questions. She wasn't certain what rumors may start about him, nor could she specifically say who started what rumors about her. Even if she knew the person's face, she didn't give them the time of day to remember their names, either.

"People come up with all sorts of nonsense, you know? Spending time with me is just like giving them ammunition. You do realize that there isn't a student in this school that likes me, don't you?" Wasn't it obvious? Or did he not even pay that much attention? She supposed he wouldn't be bothered, which was both a good and not so good thing to think about. It was great, if it was simply because he didn't pay any mind to the rumors going around, or it simply could have been that he didn't remember her at all, so didn't bother paying attention.

Although, his mentioning their childhood stuck a chord. She turned to face him for a moment, wondering if he had suddenly remembered things that happened back then, that they used to be friends. She looked away just as quickly and her grip tightened slightly on the bag of flour in her lap. "The latest rumor, I think, is that I must be sleeping with faculty members," she began to explain. "And that's why the teachers like me and why I always get the highest test scores."

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Re: A High School Story [Private]

Postby Mojave » 12/29/2015 4:20 AM

He shook his head when she finished, chewing the inside of his cheek thoughtfully. "I didn't know you don't have any friends. I didn't even remember you until I talked to my mom last night and she told me about when we were kids and how I stopped talking to you so I could play football with the other guys. I'm sorry, Iris." He said, keeping his gaze steady on her as he did. "As for the whole sleeping with the teachers for grades, I wasn't aware who they were talking about. I never got a name or asked for a description. I just pointed out that most of Kaellie's clique has pulled that string so they really couldn't throw stones."

He was about to get out of the car when he had an idea and turned back to her. "Before you go. I might have an idea that would piss them off. If you're up to being catty to someone besides me." He grinned, meaning his words playfully.
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Re: A High School Story [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 12/30/2015 4:14 AM

Ah, so he'd found out. Of course his mother would still remember, since their mothers were still friends and often spoke, so she shouldn't have been surprised. But she was. Although, it was considerably too late to apologize now. It happened long ago. It may have left an impact on her life and how she viewed other people, but it was still something that happened in the past. An apology now would not change how she had gone through life since then.

"You don't need to apologize now, Maddox," she said, slowly. Or maybe it was too late for her to consider accepting his apology. Either way, she wasn't too interested in hearing it. Being so honest, though, she was a little surprised with herself. She didn't exactly bother talking to most people to begin with, so talking about herself was unusual. She would not admit it, but it was probably entirely because it was Maddox she was talking to. "I don't get close to other people by my own choice, you know. I prefer not putting myself into situations that will end with nothing but disappointment."

Iris had long since decided that she would not waste her time making an effort in something that didn't yield equal results. All of her studying landed her the best test scores in the whole school. Carefully caring for the exotic iris flowers in her window planter made it so that they bloomed beautifully. Being friends with someone and caring about someone didn't mean they really considered you a friend or really cared about you. If anything, their childhood friendship taught her that at a young age.

All that said and done, she eyed him with a small hint of curiosity at his proposal. This whole situation with the rest of the school would certainly be annoying, so some sort of retaliation could be... amusing. "What do you have in mind?"

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Re: A High School Story [Private]

Postby Mojave » 02/16/2016 9:02 PM

"How 'bout a 'family' picnic?" He suggested, pointing at the flour sack. "You have all those muffins and I know you're not gonna hand them out to everyone in all your classes. How bout we have lunch out on the field?" He asked, referring to the practice field where everyone would be sure to see them. "I can even get us some real lunch. You pick the place, I'll sneak off campus to go get it. I do it all the time, so it's not a big deal. And IF Kaellie or any of her 'friends' say anything, I'll do something that'll draw her attention away from you. I can handle it if she comes after me." He laughed as if he wished something so amusing would happen.
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Re: A High School Story [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 02/20/2016 3:54 AM

Hearing his brilliant idea, Iris nearly laughed. Was it supposed to be ironic that he seemed to have the very same idea she had, although for different reasons? She wasn't entirely sure what to think, but at least she wouldn't have to be the one to bring it up now. She'd planned the family picnic idea, and even brought a camera to have photographic evidence, to use the event for their project. After all, they were being graded on actually working together to raise their fake flour child . Even if she was really stuck with Maddox, she was still going to excel at this. She would not accept anything less than high marks for their project.

"You wouldn't really need to sneak away if I went with you," she began her response after he'd entirely finished. If it wasn't already obvious, the staff sort of let her get away with things because of her good grades and reputation with the teachers and staff. "But we wont have to go out, anyway."

She gestured to the backseat with her thumb, where she had left the picnic basket that she had brought with her that morning. "I've already got lunch covered." As for sitting out where everyone could see them, she supposed she could humor him, just this once. Maybe he'd let things go, after that. "There's more than enough for the two of us."

