Nice and peaceful, Nabias offers a great place to start your journey or stock up on supplies before heading out to brave the rest of the wilderness out there. They also have Barakka's largest hospital facility to treat all sorts of injuries you could get out there. (+2 Precision)

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.:Millie's Winter Event:. [LAST 5 Slots]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 12/22/2016 4:19 AM

Millie's Christmas Festival

Winter had come once again to The Lands of Evelon, and the Town of Nabias was as lively as ever; the town square, which usually remained rather lifeless during the cold, harsh winter, was now decorated and alive with lights and tinsel and the smell of fresh food. There is smoke wafting from a cheery little bakery, and the scent of hot cocoa and roasting chestnuts hangs heavy in the air. Above the din of the crowd, you can hear the excited chattering of children, and off to your side, a bonfire crackles merrily near the edge of the square, warming all those weary folk who get a bit overwhelmed by the festivities. There are street vendors, and people doing tricks, or handing out little gifts.

A reindeer snorts but remains still as children clamber over his back and pet his velvety nose. The little torken, draculi, Tali and sahound that litter the petting zoo romp and play in the warm hay, the glow from the lamps that hang above their mangers echoing that of the starlight above. A huge Christmas tree has been placed at the head of the square, just beyond a burbling fountain filled with honking geese. It's massive branches reach higher than you can see, but at the tip-top, there is a brightly glowing star, it's light shining down on the festivities. Presents, of course, litter the ground at it's trunk, and excited children shake them with wide grins, hoping to discover what is inside.

And yet, despite all the merriment, there is one soul who stands off to the side. It is a sweet looking little Ursice, hat askew atop her furry white head as she watches the around her with a gleeful smile. Normally, you’d expect someone who looks like her to join in, but though she does seem to be part of what is going on, and she manages to look distant, as if she is far removed from her surroundings. As you gaze at her, she seems to sense your stare with the unerring canniness of someone who knows what it is liked to be looked at often. She turns her head, and the light bounces off her shimmering white fur.  

“Hello,” she greets in a voice like sweetened honey, and had you been here last year, you would think that she seems kin to the gentle, placid Alluria who greeted you before. Her eyes are no less welcoming, and her voice no less kind, but there is a relaxed, almost serene look about her, and her eyes sparkle with a twinkling kindness that puts your mind at ease, making you feel far more welcome than before. “Welcome to the holiday event, dear friend. My name is Snowflake; sorry I’m not dressed up as nicely as everyone else. I couldn’t find my good hat.” She gives a bashful dip of her head. “Please, go and have fun! This event is hosted by my Mistress, Millie. She has done this every year for nearly five years now. This time, she has some help from some most wonderful people who want to make it an extra special event. I do hope you'll partake in our festivities; they are catered especially towards you during this most lovely time of the season.” She gives a little nod towards the town square.

“Go, have fun! Enjoy the winter festivities. And Merry Christmas!”


I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: .:Millie's Winter Event:.

Postby MillietheWarrior » 12/22/2016 4:27 AM

Rules and Prizes

(All art courtesy of Middy)


The grand prizes for the most posts are as follows (15 total):
300 KS
300 KS
200 KS
200 KS
100 KS
100 KS
One gift custom non-breedable token
One gift random Kuhna/Lakundra token
Mysterious egg
4 different kinds of Kuhna
A Khimera

Prize for all participants:
The Poinsettia Leawolf
(Not sure if it will have pre-evos as of yet)

Custom prizes cannot be SOLD OR TRADED, but can be given away as GIFTS ONLY. You may not make any profit from those prizes.

Please specify which prize you would most like, and the prize that is second on your list. This does not guarantee you will get it, but it gives me an idea when determining winners based on effort; i.e. the two highest posters with the most effort get their first prize granted, and if its different, it works out for both of them. If two people have the same first prize that they want, I will roll to determine who receives what. If you do not specify, I will assume you have no preference.

And regardless of post count, everyone gets a special event pet made specifically for this event by the wonderful Kreepy!



1: There may be no more than five entrants at a time.

2: Each entrant has should make as many posts as possible in a FIVE (5) DAY period. That means from the time you post, claiming an open slot, to the very end of your five days, make as many posts as you can. You may or may not have one of my “helpers” reply to you; I may interact with you to stimulate role-play and help you along. YOU MUST ADD POST COUNT TO YOUR POSTS! If you don’t I will remind you only once, before your unnumbered posts don’t count (I seriously don’t want to go through this and count each post for each person). You may find a special holiday treat:

If you find one of these treats or are given one by my personal helpers, then there's a good chance you'll be getting either an extra prize, or a bigger prize because you are putting more effort! Prizes for finding these will be extra KS!

