If you're looking for a quiet retreat, this is the place. Run by devout monks, you will be welcomed with generous hospitality. You can even take the time here to achieve some spiritual enlightenment of your own, with the sounds of the rainforest as a backdrop. (+2 Precision)

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Return to Nu'san Temple

Thats gotta hurt...[Private, Gore]

Postby MythicDusk » 08/03/2008 10:13 AM

This is a roleplay between me and the people I invite, so yay.
There may be some violence, blood, etc, etc.

If you don't like gore, violence nor blood, I suggest you don't read this post.



Well, that sucked.

He didn't know Tigato could get that angry, but he did get immensley angry, and now, he had a rather large slash running down his face, or should he say, a trio of slashes. All running from his left temple to the left side of his jawbone, and they were bleeding badly. He had 3 deep puncture marks on the right of his waist, he was fairly lucky they missed his vital organs. He had a bad limp on his right side, his shinbone was showing through his flesh, from one thick gash, and blood blossomed around the wound from his jeans.  Blood blossomed at his right shoulder, his left hand gripping it. dragging his mangled leg behind him.

The boy's black and cayan hair was mottled with blood. The wounds were worse in his Garagnir form. and plus, if he turned into his Garagnir form now, he would most probably die. But, hey, everyone had to die sometime. As he walked, blood dripped off his form, off his face, onto his shoulder and then onto the floor. Blood seeping from his mangled leg, streaking across the floor. The blood that seeped from his puncture wounds dripped onto the floor gently. Oh...this hurt so bad....

He heard the monks of Nu'san Temple offered shelter. Hopefully, they would offer a bit of first aid too. He thumped lightly on the large, wooden doors, as loud as he could, and he felt them slowly open infront of him, and he slowly staggred in. Still streaking blood. he eventually fell to the floor. His boots red with blood, his trenchcoat dyed from its usual black, to a darkened red on his waist and shoulder. As he his the floor, he let off a short moan of pain, eventually fainting.

I want it to be you, ooh
Diving into my ocean
A brand new emotion come true, ooh
Don't let this night, don't let this night go

How long 'til you play me the song
That will make me belong to you?
One dance with my baby tonight
And we'll dance 'til the night is through

Jax Jones ft. Years & Years - Play

Zoo Pen
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Postby Tag! » 08/03/2008 2:36 PM

Charka, Void Garudor.

..Ew. Wonder how he got that.
Were Charka's first thoughts. She had been hapilly flying along around here because.. Okay she didn't really have a reason. She had just come here to escape all of the noise from everywhere else. Charka wasn't exactly a fan of monks, but at least they didn't make too much noise. Charka preffered piece and quiet. ..Except when she was the one making the noise, of course. And now she had stumbled upon this boy who appeared to have been in a fight. A bad one. She examined his torn clothes and mangled leg. It wasn't a pleasant sight. Charka was okay with blood, but she wasn't exactly thrilled at this sight.
She watched as he thumped on some doors, and stumbled inside the Temple. ..Then appeared to stop moving. Charka sighed to herself, and drew out her wings and was about to fly of when.. Something stopped her. What have I forgotten now? Were her first thoughts, then she glanced to the open doors again. He was still lying there. The monks didn't seem to have heard. She sighed to herself, and silently dropped down from her perch then soared into the open doors and into the Temple. She then landed and stood on the cold floor, raised her head, and let out a piercing cry. Once, twice, three times she called, the echos bouncing wierdly off of the walls. Then she waited.
It didn't take long. A monk stumbled in through some side doors, and glanced at her, confused. Charka nodded to the unconcious figure of the boy. The monk gasped. Charka chuckled.
The monk turned and ran, then in a matter of seconds he was back, with more monks. They crowded around the boy, doing.. something. Charka couldn't see from here. They appeared to be helping him, though. Doing some kind of first aid. She hoped so, anyway.
Charka uncertainly shifted from claw to claw. Why had she helped him anyway? She didn't usually show this much compassion to strangers. On a normal day she would have left him there. Should she leave now? She glanced to the door. Then back to the small crowd of monks. Maybe she should change into human form and help. No. Charka decided to wait. Just to see if he lived through this. Then go.
Contended with her decision, Charka settled to watch the monks.

