Nice and peaceful, Nabias offers a great place to start your journey or stock up on supplies before heading out to brave the rest of the wilderness out there. They also have Barakka's largest hospital facility to treat all sorts of injuries you could get out there. (+2 Precision)

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Christmas Festival [Contest, Win Rare Pets, 2 Slot open!]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 12/11/2011 9:26 PM

.:Merry Christmas!:.

The town square was usually a rather dull place during winter. It was always too cold to go out and spend time at the local bakery or the vendors. But on this particular evening, something special had happened and the square had been transformed from empty and gloomy, to bright and lively. There were lights hanging from every rooftop surrounding the square, and the smell of gingerbread wafted through the many vendors. There were people milling about here and there, some holding mugs of cocoa and chatting animatedly to one another as they fed the geese who called the fountain in the middle a temporary home. Some of them were sitting near a large, roaring fire, recounting stories of Christmases long past, or simply chatting with one another about what they were getting their families in terms of presented.

Off to the side, a small, cheery bakery was open all night, handing out free gingerbread and inviting customers in for more yummy treats. A roasted chestnut vendor was off to one side, offering people warm chestnuts to heat their chilled fingers and fill their bellies. And beside his cart, there was a table set up with free hot cocoa, which would be welcomed after spending the cold night out in the open air, visiting the various attractions. Beside the vendors was a petting zoo, filled with beautiful, winter-time animals, including a very large, very docile reindeer.

A bright, blaring, cheery Christmas tree stood over the entire scene, glowing with Christmas spirit and lights in blue and red and yellow and green. Beneath it sat a multitude of presents, all eagerly waiting to be opened by the participants. Inside each present sat a small token to be given out at the end of the contest, though no one quite knew what the tokens were.

As you enter the square, cheered by the bright lights and atmosphere around you, you’re suddenly accosted by an equally bright and cheery looking young woman with a crooked little Santa hat sitting on top of her head. She’s holding a tray of warm, gingerbread cookies in her hands, bundled up in an overly large coat that makes her look ridiculously small. “Merry Christmas!” she shouts, holding out the tray for you to take a cookie.

“And welcome to the annual Christmas Festival! I’m so glad you could make it!” She seems to notice your confusion at being addressed by a seemingly random person, and quickly clarifies. “Oh, I’m the event organizer! My name is Ceinwen, and I decided to host this little shindig myself this year." She pointed over towards the cottage-looking bakery. “That’s my bakery, over there. Myself and a few friends are giving away some lovely Christmas presents this year too. But you have to work for them!”

At the face you pull, she only smiles. “Come now, what’s Christmas without a bit of fun, huh? I’ve hidden ten different gifts all over! You’ll know them when you see them. They all look about the same, you know. Red boxes with green ribbons.” She smiles secretly. “And I have a few helpers hidden around here too. You may run into them if you look hard enough.” She makes a shooing motion with her hand, waving you off with a bright grin. The little Santa hat she wears on her head nearly falls off as she bounces excitedly.

“Go on, go on! Have fun!”



Same basic thing as Freezy’s contest. I hope she doesn’t mind me using these rules.

1: There may be no more than five entrants at a time.

2: Each entrant has the ability to make ten moves, and ten moves only, and then they must leave. After they leave, the next person can post and grab a slot. After you are accepted by Ceinwen (me), your ten posts begin immediately.

3: You may make only ONE move in a row (No double posting; you msut wait for someone else to post)

4: For each move, the entrant must declare in BOLD TEXT one of two things; the desire to SEARCH of the desire to MOVE. You may not do both.

5: If you decide to move;
You may only move to one place on the map at a time. You may only move to a place that is beside the one you started in, whichever way. For instance, you could NOT begin at 1, and then jump directly to 4. Think of it as Monopoly; you must move across the board. Use common sense.

6: If you decide to search:
You may search the area. You can use the descriptions to tell you what’s there. Your search may be successful or not so successful. I will also tell you what type of pet you can find in this area; average, rare, very rare, or super rare or even out of the ordinary, after I tell you if your chances are poor, decent, good, or very good.