3: Quality over quantity can sometimes help; five sentence posts will be worth a lot less than posts that have more effort put into them. Don’t just go for a BUNCH of posts~ Try doing some actual Rping and have fun!

4: The distance from number 1 does NOT influence your prize rarity.

5: Everyone will win something! As such, there will be no whining. If I see you complaining about your prize or whatnot after this event, then I will ask for your pet/prize to be revoked.

6: All participants begin in Area 1, the Bonfire.

7: One of my helpers may appear randomly to give you a little boost in your RP, or even offer you a chance at a BIG present. So be on the lookout for my posts; they may not be often, but they might appear once in a while.

8: PLEASE add your move count to the end of your posts so I know how far along you are/how many posts you‘ve made. Thanks!.

9: You do not have to wait for me to accept you to begin; just have at it!

10: There is no limit to how many characters you can bring in to RP; just keep up with them.

11: You can interact with other participants; this is encouraged, as it makes it more fun!

12: There will only be FIFTEEN SLOTS this year. You may only enter ONCE. More MAY be added, depending on how much people might be interested in them. You can address that issue in the link at the bottom; if you want more slots, and you can get four other people to request them, then I will add five more.

13: Prizes are distributed at the very end of the event, after all fifteen slots have been claimed and used. Do NOT ASK about when they will arrive. Do not WHINE about not receiving them after your slots are done. If I see you whining or complaining in ANY WAY, I will not distribute your prize, and will open another slot for someone else.

14: If you leave, or need time off, for whatever reason or other, just tell me, and we can work something out for you.

15: Have fun, and address any questions here. Thanks!
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Re: .:Millie's Winter Event:.

Postby MillietheWarrior » 12/22/2016 4:28 AM

Areas and Event



Number 1, The Bonfire: Here you’ll find a large, cheerfully glowing bonfire. An older man is keeping it going, throwing a chunk of wood on it every now and again. It roars merrily, and around it, sitting on large logs, are different townspeople. They share stories of Christmases past, and of presents they’ll receive. You notice a large stack of wood, and something moving behind it? What could that be? As you look even more closely, you see an empty log waiting for someone to sit on it off to the side near the woodpile. Hm, maybe sitting for a few minutes and enjoying the fire wouldn’t be a bad idea, huh?

Number 2, the Christmas Tree: The tree is large. Far larger than any you’ve ever seen. How’d they manage to drag this here? A few children are standing around the tree, ‘ooing’ and ‘ahhhing’ over the pretty lights and ornaments. Below the tree sit boxes and boxes of presents (but not that familiar one you’re searching for, of course; that would be too easy). This tree could easily house a small army, and as you stare at it, you see something moving in the branches. Wait a minute…what?

Number 3, The Bakery: Here is Ceinwen’s bakery. The lights glow merrily inside, and as you glance through the window, you see a small crowd of people lining up for sweets. Two women are behind the counter, handing out treats that range from cookies to massive cakes to bite-sized candies. The smell is lovely, and you decided that maybe taking a peek inside won’t hurt. There are rows and rows of different treats everywhere you look, and lots of interesting places to explore. And…whoa, wait a sec. Did something just disappear behind the counter?

Number 4, The Petting Zoo: here is the petting zoo. They have a variety of animals, including baby Yingshee, an Ursice cub, a Mocha Piccu, a baby Torken, some Sahound puppies, and most spectacularly of all, an actual, real live, reindeer! They’re all housed in a cozy looking portable barn, strewn with soft, warm hay and blankets for the little ones. You see some children cuddle up with the puppies, and decide that maybe you could buy one of those feed packets that the proprietor of the petting zoo was selling and feed some of the babies. And you might even find something interesting hidden among the hay in the barn. Who knows?

Number 5, Roasted Chestnut Stand: A small, humble looking stand with warm chestnuts and a few extra tables laying about for people to sit and enjoy their food. There even seems to be a can to hold a warming fire. You’re welcome to grab some of those lovely roasted chestnuts and warm your hands, or take a load off and enjoy the scenery. Maybe take a look around the stand and the people hanging about; you might find what you’re looking for here.

