If you're looking for beautiful seaside scenery, this is the place for you. Home to the world's largest collection of fishermen and fishing pets, this city is well known, as it provides much of Barakka's fish exports. You should try the famous Broiled Sea Scalla, it's delicious! (+2 Fame)

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Postby robopup24 » 03/03/2008 7:01 PM

Arashi 7.2/Gaia 7.0

Arashi barely seemed to notice Jack as she numbly took the bowl of water. "I didn't mean to make her mad," The Rengosett muttered. She dropped the bowl and staggered away, the flame on her tail duller than usual, a melancholy air around her.

Gaia had angrily stomped into the kitchen, her tail stiff with fury. Her feathers were in a tight crest as she snatched some pans and food. "I might as well get dinner ready," The Gyrraptor harshly muttered to herself as she snatched some knives. "Can't Arashi think about others for once?"

Can I die? Can I die?
I'm just waiting 'til I die
Never dreamed a single dream so kind in my entire life
No one knew, even cared for this fleeting fairy tail
Then it slipped into seething sun and soon it sailed away...

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Postby Mickey1019 » 03/03/2008 10:05 PM

"Um excuse me? Captian..Tagg", Miroon asked nervously.  He felt very uncomfortable.  He has always been interested in pirates ever since he was a little Miroon.  Miroon walked over toward the captian, "Sir? I w-was, um, wondering if I could um, h-have, m-maybe an interview? Please?".  Frankly, even though Miroon was interested in them, pirates, real ones, scared him.  He could feel himself shaking.  His notebook, held quivering in front of his face, was filled with his sloppy handwriting.  Maybe he was busy, maybe he should come back later, or never?. He thought about leaving but he caught himself, he's been a scaredy cat all his life, this was a chance to proove himself brave.
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Postby Freezair » 03/03/2008 11:59 PM

"Wait! Don't go! I'm sure we can--"

HEO reached out a paw, but it was too late. Cap'n Tagg was already leaving.

He sighed. The kerfuffle on deck was dying down; at least the Captain hadn't lashed out against them physically. Cadpig whimpered and began to turn in circles on the finely-powdered deck. One, two, three. She yawned disinterestedly and put her head down, closing her eyes. She let herself drift off.

He felt Cuddles approaching from behind him. He turned around to face her.

"Now what?" his sister grumped.

"I don't know," HEO admitted. "Think we should go... help clean up or something?"

"If it'll make the Captain like us again," Cuddles lamented.

HEO begain to look for a mop. This was getting to be a very long day indeed...


I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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