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Training. [Self]

Postby Mousen » 08/17/2010 2:50 PM

(Beware of the terrible post quality, yada yada o3o)
"This won't do. Not at all." Sorren muttered to herself, dragging a battered wooden comb through her silvery hair. The humidity seemed to have no effect on this icy individual. Infact she spread an air of coolness over the humidity of the temple and it's surroundings. She sighed in a tired way, glancing around her room in apparent boredom.

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Re: Training. [Self]

Postby Mousen » 08/17/2010 2:55 PM

Outside the cool grey temple was a sea of lush an lavish green. The bark of the trees was covered in ivy. Nothing was left bare. Little plants jutted out through cracks in the temple wall.  Even the light shone down greenly through the mass of leaves in the treetop canopy.

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Re: Training. [Self]

Postby Mousen » 08/17/2010 2:59 PM

It was a long story how Sorren came to be here. In a small stone room in the Nu'san Temple. Her recent adventures to the Shrine had left her much different from the bruised, dying individual she'd been before. Sorren had never been happier, if the truth be told. She'd adapted to her new life well.

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Re: Training. [Self]

Postby Mousen » 08/17/2010 3:01 PM

Sorren herself was a grey elemental. A rare thing. Infact Sorren had yet to meet another one like her. She doubted she ever would. To be grey was to be true neutral; in both power and state of mind.

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Re: Training. [Self]

Postby Mousen » 08/17/2010 3:04 PM

One dark emotion could tip the scales; needing hours of meditation to right itself again. One thought too light could be just as harmful. The never fading bruises up her arms were a reminder of that. Most of the light/dark elemental children died on the way; the battle within the blood too much to bare. Sorren herself had nearly lost her life.

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Re: Training. [Self]

Postby Mousen » 08/17/2010 3:07 PM

It was only through sheer will power and stubbornness she'd managed to cling onto her life. That and a bit of quick thinking and alot of luck. Today she was with the monks (or monk) that was supposed to be her guide for her time at the temple. So far she was having an issue with concentration. Though that could be the fact she was used to snow; not spiders.

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Re: Training. [Self]

Postby Mousen » 08/17/2010 3:10 PM

Trying to stay in a state of constant neutrality was a feat in itself. So far she'd lost her temper no fewer than three times. That was fine until the blackness started to cloud her thoughts. The purple-blue bruises were a painful reminder of their last session. It had taken her most of the week to recover.

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Re: Training. [Self]

Postby Mousen » 08/17/2010 3:13 PM

Sorren herself was a rather emotionless cold individual. She cast a glance into the small mirror on the wall. Seemingly indifferent to what she saw there. Her icy-blue eyes scanned the room; The white futon on the floor, the extravagant Persian rug, the grey stone walls. It was almost eerie in it's still, tidy, silentness.

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Re: Training. [Self]

Postby Mousen » 08/24/2010 4:16 PM

Carefully the young lucain female made her way down the worn stone steps. The sound of birds and bugs much different from the constant silence of Basantha Shrine. In a strange way Sorren missed the place and it's almost eerie silence. She didn't feel the cold like most people did; the icey winds of Basantha Shrine were merely comforting to her.

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Re: Training. [Self]

Postby Mousen » 08/24/2010 5:20 PM

Caedmon was in his normal spot under one the many trees that surrounded the temple. After being book keeper of the sacred library and expecting to die within it's walls not much bothered him. Caedmon was happy so long as he could see the sky.  He no longer looked like a monk, even though he was still very pale from never seeing the sun, his hair had grown; it  was carrot coloured and hung scruffily at the base of his neck, curling and frizzing under the humidity of the jungle heat.

We’re all hysterical & going nowhere together.

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Re: Training. [Self]

Postby Mousen » 08/28/2010 9:15 AM

Sorren paused in the doorway for a moment. Wondering whether to disturb her teacher and friend. He looked so peaceful. Sorren was a rather emotionless person; a cold detached glance was all you usually got from her. Only a few select people saw otherwise. One of those select people being Caedmon.

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Re: Training. [Self]

Postby Mousen » 08/28/2010 9:22 AM

The young monk glanced up from his reading; even after seeing nothing but books for years, he still wasn't sick of them yet. "Good morning, Sorren." He greeted. The formal sounding voice was almost odd in comparison with his scruffy self.  Caedmon was worried about Sorren; for they had much more training to do and her patience had been wearing very thin even in the early days of the previous week. She expected far too much of herself and as was often very frustrated when she couldn't preform up to the standard she set herself.

We’re all hysterical & going nowhere together.

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Re: Training. [Self]

Postby Mousen » 08/28/2010 9:26 AM

"Caedmon," She replied, walking slowly over. Sorren was very graceful, she'd had the best education imaginable. From the money her parents had left for her education, her aunt and uncle had left nothing out. Art, music, literature, history, science, religion. They had left nothing out. As such she was very well read and it showed. She sighed, sitting down on the grass several feet away from where her would be teacher was.

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Re: Training. [Self]

Postby Mousen » 08/28/2010 9:31 AM

"You cannot expect everything to be instant. Complete neutrality takes time. Neutral is having emotion Sorren, don't look at me like that. I know what you're thinking and I know why you're doing this, you want to be out of here and I would bet money on the fact you believe you're not going to be able to fall in love." He'd done it now. If that didn't provoke her nothing would. It wasn't like he was angry at her, sometimes Caedmon just wished she'd open up a little bit.

We’re all hysterical & going nowhere together.

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Re: Training. [Self]

Postby Mousen » 08/28/2010 9:54 AM

Sorren growled; it may have been an impressive growl had she been in lucain form; but as such she wasn't and it just made Caedmon laugh. He hadn't meant to laugh but she had just looked so funny; like a kitten trying to be scary. He knew Sorren could be scary, hec he'd been at the end of her anger once and he had no desire to repeat that. "Shut up Caedmon. I don't have time for this." She'd still managed to keep her temper. That was something in itself.

We’re all hysterical & going nowhere together.

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