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Re: .:Millie's Winter Event:. [LAST 5 Slots]

Postby ToxicShadow » 01/22/2017 5:24 AM

Blayze's response was to tilt his head to one side and ask, "What ever do you mean?" And then followed it up, "I told you that I wanted to take a look at the animals in the petting zoo. And that's exactly what I did! I only took a quick look." There was someone inside distributing food for the animals in the petting zoo, just like it had been with the geese, but he declined. There was more important things to do. "And I wanted to invited Emelia to the bakery. It would be nice with all of us together, wouldn't it?" It was where he wanted to go next.

Adair just shook his head. There it was, more of Blayze's over explaining. "Don't snatch up my phone next time. I almost punched you in the face." That was more important than anything, really. He didn't want to actually hurt Blayze, even if he was annoying, the majority of the time.

"Ah, sorry, sorry~" the other man apologized, but he didn't actually sound apologetic.

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Re: .:Millie's Winter Event:. [LAST 5 Slots]

Postby ToxicShadow » 01/22/2017 5:30 AM

Adair held out his hand, obviously wanting the other man to return his phone to him. Blayze obliged, closing the space between them, and carefully handing the phone over. The blond haired man quickly wiped off the screen of his phone, using a handkerchief, and placed it safely back into his pocket. The cloth used to wipe it was put away, too.

"So we're meeting them at the bakery now?" he asked. "Emelia agreed to that?"

The red head nodded. "Yep, yep~ She said, 'We'll be there,' and that was it. So we'll just have to head on over and wait." He didn't wait for the other man to respond, instead grabbing a hold of his hand and began leading him off toward the bakery, a bounce in his step once more.

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Re: .:Millie's Winter Event:. [LAST 5 Slots]

Postby ToxicShadow » 01/22/2017 5:35 AM

When Blayze grabbed his hand, Adair thought of ripping his hand away from the other man's grasp, but didn't end up doing so. This was just like when they arrived. He'd began to drag him along and he had to force him to let go. It would have been easy for Adair to do the same thing, but it was even easier to just go along with it. They were only heading for the bakery, after all. It wasn't far. And, once they arrived, Blayze was no longer have a reason to pull him along.

"I still can't believe you didn't get lost in that barn," Adair brought up something unrelated to their hands. Still, he really was certain that he would have lost Blayze to the petting zoo for quite some time. He'd been so excited about the geese, but seeing many other animals had to be even more exciting.

"I wanted to visit the bakery all together even more than I wanted to pet the animals," Blayze responded. "It was really hard, though."

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Re: .:Millie's Winter Event:. [LAST 5 Slots]

Postby ToxicShadow » 01/22/2017 5:39 AM

They'd already arrived in front of the bakery by the time Blayze gave his answer. Wafting all around them was the deliciously sweet scent of the fresh baked goods inside the shop. Oh how he loved these sorts of places! Blayze liked the smell of chocolate, sweets, and, well, any foods he liked, really. Smelling food cooking was great!

The two of them paused outside for a moment, peering through the glass. It was pretty busy inside, but not entirely awful. They'd be able to grab a table that could sit the four of them, at least.

Blayze let go of Adair's hand and, in response to that, the blond headed for the door. He pulled it open and stood there, gesturing for his partner to go in first. "Come  on, get inside." Blayze looked like a girl to everyone else, after all. The least he could do was hold the door for him.

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Re: .:Millie's Winter Event:. [LAST 5 Slots]

Postby ToxicShadow » 01/22/2017 5:45 AM

Seeing Adair hold open the door for him, Blayze excitedly clapped his hands together once and gave a quiet, Yay~" He shuffled inside, and his partner followed right after him. They were both met with the warmth of the room and an even stronger scent inside than there was outside. Based on the red head's expression, he loved this fact. Adair could take it or leave it. In fact, it might have been worse, since stronger scents were likely to be more irritating.

