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Re: A High School Story [Private] [L]

Postby Mojave » 01/11/2017 3:37 PM

"I guess there's no point in worrying," he laughed a little, "If you're gonna do whatever you want regardless of what I ask." While he found it annoying when anyone else ignored him, for some reason he didn't mind if it was Iris. Perhaps it was because he'd hurt her so badly, he didn't mind if she was callous to him. Or maybe he'd half expected the reply and was getting used to her blunt manner. Whatever the reason, he nodded, "I'm sure you'll find something without me, I'm going because you asked and I have no valid reason to say no."

They reached the car as she explained the situation with her mom and he watched the road sadly as he contemplated the full meaning of her words. He didn't really care what Iris's mom's view of highschool was, but it did bother him that the woman knew nothing of her child being bullied.

"You shouldn't try to handle all of that stuff on your own, you know. You're just going to stress yourself out and get sick."
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Re: A High School Story [Private] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 01/11/2017 4:14 PM

"Well, I mean... It's more like we probably wont match, since I'll just choose whatever I'd like to wear?" Iris had no intention of purposefully matching or mismatching with Maddox. However they ended up as fine by her. She didn't mind, one way or another, as long as she was happy with her dress and he was fine with his tux. Which, she assumed, if he already had it, that he was fine with it.

The ride was quiet, until Maddox spoke up to break the silence. Prior to it, Iris' head was filled with what needed to be, or was going to be, done before the dance. It seemed he was worried about her, though, and that... was sort of nice. Although she wouldn't say it.

"Maddox, it doesn't really bother me," she told him. "Friendships are not necessary. I don't need that temporary, artificial kindness that's going to end up as betrayal." She had no desire to repeat putting faith in someone, only to lose it. Iris liked controllable variables. She liked being rewarded based on the effort put into something. Relationships with people weren't like that, and Maddox had been the one to teach her that.

"People can say whatever they want, because it's not as if matters what they think about me. I don't care. In fact, I'd rather they say what they do, instead of lying to my face and pretending to like me or pretending to be my friend." That was when it would hurt. If she trusted them, if they called her a friend, but lied and left, she just couldn't do that again. "It's only high school. I wont see most of these people again later. And I'm track to graduate early, so I'll be out of here even sooner."

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Re: A High School Story [Private] [L]

Postby Mojave » 02/28/2017 11:52 PM

They were close to her driveway, so there wasn't time to really get into it with her. "Look, not everyone is an asshole like me. And I know I have no right to tell you how to live your life, but your mom should know what you're going through. What if something happens? One way or another, secrets have a way of coming to light, Iris. It'd be better if she was informed instead of finding out in some bad way like you being hospitalized because Kaellie or one of her stupid friends hurts you."

He had pulled into her driveway, though he kept the door locked so he could say his last bit, "You know they're stupid and mean enough that we can't rule physical harm out of the equation." He unlocked the door to let her escape, obviously not expecting her to argue the point with him.
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Re: A High School Story [Private] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/08/2017 5:44 AM

The night of the school dance came around.

Although they had seen one another throughout the previous day at school, in the hours after, between then and now, Iris went through a transformation that would certainly come as a surprise to her date. Never mind that Maddox had already seen her in the dress, as he'd accompanied her when she went to pick it out; even knowing what the dress looked like couldn't compare to to the completed look. And, maybe, that was the entire point.

For the occasion, not only had she gotten her nails professionally done for the very first time, they now covered in acrylics and adorned with black french tips and floral decor, but she opted to have her hair re-dyed. All of the black, her natural hair color, was gone in favor of it being dyed entirely lavender and blue, colors much like the accentuating streaks she had before, but now matched Maddox's ensemble and vibrantly stood out against the solid black of her dress. It was curled, more so than just her natural wave, and pinned into a half updo, her face still framed with her bangs that set at about the same length as the rest of her hair. A decorative hair pin on one side, made of a black artificial flower and lace, gave it additional flare.

While it had been a consideration for her to get her makeup professionally done, it was a little known fact, because she didn't bother with much more than eye liner for school days, that Iris enjoyed makeup and was actually considerably talented in it. For that reason, she took the time to do it herself, and it was certainly on par with some of the best. Glitter included.

Her hair and make up stood out against the black dress, which consisted mostly of sheer panels covered in sparkly floral patterns, save for all of the vital parts, which were covered with solid black portions under the sheer material and still school appropriate. The long sleeves were entirely sheer, as was the majority of the long, flowing skirt of the dress that nearly touched the floor. It was cut slightly shorter in the front, longer in the back. It required her to wear shoes with several inches of heel to keep it from dragging, which was just as well. It gave her a few more inches, so she didn't look quite as short when standing beside Maddox.

