Nice and peaceful, Nabias offers a great place to start your journey or stock up on supplies before heading out to brave the rest of the wilderness out there. They also have Barakka's largest hospital facility to treat all sorts of injuries you could get out there. (+2 Precision)

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Re: Christmas Festival [Contest, Win Rare Pets, 1 Slot open!

Postby MillietheWarrior » 12/14/2011 9:16 PM


“Oh, yes,” Momo replied, taking the order of an elderly gentleman who stepped up to the counter after Talcen. “We get more business than we know what to do with. The sweets sell like hot cakes here, no pun intended, because it’s cold all year round in this particular part of Nabias. People always want warm sweets and hot chocolate. We even make a very lovely hot, spiced cider, and our specialty; the mocha gingerbread frappe.” She leaned on the counter, and idly munched on a cookie. It didn’t seem as though she ate many sweets, despite her profession. “I bet if you keep looking,” she remarked off-handedly. “-you’ll find something awesome. Ceinwen was in here not too long ago, and she kept giggling to herself. So I bet whatever she hid in here is probably SUPER RARE. Maybe you should go talk to Nanao, and see if she saw where Ceinwen hid the box.” She pointed to a flustered, pink-haired woman who was angrily stacking boxes in one corner.

Azura Rayume:

Within the box there was something that vaguely resembled a rabbit’s foot. What the-? Upon further inspection, you realize it is not actually a real rabbit’s foot, but something soft and fluffy and made to appear like one. Next to the faux rabbit foot, there was a small totem, and a carrot. The carrot seemed oddly out of place, but if you looked closely at the totem, and thought about the faux foot in your hand, then maybe it didn’t seem so random. The totem was carved into an intricate little bunny, a big fluffy tail and large, floppy ears with a string tied to it. This was probably an indication of what you’d won. And I bet that carrot would certainly come in handy too. Beside these items, is a little note, which, upon being opened, reads;

A twitchy nose and cotton tail,
This pet is lucky without fail!
You’ll find it underneath your tree,
It’s just for you, your gift, you see.
But now it’s time to say goodbye,
Merry Christmas! Now off you fly!

((Congratulations, Azura Rayume! You’ve won a Diosol! Your prize will be sent shortly. Please make an exit post and your slot will then be open.))


Ceinwen smiled at the new adventurer. “Oh, aren’t you just the cutest little thing!" she cried, waving her arms around spastically. The little Santa hat promptly fell from her head into the snow. With a squeak, she bounced down and grabbed it, shoving it back onto her head firmly. “Of course you can join! My contest ius open to everyone of all ages.” She winked at the young girl, before gesturing with wide, open arms to the expanse of the square behind her. “Please, go and explore and have fun! Merry Christmas!”

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: Christmas Festival [Contest, Win Rare Pets, 1 Slot open!

Postby Azura Rayume » 12/14/2011 9:28 PM

Aya smiled at the contents of the box. Though this wasn't what she had been expecting to win (not that she had any idea of what she could be getting in the first place), it was definitely a pleasant surprise. She knew just the person who would like it, too. Other than Raharu, of course.

"Come on, kid," she said, tucking the prize in her pocket along with the ribbon. "I got what we came for, so we should be leaving now."

Haru gave the Torken one last pet before standing. "Really? We're leaving already?" As far as she was concerned, they had only just arrived. She still had so many places she wanted to go. The chestnut stand, the Christmas tree, the bakery... The bakery! Oh, she had almost forgotten about that. The thought of possibly free sugary sweets escaping her was depressing.

Aya paused a moment. "How about we head to that bakery before going home, eh? It'll give me a chance to warm up before heading out at least."

"Really?!" If she had been in her canine form, Haru's tails would have been wagging."You mean it?"

"Of course, but we'll make it quick. Now, come on before I change my mind."


((Thank you for such a fun, wonderful event, Millie. And a wonderful gift as well!))

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Re: Christmas Festival [Contest, Win Rare Pets, 2 Slot open!

Postby Kitsumi » 12/15/2011 12:48 AM

Why was he here?

The Khimera had no recollection of coming this far from his home, and yet somehow, he was here. Noticing a ton of other creatures around, he figured that something was going on. Moving closer, he realized that there could be some prizes to be won - prizes that could earn him quite a bit of keystones, if he played it right. Moving closer, he gave a graceful bow. "Excuse me, madame, but if there is still room, I would love to join." He rose, looking her in the eye. "I'm not too late to join, am I?"

