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Re: A High School Story [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 12/15/2016 6:06 AM

It was possibly the last thing Iris expected, for Maddox to offer her lunch, instead. Why was he doing all of this for her? Why now? There was no doubt in her mind that these changes in his behavior toward her made things more complicated than she ever intended. No, really, just being around him made things more complicated.

"I like the sweet crepes from that little cafe on 3rd street," she said, without putting a whole lot of thought to it. Those things were tasty and she had been meaning to stop by and get some for awhile now, but just hadn't gotten around to it. So, if he really wanted to get her something, those would definitely be good.

As for their project, outside of what was assigned, it was little hard to say. They needed proof that they were behaving like a married couple and a family, but outside of a picnic, she didn't have any immediate ideas of how they could spend time together. She'd need to give it some more thought. "One of the assignments is to make a list of baby gear and nursery items that we would purchase for our child, including a written page from each of us explaining our reasoning on selecting some of the items. They obviously want to make us actually research the products and have our own ideas, but still force us to agree on a list." It seemed like more of a challenge based on the concept of marriage, rather than raising a child. "We'll have to tackle that, at some point."

Once they'd made it to her house, it seemed that Iris had regained her barrings. She was no longer walking at an especially slow pace, but she still, secretly, appreciated that Maddox carried her things. "You can leave them right here, just inside the door," she told him, when he so obviously waited for her instructions, and she waited as he put them down for her. "I'll... see you tomorrow morning, then?"

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Re: A High School Story [Private]

Postby Mojave » 12/15/2016 7:09 AM

If she'd asked him, Maddox wouldn't have been able to explain why he felt the need to apologize to her now. Perhaps it had something to do with his subconscious not being happy in his current lifestyle. Maybe he just wanted to get a good grade and make up for being an ass to her. Regardless, he was sincere in his efforts.

"Alright." He replied, trying to think of the place she was referring to. It didn't come to mind, but thankfully he had a smartphone and could just look it up. "So you rest tonight. I'll print out a typical baby registry tonight and we can look over it tomorrow to decide what we'll write about."

He placed the items where she instructed and smiled, "Yep. See you." Later that afternoon, he went back to school for practice. Thankfully, none of the guys seemed to care what had happened earlier and the cheer leaders weren't there that night.


The next day was a different story. He'd done his best to avoid Kaellie and her friends all day and had made it to after school practice when they'd shown up for their pre-game practice. He inwardly groaned and hoped it would be a quiet afternoon. His hopes for this were dashed when he looked up while getting a drink of water and saw Iris in the stands watching. He couldn't have said why it pleased him that she was there, but it did. He just hoped Kaellie wouldn't notice the other girl or, if she did, that she wouldn't cause a scene.
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Re: A High School Story [Private]

Postby ToxicShadow » 12/16/2016 4:25 AM

It was evident that Maddox seemed intent on the idea of making Iris rest, but sitting back and doing nothing wasn't like her. Just sitting around made her anxious. So, she took the initiative to make up her own list, comparing products based on features and reviews. It was pretty easy to find the most likable and cost effective merchandise by pursuing blogs and websites geared toward parents. They could compare their lists and then settle on things from both.

That evening, before she fell asleep, she made a point to take one of her iron tablets, so as to avoid a repeat of the earlier events. If she fell asleep fast enough, she wouldn't feel the effects of it making her sick. At least, that was the plan; which seemed to work, in the end.

The following day went about as she expected. No one said anything directly to her face, but Iris was already beginning to hear the not-so-hushed whispers as students talked about her and Maddox. From what she heard, nothing was too bad yet. It was pretty typical stuff, generally insults to her existence.

Iris made the decision to attend Maddox's practice for more than a single reason. Or, perhaps, those reasons were just excuses. She wasn't sure, and decided not to worry about it but, as it was, she never actually once really saw him play. As she sat in the bleachers, there were a few other attendees scattered about and, compared to them, she certainly looked out of place. But, still, entirely unperturbed by this fact, Iris went about things as probably expected of her.