Needless to say, Iris looked breathtaking, nothing like anyone from the school would expect from her. Her appearance, undoubtedly, made her look more mature than what was her actual age. In a way, it was her armor. Her peers would be stunned. Perhaps they wouldn't even recognize her.

Now, all that was left was for her date to pick her up. It was almost time.

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Re: A High School Story [Private] [L]

Postby Mojave » 07/21/2017 8:31 PM

For Maddox, getting ready didn't take much longer than his regular day. He'd gotten his hair trimmed and his suit dry cleaned the day before, so all he had to do was shower, shave, and the other normal hygeine maintenance. Once he was satisfied with his appearance, he took a selfie, but saved uploading it for later- he was bound to have more pics than just this one.

Downstairs, his parents were waiting with the expected tears and camera flashes. His mother hugged him in front of their door, "Ooooh I'm so excited you're going with Iris! I'm gonna have to get a picture of you two together before the night is over. Don't forget!"

Bemused, he headed next door to pick up Iris. After ringing the bell, he was greeted by Iris's mom who seemed just as excited as his mom had been and directed to Iris's room. Instead of heading staright there, he dawdled on the upstairs landing. Sure he'd been told he could go to her room, but how would Iris feel about it? Suddenly self conscious, he decided to wait by the top of the stairs for his date. When she emerged, he had to do a double take.

"Woah...." He took several moments to take in all the details of her attire (and admire her figure, if he was being completely honest). Still nervous about the night ahead and how Iris felt about everything, he struggled to find something to say. "You certainly... uh... Damnit, I haven't been this tongue tied since- for a while. You look amazing." He smiled sheepishly at his lame compliment.
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Re: A High School Story [Private] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 07/22/2017 4:56 PM

Although she'd heard the doorbell ring, and knew that it had to be Maddox, Iris was surprised to see him standing at the top of the stairs. She couldn't help but to remember the dream she had just some days before; it'd been what made her randomly ask him to the dance to begin with. Still, she looked him up and down, and managed to smile. He looked different than what her mind had conjured up, mostly because of his lack of the common mostly black attire. That wasn't a bad thing, though.

Hearing his fumbling compliment, her eyes were drawn back to his face, and she chuckled. It seemed like she did make an impact. "Thank you. Likewise, you don't look too bad, yourself." Underneath all that glitter, Iris was still Iris. She approached him, then, removing most of the empty space between them. In spite of her heels, she still had to look up at him a bit. "No, really, you look great." She seemed sincere. There was just no way that she could deny that, even if she wanted to.

"So, you think I fit the part? Of your date? You're not regretting this, are you?" Honestly, she got the feeling that most of the other students wouldn't even recognize her, and she was unsure of how she felt about it. It was probably good. No one would have expected this from her.

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Re: A High School Story [Private] [L]

Postby Mojave » 10/06/2017 1:07 AM

Pleased with her praise, Maddox ducked his head and shuffled his feet while grinning. "Aw, don't make me blush." He very obviously wasn't blushing, but he hoped his antics would make Iris smile. Instead, she crossed the landing to stand directly before him and reinforce her compliment. He actually did blush now, taking a nervous step back.

Damn, I knew she could be intense, but for a second there, I thought... He honestly didn't know what he had thought. That she would kiss him? The idea was laughable. Like hell she'd ever do that after everything they'd been through. Get your shit together, man. Don't embarrass yourself.

He tuned back in to reality to catch her questions and he smiled despite his cheeks still being flushed. "I didn't know being my date was a role in a movie, but you look like you could melt the red carpet." He realized how weird this sounded as soon as he said it, and he shook his head. "Sorry, that was weird. And no, I don't regret it, why would I?" He was honestly baffled, wondering what he'd done or said now to make her second guess herself.
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Re: A High School Story [Private] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 10/06/2017 4:55 AM

In the end, she chuckled, and shook her head. "No," it wasn't that Maddox had actually given her a reason to believe he was regretting it, "it's just that I'm sure everyone else is going to expect you to be showing up with someone that definitely isn't me." Iris still had no idea why he had actually accepted her sudden invitation to the dance in the first place, nor if word of his and Kaellie's split had actually gotten around. "And, well, surprise." One of the popular football stars was going with the weird girl that didn't have any friends as his date to the dance. "But I guess no one will recognize me anyway."