{If someone else already took the slot and I missed it, my apologies!}

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Re: Christmas Festival [Contest, Win Rare Pets, 2 Slot open!

Postby Jaden Wolf » 12/15/2011 2:20 PM

Kia stared at the woman in front of her as a Santa hat found its way to the ground and back onto her head. This lady's weird, she thought, but nonetheless, when she was gestured in, she gave the lady a brilliant smile.

Then, she skipped on ahead, noticing immediately that there were alot of people around. She had really wanted to do this she wasn't so sure. She wasn't supposed to be in crowds, according to most of the people she knew. For various reasons, of course. Like how Jaden thought that it was too dangerous, mostly for other people...and Nala thought that they wouldn't ever be able to have fun if there were people around to interrupt. Mama just thought that she'd get lost or that someone would take her. Like that would happen. Kia was a kid, but she had a good head on her shoulders...well, usually. It depended on which emotion she was portraying at the time.

Right now, she was in a sour mood, and just wanted to be left alone. Plus, the cold hardly ever got to her, which was why she was not  wearing a jacket, but now she was starting to feel a chill. There was a fire going nearby, but she wasn't sure about the number of people around it. Then she noticed an empty log and slipped around the crowd to get to it. As she approached, she thought it was a very good spot indeed, and in a short, brief moment of sheer bliss, ran over and plopped herself onto the wooden surface, giggling.

Then her moment was over and her lonely, sad self came forward. Filled with thoughts of "why did no one stay with me?" and "why am I even here?", the girl looked at the ground with a despairing sigh. She looked blankly around the area of the fire and her log. Maybe someone would hang out with her? Cause she certainly did not want to bother anyone. Who wanted a weird, crazy kid like her around, anyway?

(Searching area #1)
You can pretend that when you hear my voice, darling, it's your choice not to fall in.

But it's all an act, 'cause I know exactly what you're wanting. You know it's what I'm wanting

Boy I know what you desire, oh, you're such a bad, bad liar

This could be perfection, or venom dripping in your mouth

Singing like a Siren, love me while your wrists are bound

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Re: Christmas Festival [Contest, Win Rare Pets, 2 Slot open!

Postby Kylo » 12/15/2011 7:18 PM

Talcen carefully approached the women and smiled at her. "You look like you can use some help. May I?" He went over to her and picked up a box and stacked them like he had seen her do. "So how are you? I'm Talcen." He stacked another box and smiled at her. "I heard that someone hid a present somewhere. You wouldn't have happened to see it have you?"

(Searching the area)

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: Christmas Festival [Contest, Win Rare Pets, 2 Slot open!

Postby Thunder » 12/15/2011 8:10 PM

Well. This girl was sure excitable. "Yeah, sure," Dave commented dully, turning towards the bonfire to begin looking. He realized that his words were probably insensitive sounding, but it wasn't anything against her. He just really wanted to get out of the goddamned cold.

The bonfire was very appealing due to his hate of the weather, so Dave decided that he'd hang out around here for a bit. The flickering flames reminded of his Sburb planet, the Land of Heat and Clockwork, though with the snow the area was, overall, more like Jade's planet, the Land of Frost and Frogs. Here there were people sharing Christmas stories and singing carols together in front of the fire, though Dave did not wish to join them. He was sociable enough, but not to that degree.

He decided to hang out around the source of heat for a while and sat down on the empty log. Although Dave let himself relax, his crimson eyes darted around behind his shades, looking for something he could get Jade...

(Searching the area)

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Re: Christmas Festival [Contest, Win Rare Pets, 2 Slot open!

Postby MillietheWarrior » 12/16/2011 1:01 AM

Kitsumi Mahon:

Ceinwen was happy that so many people were interested in her contest. She smiled brightly, waving her arms about merrily as she did a little jig in the snow. Had either of her sisters, Nanao or Momo caught sight of this, they would have promptly cut off her sugar intake for the night. As it was, she was high on sugar and she wasn’t about to stop. “Welcome!” she cried, bouncing on the balls of her feet. “You’re never too late for Christmas!” She giggled and adjusted the Santa hat on her head. “Please, come in, join the fun!”


