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Re: Within light sleeps the dark (OPEN) pg 13

Postby Silverin » 12/22/2009 2:03 PM

Raven arched his neck and turned his head to look at her, she seemed to look him up and down. In response he had almost positioned him self in the light of the might night sun to make his scales shine more, it was unusual for him to pose like that, almost like a male peacock flaunting his feathers. Once they got into the air above the clouds were the moon shone bright then his scales would shimmer like well lit caves filled with amethyst and obsidian. He was indeed attractive and he knew it but most people had been put off by his personality and dislike for others. “I mean both in a way, some truly are shadow creatures, while others are just evil.” He said in response before she climbed on his back.

“You know normal people are curious when they get to a new world, there is often much to do but once they are done they wish to go home too.” He said with a bit of a laugh. When she touched his scaly hide, he shifted letting loose a ripple of muscles under his skin. He could feel her hoist her self up on to his back, in a groove between his shoulders. Once she had stopped moving and had placed her self in such a way that she would not fall he started to shift him self around.

Raven looked around at the trees marking their positions so that he would not smash into any of them during take off. After he was satisfied with his position, he swished his tail and flapped his wings a few times sending gusts of air up his flanks. With a thrust from his feet and the beat of his wings they were in the air and rising. Once in the air he had tucked his feet to his sides and tail to make him self more streamline. Now above the tree line he stretched his neck out and started into a gentle spiral climb above the clouds.

He enjoyed the wind on his wings and the star light sky above them. He let out a slight roar of pleasure when they got above the clouds, nothing but a sea of white could be seen below. He now set him self on more of a gentle glide, his wings now glistened with a thin layer of frost from the cool air of the high altitudes. The fire on his tail burned a crisp purple and was now more of a stream of fire because of Raven’s movement and the wind.

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Re: Within light sleeps the dark (OPEN) pg 13

Postby clackno1 » 12/24/2009 4:12 PM

"In my years as an angel I have learned that no one, not even a demon, is truly evil or heartless. There's always a soft spot, a vulnerable spot, that causes them to pause and think. And if there's one there's usually more." When there was nothing better to do they often watched and trailed ones considered evil. Iylene never watched the deeds they did, she always watched what happened when they were alone, when they didn't need to keep up the act. There was always something that had touched them. It could something that reminded them of the happy times in their childhood or something that reminded them of family. One criminal had had a soft spot for chocolate-chip cookies that his mother had made him when he was a little boy.

So she wasn't normal? "What makes me abnormal? The fact that I've had no curiosity for the place I consider my prison or the fact that I feel kidnapped and held against my will. Or is it just the fact that I'm an angel? They are all good reasons I suppose." Maybe that had been a little meaner than she'd wanted but she was just too tired to really care. Iylene would admit that she wasn't normal. What really was normal. Here normal was probably looking and acting like everyone else and not drawing attention to oneself.

She stiffened when Raven prepared to take off and started to doubt her decision. Too late now, she thought when they were already up the air. She closed her eyes for a few seconds, just feeling the icy wind on her skin and in her hair. Above the clouds she was numb to the low temperatures. She laughed with happiness as it swelled up in her chest. With no more clouds blocking the moon her wings were in full view, positioned to catch the wind which was instinct.

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Re: Within light sleeps the dark (OPEN) pg 13

Postby Silverin » 01/01/2010 9:31 PM

What she had said was true every villain had their soft spot, Raven did not know of his, he only knew it existed and was hard to tap. Raven was a monster to his own kind even when he was alone but some times he would loosen up just a little and be a little friendlier towards others. He had become friendly towards Alex who he liked to tease but still with Raven you could never know when he would snap and attempt to kill. “I would not know my own….” He said knowing he did not remember what drove that incredible urge to kill and what the soft spot he had.

“Yes one is that you’re an angel, two most angels actually think they were sent here for a reason to do good things or is that just a stereo type…” He said pausing to think. “Well any ways I have seen weirder angels then you… Try one who is locked up in a room all the time to do nothing but record the lives of others and yet not be capable of knowing what you wrote.” He said as he thought of what he had heard about Exodus. “Gets pretty boring for him so he tends to have a slight hatred for his own kind.” Raven said with a snort of flame and smoke.  