There were all sorts of goodies displayed in  glass front cases, among other arrangements, that easily and efficiently drew in Blayze. Cookies, cakes, candies! He wasn't even sure where to start! Before Adair could even make an attempt to stop him, he was already making his way all around the bakery, carefully taking in everything that he saw. The blond only sighed, and debated if he should just stay off to the side or if he should have a look around, too.

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Re: .:Millie's Winter Event:. [LAST 5 Slots]

Postby ToxicShadow » 01/22/2017 5:58 AM

In the end, he decided to take a look around, too. Perhaps there would be something that jumped out at him. Adair made his way around slowly, though, even after deciding to do so. It was nothing, in comparison to Blayze's zipping all about. It was sort of funny to watch, since he had to quickly shuffle along, able to take full steps.

When he red head came to the display of different cakes, he paused for a longer time than he had anywhere else. There were small cakes, large cakes, and even just individual slices. It really did cater to a lot of different customers this way. Most were elegantly, wonderfully decorated. Frosting, fondant, candies, even gingerbread cookies and some likely inedible decorations covered the lot. The majority of them were holiday themed, too.

"So cuuute~" Blayze couldn't help but to find them adorable.

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Re: .:Millie's Winter Event:. [LAST 5 Slots]

Postby ToxicShadow » 01/22/2017 6:06 AM

Rather than the cakes, Adair had taken an interest in the candies. There was a large variety of chocolates, including dark chocolates with interesting fillings and toppings, and drew him in. He began to consider buying a box. As things usually went, he wondered if he should really get them. Did he need them? No, no, he didn't. But, then, well, he was already here. It would be a shame to waste the opportunity, wouldn't it? Yes, yes, it would be better just to buy them since was already here. If decided against buying them, got home and then decided he wanted them, it would be too late.

He flagged down one of the two women working. "Excuse me, what box sizes do you have available for the chocolates?" She relayed the sizes to him, naming each of them. They had a very small size on one end, and a jumbo size on the other end.

"I'll take the pound," he decided. It was the second largest size.

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Re: .:Millie's Winter Event:. [LAST 5 Slots]

Postby ToxicShadow » 01/22/2017 6:11 AM

The woman nodded her head and went to fetch the box. When she returned, she explained that they would fill the box entirely full, which could potentially go a little over the pound. It weighed a pound, on average, but they didn't charge more even if it weighed over that amount. Of course, they charged the same price if it weighed any less, too. She then invited him to choose his chocolates.

"Hm," Adair scoped out his choices. "Let's start with... a dark chocolate peanut butter truffle." Yes, that sounded delicious! "And a dark chocolate raspberry cream. Oh, and a dark chocolate coconut cream." It seemed that he was primarily gravitating toward the dark chocolates, but he wasn't sure if it happened just because, of it was caused by the conversation he had with Blayze earlier.

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Re: .:Millie's Winter Event:. [LAST 5 Slots]

Postby ToxicShadow » 01/22/2017 6:17 AM

"How about a dark chocolate cashew cluster? Hm. Throw in a milk chocolate one, too." He wanted to compare the two.

Adair continued to choose his chocolates, entirely unconcerned with what his partner may have been doing. His eyes were on the chocolates, and the chocolates only. He didn't get doubles of any chocolate, wanting to taste many of the chocolates from the assortment that they had available.

Finally, the woman declared, "All right, it's all full! I'll go get the lid and add the ribbon to the box." She was about to step away, when she looked back to him. "Oh, do you have a certain color you'd like for the ribbon?"

Instinctively, Adair nearly answered with, 'white,' but, seeing as the box was white, he doubted they had that available. "Red... would be fine," he decided, mostly on a whim. It was a seasonal sort of color, after all. And... it matched Blayze's hair, but that wasn't the point!

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Re: .:Millie's Winter Event:. [LAST 5 Slots]

Postby ToxicShadow » 01/22/2017 6:21 AM

The woman agreed and carried the box away. Right after she'd walked off, a familiar voice spoke up right behind Adair. "So you're getting chocolates~?" Of course, it was Blayze, and he was grinning when the blond haired man turned to look at him.