“Whoa, hey, whoa, hey, hey, whoa there!” Apparently, that log wasn’t as deserted as you thought it was. A rather sour looking Anala poked it’s head up over the side, claws scrabbling on the wood as it hauled itself up beside the young girl. A comically large scarf was wrapped around it’s neck, and it had something that vaguely resembled mistletoe hanging on the end of it’s tail. “What do you think you’re doing, young lady? This is my spot! I found it first!” As if to emphasize it’s point, it plopped it’s bottom down hard on the log. “What are you doing here, anyway?” it peered one beady little eye over at the girl, looking as disapproving as something with a tiny little mouth and an expressionless face could. “If you’re gonna stick around, I guess I should tell you that your chance of finding something here is VERY GOOD. You know…in case you were interested.” Maybe this Anala knew more than it let on. Perhaps you should ask it for a hint?


“Oy!” the pink haired woman cried, her eyes narrowing. “That’s company property! How dare y-” Once she realized the man wasn’t trying to steal, she seemed to relax, if only marginally, though her scowl stayed in place. “Oh, I see,” she snorted, her hands finding their way to her hips. “You’re looking for one of Ceinwen’s stupid presents, are ya? Well, let me tell you, she hid one of those things in here, but something found the box and tore it apart. Then it promptly ate a bunch of our merchandise!” She threw her hands into the air, looking angry. “If you want it, you can have it. Follow me.” She turned and marched towards a door near the side fo the shop, and opened it. It was dark inside, but there was clearly a bunch of boxes stacked within the pantry. Inside, you could vaguely hear something growling and snarling and the sounds of munching as it tore into boxes. “Go get it and it’s yours.” Perhaps it was a good idea to try and track that thing down. I bet it was near the back, where they kept all the gingerbread dough. Why not take a peek?


“’Scuse me, sir, but you’re sitting on my blanket.” If Dave was to turn, he’d find a very wide-eyed Kuhna child staring up at him. “I don’t like it when people sit on muh blankets.” She stuck her thumb into her mouth, and caught a hold of Dave’s sleeve, tugging lightly. “I’m cold. It’s gonna start snowing soon.” The little girl didn’t seem concerned about anything in particular, and her random statements were…odd. “Could you give me muh blanekt, mister? I gotta go to the petting zoo a’cuz there ain’t nothing here.” Oh. So it seemed your chances of finding something here was VERY POOR. Maybe following the little girl might get you somewhere?


((For anyone reading, there are THREE slots open. Those are the LAST three slots of the entire contest, so get them while you can!))

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: Christmas Festival [Contest, Win Rare Pets, 3 Slot open!

Postby Kitsumi » 12/16/2011 1:43 PM

"You have my most heartfelt thanks, madame." Todd, as the large creature was called, bowed once again. He moved to take a seat and warm himself by the fire, when he felt a poke in his side. A hissed whisper was heard, close to his ear: "Hey, Swodd! I don't like it here, too many people, too much fire, too cheery, if ya know what I mean? Let's go out towards that fountain, over there! That seems pretty nifty, don't ya think? C'mon, let's have us a go over there!"

Somehow, Todd had forgotten about the annoying little creature who had decided to hitch a ride on his back. The festive quiksylph must have fallen asleep a while back, because for the past hour or so, she hadn't made one annoying comment. Now, however, she seemed to be fully awake, and just as troublesome as ever. Trying his hardest to ignore her, Todd took the seat like he had been planning to do.

Within the same second that Todd sat, another poke, this one sharper, pierced his side. "Hey! Didn't ya hear me, Swodd? Let's go out to the fountain!" Finally, Todd turned, although he couldn't see the quiksylph at the angle she was sittin. "Listen here, you troublesome fairy. I came here because I wanted to be here, and I'm going to do what I wish while I'm here. If you don't want to play by my rules, you can find a ride somewhere else. And I told you, the name is Todd, not Swodd."

The Quiksylph shrugged, not perturbed in the slightest. "You're Sweeney Todd, ain't ya? You's got the black and white hair...well, fur, and you got a lovely singing voice. Plus, didn't you say you used to kill people and make 'em into meat pies? See, you're Sweeney Todd! Swodd, for short." Todd jolted, appalled. "I said no such thing! Now shut up, and let me search the area. We can go to the fountain next, if you're so concerned about it." Shaking his head in a thoroughly frustrated way, Todd started searching the logs, and around the bonfire.

{Searching the area :: 1/10}

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Re: Christmas Festival [Contest, Win Rare Pets, 3 Slot open!