Note about searches:
You don’t need to wait for me to inform you of your success or failure. You are encouraged to go about your business and move or search. I will reply to any and all searches so you know what you’re finding (Which means that if you want to know your chances or type of pet that's here, you should wait for me to reply, but if you don't feel free to continue)

7: The distance from number 1 does NOT influence your pet rarity.

8: Not everyone may win something, but the least you’ll go away with is 15 KS for your trouble. Sometimes a search will be unsuccessful, but a majority of the time, it will be successful. There are ten pets total; once the ten pets are gone, the event is over.

9: All participants begin in Area 1, the Bonfire.

10: PLEASE add your move count to the end of your posts so I know how far along you are. Thanks!

11: Remember, the chances for everyone are different; meaning, if you’re in the same place as someone else, your chance of finding something will be different, so don’t base where you go off other people.

12: Have fun, and address any questions here. Thanks!

(You can find the larger version here.)


Number 1, The Bonfire: Here you’ll find a large, cheerfully glowing bonfire. An older man is keeping it going, throwing a chunk of wood on it every now and again. It roars merrily, and around it, sitting on large logs, are different townspeople. They share stories of Christmases past, and of presents they’ll receive. You notice a large stack of wood, and something moving behind it? What could that be? As you look even more closely, you see an empty log waiting for someone to sit on it off to the side near the woodpile. Hm, maybe sitting for a few minutes and enjoying the fire wouldn’t be a bad idea, huh?

Number 2, the Christmas Tree: The tree is large. Far larger than any you’ve ever seen. How’d they manage to drag this here? A few children are standing around the tree, ‘ooing’ and ‘ahhhing’ over the pretty lights and ornaments. Below the tree sit boxes and boxes of presents (but not that familiar one you’re searching for, of course; that would be too easy). This tree could easily house a small army, and as you stare at it, you see something moving in the branches. Wait a minute…what?

Number 3, The Bakery: Here is Ceinwen’s bakery. The lights glow merrily inside, and as you glance through the window, you see a small crowd of people lining up for sweets. Two women are behind the counter, handing out treats that range from cookies to massive cakes to bite-sized candies. The smell is lovely, and you decided that maybe taking a peek inside won’t hurt. There are rows and rows of different treats everywhere you look, and lots of interesting places to explore. And…whoa, wait a sec. Did something just disappear behind the counter?

Number 4, The Petting Zoo: here is the petting zoo. They have a variety of animals, including baby Yingshee, an Ursice cub, a Mocha Piccu, a baby Torken, some Sahound puppies, and most spectacularly of all, an actual, real live, reindeer! They’re all housed in a cozy looking portable barn, strewn with soft, warm hay and blankets for the little ones. You see some children cuddle up with the puppies, and decide that maybe you could buy one of those feed packets that the proprietor of the petting zoo was selling and feed some of the babies. And you might even find something interesting hidden among the hay in the barn. Who knows?

Number 5, Roasted Chestnut Stand: A small, humble looking stand with warm chestnuts and a few extra tables laying about for people to sit and enjoy their food. There even seems to be a can to hold a warming fire. You’re welcome to grab some of those lovely roasted chestnuts and warm your hands, or take a load off and enjoy the scenery. Maybe take a look around the stand and the people hanging about; you might find what you’re looking for here.

Number 6, Hot Chocolate Bar: This has to be the second best stop so far, bar the bakery. Free hot chocolate? Thank you very much! There is a long table with rows of cups for you to grab a drink, and a hot chocolate dispenser at the far end. Plates of cookies and goodies line the table as well, covered from the elements by a large tent. You might want to grab a cup before it’s all gone, and take a seat before everyone decides to take them first. But wait…did something just run around the back of the tent? What’s with all those shadows? How odd…

Number 7, The Fountain: The fountain should be frozen over this time of year, but not this time. It’s been chopped open and a water heater installed to keep the few geese paddling about in it warm. They seem content as they honk at you, as if asking for food. A woman stands beside the fountain, handing out a slice of bread to anyone who wants one for the geese. The two benches on the outside of the fountain look somewhat uncomfortable, but maybe if you take a closer look, you’ll discover something of interest here. Who knows?

