If you're looking for beautiful seaside scenery, this is the place for you. Home to the world's largest collection of fishermen and fishing pets, this city is well known, as it provides much of Barakka's fish exports. You should try the famous Broiled Sea Scalla, it's delicious! (+2 Fame)

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Postby Terrain » 11/15/2007 11:09 PM

Venom Fenling

((Marco, male venom fenling)
The venom fenling walked through the city's streets. There were many people here, but there didn't seem to be any who wanted to talk to him. He tapped some random person on the sholder, Said, "They're here!" and then ran off before the victom could give a reaction. That random thing was often fun, if ofcourse you didn't do it too much. Then one or both of two things could happen. Either the victems start to get very mad, and/or you start to get bored with even that.
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Postby Terrain » 11/17/2007 7:03 PM

He ran up to another person and yelled "what's that!?" pointing into empty space. After making sure they looked , he  ran off. He snickered, then was silented by the thought that his friends would not like it. He shruged off the feeling and searched for another victom.
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Postby Terrain » 11/23/2007 2:53 PM

"Is that a pizza I smell?!" Marco wondered aloud. He ran off in pursuit of the glorious smell. He came to a small resturaunt entitled by it's sign "Pizza Place". "Wow."He said. "It was pizza." He entered and saw someone place a new pizza on a table. He jumped over another table and grabbed the pizza, yelling"My pizza!" Then he ran back to the street ,and into the nearest ally. "That was not smart."he mumbled to himself.
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Postby pipp_the_dragon » 04/10/2008 1:26 PM

Jewel Fenling

(Lilain, A female Jewel Fenling)

Two small green yellow eyes were looking at Marco.  A small little Jewel Fenling was watching him.  "Should I stay back or say hello?" wondered the petit Fenling. She walked as slowly as she could.  She didn't want to startle him.
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Postby Terrain » 07/03/2008 6:39 PM

"Hmm," Marco said "what now?" he walked around a bit, looking for something to do. "aha" he said. he quikly setup a makeshift trip-wire and waited for his next victom to come by.
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Postby colleenelena » 08/20/2008 12:45 AM


A Draculi walked by and almost stepped in the trap but saw it on the ground. She smirked and devised a plan. She walked away to grab a stick.

Amika returned and put the stick in the trap, and the stick was stuck, but hey, what did she need it for?

She turned and headed down the alley.
<center>Image<br>Concept Draculi</br>
Name: Amikaera
Gender: Female
Species: Draculi
Color: Concept
Element: Dark
Loyalty: 1
Toughness: 5
Exploration: 5
Endurance: 4
Intelligence: 6
Righteousness: 0
Darkness: 0
Fame: 4
Passive Traits: Malevolence
Battle Traits: None </center>
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Joined: 08/19/2008 10:37 PM

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