Couldn't decide on anthro or pet form, so I shall do both. xD She'll change into her human form in the next post. ..Or the one after that. Idunno. =3
[align=center][font=Century Gothic]"I wouldn't give him money if he paid me."
"D= Don't die, or I'll kill you. >D ..Wait."
"Hay, guys. How long's the 100m sprint?"
"Why /did/ you get that detention anyway?" "Long story. Involving Henry and my fist."
"That's just the way the cookie crumbles." "Yeah well, I'm gonna /kill/ the person who made the cookie. And is there no such thing as a cookie cutter??" "Probably." "Then why the /hell/ didn't I get one." "This is a metaphorical cookie, y'know." "Oh shuddup. You and your metaphorical cookies."
-falls over- "Watch the ground. It's decievingly flat."
"Central news." "What about it?" "They just zoomed in on a pixalated face. So if you see a guy with a bunch of squares for a face, START RUNNING."
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Postby MythicDusk » 08/03/2008 3:52 PM

Binkie slowly pryed a eye open, wheezing slightly as they dapped his wounds, bandaged them and gently took off his jacket, inspecting the wounds on his waist and shoulder, they began to dab his face, bandaging it so all what was seen from beneath the bandages were his eyes. They were uncovered, some of his bandages were already beginning to stain red, but at least the bloodloss was beginning to slow. He felt himself slowly bieng hoised in the air and he gave off a muffled yell of pain, his eyes screwed shut, tears rolling from his eyes, getting seeped up into the bandages.

The monks panicked at his roar, one of them almost dropped him, but despite his protests they carried him gently to a place where there wasn't blood and where he could settle and possibly feel a little better. One of the younger monks watched him pass, his eyes slowly gazed from the sky to the young boy, they were dark, bloodshot, angry. The boy whimpered and quickly looked away. One of the monks motioned for the garoudor to follow. They took him into a small dorm ,shutting the door behind them as one of them stayed out to wait and thank the garoudor. They slowly began to undress Binkie, wrapping his wounds in bandages and then slipping his clothes back on, winging at how much bad shape they were in. Binkie made no protest, and they decided to keep his shirt off, it would be less strain on him, probably. One of the legs of his jeans were rolled up, so it didn't irritate the wound anymore. and they exited the room, leaving the man in peace.

I want it to be you, ooh
Diving into my ocean
A brand new emotion come true, ooh
Don't let this night, don't let this night go

How long 'til you play me the song
That will make me belong to you?
One dance with my baby tonight
And we'll dance 'til the night is through

Jax Jones ft. Years & Years - Play

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Postby Tag! » 08/03/2008 4:15 PM

..Your kindness, noble Garudor, it
Blah blah blah.
..Very grateful for the
How long was this going to go on for?
And we are also
Did he ever stop talking.
..You carry on the way you
Charka found that she couldn't take any more of this.
She ruffled her feathers and scraped one foot upon the hard, cold, ground, making a high pitched squeaking sound. It only lasted a few seconds, but it was enough to shut the monk up and leave him staring at her, mouth hanging open slightly, and wondering weather to finish his sentance. A glare from the Garudor made up his mind to leave it there.
I trust you can find your way out?
He asked, if a little timidly to her. Charka loved the way that he appeared to fear her, even though he was the one that was human and she was the pet. Even though she had a human form - but he didn't know that. He just saw her as an idiot Garudor, nothing more. And yet he was still scared of her. She nodded carelessly, not really planning to leave just yet. The monk, though, had other ideas.
Do you want me to show you out..?
His voice trailed out as he caught sight of Charka's glare. The monk was obviously uncomfortable with her being in the Temple alone. Didn't trust her. Charka didn't blame him. But she wasn't going to leave just because some monk thought she should.
She spread her wings out and took a step forward at him, lowering her head and making a strange rasping sound in the back of her throat. The monk backed away, then ran off down the corridor. When he was out of sight Charka stood up again and chuckled. Easy.
Now, to see to that boy...
Charka swiftly changed into her human form, her body moulding to the shape of a girl with black hair and purple bangs, wearing a black strappy top with purple lace, black laced purple arm warmers, a black skirt and black leggings with strange purple markings on them. She tossed her hair back, happy to be back in her human form, and walked off down to the door where a lot of monks had just piled out of. The same ones that had been tending to the boy.
She slipped in the door, and looked down to see him lying on the bed, covered in bandages. Charka winced as she saw how much he had been hurt, and wondered what could have happened to him.
You survived then?
Charka said softly, almost to herself; not knowing if she'd noticed her come in. This was quite a dark room, afterall - the monks had obviously intended him to sleep here and recover.
[align=center][font=Century Gothic]"I wouldn't give him money if he paid me."
"D= Don't die, or I'll kill you. >D ..Wait."
"Hay, guys. How long's the 100m sprint?"
"Why /did/ you get that detention anyway?" "Long story. Involving Henry and my fist."
"That's just the way the cookie crumbles." "Yeah well, I'm gonna /kill/ the person who made the cookie. And is there no such thing as a cookie cutter??" "Probably." "Then why the /hell/ didn't I get one." "This is a metaphorical cookie, y'know." "Oh shuddup. You and your metaphorical cookies."
-falls over- "Watch the ground. It's decievingly flat."
"Central news." "What about it?" "They just zoomed in on a pixalated face. So if you see a guy with a bunch of squares for a face, START RUNNING."
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Postby MythicDusk » 08/03/2008 4:25 PM