She had their flour sack, Lilly, sitting in her lap. It was dressed up in different outfit than the one originally provided, now sporting a cute, plush jacket with teddy bear ears on the hood, and wrapped up in a baby blanket. Both were remnants from her own infancy, since her mother held onto a lot of things from that time.

In one hand, she had been holding up a novel that she was reporting on, reading over sections that she intended to reference in her essay. Yet, at the same time, her gaze stayed mostly on the game. She was reasonably excellent at multitasking. At the point that Maddox seemed to notice her presence, she gave a small wave, but didn't make any effort to call out to him. There was no need.

Finally setting her book aside, she stood up, holding Lilly in one arm, while digging her phone out of her pocket. Back facing toward the field, she snapped a quick picture of herself and the flour sack with the football practice in the background. It was photographic evidence that she and Lilly was supporting the father's endeavors, or something like that. It was her main idea for attending, since they hadn't decided what else to do as a family for their project.

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Re: A High School Story [Private]

Postby Mojave » 12/17/2016 2:38 AM

Maddox waved back, returning the friendly gesture. Before he could check to see if Kaellie had noticed, his coach was calling him back to the field. He turned his back to the bleachers and cheerleaders, a small smile on his face. He doubted Iris was there for more than their assignment, but it was still nice to see her.

His wave had in fact caused one of Kaellie's friends to look where the boy had waved. With a smirk, she all but skipped to Kaellie's side. "Look, that freak Maddox was paired with is here. She's the one Maddox carried across the school yard yesterday. She doesn't even look sick, see? I told you she was faking it to get attention."

Kaellie looked where her friend pointed, a scowl twisting her haughty features. "So what's she doing here?" She threw her pompoms onto her bag beside a bench and led her clique up into the stands. "Hey! If it isn't the little storm cloud herself. What brings you to football practice? Surely you can't think Maddox actually wants you here? You know he hates being paired with you, right?" "Yeah, so maybe you should just leave." Another girl said condescendingly.
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Re: A High School Story [Private] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 12/17/2016 7:12 AM

She had just snapped a few photos when Kaellie and the rest of the cheer-bitches made their way up into the bleachers and spoke out at her. Iris blatantly ignored them for a period of time, as she continued to causally flick through the new photos on her mobile phone, appraising each of them briefly. Yeah, they were decent enough.

Only after slipped her phone back into her pocket did she turn her head to look over her shoulder with an expression of disgusted disbelief. One might have described the look as, 'Oh, bitch please, you're not worth my time.'

"Excuse me?" She began, as she turned her full body to face them. Looking them up and down once, and clearly didn't seem impressed. "Oh. You must have thought I actually gave a damn about the shit that came out of your mouths. Sorry, I don't. And, unfortunately, as this is school property, there is nothing stopping me from attending."

Under most circumstances, Iris didn't directly confront those that talked crap about her and spread rumors. As, under most circumstances, they didn't say things to her face, so she didn't bother to care. The opinions of her peers were inconsequential. But this was different, since they were starting something directly. If they expected her to sit there meekly while they talked trash, they were gravely mistaken.

"I'm not going anywhere, so why don't you go back to throwing around your pompoms? I'm afraid I have other things to do."

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Re: A High School Story [Private] [L]

Postby Mojave » 12/19/2016 11:52 PM

Around Kaellie, her clique were starting to drop their belongings in preparation for a fight. Kaellie had started to grin when Iris argued back and was opening her mouth to say something when another voice spoke up behind her. "Kaellie, knock it off." She turned to come face to face with Maddox.

He had his arms crossed and a scowl on his face. Behind him, the other football players were filing off the field toward the showers. Apparently he'd noticed the brewing fight and come to interfere. "Seriously, Kaellie, we're not dating so lay off. It's not like you even care about me past a social stigma thing anyway."

"Social stigma?" Kaellie laughed now. "The head cheer leader and the quarterback are supposed to go out, Maddox. That's how it's been done for..." "Forever." One of her friends put in.