Postby Bug-A-Boo » 12/16/2011 1:56 PM


A yellow and black form came skidding in, paws scrabbling at the snow, unable to find traction. After a moment or so, the creature which was now seen as a lucain fell on her stomach, all four limbs sprawled about her, but her tails still wagging happily. "Oh! Well, that was fun." She chuckled as she picked herself up, licking a sore spot on her shoulder. "So, a friend told me that I could win presents here? I love presents." The speed at which her tails were wagging increased as she looked up hopefully at Ceinwen. "My name's Bug-A-Boo, but you can call me Boo...could I have a go at this?"
"It's all about the love, man! The love!"

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Re: Christmas Festival [Contest, Win Rare Pets, 2 Slot open!

Postby Jaden Wolf » 12/16/2011 6:15 PM

Kia jumped as a voice came from behind her. She just stared at it as it muttered stuff at her. Her expression remained quite blank, but just as the anala was saying something about "his spot", her expression changed. In fact, it changed so suddenly, one could swear they heard a snap as it came into place.

Her eyes were cold and she glared at the creature that, from her point of view, had interrupted her peace and quiet. Like she had never at any point wished someone would talk to her.
"It doesn't matter. What are you doing here, hiding behind a log? Y'know, you can't claim somthin' if you're not on it in the first place. I'm here 'cause I wanna be and you can't make me leave." Oh my, the girl seemed to have slipped into her rather snobby mood. She was quite sarcastic and rude when she got like this.

And yet, as the anala mentioned something about finding something around here, the girl's face changed again. The imaginary click sounded as her face went from cold to awed. Her eyes brightened and she gasped  in delight. Clasping her hands together, she leaned towards the anala as if he were in the middle of a very interesting story. Just as suddenly as she did so, she whipped around, her hair all but slapping her in the face as she did so. The red bow nearly slipped from its position, but seemed to have been placed rather securely in anticipation of a moment like this.
"I can find something? Here? Here? Where? Here? Like, just anywhere? In a log? Hiding? A tree? A person? A fire...oh wait, probably not a fire...unless it's something that can stay in a fire? Can it? Can it? Oh well, I guess I'll find it! Maybe...maybe not! That's all the fun of the game, right?" her head snapped back and forth as she chattered on, making one wonder how the girl's head even managed to remain attatched to her body.

(Searching area #1)
You can pretend that when you hear my voice, darling, it's your choice not to fall in.

But it's all an act, 'cause I know exactly what you're wanting. You know it's what I'm wanting

Boy I know what you desire, oh, you're such a bad, bad liar

This could be perfection, or venom dripping in your mouth

Singing like a Siren, love me while your wrists are bound

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Re: Christmas Festival [Contest, Win Rare Pets, 2 Slot open!

Postby Kylo » 12/16/2011 9:22 PM

Talcen looked at the women and then at the pantry before swallowing. "Okay I'll go in." He crept up to the edge of the pantry and pulled a protect charm from his pocket in case the thing would give him trouble he did not want to get hurt over a present. He then jumped intot the pantry and smiled widely. "Hello there! Please don't eat me!"

(Searching the area)

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: Christmas Festival [Contest, Win Rare Pets, 2 Slot open!

Postby Thunder » 12/17/2011 6:37 PM

Dave was just staring into the distance when he felt the tugging on his sleeve. He gazed down to see a small, two-tailed feline blinking up at him. Shoot, what were these things called again? ...right, Kuhnas. "Whoops, sorry," Dave apologized, standing up from the log and handing the blanket to the cat. He took a look around and saw that more and more people were starting to gather around the bonfire. He didn't really want to get caught up in all the merry-making, so he decided that he'd move on elsewhere.

"The petting zoo?" he questioned, turning back to the Kuhna. "Any chance you could show me where that is?" The Kuhna child nodded and started making her way towards a giant Christmas tree, and Dave tagged along behind her.

(Moving to Area 2. Sorry for the slight powerplay on the Kuhna!)

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Re: Christmas Festival [Contest, Win Rare Pets, 2 Slot open!