He let out a stream of oddly coloured smoke from his jaws as he flew though the air with her laughing on his back. She seemed to be enjoying her self but he on the other hand started to have another craving for smoking again and had started to grid his teeth together as the odd coloured smoke ran thought the gaps. At least the smoke from his flame helped a bit to cool the craving.

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Re: Within light sleeps the dark (OPEN) pg 13

Postby clackno1 » 01/09/2010 5:36 PM

"Knowing your soft spot could go along with knowing yourself I suppose. It's probably just like finding your interests, what you like. Theoretically, if you like cigarette smoke too much then you might be willing to do absolutely anything for a cigarette. I'm saying you're at that level, but some people are." Cigarettes weren't the worst, at least. Now, if he was addicted to heroine then he could become her charity case. The fact that Raven had already tried to kill her and then done something very, very kind and shown a little bit of himself to her had given her cause.

Being an angel only made her stick out if it was made public, she thought. "You have to take into account the fact that those sent for a reason are usually given warning or some instruction. I was just...dropped." She said the last part softly. "I can see that as torture, and I do not blame him. I do not like my own kind very much at the moment." Then, half to herself, she added, "I wonder if he has gotten to my life yet." It didn't make much sense to her because how could he write down the life of someone who was still living, but she still wondered.

Iylene could see that he was a bit of trouble with his cravings but she hope he would stick it out and have just a little bit of consideration for her. She couldn't do much if he did give in. He seemed like one of those tough, arrogant characters to her and she hoped he'd see giving in as giving up and accepting defeat.

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Re: Within light sleeps the dark (OPEN) pg 13

Postby Silverin » 01/11/2010 2:20 PM

“I indeed do through a bit a of a fit if I don’t get my fix… But I tend to be far worse when I want blood… When you kill people so much you lose your self in it, it kind of becomes normal and so if you don’t kill then you go crazy and want to shred what ever is in your sights.” He said knowing he was describing him self to her, and he knew he was kind of addicted cause it was the only thing that kept him self from going out of control and loosing him self completely.

“I suppose so but even the high angels don’t always give away the mission totally but I have heard of those who were dropped for a reason but never told that reason. They just say they needed to learn something on their own…” He said as the smoke continued to flow out of his mouth causing him to salivate slightly. At least he so far had been fighting it off but how long could he hold. “He had written your life down far earlier, even before you were tossed down here at least that’s how the legend goes… do you know of him?” He said as he took a major dive folding his wings into his side. He let him self drop for a bit and then spread his wings, moving into a ninety degree climb, levelling out when he lost speed.

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Re: Within light sleeps the dark (OPEN) pg 13

Postby clackno1 » 01/14/2010 5:29 PM

Her lips twitched as she tried to resist the smile that was coming. It really wasn't a funny topic, but for some reason she couldn't help but find it humorous. "Way to be honest," Iylene did hope very much that he was exaggerating just a little bit. He really sounded like some crazy serial killer who could act perfectly civil. "You seem like the kind of guy, Raven, that would have a lot of enemies. With addiction comes weakness. What would you be willing to say or do if someone locked you up for a few months, away from your cigarettes and blood, and then offered you a little smoke or a bag of blood?" The way he talked about it his addiction seemed pretty serious but she was still curious to see how far he thought he could go and then how far he could actually go without his fix.

"Yeah, but I would still expect something. Even a feeling that my work isn't done, that's it's not my time. I didn't care if you killed me, I don't care if you do. You'd think there would be at least a little hesitation, right?" She'd felt nothing. Just deep sadness and everything else that she'd already said. The death thing got her thinking, "Where do you think angels go after they, like, die? Do we just disappear or are we taken back up or do we go somewhere different...." The "eternal blackness" thing might be a little scary and she certainly didn't want to go back up. Oh, the insults, the ridicule, she could hear their mocking words already.