Maddox laughed back, the sound derisive and full of hate. It caused Kaellie to pause and her friends to look between them. It seemed this was a side of Maddox even they hadn't seen before. "I'm not the quarterback, Kaellie. So if that's all you care about I guess we're wasting our time even talking."

Kaellie stared at him dumbfounded. Apparently she'd never even paid enough attention to him to know what he played. "Whatever." She brushed it off with a haughty wave of her hand and a look of indifference. "We're still going to dance."

"Hmm.. no, I don't think we are. I already agreed to go with Iris." He changed his stance so that he was standing more on one leg, head cocked to the side.

"You asked HER instead of ME??!" At this point Kaellie screeched indignantly.
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Re: A High School Story [Private] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 12/20/2016 3:01 AM

Although Iris could sense the impending fight with the cheer leaders, to whatever extent they were brave enough to go to, she didn't hesitate, nor did she falter. But things didn't get that far, not before Maddox came to her rescue.

Admittedly, she wasn't sure how much she liked the idea of being rescued, exactly, but she could appreciate the sentiment. She wouldn't have liked it if Maddox had noticed and done nothing at all. It was just that she was used to dealing with things all on her own. That had been her reality for a long time now, so this was new.

She liked this Maddox.

This was different than the generic person that he had become, having fallen in line with all of the stereotypes. And he didn't deserve this. This girl was awful.

During Kaellie and Maddox's short exchange, Iris gathered up her belongings and moved passed the other girls to stand beside him. "Honestly, I don't care that much about sports, but even I could tell that he isn't the quarterback after coming to a single practice." Her tone of voice could easily have been interpreted as, "How stupid are you?"

Glancing over at him briefly, she was smiling, and she casually wrapped her free arm around his arm, as if it was the most natural thing to do, closing most of the space between them. He'd helped her out and, so, she'd help him, since it was painfully obvious that he really wanted nothing more to do with the cheerleader.

"Actually, I asked him, and he accepted the invitation," she clarified. "So, apparently, he likes me more than you thought. More than you, at least."

Yeah, this Maddox was definitely better.

Her gaze shifted back away from the girls as she turned a little to face Maddox, no longer acknowledging their existence. "You're taking me home after you shower, right? I'll wait for you, so shall we go?" There was a pause, but she decided to further solidify the wall between them and the cheerleaders, moving them into their own world. "Oh, I took pictures for our project, but let's take one together while you're still in uniform, okay?"

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Re: A High School Story [Private] [L]

Postby Mojave » 12/21/2016 3:49 AM

Even while tearing Kaellie down in front of her freinds, Maddox noticed Iris's approval. It didn't really make him happy since he didn't enjoy being an asshole, but he was glad she wasn't jumping down his throat for interfering.

As Iris passed the other girls to come to his side, he was briefly worried about Kaellie striking his partner. He needn't have worried and exhaled (discreetly he thought) in relief when she was safe by his side. He'd never hit a girl, but he might have had to make an exception if Kaellie had lashed out physically and hurt Iris. Especially since they were in the stands and Iris could easily fall and get seriously hurt.

Kaellie's face was red, her hands clenched at her sides, and her friends were watching her to see how she would react when Iris moved to take his arm and revealed that she had asked him out. He raised a brow at Kaellie daring her to challenge the fact. It was obvious she was trying to think of something to say about him being asked out by a girl. Honestly, he thought, why was she still so intent on going with him if he wasn't the quarterback? Maddox didn't wait for her and instead turned to Iris to close Kaellie out as well.

"Yeah, I'll be quick. There's a lounge you can wait in so you don't have to be out here." He said, leading her down the stands and toward the gym. "We'll take it down on the field." He said, hoping she would take his hint that he didn't want Kaellie and her group photobombing their project. Behind them, he heard Kaellie scream though he didn't pay attention to the words and couldn't have repeated what she was yelling. It was just empty noise as far as he was concerned.