His rasping voice spoke up, his dark eyes gazing at her. "Who are you?" he was too weak to move, let alone turn his head to look at her properly, he could only see her out of the corner of his eyes. He gave off a short, hissing sound as his back arched and his legs spasmed with pain, even just a fly was enough to set off his leg wound, and some seemed to be ammasing around it. That just made him feel worse.

His mask of bandages were now pretty much red. He slowly relaxed again, his eyes slowly opening again. he managed to turn his head towards her. Hid rasping voice almost hurt the ears. "Kill me....I won't survive....Kill me now....End my pain....Even if I do survive, I highly doubt I will keep my leg...Just kill me now....please..." His dark eyes were filled with a hope. His hands spasmed with pain and he gave off another his. "Do me this last favour...Kill me...Please..." Tears still rolling down his face.

I want it to be you, ooh
Diving into my ocean
A brand new emotion come true, ooh
Don't let this night, don't let this night go

How long 'til you play me the song
That will make me belong to you?
One dance with my baby tonight
And we'll dance 'til the night is through

Jax Jones ft. Years & Years - Play

Zoo Pen
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Postby Tag! » 08/03/2008 5:10 PM

Charka winced as he heard his voice. It was barely a whisper, and it was obviously paining him to make sound. She shivered as she looked at his leg, and wondered if it was ever going to be saved.. She considered calling one of the monks back, but then again, they wouldn't know that it was her who was the Garudor, and might find it a little strange to have a random girl in their Temple. He wanted her to kill him... Could she?
Charka closed her eyes for a moment and shook her head. Pull yourself together Charka. It wasn't like her to we so weak. Especially for this boy who she didn't even know. You've killed before and you could do again. But that doesn't mean you have to kill him now. Charka gritted her teeth. She had vowed to herself she would only kill out of defence from now on. So she definately wasn't going to take him up on ending his mysery here. No. She knew he'd thank her for this later.
She walked slowly up to the bed, and knelt down beside him. She watched the tears roll down his face. The hope in his eyes that she might kill him.
Charka said softly but firmly.
I'm not going to kill you. You're not going to die.
Her voice lowered to a whisper as she spoke, without her even meaning it to. She cleared her throat, and wondered how the hell she had gotten into this anyway. She thought she was just helping a random passer by, but no, it looked like she was stuck here until he was okay.
But I can.. help.
Charka's voice wavered as she said this. It was obvious she didn't trust in her own ability. She didn't even know if it would work that well when she was out of her Garudor form. All she knew was that she had been given the gift of Healing Touch, and that she had helped others in the past. But they were so very few. And she had never attempted something like this. She took a deep breath. It wasn't like she could just leave him like this, was it?