It was too late and too bothersome to keep thinking about those things now, though. The more thought she put into it, the worse she might actually feel. Why was she actually going through with this? "Anyway, whatever," she brushed the topic away with these words, smiling again, in spite of herself. "We should get going, shouldn't we? I'm afraid my mom will want to take some pictures before she'll let us out of the house, so if we don't want to be late, we should be getting down there." There would certainly be no escaping it, especially since his mom would have probably asked hers for copies.

There was a small moment of hesitation on her part, as she psyched herself up for this whole venture, before she held out her arm, in a manner that was asking for Maddox to properly escort her. It'd be awful if she happened to take a tumble going down the stairs, so there was really no arguing that his support would probably be for the best.

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Re: A High School Story [Private] [L]

Postby Mojave » 10/19/2017 9:45 PM

Maddox wanted to reassure her that he didn't care what everyone else thought, who he went to any function with was his own business. But she had brushed the topic aside before he could reply.

"Yeah, my mom wants copies, by the way." He rolled his eyes good naturedly, as if to say Parents like they were the most frustrating but adorable little things in the world.

He watched as she psyched herself up, but slid his arm in hers without hesitation. Any time she needed his support, he gave it, releasing her once they reached the ground floor and she was steady on her feet again. However, he remained close in case she needed him- he had never understood how women walked around on needles without breaking their necks.

After her mother had about fifty pictures, Maddox politely cleared his throat to indicate they would be late if they stayed any longer. He assured Iris's mom that he'd have her back by 1am, and yes he would drive safe, even as they were walking to his car, and he opened the door for Iris, closing it once she and her dress were tucked safely inside.

He slid into the driver's seat and glanced over at her. "You ready?" He grinned, though the interior of the car was only lit by the console.
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Re: A High School Story [Private] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 11/29/2017 3:02 AM

Iris was, probably surprisingly, able to keep her balance well, in spite of the heels. Although part of that was quite possibly because she had Maddox to rely on if she happened to trip up. It was a such a small thing, giving her his arm as the perfectly natural thing to do, but her mind was actually going in that direction. That she was relying on him. That she... she was trusting him again. It was something so small and insignificant, but it was still true, since it wasn't as though she would have taken help from anyone else.

Given that this was her mother's only chance to get these kinds of pictures, Iris indulged her. Including posing with Maddox and smiling as she was instructed. The truth was, she kind of hated having her picture taken, but she'd learned a trick to force herself into actually smiling.

When they were finally able to escape the onslaught of photos and were headed out the door, Iris also reminded her mother not to worry, that Maddox had already been driving her around and things had been fine. Of course, out of all the possibilities, her parents trusted Maddox more than any other guy that might have appeared around their daughter, even though no other guy never did, since he was always the boy next door.

She thanked Maddox for opening the car door for her and slid inside, having to gather up her dress once she was seated. And, once he was, too, she nodded her head, smiling ever so faintly. "Yeah, let's go."

It wasn't like school dances were that exciting. Probably. But it was going to be a brand new adventure for Iris and, because it was Maddox that she was going with now, she found that she was sort of looking forward to it. Even if she told herself not to be excited.

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Re: A High School Story [Private] [L]

Postby Mojave » 10/21/2018 3:11 PM

There had been countless fundraisers throughout the year to pay for this prom, so the class had been able to book an event center for the party. It was nice to know that they wouldn't be stuck with a dance held in the shitty gym with cheap decorations, so Maddox was actually excited to see what the Prom Committee had done. He was also nervous because most of those girls were Kaellie and her group of friends.

He was also nervous because Iris was absolutely stunning tonight and he still wasn't sure what they were. They were obviously more than lab partners, but were they friends again? Did she still hate him and was just tolerating him? Or worse, was she using him as a means to get back at Kaellie and planning to hurt him in some way to get back at him? Or was he just used to conniving bitches with ulterior motives and projecting that sort of stuff onto Iris? And if he honestly couldn't say he trusted her, why should she trust him? It was a tangled mess of thoughts and he was unable to get out of it to start a conversation with her. The drive was at least twenty minutes, he didn't want to leave her in an awkward silence for that long.

When they arrived at the event center and parked, he quickly made his way around the car to open the door for her and help her out. When she was ready, he turned them and stopped to admire the outdoor decorations. Granted most of them were supplied by the event center like the low hedge maze pathway, the lit fountain, the moving spotlights, and the grand architecture. But the prom committee had strung tasteful lights and rolled out a red carpet to lead students to the dance inside. Some couples were strolling through the maze and as Maddox watched, one couple stepped over the bushes to join another couple sitting on a bench.