-Available Slots-

1. Kitsumi Mahon
2. Talcen
3. Thunder
4. Jaden-Wolf
5. Bug-a-Boo
6. Open
7. Open

This event will run until all the pets have been given out (ten total).

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: Christmas Festival [Contest, Win Rare Pets]

Postby Azura Rayume » 12/11/2011 10:09 PM

"This. Is. STUPID!" Aya roared to no one in particular, just yelling for the sake of the noise. The lights. The people. Every little thing about this celebration screamed "stupid" in her head, yet she was here anyway. Why? Because that brat of a succubus had half dragged her down here in search of candy and fun. The rage demon hated fun; she even went so far as to hate the word "fun." It was bad enough that their master was gone and she was tied to a demon that had no concept of what being a demon was supposed to be about, but she was forced to suffer through all the acts of friendship and love Raharu thought would be "fun."

She pulled her coat closer, shivering. Rage demons weren't supposed to go out in the snow, another small note that her unwanted companion had overlooked. Being creatures of fire, they didn't do well in the cold. She found herself fidgeting with her clothes- hat, scarf, and long red coat- and stomping her feet in a most demeaning manor in an effort to maintain some heat. The winter was sapping everything, though, making her more grouchy by the minute.

"Can we just go? There's no point in us being here to begin with."

Raharu glanced over she shoulder from her place by the fire. All this time, and Aya had yet to come over be near what she would have been most comfortable with. "Oh, Aya, don't be such a Grinch," she said with a giggle, knowing the other demon would fail to understand. "I wanted to come out here because someone said there would be cool stuff going on and, BAM, they were right! Man, I can't believe all the fun we've been missing out on. These humans sure do know how to throw a party."

Aya simply sneered. Demons- even demons of desire- were not supposed to enjoy themselves at human celebrations as much as Haru seemed to. She always wanted to go to every one, but this one was simply too big for the rage demon to turn her desire away. Now that they were here, Aya feared they would never be leaving.

"You mentioned a contest. Is there any way we can just get that over with and go home?'

"Contest?" Haru flopped back in the snow, grinning so wide her fangs caught the firelight. "Yeah, there's a contest. Something about finding little red boxes. The lady with the bakery mentioned it when we got here, remember?" Ooh, a bakery... Haru wondered if they had candy. She had already stolen a candy cane from the tree, but more candy meant a happier Haru as far as she was concerned.

Aya saw this as a way out of this torture. "So all we have to do is find one of these little boxes?"


"And then we can leave?"

"Well, we can... But I don't see why you would want to."

Aya beamed. "Fine. We'll find you a box, then we'll go home. You get the whatever it is you wanted to come out here for, and I get to get out of the cold and all this happiness. Sounds like a win-win situation to me."

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Re: Christmas Festival [Contest, Win Rare Pets]

Postby Kylo » 12/11/2011 10:11 PM

Talcen walked into the area and smiled happily. "Well this looks like fun!" He went up to the lucain agl smiled. "Hello there miss I was wondering if I may join this Christmas activity. I haven't had much to do and thought I'd join." He smiled again and shuffled his feet. "So I just sign up here right? Well Uh I'm Talcen."

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: Christmas Festival [Contest, Win Rare Pets]

Postby Shieba » 12/11/2011 10:12 PM

Laksimi looked around the town square. It was pretty cold, but her fur kept her warm and since she could teleport home at all times, she had decided to come here without any adults. There was a fountain here, after all, and when there was water somewhere, thee might be duckies. Laksimi didn't know if duckies were able to live in fountains, but she had also heard that there was some kind of petting zoo here right now with cute animals and since duckies were the best and cutest animals ever, there sure had to be some around!

She couldn't really find any right now, though. Instead, she was adressed by a stranger. Laksimi had been told to not listen to strangers, but since the woman didn't seem to want to kidnap her and instead offered some sort of game with presents, Laksimi was naturally curious, especially since she wanted to look around anyway. "Hello, Miss?" She stepped up to Ceinwen. "I'm Laksimi! And this is Emily the Duckie!" She pointed at the duck-plushie she was carrying around in a little bag around her chest. "Can I play your game? It sounds fun and I want to see if there are duckies in the boxes." Duckies needed to be free, after all, so Laksimi had to make sure!