Number 6, Hot Chocolate Bar: This has to be the second best stop so far, bar the bakery. Free hot chocolate? Thank you very much! There is a long table with rows of cups for you to grab a drink, and a hot chocolate dispenser at the far end. Plates of cookies and goodies line the table as well, covered from the elements by a large tent. You might want to grab a cup before it’s all gone, and take a seat before everyone decides to take them first. But wait…did something just run around the back of the tent? What’s with all those shadows? How odd…

Number 7, The Fountain: The fountain should be frozen over this time of year, but not this time. It’s been chopped open and a water heater installed to keep the few geese paddling about in it warm. They seem content as they honk at you, as if asking for food. A woman stands beside the fountain, handing out a slice of bread to anyone who wants one for the geese. The two benches on the outside of the fountain look somewhat uncomfortable, but maybe if you take a closer look, you’ll discover something of interest here. Who knows?

Number 8, The Candy Stand: This is a popular place for parents to bring their children. They are famous for their wonderful peanut brittle and sweet varieties of candies of all kinds. Just watch out here, because children can tend to get a little sticky, and more than one parent has had to pry a gooey gumdrop from their child's hair. Everyone gets free candy, which can cause a bit of a hectic mess at times, but mostly, the patrons are very respectful and kind. Maybe you'll find an even sweeter treat than candy here, hm?

-Available Slots-

1. Flame
2. Toxic
3. Zap
4. Crow
5. Open

Past Participants

1. Sarah
2. Omnisearch
3. Isalynne
4. Indigobook
5. Nyxia
6. Night
7. Silver
8. Thunder
9. Phoenix
10. Pickle

This event will most likely run into the end of January to give everyone lots of time to post and have fun!
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Re: .:Millie's Winter Event:. [5 Slots open]

Postby Sarah » 12/22/2016 4:47 AM

Kail was pleased, as ever, with the goings on of 'normal' Evelon. He spent far too much time around far too many people. It was nice to see that some things never changed. The Christmas festival had been going on for as long as Kail could remember. Some years he hadn't been able to make it to the nicely set up festivities, but he was there for the moment.

The bonfire was always a nice thing to be around. With the temperature dropping, and snow on the ground, the warmth was definitely welcome.

(1 | Bonfire)

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Re: .:Millie's Winter Event:. [4 Slots open]

Postby Isalynne » 12/22/2016 10:40 AM


There was something a little nervewracking about waiting for someone to meet up, alone.

Trixie was not accustomed to loitering among flocks of people with no one else there to protect her at all times. The jolliness of the atmosphere was rather lost on her in the height of her concern; there were families smiling, couples holding hands, but she could barely look at them twice. Where was he? He'd promised her, he'd sworn that he'd be on time, and there was no sign of him.

Anxious, she pulled her scarf closer around herself and up to cover her mouth so no one could detect the treacherous wobble of her lip. What was the point in crying about it? Maybe something had come up, or he'd gotten lost, or there wasn't much proper signage to direct him to the festival! Or.. maybe he didn't want to see her, and that was it. Callisto was a nice boy. He wouldn't jilt her like that so suddenly, would he? Did he have it in him to be that inconsiderate? She could only hope not.

(1: Bonfire)
(My preferred prize would be the custom non-breedable token, and then Keystones. <3)
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Re: .:Millie's Winter Event:. [4 Slots open]

Postby Indigo » 12/22/2016 12:21 PM

Dean looked down into the bonfire and adjusted his scarf, and smiled to himself. Christmas wasn't really his thing, if he was totally honest—and he supposed Halloween should really be his favorite holiday these days, although he'd never been much of a holiday person in general—but there was something nice about all these festivities anyway. A certain warmth in spite of the cold, or something like that. Not that he would have felt the cold anyway.

He hadn't been able to convince Piotr to come with him to this event, but that was probably just as well; Piotr's presence would likely have been a disaster and Dean didn't exactly relish the thought of arguing with him all night. There was just something about leaving Piotr home alone this time of year that made him feel guilty. And, really, wandering around an event like this wasn't as much fun alone. Though it probably wouldn't be much fun with his roommate either.

Maybe he needed more friends.

[1 - Bonfire]
[Prize preference: 1 - Khimera, 2 - 300KS]

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Re: .:Millie's Winter Event:. [4 Slots open]

Postby Nyxia » 12/22/2016 12:50 PM


Luka -  Sakari

It was a rare occurrence when any of them could take a break during this season, especially this close to the holiday. This was a special gift however, and Luka smiled as he and his little sister made their way over to the bonfire. She wore a bright smile on her small face, wonder and excitement lighting up her eyes as she walked beside him. "So Sakari, what would you like to see first?" He watched as she beamed back at him, amazed once more at the set up.