Postby MillietheWarrior » 12/18/2011 4:11 AM


“Hey weirdo! Talking to yourself won’t get ya nowhere.” A rather ruffled looking Aries was standing near the fire, a scarf over his neck and mittens on his horns. He watched the Khimera with carefully blank eyes, unaware of the Quicksylph who accompanied him. “You’re acting really weird. Did you drink some bad hot chocolate? I had this cousin, this one time, who ate this cookie that had gone bad and well…it’s not exactly the same thing, but the results were just as unpleasant.” he peered at him curiously, looking far too nosy for most people’s tastes. “Why don’t you, uh, go somewhere else?” Clearly, talking to the Quick sylph (Or, as the Aries saw it, talking to himself) did not sit well with this creature. “You’re really freaky.” He glanced pointedly at the Khimera’s claws and tails. “Besides, your chances of finding something here are POOR.


Ceinwen grinned, amused at the colorful display the Lucain had put on. She herself was a Lucain and she understood how hard it was to walk in the snow. “Careful dear, it’s very slippery around here. Those claws are there for a reason; great traction.” She waved a mitten covered hand at her, and smiled brightly. “You’re welcome to join, of course! It’s so lovely to meet you! I Certainly hope you find something nice!” She waved her along, her Santa hat nearly falling off her head. “Merry Christmas!”


“Kid, you got somethin’ wrong with yer head,” the Anala muttered, surprised at her quick shift in mood. “And yeah, you can find something here that‘s pretty AVERAGE. But I ain’t tellin’y uo where to look unless you do something for me.” The look on it’s face turned wicked, if you could call it that, and it leaned forward conspiratorially. “See this on muh tail? It’s mistletoe. I’ll give you a hint as to where to find that funny little box of yours if you…” He cackled gleefully, looking amused. “Gimme a kiss on the cheek!”


A low, angry growled ripped form the darkness. A pair of bright green eyes suddenly illuminated near the storage area. “I’m not going to eat you. You’re much too skinny for my tastes anyways.” The thing, whatever it was, stayed hidden in the shadows, but the gnash of teeth and the low, growling breath were enough to make anyone run in fear. “I’m guessing you were looking for that stupid Christmas box, huh? Well, it’s not here. I tore it to ribbons.” There was a dark chuckle, and then something flew from the darkness and clattered at Talcen’s feet. It was a totem, half of it chewed off. It was hard to see what it actually was. Maybe if you pick it up and take it to Nanao, she’ll tell you? “Get lost!” the voice called from the darkness. “I’ve got cookies to eat.”


((Thunder: No worries about that; just as long as it’s slight, you‘re welcome to manipulate these guys if needed~ ^^ Since you‘re moving, there‘s no post for you~))

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: Christmas Festival [Contest, Win Rare Pets, 2 Slot open!

Postby Kylo » 12/18/2011 2:36 PM

"O-okay," he stammered then quickly turned tail and feld from the area. He nearly ran into Nanoa in his attempt to flee. "Oh sorry! I'm so sorry!" He stammered some more as he was still uneased by the green eyed creature. He then remembered the totem thing the creature had thrown at him and he handed it to Nanoa. "The creature threw this at me and said you'd know what it is."

((Searching te area))

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: Christmas Festival [Contest, Win Rare Pets, 2 Slot open!

Postby Kitsumi » 12/18/2011 3:19 PM

"See? What did I tell ya, ya brainless idiot!" Flit, the Quiksylph, cackled. "Now let's go the fountain, there's probably some better stuff there, anyways." For a moment, she lifted off of Todd's back, her wings beating furiously fast, and hovered in front of the Aries. "You're not very nice, ya know. Swodd here isn't freaky at all! Unlike you, trying to make us innocent guests leave the room. Maybe we want to stay now, huh? What would you do then? Huh? Huh?"

Todd sighed and swished his tail impatiently. "Get over here, you annoying little bug. You wanted to go to the fountain, right? Well, lets go to the fountain, then. He told us we wouldn't find anything here, and despite your intentions, I'm only here to find a gift to give my lady." While waiting for the little creature to come back, he cast his gaze towards the Aries. "I'll have you know, never have I eaten any 'bad cookies' nor have I ever been mentally unstable, a freak, or anything of the like."

"That's right, Swodd! Tell 'im!" Flit landed on Todd's head, crossing her delicate legs to sit cross-legged there, in full view of anyone who cared to get a close enough look to see her as anything other than an oddly shaped lump on the Khimera's head. "Well, let's get the 'ell outta here, hmm?" Todd rolled his eyes, but moved towards the fountain.

{Moving to area 7 :: 2/10}

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