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Keep Shining, My Friend [Event]

Postby Kyrit » 07/31/2021 9:55 AM

The chilled rain had long since soaked deep into Friend’s fur, bringing his body temperature down with each subsequent drop as they all sat huddled in the battered cart with Armory and Alwen helming their return. The bag of holding Kasimir had kindly let him borrow sat in his lap, gripped as tightly as the Tabaxi could without damaging it. He’d taken them in to a trap. A trap he’d admitted was likely a trap, but he’d still taken them with him. Perhaps he had been too cocky after the first adventure through Ravenloft had gone so well while dragging about someone as easy to spot as Izek. Or maybe he had been foolish to think as he had for some that there was a part of Strahd that was giving them so many opportunities out of a desire to escape the curse that had been brought upon him and his land. Admittedly he still wanted to believe that. Strahd had so many chances now to stop them before now. He’d said something along the lines of these being tests or something, so couldn’t it be right to believe deep down he truly wanted them to succeed?
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Re: Keep Shining, My Friend [Event]

Postby Kyrit » 07/31/2021 9:55 AM

That didn’t matter though. What mattered was that the choice Friend made had almost cost the lives of his friends, and he’d barely been able to do anything about it. All he could do was run and hope that they could outrun someone that had been able to just teleport in on them in the first place. That they only made it out thanks to Leah’s sacrifice, putting her own life on the line to make sure that she could protect the daughter she’d once abandoned exactly so she wouldn’t bring her to danger.
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Re: Keep Shining, My Friend [Event]

Postby Kyrit » 07/31/2021 9:56 AM

As the thoughts swirled through his mind, his body began to tremble. Something he hadn’t experienced in some time. Thankfully most of their party had poor sight in the darkness, and the one person that would have likely been able to notice was too shaken to do anything but accept Yavis’s embrace. It was all he could do at the time to hold back his own tears, but if anyone did see him… Well, at the very least it meant Yavis was wrong about him. He’d have to admit that he couldn’t be glue helping the others hold on to their joy and the little accomplishments they managed in this tired world.
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Re: Keep Shining, My Friend [Event]

Postby Kyrit » 07/31/2021 9:56 AM

Friend’s lip quivered for a moment before he drew the bag in closer to him, slightly hunching over it now as he took a deep breath to try to steady his shaky body. Closing his eyes, he began to think about the large skull now housed in the bag. The skull of a knight that fought to defend those that sought shelter from a tyrant. The skull of a man whose own men now refused to allow him to be laid to rest for their own petty desire to continue a cycle of suffering that he never would have wished for.
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Re: Keep Shining, My Friend [Event]

Postby Kyrit » 07/31/2021 9:56 AM

The feeling of the rain beating against and the sound of the horses’ hooves beating against the trail began to fade out slowly with each subsequent deep breath taken, beginning to draw himself into his own thoughts so that perhaps he could bring himself back to being a pillar of joy by the time they arrived in Vallaki.

Though it wasn’t real, he could still feel the soft, dainty finger brush through his fur, gently cupping his cheeks in her hands. As his eyes opened none of the others were there, only the glimmering prehnite gaze that comforted him in his times of doubt. The thoughts he given form to help him work through his feelings when he had no one else to turn to.
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Re: Keep Shining, My Friend [Event]

Postby Kyrit » 07/31/2021 9:56 AM

“They won’t see,” she started out, a thumb brushing just under his eye before leaning forward to rest her forehead against his. “Just let it out and hold nothing back. And once you have, talk to me.”

It started with another quiver of his lip, followed by a few tears beginning to well up in the corners of his eyes. Then came the trembling of his hands, which devolved into his entire body shaking as the tears began to stream down, soaking in to his fur. He buried his face into her shoulder, hiding himself in her soft golden curls as he began to sob. Long arms wrapped tightly about the dainty elven frame, pulling her in close to him as he unleashed everything he wanted so much to hold back.
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Re: Keep Shining, My Friend [Event]

Postby Kyrit » 07/31/2021 9:56 AM

There were no words exchanged for some time between them, just the sounds of Friend’s sobs as Vadra’s hands ran through his fur, letting his tears and mucous soak in to her hair as she waited for him to be ready to talk to her. They sat together for what had to be at least a solid fifteen to twenty minutes before the trembling began to fade and the tears began to quell.