She thought a bit about this life-writing angel. "The story may be locked up somewhere in the deep recesses of my mind that I--" She clamped her mouth shut to stop the scream that was building up when he dived. Did he just want to hear a scream of terror? Maybe another one of his addictions, she thought,"I pushed away," she continued,"What's his name? It may help jog my memory," It was unlikely she would remember something about him, or want to remember for that matter. Her old life really wasn't the happiest topic in the world.

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Re: Within light sleeps the dark (OPEN) pg 13

Postby Silverin » 01/20/2010 8:19 PM

When she had started to ask how far he would go for a smoke or for the blood of another his laughter filled the thin air as he glided. The laughter had a creepy air to it because of the subject that was at hand. His addiction did cause a problem but it was less of a problem for him then others around him or those trying to torture him, the only problem it posed to him was if some one he had cared for happened to be around during one of his nicotine-fits. Why, one may ask, because after a few weeks he would be barely tame, only able to calm down if he got his fix but a few months was a different story. He would be completely insane and would act more like a monster then something with feelings, shredding any one in sight and any thing he could get to. He would be in such a bad temper that nothing could get through to him unless he starved to near or was some how tranquillised. He could only imagine those who ever tried to do that having some sort of death wish or not knowing what sort of deadly mess they were getting them selves into. “I would not get so far with out blowing my top… nor would I bag for it… I would just be sent into a total frenzy and not be able to stop till I wore my self out. I could only imagine those who had a death with trying such a stunt with me.” He said as he gave a slight sigh as the laughter faded.

His face grew almost cold when she said she did not care if he killed her, frankly he did not care either. He would have killed her whether she wanted to die or not, it was normal for him, it was just that things were more pleasurable if the victim bagged for mercy, tried to get away and fought back. “You know I don’t think there would be hesitation or not because I have seen many faces, those who wanted to die and those who did not.” He said with a slight smirk on his face. Where do angels go when they died, he always thought that they just disappeared but again never was an angel him self… or at least he never thought he was. “I just thought they disappeared when they died… or were turned back into the light they came from.” He said with a bit of a sigh.

“That angel’s name was Exodus, he takes the form of a lucain who has ringed markings that glow a minty green color and is blind.” He said as he reviewed the detailed rumours that he had been told by a fellow paragon Alex. For now he could not come up with any thing else and his craving had gone away for the moment, although he still streamed that oddly colored smoke from his mouth.

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Re: Within light sleeps the dark (OPEN) pg 13

Postby clackno1 » 01/22/2010 10:53 PM

Raven's laughter chilled her a bit but she ignored it and thought nothing of it. Whatever he found funny was probably twisted to someone else and really creepy. And yet Iylene still wanted to know more. An adrenaline rush might be good for her. Everyone could use a good scare every now and then. Except with Raven she could get more. One hospital bed more. "So smoke and blood do nothing, drugs and money probably do the same..." What else could he possibly have a weak pot for? "Kay, I just have to say that I'm not working for some evil nemesis of yours or anything. Excuse all the personal questions and you have every right not to answer any of them. Well, you probably already knew that since I'm at your mercy for the moment. It's just nice to hear about someone else's life."

"So, what about people? Is there anyone you would do anything for? Family, friends...a love interest?" Oh, man, that was really really personal. She didn't expect him to answer that part so she hurriedly continued. "Or maybe someone you just feel pity for?" That seemed incredibly unlikely to her, but Raven could be filled with surprises that not even he himself ever expected to find.

Iylene heard him sigh after he answered her where-angels-go-after-death question. "Does the topic upset you? or do I upset you? Or am I just that annoying?" She asked as innocently as she could muster. It was hard to look small and weak and be patient when you were exhausted and just didn't want to take anyone's crap. It was taking a lot of her willpower not to fall asleep on Raven's back. A lot, not all of it. She wasn't that desperate to get some rest. "Exodus? Doesn't ring any bells. I might look it up some time, though, to find out a bit more. It's quite an interesting story."