I know my dreams are made of you
Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

However cold the wind and rain
I'll be there to ease your pain
However cruel the mirrors of sin
Remember beauty is found within

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Re: Christmas Festival [Contest, Win Rare Pets]

Postby jobiehanna » 12/11/2011 10:18 PM

Jasmine was a little reluctant to be out in the cold. But this place looked so festive, the young woman couldn't resist. She had pulled on her tan winter jacket and pink hat, gloves and scarf and set out into the chilly December air. As she made her way through the marketplace, she wondered exactly what was going on. Nothing this exciting ever happened where she was from.

But her confusion was soon dispelled by a rather nice woman who offered her a chance to win something. Jasmine had no idea what the woman was talking about, but went along with her anyway and listened to what she had to say. After reading the rules and such, she decided it wouldn't be a bad idea to enter. "Well, I, um, yes, I'd like to go on this present hunt," she said with a smile.

And I was runnin' far away
Would I run off the world someday?
Nobody knows
Nobody knows, and
I was dancing in the rain
I felt alive and I can't complain

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Re: Christmas Festival [Contest, Win Rare Pets]

Postby Elektra » 12/11/2011 10:48 PM


Ever since the Easter event had ended in Terrace Park quite some time ago, Bruno had chosen to simply hang around the various regions.  She was easily bored by the regular lives of the others in the Drains, and while she knew that she'd have to go back eventually, Elektra had never really specified when she was supposed to return.  So, Bruno planned to take advantage of that loophole.  While wandering around Nabias, she'd heard a sprightly young woman calling out to random people who were passing by.  Something about a Christmas contest.  "Sounds fun!  I'll go ahead and participate!" Bruno said, smiling back at the Lucain.

If you knew knew what the bluebirds sang at you
You would never sing along
Cast them out cause this is our culture
These new flocks are nothing but vultures

Because they took our love and they filled it up
Filled it up with Novocaine and now Im just numb
And don't mind me, Im just a son of a gun
So dont stop, dont stop until your heart goes numb
I dont feel a thing for you

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Re: Christmas Festival [Contest, Win Rare Pets]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 12/11/2011 11:39 PM

Despite the first guest’s sour attitude (Well, one had a sour attitude; the other seemed accommodating) Ceinwen smiled brightly. And then there were more people. She clapped her hands, looking gleeful and merry with bright rosy cheeks. Her gingerbread were forgotten, lying on a table that conveniently stood at the entrance to the square. “Oh, yes, of course, my dear!” she agreed happily. “Everyone is welcome to join! I encourage you to look around. After all, I don’t want all my hard work to go to waste. Imagine all the lovely things you could find! And don’t forget some chestnuts and hot cocoa. And if you stop by the shop, make sure to tell my two sisters hello as well!”

The fellox who addressed her next was rather adorable; Ceinwen resisted the urge to coo over her. “Of course dear! But sadly, we have no duckies here. Just geese! I’m sure they’d like to meet you, though!” She turned to the next contestant, and grinned, waving her hand and motioning the young Kuhna woman towards the square. The last contestant, a dalma, meant that the contest was full for now. “Have fun, all of you! Remember, don’t give up! I’m sure you’ll find a wonderful prize!” With that, she waved them on their way, looking quite merry in the winter cold.

(You may now all begin your ten turns~ Remember, no posting order, just don't double post. ^^)

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: Christmas Festival [Contest, Win Rare Pets]

Postby Kylo » 12/11/2011 11:50 PM

Talcen thanked the kind lucain gal and went off to the bon fire. He sat down next to it on a log and warmed himself up. He sat there for a long while and almost dozed off several times before rememebring he was supposed to be looking for a prize. "Oh crud! I almost forgot to search for the prize!" He ran around the area and looked high and low before noticing something move behind a pile of wood. Curiousity getting the better of him he went and peeked around the pile.