After they took the picture on the field (sans angry squabble of cheerleaders), Maddox took her to the coach's office where she could wait for him without harassment. He showered as fast as he could, exchanging normal banter with his teammates. He wondered how they would react to him breaking up with Kaellie, if they would be just as shallow and two faced as she was. He seriously hoped not, since he still wanted to play and was still holding out hopes of being scouted for the pro's.

When he came out of the showers, dressed and with his bag over one shoulder, he was alone. "Iris, you ready?" He called out, looking for her.
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Re: A High School Story [Private] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 12/21/2016 5:01 AM

Iris continued to remain unconcerned about Kaellie and the rest of the troupe as Maddox lead her off of the bleachers and, later, after their photo, to the coach's office to wait for him. She didn't particularly mind the wait. If anything, it beat going out alone and possibly dealing with that annoyance again. The earlier exchange had been a perfect example of why she didn't like most people.

When Maddox had come looking for her, she looked up from from one of her textbooks, which she was so obviously reading ahead in. "Yeah. Just give me a second," she answered, and she stashed the book back into her bag and got to her feet. Once her bag was securely slung over one shoulder, she gathered up Lilly the flour sack in her arms, and was ready to go.

As she began to follow him out, she found herself wondering, "So, why were you with that girl in the first place? I'm sure she's always been that awful?" Not just awful to other people, like Iris, but to Maddox, too.

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Re: A High School Story [Private] [L]

Postby Mojave » 12/21/2016 5:15 AM

When asked why he put up with Kaellie, Maddox shrugged. He knew the answer would probably piss Iris off and he would have prefered they stay on friendly terms. "She's just one of the girls." He said simply, wondering if she would know what that meant. It wasn't that it wasn't common knowledge, but more the fact that many people who knew of the relationship between Maddox, his friends, and the cheerleaders found it odd and somewhat gross. The truth of the matter was that Kaellie and her friends slept with all of Maddox and his friends. Sure, for brief periods of time two people would date, but some nights had seen everyone pass from one person to the next. There were even moments that the sexuality of some of them could have been called into question. But for them, it was what they preferred. Nobody brought outside disease into the group and whenever you needed to blow off steam, someone was available. And when you got tired of the same person, chances were that someone else was ready to swap too. Although he kept walking toward his car, he was braced for her reaction.

"As to why she's that awful, I think it has to do with I'm second place to her. She wanted to be with Ajay but he's with Chastity, Kaellie's friend. The one that dropped her bag. So I guess she settled for me and it's constantly being thrown in her face that Ajay doesn't want her. I just put up with it because it doesn't matter. It's not like I wanted to marry her or anything so serious." He laughed at the mere idea. "I mean, she's not exactly the kind of girl you take home to meet the parents."
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Re: A High School Story [Private] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 12/21/2016 5:42 AM

She was already aware of how things went with the football players and the cheerleaders. It was the sort of thing that actually got around or, rather, was implied, from how often they seemed to switch partners. Those rumors had even made it to her, the girl whom tried to ignore all the senseless gossip. But, as the person that sat back and minded her own business, she overheard a lot more than other people did, without intentionally doing so. There was no doubt that she was in the group of folks that found the idea unpleasant, but to each their own. It wasn't her business.

Although, perhaps that wasn't entirely the case anymore.

"So, one of the girls you've hooked up with for sport?" Iris was entirely straightforward, no beating around the bush. Her tone didn't seem angry, that wasn't it, but it didn't particularly betray what she was feeling or thinking about it, either. Not knowing what she felt, beyond the certain disapproval, made it potentially dangerous waters for him.

"But, really, why put up with that crap for a booty call? You have to think you deserve better than that, don't you? You say it doesn't matter, but it's stupid to let yourself be treated like shit and still go along with it. I just don't see the point."

Iris decided that she wasn't going to touch on the fact that each of the cheerleaders, and even the football players, were all just someone's trash being picked up by another person all the time. She avoided it, for not wanting to use that same term to describe Maddox, even if he'd done the same thing.