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Re: A High School Story [Private]

Postby Mojave » 02/26/2016 7:29 PM

He eyed the picnic basket for a moment and thought of mentioning he liked to eat other things than just muffins, but thought better of it. If she'd already packed lunch, he'd humor her. Maybe he could make some headway repenting for his childish mistakes if he got her in a good mood. "Alright, that settles that. See you at lunch then." He exited the car and went around to her side to help her out with Lily Wisteria and the picnic basket. He assumed she wanted first shift with their "daughter" so didn't even try to take "her" away. Once she was on her way to class, he went the opposite direction to his first class. The day passed rather slowly, but he was glad for the first time ever the first part of his day was away from his buddies or any of the cheerleaders. None of them had made it into AP classes.

He was on the field waiting for Iris and Lily when the bell rang, having been released early from his AP Chem class due to someone causing a small explosion. He waved when he saw Iris and ran to meet her, taking Lily and the picnic basket from her and leading her to a shaded spot where they would still be seen and be out of the sun.
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Re: A High School Story [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 04/15/2016 9:43 PM

Although Iris' classes were primarily AP classes, as well, she and Maddox had managed to not land in them in the same periods. They didn't overlap, save for their health and family education class. For that, she was glad, even though she had no idea that he actually took AP classes. She didn't spend her time paying attention to him, up until now. Being away from him for the entire first part of the day was something that she was happy about.

When the bell rang for lunch, she was the last student to leave her classroom, and she hesitated in the hallway. Out of habit, she wanted to go to the empty classroom where she almost always ate her lunch alone, but she reminded herself that she had made plans to meet Maddox for lunch. She sighed and reminded herself that this was all for the sake of her project. Iris would not accept anything less than an 95% grade, so she was going to have to be committed to this weird, fake co-parent relationship she had with him.

By the time she made it out onto the field to meet her partner, a number of students were already there, too. Iris may have walked with her head held high, but she could not fool herself, she was nervous and uncertain about being out in the open like this. Her worries were blown away when Maddox waved and ran to meet her, though, her focus suddenly moving to him. "Hey," she greeted him simply, not making a fuss when he took both Lily and the picnic basket from her. Part of her was relieved that he broke the tension she was feeling, as well as relieving her arms from hauling those things around all morning.

Once in the shade, the teenage girl opened the clasp on the picnic basket and lifted the lid open to pull out the blanket that she had packed on the very top of it. She unfolded the blanket and laid it out with ease. There was more than enough room for both of them to sit.

Inside the basket, there weren't actually any muffins, but there was an entire lunch. She had made an assortment of sandwiches using small rolls rather than slices from a loaf of bread, a fruit salad and a pasta salad. She had even gone through the trouble of making chocolate covered strawberries, since her mother ended up with way too many strawberries and they needed to be used up. There was both lemonade and soda to drink, as well has the needed dishes and flatware.

"I made lunch, so... help yourself?"

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Re: A High School Story [Private]

Postby Mojave » 04/16/2016 12:54 AM

Maddox kept out of her way as she set up the blanket to her liking, waiting for her invitation before sitting on one side of the basket, the flour bag transferred to his lap. "Thanks! I'm glad I didn't go get something now that I see this. Do you take Home Ec or something?" He inquired, thinking this was something she'd done for class. He had no reason to think she'd packed something for him, after all.

While she situated herself on the blanket, he took a casual look around them, curious if anyone would dare interrupt them. He noticed Kaellie glaring at them, but he gave her a look that made her huff and whip around to storm off where she couldn't see them. Not interested in what any of the guys would think, he turned back to Iris, hoping she hadn't noticed him warning the twit-squad away.

"So, I know we're graded on how well we pretend we're a family, so I'd like to know how far we're going with this assignment." He said, keeping Lily in his lap. "Does one of us need to hold Lily while we eat like we would if she... it... was a real kid? Or set it... her.. down and pretend Lily is crawling around? Do we have to pretend to feed Lily?" He struggled with pronouns for a moment, and in the end decided to just refer to the flour as Lily, leaving gender out of it completely for now.
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Re: A High School Story [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 04/16/2016 4:17 AM

Iris was quick to settle onto the blanket, herself, intentionally keeping her eyes on the things in front of her, rather than meeting the eyes of those that were probably staring at them. She had given up eating in populated areas for lunch a long time ago. It was less of a hassle. "Ah, no. At home, I cook at least half of the time. My mom I actually doesn't really like cooking, so I learned to cook when I was young." Even back when they were friends, all so long ago, she would sometimes make cookies or cupcakes from scratch. She probably shared with him once or twice.

With that explanation, she dove right into answering his question, by pulling out her mobile phone from her pocket; it wasn't a super expensive model, but it got the job done. In just a moment's time, she snapped a picture of Maddox with the flour sack on his lap.  "I'm sure we can just sit her on the blanket or on one of our laps while we eat, but we should take a few pictures for proof of our family picnic." Evidently, she had packed the picnic entirely for the sake of their project. And, since their flour sack had been assigned the female gender, Iris referred to it with female pronouns. It wasn't even something she had to think about.

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