She placed a tentative hand on his shoulder, where one of his wounds was. It was covered in bandages. Bandages that were swiftly turning red. She slowly peeled the corner of one back and almost made a noise of disgust. Almost. Charka slowly lowered her hand to touch the wound lightly, and hoped that it wouldn't hurt too much. Then, she closed her eyes.
She could hear his heartbeat. It was so loud. It was like a drum in her mind. There wasn't enough blood. There wasn't enough blood. He was loosing too much blood. His heartbeat was a lot quicker than it should be. Pump pump pump. Again and again and again and..
She opened her eyes and withdrew her hand with a gasp. His body was panicing, she knew that. How could she possibly heal with that going on? Charka steadied herself. She knew she had to try. She closed her eyes and put her hand in place again.
Pump pump pump. Again and again and.. His shoulder. Concentrate on your hand. Torn tissue, torn muscle, tear tear tear. The blood was just pumping out. Pump pump pump. Again and.. Now heal. She concentrated hard, blocking out the sounds of his fading body, and attempted to interfere with it. She re directed the blood flow. The broken tissue healed under her touch. The skin settled again. Pump pump pump. The blood went away. Again and again..
Charka withdrew her hand with a gasp. Now this was a boy she really didn't like Healing.
She looked down to see what she had done, and was surprised. His shoulder looked almost normal. Charka smiled briefly, then remembered that the rest of his body was still suffering. Yet Healing Touch could only do so much.
She was still for a moment, as her mind raced with thoughts of what to do.
[align=center][font=Century Gothic]"I wouldn't give him money if he paid me."
"D= Don't die, or I'll kill you. >D ..Wait."
"Hay, guys. How long's the 100m sprint?"
"Why /did/ you get that detention anyway?" "Long story. Involving Henry and my fist."
"That's just the way the cookie crumbles." "Yeah well, I'm gonna /kill/ the person who made the cookie. And is there no such thing as a cookie cutter??" "Probably." "Then why the /hell/ didn't I get one." "This is a metaphorical cookie, y'know." "Oh shuddup. You and your metaphorical cookies."
-falls over- "Watch the ground. It's decievingly flat."
"Central news." "What about it?" "They just zoomed in on a pixalated face. So if you see a guy with a bunch of squares for a face, START RUNNING."
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Postby MythicDusk » 08/03/2008 5:19 PM

He bit down on his tounge as she touched his wound, his eyes screwing shut, whimpering lightly. He risen his hand shakily, placing a hand on her shoulder gently. "Thanks, anyway." He said, almost sarcasticly. He felt drowzyness overcoming him. Yay. Sleep. Maybe he could die. His eyes slowly shut, his chest rising and falling with every drawn out, shaky breath. Now, just about all of his bandages were red, but he had stopped bleeding, at least. But it was hardly enough to stop the memory's coming back as nightmares, nor to stop the pain.

I want it to be you, ooh
Diving into my ocean
A brand new emotion come true, ooh
Don't let this night, don't let this night go

How long 'til you play me the song
That will make me belong to you?
One dance with my baby tonight
And we'll dance 'til the night is through

Jax Jones ft. Years & Years - Play

Zoo Pen
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Postby Tag! » 08/03/2008 5:55 PM