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: Christmas Festival [Contest, Win Rare Pets]

Postby Azura Rayume » 12/11/2011 11:56 PM

Aya was barely able to resist the urge to mock the other Lucain. Have fun; don't give up. Bah. She just wanted to go home. Her gaze drifted over to the Christmas tree with all its decorations and neatly wrapped boxes. That would be an obvious place to start, but she wasn't really one for the obvious.

"Let's go this way," she said, her tone almost commanding, as she pointed off in the direction of the hot chocolate stand. That seemed like just as good a place to start as any, plus she could always check that tree later. There was always a chance someone would miss something.

Haru was too distracted by the mention of the bakery to notice where the other was headed. She blinked, then called out in a sing-song almost whine, "But I wanted to see the bakery! They could have candy!" Ah, sweet sugar, her powdery, frothy, gooey weakness. She would follow anyone anywhere just for a bit of the stuff.

"Just come on. We can go by there in a little bit. Besides," Aya knew she was going to regret this in a matter of seconds, "They have chocolate over there."

Haru's attention shifted in seconds, and she was by the other demon's side in a heartbeat. "Chocolate? Really?" She was irrationally excited by this. "And it's free? Cool!"

"Alright, alright, can we just go?"

((Move from #1 to #6))
I hope I did that right. o3o;

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Re: Christmas Festival [Contest, Win Rare Pets]

Postby jobiehanna » 12/11/2011 11:57 PM

Jasmine nodded to the woman, then took a look around her. Hmmm, the bonfire. It glowed warmly, invitingly. She glanced around her, wondering what the other contestants were doing first. But as she looked at that fire... She walked over to find an open seat on the logs and listened to the people talk for a little while. She warmed herself up before standing up once more. She smiled to the man stoking the fire and said a polite thank you to him for keeping it going. Now, she was going to move on to the next part of the adventure.

There was mention of free hot chocolate somewhere, right? She would have to find that place for a nice drink before her expedition fully began. So she went off in the direction of free hot chocolate. She arrived at number 6 on the map, the hot chocolate bar.

And I was runnin' far away
Would I run off the world someday?
Nobody knows
Nobody knows, and
I was dancing in the rain
I felt alive and I can't complain

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Re: Christmas Festival [Contest, Win Rare Pets]

Postby Elektra » 12/11/2011 11:59 PM

Bruno thanked the woman, and flashed her a smile before heading off.  She'd found the bonfire easily enough; after all, it would have been pretty hard to miss a mountain of flames.  However, the Dalma girl wasn't exactly one to cling to warmth, even in this brisk, cold moths.  She had decided to make the fountain her first destination, though stopping by a few places along the way couldn't hurt, right?

Looking around, she spotted a Christmas Tree with various presents piled high and low all around it.  There were sparkling lights adorning the numerous branches, and the various ornaments simply added to the beauty. "That's amazing!  I bet there's something hidden around there to.  But..." Bruno said, debating.  She knew that she'd have to get to the fountain, since she was pretty sure that there would be something interesting there, but if she found a present under that tree as well?  

She decided to simply go onto the next spot, that being the Christmas Tree.  If she found something of interest, well, she'd decided what to do if that did happen.  And besides, this was supposed to be for fun; the added bonus of a present was just that, an added bonus.  What she got or where she found it shouldn't really matter anyway.  And with that resolved, she was off.

If you knew knew what the bluebirds sang at you
You would never sing along
Cast them out cause this is our culture
These new flocks are nothing but vultures

Because they took our love and they filled it up
Filled it up with Novocaine and now Im just numb
And don't mind me, Im just a son of a gun
So dont stop, dont stop until your heart goes numb
I dont feel a thing for you

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Re: Christmas Festival [Contest, Win Rare Pets]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 12/12/2011 12:03 AM


The lumpy shape behind the woodpile moved again as Talcen moved towards it. It scooted further out of sight, making a strange, shuffling noise. Then there was a sudden grunt, and the bright light of a lantern shone in Talcen’s face. As the light moved aside, it revealed a very scruffy looking man. His face didn’t look very pleased, and his somewhat tattered, ragged clothes indicated that he certainly wasn’t the most well off. But judging from the warm way he was bundled, and the fact that he was holding a mug of cocoa and had a handful of cookies, meant that he too had come to join the festivities. He just didn’t seem to like people. “Huh?! Who’s there? Wazzat? What do you want?” When he saw it was only one of the contestants, he sighed. “You’re part o’ that contest o’ hers, ain’tcha? Well, I can tell you right now; your chances of findin’ somethin’ here are POOR. But maybe you should keep on lookin’? You might get lucky. Now leave me alone; I’m eatin’ cookies.” As if to emphasize his point, he went back to munching on his meal.

