If you're looking for beautiful seaside scenery, this is the place for you. Home to the world's largest collection of fishermen and fishing pets, this city is well known, as it provides much of Barakka's fish exports. You should try the famous Broiled Sea Scalla, it's delicious! (+2 Fame)

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A Dangerous Fishing Trip (Open)

Postby Wolf222 » 02/20/2008 5:23 PM



Two yonuus. They are brother and sister. Their names are Koanne and Meanne. "Brother, what is that?" Meanne asked quietly. "Water," Koanne laughed. "Not that! That!" Meanne angrily pointed a paw toward some sand. "Uh, thats sand." Koanne laughed again. "Stop it brother!" Meanne growled "That! Right over there! In the sand!" She pointed her paw toward it again. "OK, OK, let me look." Koanne walked over to the sand. "There is nothing here. Lets get some fish and leave." Koanne walked toward the water. "Im not sure, Brother." Meanne slowly walked toward her big brother.  Koanne was poking a stick in the water. "Your not gonna catch a fish like that, Brother!" Meanne ran toward Koanne. "Let me show you how it's done,"
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Postby zomilli » 02/20/2008 5:44 PM


"Ouch!" a tresure fenling carefully lifted her paw from the hot sand and gingerly licked it. "Ewww, sand," she said spitting some out of her mouth. It almost looked like she was dancing, one paw never on the ground for too long in case it got burnt.

The temple draculi next to her sighed. "I thought a fenling's natural habitat was desert?" he asked, his eyes glinting in amsuement as he watched her hop up and down.

"Well appearently you thought wrong." The fenling gave a haughty sniff and glimsped the sparkling water for the first time. "Let's get in there before my paws fall off," she told the draculi. "Oh, there seems to be somebody in there already," she continued. "Let's go say hi."

"How about let's no-" Sythce was cut off as Toivoa dashed into the water. Muttering darkly under his breath he made to follow her, not feeling the hot sand underneath his paws at all.
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Postby Wolf222 » 02/21/2008 9:13 PM

"Meanne! I think you've shown me enough." Koanne told his little sister. "Fine, Brother. Just don't expect me to help you fish." Meanne said picking up a string with a hook at the end. Koanne baited his hook and casted it. Meanne did the same. Meanne couldn't help but flap her wings excitedly. "Brother I thing I got one!" Meanne said reeling in the fish. Koanne dropped his hook on the dock and ran to help his sister. But the fish just happened to be too small to show off so they threw it back in. Then they turned around to see the fenling and draculi walking toward them.
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Postby zomilli » 02/22/2008 7:00 PM

Toivoa raced into the water, staying in the shallows so the water only lapped at her paws. "Hello," she said brightly. "I'm Toivoa, and that's Sythce," she flicked her tail over to indicate the draculi who was still trotting over to the water. "What are your names?"

Sythce padded over next to Toivoa. "Nice to meet you," he spit out, not sounding as if it was nice at all. "Are you fishing? Why do you use that line and hook thing?" he asked tilting his head quizally to the side.

The fenling shook her head. "They use it 'cause their civilized Sythce, unlike you."
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Postby Wolf222 » 02/23/2008 5:25 PM

"Hello," Meanne said excitedly "I'm Meanne, and this is my brother Koanne!" Koanne did a quick smile and went back to fishing. "You should have seen him last time we went fishing. He fell into the water trying to reel in a fish!" Meanne giggled. "Shut up.." Koanne said angrily. "Oh, and the time he..." Meanne couldn't finish. "I said shut up!!" Koanne shouted pouncing at Meanne. The two ended up fighting. They bit and clawed each other until they heard a strange noise. "Meanne! I told you to eat before we came!" Koanne stared at his sister. "That wasn't me.." Meanne said shaking. The two didn't even bother to answer Sythce's question.
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Postby zomilli » 02/24/2008 12:30 PM

Toivoa giggled a little when Meanne talked about Koanne, but her eyes widened when Koanne pounced on Meanne. "Oh! Guys maybe you shouldn't-" she was cut off as Sythce interupted her with a chuckle. "Sythce! This is no time for laughter!" Toivoa said worridly watching the two yonuu's.

Sythce watched them in amusment. "Siblings," he said simply, still smiling. "It's okay Toivoa, they're not going to kill each other." His ears pricked forward when he heard the growl. "What the-" he turned around, having glimpsed a shadow of something.
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Postby Wolf222 » 02/24/2008 1:18 PM

"The noise was probably nothing." Koanne said nervously. Meanne nodded and grabbed her fishing equipment. She cast her line and went back to fishing. Koanne was scared. The noise was something. But what? Koanne did the same. "Oh, and we use these things because they hook the fish and make them easy to catch." Meanne finally had the courage to say.
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Postby zomilli » 02/25/2008 6:27 PM

"I hope you're right," said Toivoa glancing over her shoulder. She jumped suddenly and spun in midair, thinking she had seen a shadow of something large. There was nothing there. She was probably just being paranoid.  "Oh, sorry 'bout that," she told Koanne and Meanne. She gave a high pitched nervous laugh.

Sythce looked confused at Meanne answer. "Easier to catch?" he repeated. He waded deeper into the water and stood as still as a statue, one paw raised above the water. He stood like that for a while, before bringing his paw down into the water with a slap. His paw came up holding a fish and he tossed the fish into the air and caught it in his mouth. He walked back to shore and killed with crushing bite.

"Show off," Toivoa muttered. "You are so uncivilized."[/i]
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Postby Wolf222 » 02/28/2008 6:15 PM

"They just keep us dry." Koanne said softly. He reeled in a small fish as big as his nose. "Wont make much of a dinner, will it brother?" Meanne laughed reeling in a fish as big as her fluffy tail. Koanne snorted. Meanne flapped her wings and giggled. Koanne threw the small fish back in and cast his line again. The noise came again. "Brother.." Meanne said nervously. Koanne looked around for the cause of the noise, only to see a shadow.
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Postby Wolf222 » 06/26/2008 3:45 PM

Meanna was hit by a giant wave and fell. Koanna went to help his younger sister but was hit by another wave. Meanna stumbled to her feet, flapped her wings dry, and went to help her brother. "Meanna get me up!" Koanna said in a bossy way. "I'm trying!" Meanna pulled her brother out of the sand and shouted for him to run. They ran as far as they could before they where splashed again. Meanna started to cry. "Brother, I'm scared! I want to go home!" The young yonyuu said. "I know, Meanna. We're trying to get out of here." Koanna replied. They got up on their feet and ran some more, until another wave hit and they got stuck in the damp sand.
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