"Damn, looks nice, huh?" He turned to Iris to see what she thought of it all.
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Re: A High School Story [Private] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 01/22/2019 2:42 AM

A few minutes into the drive was when Iris put any thought into the silence that had drawn over them. She glanced over at her prom date from the passenger seat, and seemed to realize that he was thinking over something or another. Vaguely, she wondered if he was already regretting this for some reason; had he actually really wanted to go with Kaellie or one of those other girls? The thought crossed her  mind, but she dismissed it, since she had to believe that if that had been the case, he wouldn't have bothered going through these motions with her, at the very least.

In the end, she didn't say anything to break the silence, either, instead being content to sit in it, while gazing out the side window as they made their way to the event center. Even when they pulled in and parked, they didn't exchange any words, but when Maddox opened the door for her, she reached out to take his hand and stepped out without any signs of hesitation.

The location was wonderful; much more impressive than if they had just done something in their own school's gymnasium, and she could especially appreciate the hedge maze and the fountain that they kept in such splendid condition.

"Yeah, it's really pretty," Iris agreed, when he finally said something, meeting his gaze momentarily, before looking back at the scenery, and the other couples gathering around.

Though she felt confident in the aspect of her appearance, she was suddenly finding herself nervous about the whole ordeal, since this was her first time attending any of these public school events. It was still true that most students either didn't give a damn about her, or they talked shit about her. She didn't usually let any of that bother her, but that was also because she kept a distance from everyone else anyway. Coming here, it was almost like she was potentially inviting further scrutiny, even though she may have just been overthinking the whole thing, too. It was doubtful that anyone would really pay her much mind, right? Aside from those girls, probably.

She didn't really want to let on about it, but she couldn't stop herself from asking, "Hey, you think everything is going to be fine...?" But then, she carried on quickly with a different subject, "Did you want to head inside?"

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Re: A High School Story [Private] [L]

Postby Mojave » 01/27/2019 10:19 PM

On the verge of asking the very same question, if she was ready to head inside, he paused at her first inquiry. "I know there could be several answers to this question, so what all are you worried about?" He realized she could be worried about any number of things. Perhaps she didn't really want people thinking about what it meant that she was there with him. Or maybe she was concerned about Kaellie and her stupid friends. Maybe, and this was highly unlikely, she was worried about his own social standing and reputation. He wasn't at all concerned with how their coming together would affect his social standing. It wasn't like it could cost him his position on the football team, he was too valuable a player. But once again, his over awareness of how he had hurt her made him uncertain on how to interpret her question. Perhaps he should broach the topic with her at some point tonight.
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Re: A High School Story [Private] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 01/30/2019 4:10 AM

Hearing him ask for specifics was not something that she expected and Iris found one corner of her mouth pulling down in a lopsided, thoughtful frown as she considered it for a moment. "I... don't really know," she admitted, after a long moment, meeting Maddox's gaze only briefly. Some things, she was quite certain about and, over all, she was happy with herself, but there were definitely times that she couldn't make perfect sense of herself, either. But it was her uncertainty that she didn't like about herself right now. "I just am nervous, I guess." There were all sorts of possibilities, but she couldn't really pinpoint it entirely, either. "I've never been to these kinds of school functions." So she was probably just overthinking everything. "Or maybe it's just because I'm going with you." Iris didn't consider what such words might have implied to Maddox, but they came out of her mouth before she realized it.

"Though I'd rather not have this be a big issue with those girls, that's probably expected, given whom I supposedly stole from who. If she's not done being pissy about it." Ultimately, Iris wanted to avoid dealing with people, since most, and especially the cheerleaders she encountered, were just annoyances. But she was well aware that it was a possibility that Kaellie still hadn't gotten over Maddox going with her, instead, and that she might try to start something again, if she was that dumb. Not that she was afraid of that; she wouldn't back down from the other girl's bullshit. As she didn't really like the idea of Maddox being with Kaellie, or any of the others, and she never did, there was no way that she would just step aside at this point. Unless, perhaps, that was what Maddox actually wanted, but he'd already admitted he didn't have any particular feelings for any of them.

All that said, Iris took a small step forward, seeming to indicate that, one way or the other, she was ready to go, but left room for Maddox to speak his mind, if there was anything more he wanted to say in response, or at all.

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