(Just a note: Elektra, please be sure to include which spot in the bolded text so it’s easier to see, luff. Thankies~ <3)

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: Christmas Festival [Contest, Win Rare Pets]

Postby Shieba » 12/12/2011 12:03 AM

"No duckies?" Laksimi's tails drooped. No duckies at all? That was so sad! But they probably really needed a big lake to swim around and be happy. Laksimi wanted all duckies to be happy, so she understood, though. "I'll go and look at the geese then! Thank you, Miss!" She didn't really know anything about geese since she lived in Whisper Forest and they didn't have those at the Chateau, but they were a bit like really big duckies but in white, right? So they maybe were cute as well! Surely not as much as duckies, but Laksimi liked other animals, too, after all, and the geese probably were being upset about not being duckies and needed cheering up.

Looking around, Laksimi tried to figure out where the geese might be at. She thought she heard some noise from the direction of the fountain which sounded a bit like duckies (maybe the nice women just didn't know duckies well and there were some after all?!), so she quickly started to head into that direction.

(Move from #1 to #7)

I know my dreams are made of you
Of you and only for you
Your ocean pulls me under
Your voice tears me asunder
Love me before the last petal falls

However cold the wind and rain
I'll be there to ease your pain
However cruel the mirrors of sin
Remember beauty is found within

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Re: Christmas Festival [Contest, Win Rare Pets]

Postby jobiehanna » 12/12/2011 12:05 AM

Jasmine was having a good time looking around for a spare seat at the hot chocolate place. Sure, it was a little annoying to have to search for a chair, but that was quite alright by her. Once she found a seat, she sat down and took the cup of hot chocolate. She blew the steam off the top, then took tiny sips of chocolatey goodness. It was nice to have a nice warming feeling within her. But she wanted to search this place for any presents.

She thought she had seen something, but wasn't sure. She got up off her butt and took the cup with her, hoping they wouldn't mind. She sipped the hot liquid as she searched the hot chocolate area. She looked behind the chairs and tables, hoping to discover something. She even grabbed a cookie from one of the side tables. Mmm, the stuff in this tent was so tasty! But what she was looking for didn't appear right away. She wondered if she was just looking in the wrong places.

And I was runnin' far away
Would I run off the world someday?
Nobody knows
Nobody knows, and
I was dancing in the rain
I felt alive and I can't complain

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Re: Christmas Festival [Contest, Win Rare Pets]

Postby Azura Rayume » 12/12/2011 12:12 AM

The area surrounding the hot chocolate bar was filled with people, which brought a frown to Aya's face and a smile to her companion's. Haru smiled more to make up for the fact that Aya was so grumpy in such a happy place, which only showed off her fangs a bit more than she would have liked. Still, many of the other patrons smiled back, choosing to look away from the sullen rage demon and focus on the cheerier desire.

"Two hot chocolates, please!" Haru chimed brightly, drawing a smile from the owner as the order was filled along with those of so many others. The desire demon's gaze drifted to the cookies, and she snatched a few from the plate, stuffing the extras in her pockets while munching one. She handed a drink to Aya, who was barely paying attention anymore, finally nudging the rage demon to retrieve her from whatever dream she had wandered off to.

Aya stared at Haru for a moment, then took the offered cup. "You wait here," she said, trying to sound as kind as she could so as to not arouse another shout from the younger. "I'm going to have a look around. See if I can find any of those boxes you wanted." With that, she left, leaving Raharu to mingle with the mortals as she pleased.

The rage demon sipped her hot chocolate as she searched the area for a hint of red paper and green ribbon. The warmth from the cup soothed the ache in her fingers, and the liquid heated her insides. Maybe these humans didn't have such bad ideas of how to beat this dreadful cold after all.

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