Soon enough they wouldn't be able to stay awake much beyond the season, which is why it was so important to him to let her have a little time away from their work. Still he was surprised when Sakari took his hand in her own smaller one. "I want to see the animals, Luka." He had sort of figured that would be a stop she'd want to make, since she loved animals so much. With a nod, Luka glanced back down at the little map he had of the place, trying to figure out the direction of the petting zoo. In the mean time, it seemed Sakari was content to warm herself by the bonfire.  

[Bonfire - 1]

{For my first prize I'd like Mysterious egg, for the second the 300 KS}

Bottles smashed, I raised my hand
How can you all even stand?
And why is there joy in this poison? Oh
Faking smiles and confidence
Driving miles to capture this excitement
I can't take anymore

You're never gonna get it
I'm a hazard to myself
I'll break it to you easy
This is hell, this is hell
You're looking and whispering
You think I'm someone else
This is hell, yes
I am in hell

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Re: .:Millie's Winter Event:. [4 Slots open]

Postby Indigo » 12/22/2016 1:37 PM

"Hey," said a voice to his left. "Nice scarf."

He turned to see a dark blue Wockee looking at him, or at least, so he assumed; no way to tell with that mask. She was wearing a black coat and had her head tilted to one side, and she had spoken in a curiously flat tone that Dean automatically associated with sarcasm, leaving him sort of adrift conversationally. He hadn't been expecting to talk to anyone at all.

"Uh, thanks?" he said.

"Yeah," said the Wockee. "I was admiring it from afar, but you looked kind of sad so I decided to say something. What are you doing here, anyway? Being sad at a Christmas event? They might kick you out." She huffed out a short laugh.

"Ha. Well, the office is closed this week and I didn't want to just sit at home." He would either have been alone, or in the presence of one of Piotr's "guests", and neither thought particularly appealed to him. "So I thought I might try to get myself in the spirit of things. It's not working as well as I'd hoped."

"I know what you mean," said the Wockee. "Festivity goes against my nature, but I needed a break and this seems like a nice place. Charming, even. It's probably better with friends, though, and none of mine were free."

"Ah, yeah, that's rough." He considered for a moment. He certainly didn't want to just stand looking into the fire indefinitely—it wasn't even keeping him warm—and it was surprisingly nice to talk to someone who wasn't his roommate. "Well, if you want some company, I'm not here with anyone."

She laughed again. "Who could refuse such an enthusiastic offer? I'm kidding. You seem all right. Hey, what's your name?"

"Dean," he said.

"Mine's Ampere," she said, "but you can call me Amp. Come on. This fire's drying me out."

[2 - Moving from Bonfire to Christmas Tree]

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Postby Jaykobell » 12/22/2016 1:48 PM

"Isabeau! We don't have time for this!"

It was a piercing shriek that echoed through the snowy landscape, from a strange purple Sygriff. The Tali next to her had his ears pressed against his skull from his friend's aggressive words. "Avery, please," he started, giving her a sad look, "let's just relax for a little bit."

"Relax?" Avery screeched in disbelief. "And then what will happen if Sam poaches rare pets right under our noses while we're here 'relaxing'?" she asked, and although her intentions were good, her delivery sometimes lacked tact or compassion.

That was the case here, but despite the condescending delivery, Isabeau held his ground. "Everyone is out celebrating the holidays," he pointed out. "People are really active and in large numbers. Do you think she would risk being seen or arrested by other people?"

Avery opened her beak to retort, but no words came out. "W-well," she blurted out, but nothing followed. She frowned and eventually looked away. Maybe Isabeau had a point, but her conscience still screamed at her that this wasn't right.

"Avery," Isabeau asked, tilting his head and doing his best to look into the Sygriff's eyes, "please? Just for a little bit." He paused for a second. "You deserve a break too."

Avery buried her head between her shoulders, the grimace still on her face. "Ugh," she growled as she rolled her eyes at the Tali, "don't give me those puppy dog eyes. Fine! Fine. But just for a little bit!"

Isabeau's face transformed into a huge, beaming smile, and his tail started wagging. "Just a little while!" he promised, and he started bouncing towards the events. "Come on! Look, there's a nice bonfire over there!" He was already a few skips ahead of her, turning around to make sure she was tagging along. "With tons of people! Let's go see!"