Charka watched sadly as he drifted off to a troubled sleep, and knew that although she had healed one wound, she was already mentally tired and that she couldn't do much else. She cast an eye over his bandages. They could do with changing. Maybe she should change them for him. If she had any bandages. Charka cast an eye around the room. Aha. Bandages. The monks had obviously intended to change them when he had slept. Though that wouldn't be quick enough. Maybe she should just do them quickly for him now...
Charka then wondered why she was paying so much attention to this boy. She didn't even know him! But here she was, trying to heal him and thinking about changing his bandages. Any other day she'd just have left when she'd seen him outside. But no. She'd gone and flown in and called the monks hadn't she. And now she was stuck.
Charka sighed, and looked at him. She didn't even know if he'd remember her when he woke up. Would she still be there? Would he wake up? ..That thought send shivers down her spine. She knew that, whatever she thought, she wasn't going to leave him here. She couldn't do that.
She pulled away from the bed and moved over to the side, where on a small shelf there were clean bandages and some warm water sat where the monks had left them not long before. Charka took it in her arms and moved to the side of the bed again, before kneeling down and starting work.
She peeled off the worst bandages, though, being no expert some of them she couldn't unwrap and some of them she didn't know if she was wrapping properly. But still, it was better than nothing. While she worked Charka tried not to wake him - better for him to be asleep and in pain, she thought, than to be awake and fully aware of it.
When she was done she sat back on her heels, then looked in disgust at the pile of used bandages. Every one was red. She shivered, and disposed of them quickly. Then, she waited, unsure of what to do.
[align=center][font=Century Gothic]"I wouldn't give him money if he paid me."
"D= Don't die, or I'll kill you. >D ..Wait."
"Hay, guys. How long's the 100m sprint?"
"Why /did/ you get that detention anyway?" "Long story. Involving Henry and my fist."
"That's just the way the cookie crumbles." "Yeah well, I'm gonna /kill/ the person who made the cookie. And is there no such thing as a cookie cutter??" "Probably." "Then why the /hell/ didn't I get one." "This is a metaphorical cookie, y'know." "Oh shuddup. You and your metaphorical cookies."
-falls over- "Watch the ground. It's decievingly flat."
"Central news." "What about it?" "They just zoomed in on a pixalated face. So if you see a guy with a bunch of squares for a face, START RUNNING."
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Postby Jenso » 08/04/2008 7:27 AM


Through the small window, high on the Southern wall of the room and covered by a trellis, the Sunlight was filtered into beams of lucid gold. Dust floated by in the rays, soft, gentle and calm through the undisturbed air, as the Rabbot seated herself on the thin, hand-woven rug in the centre of the square, box-like room. The walls, the ceiling and the floor were all made of dark, red-brown wood and the only decoration was a potted Bonsai in the corner beside the concertina door.
Serendipity lived in the Temple for most of the year, only tending to leave to travel to Jawan in order to purchase fresh fish. She would usually bring back some extra for the monks, as they could only obtain the food they grew, otherwise. She had heard the Garudor's call and the news of the injured boy had spread like wild fire through the Temple. For primarily silent people, the monks were notoriously good at gossiping.
She settled onto the rug, closing her eyes and breathing deeply. Her tail curled up around her feet, the rustle of the rug the only noise as she gently set it down, save the noise of birds outside. Her ears pressed back on her head, shutting out even the soft, natural noises which penetrated the room. She sat there for who-knows-how-long before she was aroused by a knock on the door. Slowly, her ears leaned forward again and she unravelled her tail.
"Come in, brother."She said, knowing that everybody else in the Temple was male.
"Serendipity,"the soft voice of the short, meek monk spilt into the room as he peered around the door, his tone like a refreshing drink sloshing over the rim of the glass. It seemed to cool the entire room with its serenity, humble manner and sincerity.
"Yes?"She lifted herself from the rug and padded over to the door, pulling it back since he was too polite to let himself in.
"Would you mind going and changing that boy's bandages? No one else is available,"he asked, looking a little regretful at asking her to help. They always did look guilty since she was, strictly speaking, a guest.
"Of course,"she replied, with a genuine smile to try to make him feel less nervous. He hesitated, nodded, and then scurried off down the hall. She looked around the room, snuffed out the incense stick, then shrugged and headed towards the boy's room. She padded down the smooth wooden floors, holding her tail a little above the floor to make less noise. She reached the door and, slowly and quietly, she pulled back to folding door and peered inside. The boy was asleep, with fresh bandages which were only a little strained, and there was a girl beside him. She knitted her brow, looking over the shoddy bandages and then girl.
"Who are you?"She asked, only the slightest undertone of hostility in her voice and this more from wariness than any kind of anger.  She pushed the forelock of pink fur to one side as she waited for a reply, curious as to this stranger's presence and the obviously unprofessional attempt at bandaging the young boy.
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Postby MythicDusk » 08/04/2008 12:34 PM

Binkie slowly pryed a eye open, his face stung like mad. His waist ached and his legs kept on spasaming with pain, he roared with pain, tears yet again rolling down his face. This was NOT fun. "Just kill me! please!" He spasmed yet again with pain, but this time, his whole body curled up into a ball, he began to sob and he curled into the fetal position, sobbing into his knees. His hand resting lightly on his shin, his other hand cluched so tightly to his leg that his knuckles were white. "Just help me, please? You can go through introductions after I'm A. Dead or B. gone, alright?" His arms were trembling, shudders wraking through her whole body.