“Scared…” The single word finally came through, his face still pushed deeply into her hair.
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Re: Keep Shining, My Friend [Event]

Postby Kyrit » 07/31/2021 9:57 AM

“It is good to be scared…” She ran her hand over the top of his head now, slowly moving to begin to rub one of his ears. “Not being scared would be incredibly foolish. I’m scared too, scared of losing you. Don’t allow that fear to stop you though. You accomplished your goal, yes? The skull of the silver dragon? I wish I could have met him in life. I’m sure there is much I could have learned from him.”
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Re: Keep Shining, My Friend [Event]

Postby Kyrit » 07/31/2021 9:57 AM

A small nod, followed by a shake of his head. “Goal was to get out without trouble. Almost lost them…”

“Your friends made their own choice in joining you. Anyone could tell it was a terrible choice, but they still chose to join you in your quest. You didn’t force anyone to come along with you. If they were lost, they were lost living the life they choose to live. Would you have stopped them? I couldn’t stop you, could I?”
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Re: Keep Shining, My Friend [Event]

Postby Kyrit » 07/31/2021 9:57 AM

Another subtle shake of his head, though this time no words followed for some time, only more sniffling. After a few minutes, Friend finally spoke again. “Feel horrible for causing trouble for Leah…. Don’t know how long magic bubble going to last…. But know Strahd going to make her pay for stopping him. Saw what he did to money guy…”

Vadra pulled back from him gently, putting a hand to his chin to draw it up and bring his eyes to hers.
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Re: Keep Shining, My Friend [Event]

Postby Kyrit » 07/31/2021 9:57 AM

“That was also her own choice. She surely knows him better than any of you, and she chose to put everything on the line to defend her child. I’m sure she will take any punishment he will bring to her, if it means she knows her daughter is safe. Nemissa might understandably feel that Leah abandoned her as a child, but I think tonight she proved that it was never out of a lack of love. You now owe it to Leah to ensure that you do not let the chance she has given you to go to waste, Friend.”
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Re: Keep Shining, My Friend [Event]

Postby Kyrit » 07/31/2021 9:57 AM

Her hands now tightly cupped his cheeks again, keeping him from breaking their gaze. “For every choice you make, you might influence those you have touched, but they still make their own choice. Your words previously brought Strahd to the choice to release the target of his obsession to live her life as she chooses. You brought a nephew back to someone that had lost so much, and brought her the hope she needed to be confident in pulling her business back together.” She paused and with a small laugh and smile continued, “You boldly asked a powerful mage if he had any recommendations for stealing away an ancient dragon’s skull and left with quite a unique bag to borrow. You had influence in these decisions, but never, ever have you forced any of them to make their choices. Continue to make your choices, and heed the choices of those around you. Allow them to influence your choices, but never let them make the choice for you. Now tell me, since Leah has chosen to put herself in danger for your escape, what choice will you make now, my Friend?”
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Re: Keep Shining, My Friend [Event]

Postby Kyrit » 07/31/2021 9:57 AM

Friend took in each and every word, closing his eyes and covering her hands with his own as she gave her question. With a final sniffle he leaned in to rest his forehead against hers once again for the comforting touch.

“Returning bones, even if Vladimir gets in way too. Want Argynvost be able to rest where he wanted. After that, will try to find way to make it up to Leah, even if it take a while.”
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Re: Keep Shining, My Friend [Event]

Postby Kyrit » 07/31/2021 9:58 AM

With a smile, she nuzzled against him before pulling away again and giving his fur a ruffle. The familiar figure began to fade from his vision now as the sounds of the hooves and storm began to return, though not without leaving him with a few final words. “And that is the Friend I know and cherish. Hold your friends close and continue to push forward with your goals. I know you have what it takes, and I’m sure Argynvost has placed his faith in you as well.”
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Re: Keep Shining, My Friend [Event]

Postby Kyrit » 07/31/2021 9:59 AM

As he began to come back to, Friend briefly looked around at the somber group, now much closer to Vellaki. Things wouldn’t go back to being happy right away, not even for him. Not knowing that at any time Strahd might resume his chase. But it would be okay. They were all still alive, and while he was scared that the time Leah had bought them could be exhausted at any time, he was still confident in his goal. Take the bones back to the mausoleum, even if he had to fight for it.

[Crystal Synthesis Complete]
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