With a sigh, Avery complied. Deep down, she was happy to see Isabeau being happy. On the other hand, her conscience was still nagging her for her decision. It was too late now, though, so she did her best to bury the thought and take this rare opportunity to unwind.

[Bonfire: 1]
Edit 28.12.2016
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1 - Custom Non-Breedable Token
2 - Random Kuhna/Lakundra Token
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Re: .:Millie's Winter Event:. [4 Slots open]

Postby Sarah » 12/22/2016 3:00 PM

Just like that he was called away again. Kail had settled into a bench around the fire when his phone buzzed softly. Apparently there was documentation that needed to be put through today. More paperwork was waiting for him at the castle, as the documentation was completely new. Something about moving a few important people from this place to that.

He'd have to head back sooner rather than later. With a sigh he prepared himself for the biting cold and called over his car. There would be plenty of free time once the holidays were over.
(2 | Bonfire)

G̵u̴i̶d̶e̶ m̸̹̍e̶̫͝ ȋ̴͙̗͒͗ņ̸̈͂ţ̶̯̣̥̦̎͗͒ổ̴̭̙̻̄̉ D̸̡̛̦̗̋͗̊̃̌̕͜ä̴̡̳̬͔̩̳̫͔̯̙͔̬͉̱̯̊̄̒̏ŗ̷̟̱͚̻̠̠͔̥̺͔͔̰͙̝͉̃̆͊̉ͅk̸̡̡͔̫̼̱̬̭͓̮͙͔̀̑̇̊̐̊͆̍̏̃ͅn̴̢̫͔͕̤̖̳̠̘̩̙̍͋͌́̍̊̈̓̂́̈̕̕͘͝͝ȇ̶̢̢̡̛̦͓̟̾̈̐̐̈́͊̑͠͝s̵̢̧̛͉̼̮̫̝̰̟͙̭̦͇̮̥͈͖̅͋͑̾̈͋̐͘͝s̴̨̢̧̨͚̗̗̹̱̞͉͖̻̰̹͓̲̎̊̒̈́̿̏͑͝͝

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Re: .:Millie's Winter Event:. [4 Slots open]

Postby Indigo » 12/22/2016 5:18 PM

It was an impressively large tree, and the sight of it prodded at something in him he didn't really understand. Something about forests, maybe, and snow. Was this a vampire thing? He hoped it wasn't a vampire thing. He'd always been more comfortable inside with a good book than out in the wilderness and he wouldn't exactly be thrilled to learn he'd developed some deep need for wild places. Maybe he just felt strange because of the season.

"I think they must use magic to get these here every year," said Amp. "Or maybe about twenty Torken. Even odds."

"That seems like an exaggeration."

"Probably. I was hoping there would still be a spell on it so I could solve the mystery once and for all, but if anyone's used any magic on this thing it's long gone now." A note of wistfulness crept into her voice.

"You could always ask someone." He looked around and didn't see anyone who looked official, but there had been someone greeting him when he came in and surely there must be organizers to ensure everything ran smoothly.

"Yeah, well," Amp said, with an air of finality. Her head abruptly whipped up to track a rustling in the tree's upper branches, and Dean followed her gaze, struck by another odd feeling. This one was a vampire thing, he was completely sure; these days his attention was far too easily caught by the sudden movements of small animals, whatever predator instincts he'd already had kicked into overdrive by his transformation. It was easy to ignore and it normally didn't bother him. Why should it so unsettle him now?

[3 - Christmas Tree]

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Re: .:Millie's Winter Event:. [4 Slots open]

Postby Isalynne » 12/22/2016 5:20 PM

The bonfire was much bigger than she had imagined it might be. For some reason, she had been picturing something a little more like a campfire, with just enough warmth to keep a few people going. This was impressive, even if she wouldn't have associated it with the holiday season. It was the first thing that was noticeable on the way towards the festival, so with a bit of luck, Callisto would go towards it and they'd meet each other there.

Many people were filling up the logs already. Trixie was hesitant to go and sit down - if people saw her milling around, and realised she was waiting for someone who had decided not to join her after all, it would be humiliating. How they would gather all of that by simply looking at her was irrelevant. Instead, she stuck to loitering on the outskirts, entranced by the flickering flames.

Was there a map of the place, or a guide? If Callisto didn't come along, she would probably leave, but it wouldn't hurt to know what to expect in case there was anything that caught her eye. Was there skating? She was awful at skating, dreadful, but it was fun and it helped take her mind off of things since she had to concentrate so hard.