I want it to be you, ooh
Diving into my ocean
A brand new emotion come true, ooh
Don't let this night, don't let this night go

How long 'til you play me the song
That will make me belong to you?
One dance with my baby tonight
And we'll dance 'til the night is through

Jax Jones ft. Years & Years - Play

Zoo Pen
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Postby Tag! » 08/04/2008 2:53 PM

Oh great, another one.
Were Charka's first thoughts as the Rabbot quietly padded into the room. It wasn't that she had anything against this new pet in particular; just that Charka appears to have something against /everyone/. And she didn't particularly enjoy company either. Once again, she found herself wondering why she had gotten into this in the first place. And yet, once again, she came to the conclusion that she knew she wasn't going to leave so she might as well stop wondering about it.
Who are you?
Charka didn't like that question. She didn't like that question one bit. She paused, unsure of what to say. Maybe just her name. Yes. That'd do.
She was about to open her mouth and say it when the boy cried out again. Needless to say, she was glad of the distraction - even though it was only her name. Charka didn't like people knowing about her. Even a name. She turned to him and muttered;
You're not going to die.
With that she lightly touched his arm again and closed her eyes.
Pump pump pump. His leg. The pain. The nerves were screaming. So loudly. They were so hurt. Pump pump pump. His heart beat yet faster. He couldn't last that long. Pump pump. Again and again..
Charka gasped and opened her eyes again, her concious mind back in her own body. She couldn't stand being inside his for too long. She knew that she could heal him now, but.. She doubted that he'd let her. She turned to Serendipity.
Can you help him?
Her voice was emotionless and yet to any that knew Charka it would be obvious that she cared strongly about this - for one, Charka never, never asked for help. And the fact that she was trying to keep emotion from her voice it was obvious that there was some that could easilly be heard.
[align=center][font=Century Gothic]"I wouldn't give him money if he paid me."
"D= Don't die, or I'll kill you. >D ..Wait."
"Hay, guys. How long's the 100m sprint?"
"Why /did/ you get that detention anyway?" "Long story. Involving Henry and my fist."
"That's just the way the cookie crumbles." "Yeah well, I'm gonna /kill/ the person who made the cookie. And is there no such thing as a cookie cutter??" "Probably." "Then why the /hell/ didn't I get one." "This is a metaphorical cookie, y'know." "Oh shuddup. You and your metaphorical cookies."
-falls over- "Watch the ground. It's decievingly flat."
"Central news." "What about it?" "They just zoomed in on a pixalated face. So if you see a guy with a bunch of squares for a face, START RUNNING."
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Postby Jenso » 08/06/2008 5:46 AM

Serendipity winced at his words, trying to ignore them in case she began to wonder and feel how awful things must be to say that. She twitched her ears with a soft frown at Charka's words, uncertain.
"I- I can re-apply the bandages and add some healing substances to help stop the bleeding and knit the cuts." She replied, indicating the gashes on his face. "I can't do more than apply pressure with the bandages on his leg, though..."
She moved to the corner of the room where the bandages were and pushed back a panel in the wooden wall, pulling out an array of colorful bottles. She gathered them up in her arms, along with some bandages, and padded back across the room. She decided to start with the wounds on his face, pushing his cheek to hold the first one closed.
"This'll sting quite a lot, try to stay still?" She carefully upturned the bottle on a piece of cloth, replaced the lid, put one of her big feet on his chest so that she could apply pressure if he tried to squirm away, and then pushed the sodden tissue against his skin and grimaced in anticipation of a reaction. Usually someone would scream and pull away from this but she knew his injuries were extensive. She couldn't possibly tell whether the pain he was going through already was a dull ache or a sharp pain, this would be sharp but if his injuries were sharp, stabbing pains then they might drown it out. She almost hoped so because on such an open wound it would hurt a lot
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Postby MythicDusk » 08/06/2008 7:28 AM