Adair simply answered with, "Yeah."

"Well, they do look delicious!" It was certainly a good choice, no doubt about it. He was just kind of surprised that Adair was buying more candy to take home. "You must have a bigger sweet tooth than a thought." After all, they'd already received their free candy from that stand outside. Did he really need more to take home? Not that he was going to stop Adair.

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Re: .:Millie's Winter Event:. [LAST 5 Slots]

Postby ToxicShadow » 01/22/2017 6:28 AM

Adair didn't make any comment. Yes, the chocolates looked delicious, that was why he was buying them. He didn't have much interest in the free candy and had even considered giving it away. But he liked chocolates and had ordered them for himself.

"I'm more interested in the cakes," Blayze told him. "There are a ton of cute ones! I was actually thinking... maybe we should pick one out? They sell smaller ones. I figured we could order one for when Emilia and Chevalier get here. We can all share it." It would be kind of cute, wouldn't it? They were the most precious and important people to Blayze, after all. It waas with the lot of them that he shared each holiday with.

"What do you say?" he urged with his question. "Feel up for some cake right now?"

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Re: .:Millie's Winter Event:. [LAST 5 Slots]

Postby ToxicShadow » 01/22/2017 6:33 AM

Adair could easily tell that Blayze already had his heart set on the idea of picking out a cake and sharing it with everyone. Since Emilia had already agreed to meet them at the bakery, too, it would come as no surprise to her. She was probably even expecting it.

"Sure, I can go for some cake," he agreed. "Why don't you go pick something out? I'll just pay for it along with my chocolates." Having one transaction would make things easier.

The other man responded with another happy, "Yay!" But, instead of running off back to the cakes, he gestured for Adair to follow him. "Come look at them with me. I think I've already decided which one I'd like to get, but you should at least come look at them, too!" Blayze didn't want to pick something out that Adair didn't like at all.

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Re: .:Millie's Winter Event:. [LAST 5 Slots]

Postby ToxicShadow » 01/22/2017 6:38 AM

The blond just went along with it. Blayze had invited him to come look at the cakes, so Adair followed after him. The other man had been right; there were plenty of attractive cakes here, too. So they didn't just have nice looking chocolates. He supposed that was worth some merit.

"Which one were you interested in?" he asked, eyes moving away from the cakes and over to Blayze.

That one!" It didn't take even a moment of thought for the red head to answer, pointing out a small cake. It would be big enough for of them to share after splitting it into quarters, but it wasn't too big. They should all be able to finish their slices while here at the bakery.

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Re: .:Millie's Winter Event:. [LAST 5 Slots]

Postby ToxicShadow » 01/22/2017 6:42 AM

Adair's eyes fell onto a cake that was undoubtedly covered in a lot of chocolate frosting. It seemed that Blayze had a taste for chocolate, even if he also enjoyed sweets in general. Well, it was normal to have favorites, or to crave something in particular sometimes.

"It's got mostly chocolate frosting, and the cake is chocolate with a strawberry filling," Blayze told him. "Doesn't it sound yummy? I think Emilia will like it. And Chevalier eats anything she does, so it should be good, I think." He liked it, at the very least.

It sounded a bit like chocolate death, but strawberry filling was appealing to the blond. Hopefully, it would balance out the chocolate. "Yeah, go ahead and get it. It sounds good."

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Re: .:Millie's Winter Event:. [LAST 5 Slots]

Postby ToxicShadow » 01/22/2017 6:46 AM

By that time, the woman that had previously been helping Adair tracked him down and approached them from the other side of the counter. "Your chocolates are all ready, Sir," she told him. "Is there anything else I can get you?"

"Ah, yes, I would like-"

Adair began, but Blayze cut him off, "We would like this cake, please," he said, pointing out the cute, chocolatey cake. "The plan is to eat it here with two of our friends, once they arrive. Could we have it prepared for that purpose?" Instead of boxing it up to go, they would need plates, forks, and a knife for cutting the cake.

"Of course," she agreed to the customer's desires.

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