(2: Bonfire)
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Re: .:Millie's Winter Event:. [4 Slots open]

Postby Indigo » 12/22/2016 5:28 PM

He stood there thinking for a minute or two before he realized that Amp had said something and was looking at him expectantly. "What?" he said.

"You picked up yours yet?" she repeated, and at his nonplussed expression, elaborated: "Your tree. You know, this thing you've been staring at. They're good for making yourself feel festive, I think. It even works on me occasionally."

"Oh," he said. "No, we don't really do that. I used to, but my roommate has an aversion to, ah..." He struggled to come up with something other than the truth, something convincing, though the longer he let the silence drag out the more of a lie it would sound. Maybe normality would cover him? It wasn't the kind of thing people normally lied about, that might work to his advantage.

"What, religious symbols?" Amp said, and snorted.

"Yes, actually," Dean said, and then internally cursed. He'd just been so surprised to hear her guess right, joke or no.

"Wait, wait," she said. Suddenly she was uncomfortably close, that mask right by his face, head tilting from side to side. Not for the first time he wondered if there were actually any eyes under there. She looked down at his scarf and gave another little snort, and then stepped back to where she'd been standing before. The whole process was over almost as soon as it began.

"Uh," he said, "that's kind of—"

"No, no, hang on," Amp said. There was a strong undercurrent in her voice that he could only describe as glee. "Are you a vampire?"

[4 - Christmas Tree]

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Re: .:Millie's Winter Event:. [4 Slots open]

Postby Isalynne » 12/22/2016 5:45 PM

The excited squealing of a child caught Trixie's attention, and she turned her head in the infant's direction. Sweet little thing, tiny, waving her chubby fists in joy at the sight of something so big and bright. A thicket of blonde curls hanging around her face was decorated with green and red ribbon, and she was wrapped up in a fluffy coat to keep her warm against the evening chill. There was nothing but jubilance in her expression.

Children had never been something she was overly fond of, but the happiness of the toddler was infectious, and she found herself smiling too. What would it have been like, to grow up with other little ones around? Having no siblings, she had always been lonely. There was no way for her to have a sibling any more, but perhaps that was for the best in the long run. Seeing a kid on the street and thinking they were cute was a world away from having to deal with one daily.

Still no sign. Anxiety was beginning to take its hold of her, creeping along her spine, and she drew in a shaky breath, looking down at the ground. Don't cry, don't cry. What kind of an idiot would she look like, bawling in the middle of a public place?

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Re: .:Millie's Winter Event:. [4 Slots open]

Postby Indigo » 12/22/2016 5:46 PM

"That's a very personal question," he said, but there was no weight behind it.

"You are!" she said triumphantly. "That's cool, I don't think I've met any before. Maybe I wouldn't know if I had, though. You don't look like a vampire, just kind of a nebbish." She paused, one ear twitching. "Or maybe you do look like a vampire, since you are one, and you can't not look like yourself. A deceptively vampiric nebbish."

"Thanks?" he said. "I don't think I want to look like whatever you were expecting a vampire to look like. It wouldn't really suit me." He coughed. "I, uh, have to admit I was trying to keep it quiet. Most people aren't can I put this...enthusiastic to meet a vampire, in my experience."

Amp waved a paw. "Yeah, probably not. It's not so much the vampire thing that gets me, but I could tell there was something kind of strange about you and I've been trying to figure out what it was, and I'm pretty sure it's that. Don't freak out, you look like a pretty normal guy and I don't think anyone else can tell, but I'm very experienced with magical energies and whatnot so I could tell something was up. Also," she said, "you don't shiver."

"Oh." He felt a little silly at that. No one much was paying attention to either of them right now—despite her enthusiasm, Amp's voice hadn't risen much above the low, flat level it had been at from the start—but in the future he'd have to keep it in mind. Could you fake a shiver? Maybe he could wrap ice in his scarf, though it would probably take a lot to make him actually feel cold.

"I really put a damper on your mood, didn't I?" Amp said. "Sorry. Didn't mean to make it weird."

"Well, at least I don't have to dance around it now," he said. He couldn't exactly relax, but it definitely opened up more conversational possibilities. "I could use the practice, but I'm probably better off doing that where people won't notice."

"Probably. How did you end up like that anyway?"

"Okay, that really is too personal."

"Yeah, that's fair."

[5 - Christmas Tree]

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