Binkie felt the tissue pressed to his face and he clutched his leg, straightening out and clutching the bedsheets, his leg, once again, spasaming in pain. He felt his Garagnir form trying to push through. He hissed agrily. "No....No....No....Nononononono...." He spoke the words so fast they seemed to morph together. The Garagnir form roared with frustration, he felt sharp pains run through his body, as if it was trying to claw its way through. He took a sharp inhale of breath, feeling his skin progressivley grow harder, more skaly and he felt it beginning to turn to rock and he hissed angrily, fighting it back. His skin grew back to its normal state eventually, but his Garagnir form would not give up. He felt a large tail beginning to lengthen his backbone and he almost roared with frustration, fighting that back and barley succeding. If his Garagnir form decided to try and throw another punch, he was afraid he wouldn't be able to fight it back.

I want it to be you, ooh
Diving into my ocean
A brand new emotion come true, ooh
Don't let this night, don't let this night go

How long 'til you play me the song
That will make me belong to you?
One dance with my baby tonight
And we'll dance 'til the night is through

Jax Jones ft. Years & Years - Play

Zoo Pen
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Postby Tag! » 08/06/2008 8:47 AM

Charka watched as Serendipity pressed the cloth onto his wounds, and watched him quietly. She would never let on, but Charka completely hated this feeling of helplesness. She wanted to help - and that was strange enough, for Charka's usual take on things was just to leave others to suffer their own fate, in her belief that she didn't owe anyone anything - but now, in the only time that she actually wanted to help someone, she couldn't.
Well.. she could try, but she didn't trust her Healing Touch one bit, and didn't want to try and be inside his body again. Too much effort, for someone that she didn't owe anything to. Yet.. she still didn't like this. She'd much rather be doing something than just sitting here and watching. Once again, she wondered if she should go, and glanced over to where curtains veiled a window. She could easilly get out that way in her Garudor form. Now that Serendipity was here, it wasn't like she was leaving him completely alone..
As Charka felt her body start to shorten and the feathers start to sprout on her skin, she noticed something. The boy was going through the exact same thing, except with two differences - he with scales, and his transformation was definately not intentional. He managed to control it, and appeared completely human again, but it had been enough to tell Charka a strange piece of information.
You're like me..
She barely whispered it, and doubted that anyone had heard, but still. It was enough to convince her to stop changing to her Garudor form and revert to human. It was kinda stupid that something as small him having two forms made up her mind to stay with him; a lot of people had two forms, it was nothing amazing. And yet, it was enough for Charka to make her stay in this room and to make her start trying to think of ways to help him again.
Charka's teeth gritted with frustration. There had to be something.
[align=center][font=Century Gothic]"I wouldn't give him money if he paid me."
"D= Don't die, or I'll kill you. >D ..Wait."
"Hay, guys. How long's the 100m sprint?"
"Why /did/ you get that detention anyway?" "Long story. Involving Henry and my fist."
"That's just the way the cookie crumbles." "Yeah well, I'm gonna /kill/ the person who made the cookie. And is there no such thing as a cookie cutter??" "Probably." "Then why the /hell/ didn't I get one." "This is a metaphorical cookie, y'know." "Oh shuddup. You and your metaphorical cookies."
-falls over- "Watch the ground. It's decievingly flat."
"Central news." "What about it?" "They just zoomed in on a pixalated face. So if you see a guy with a bunch of squares for a face, START RUNNING."
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Postby Jenso » 08/10/2008 7:59 AM

As he twisted under the cloth, Serendipity leaned forward to keep his face still. She winced at his cries, almost willing him to win the battle with his other form - she felt a little weak for a moment, uncertain if this was her mind playing tricks or if she was actually helping him with her... mind. She had never done it before and tried to ignore it and concentrate on holding his head still.
She leaned with one hand and grabbed some fine rope, woven by the monks, to tie it to his face. She then shifted along the rug and cut off the bandages on his leg. She quickly wrapped more around the gaping wound, silent as she did so. She pulled it tighter than she usually would have, to stop the bleeding from starting again. She stretched the part over the edges by the sides, making the holes in the material open up so that some air would get to the wound and help it close up. She sat back, mind raking over possibilities. Was there anything else she could do?
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