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Re: A High School Story [Private] [L]

Postby Mojave » 12/21/2016 7:46 AM

He almost tripped when she said it so bluntly and he stopped. His back was still to her, but he took a moment to consider how she had answered. It was blunt, yes, but it lacked any obvious anger or surprise. Most disturbing was the lack of any discernible emotion at all.

Unable to determine how things were about to go, he turned to face her. He didn't say anything and kept his face impassive while she spoke.

"I don't want to argue, Iris." He said quietly, his tone more a request for her to drop it. "It doesn't matter anyway." He was suddenly very tired and ready to crash into his bed.

In an attempt to change the subject he inclined his head to invite her to keep walking. "So, the dance is Friday. You found a dress yet?" He asked out of habit, Kaellie always wanted to talk about clothes and other such things. Unlike when he asked the cheerleader though, he was actually listenting to Iris.
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Re: A High School Story [Private] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 12/21/2016 2:34 PM

Iris stared at him for a long moment, but eventually nodded her head. "All right. It's not really my business anyway. So, why should I care?" She reminded herself that she shouldn't care in the slightest. It wouldn't be good to start caring about things like that. At least, for the time being, Kaellie was in his past. It was still a possibility that could change, but she doubted they'd get together again right after their earlier argument.

But she still didn't like it.

Still, she resumed walking. "Hm. No. I'm going shopping after classes tomorrow. I would invite you to come along, but I doubt you'd want to go?" This was probably going to be both the first and last time she attended any of these functions, so she was considering things more carefully than she had anticipated.

Suddenly, she sighed. "My mom's a little too excited that I'm going. She's always worried if I'm living my life as a high schooler to the fullest, or something like that. So she's trying to rope me into all sorts of things." So far, she agreed to get her nails done and maybe get her hair re-dyed for the occasion. "Oh, since she wouldn't drop it, I told her that we're going together. So she's probably passed that along to your mom today." With their parents being friends, that was the sort of thing that would happen, no question.

Her mother was shocked when Iris told her she was attending the dance. Then, of course, she made the deduction that her daughter wasn't going alone, because she had never showed any interest in the dances before. Hearing that her date was Maddox made her mom way too thrilled.

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Re: A High School Story [Private] [L]

Postby Mojave » 12/29/2016 7:04 PM

He relaxed when she conceded the brewing argument and smiled thankfully at her before turning to continue walking to the car.

"If you'd like, I can go. I already have a tux. Just do me a favor? No 'his and hers' outfits? I've always thought they were kinda lame outside costumes."

Maddox chuckled at the description of Iris's mom trying to convince her to participate in school functions. "Surely your mom remembers highschool is just a giant popularity contest and teenage drama? School events and clubs are just smaller circles for more to happen in. Or, I guess less happens but everything is so much more personal." He said it to try and give her some kind of ammo against her mom's antics, though he did believe what he was saying.

"That's fine." He said in response to the warning that their mothers had probably spoken. He was prepared for a 'talk' tonight now, one where his mother would remind him he shouldn't be a soulless bastard to Iris again. Of course, nobody needed to worry about that. Maddox had no intention of repeating history.
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Re: A High School Story [Private] [L]

Postby ToxicShadow » 01/10/2017 4:57 AM

Iris shook her head a bit. "No need to worry. I'll wear whatever I want, whether it matches your outfit or not." But she was surprised that he'd agree to go along with her. It was a cliche thought, but didn't guys not exactly find it interesting to go dress shopping with girls? "You might as well come, if you're not busy," she added. Some part of her actually wanted to go out, but she was playing that down. "I mean, a second set of eyes might be helpful, since I don't usually bother with this sort of thing."

As for her high school life, Iris sighed again. "Yeah, I've tried to tell her, but she has a pretty romanticized view of high school. She and my father met and started dating while they were in high school, so of course she sees it as something more wonderful than what it actually is. I... Well, I don't exactly let her in on the details of how things are." Her mother knew what she didn't bring friends home, that she claimed to have no interest in such things and simply desired to focus on her studies. However, Iris never told her about any of the rumors or such things. There was no reason for her to know. It didn't hurt Iris, but it'd certainly worry her mother.

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