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Re: Within light sleeps the dark (OPEN) pg 13

Postby Silverin » 01/24/2010 7:19 PM

He stretched his wings further out as he glided over the earth, he was thinking of landing sometime soon and had started to decend. He knew she had been looking for a larger splotch of light in his heart, if there was any more there was very little. "I don't mind they truely are not personal things to me...." He said as he dove slightly letting the wind flow smoothly around his body to build a little speed. "There are few I would do anything for and even so dealing with me comes with a price... you also risk your own life if I get angery... any ways I have two people I care for... Alex and Kozo are their names... fellow paragon." He said as he let some of the whispy clouds wrap around his wing tips.

He laughed as she asked if the topic or her upset him, why would he be upset? He was just sighing cause he never knew the answer. "Neither of those, I just did not know what to say and I did not know any thing." He said with a chuckle. He folded his wings in and started into another steep dive but this one brought them below the clouds. He started towards one of the many clifs with water falls shooting off of them.

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Re: Within light sleeps the dark (OPEN) pg 13

Postby clackno1 » 01/27/2010 5:19 PM

Iylene watched feathery wisps of cloud float by and watched as they were cut by either Raven's wings or tail. She had to admit he was quite graceful in the air for one so...troubled on the ground. He'd probably laugh if she called him "troubled". By now she even thought it was a huge understatement. So what word could she use to describe him? Evil? Demonic? He'd probably accept those. She wouldn't. "Seems I shouldn't mess with you, then," she mumbled. That made her smirk a bit, though. She already was messing with him a little, or had been, anyways. On the psychological level. "What about family? Bad memories or you just don't know of them?" Now she felt poky, but Raven didn't seem to mind much. Not at all, in fact.

So he was just sighing to sigh. How anticlimactic. Even a little feeling would be nice out of this guy. Something besides anger, though, please. She couldn't fight back in this half-dead state of mind, or in any other state for that matter. And of course, one little turn to the side and she could break every bone in her body. Raven had said he wouldn't do that, but how quickly could he change his mind? "That's understandable," she paused, "but I wonder if I could annoy you? Not the 'want to kill me' kind of annoyed, just annoyed annoyed," That probably didn't make any sense to him and it barely made sense to herself. Still too tired to care.

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Re: Within light sleeps the dark (OPEN) pg 13

Postby Silverin » 01/28/2010 7:44 PM

Raven glanced back at her on his back, should not mess with him? He supposed that that statement was true but still he did not always like being on top, it got boring after a while or at least that’s what dignity would let most people as egotistical as him say. “ I am not one for any one to mess with but…. Sometimes I wish some one had guts to mess with me in more than one way…” He said as he looked down towards the ground. He may have just exposed a small crack into his weakness. His own weakness was himself, his pride as a mad man and his lack of social contact other then those ending in violence and often death to who ever angered him.

“I have no family as far as I know…” He said things slightly getting to him as if being alone had finally sunk into his thick skull, yet his voice did not expose any distress. He swung his tail around her in a tight snake like grasp, the fire now wrapped around her but it did not burn. It may have felt like a warm flickering purple blanket of air that enveloped every corner of her body. He had grabbed her so she would not fall off when he grabbed onto the cliff side with his claws his weight swinging slightly with a jerk as he now hung there. He put her back onto his shoulders, his wings now folded to his side as he started to climb the cliff side to the pool of fresh water above.

He looked at her his red eyes glowing and in response to what she said about annoying him. A bit of a laugh rumbled from his throat, knowing that fact that he had grabbed her with his flaming tail may have startled her, especially since she was half asleep. “Yes you can annoy me normally as well with out aggravating me into attack.” He said as he made it too the top, were the waterfall flowed over the edge.

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Re: Within light sleeps the dark (OPEN) pg 13

Postby clackno1 » 01/28/2010 8:56 PM

She'd messed with him, if only a little bit, yet he'd almost shot her. Well, if everyone was always straightforward and obvious then there would never be any of the excitement that came with life. "So you like a challenge. At least you can admit it," Finally, they were getting somewhere. She couldn't force the world to turn, she couldn't force Raven to talk, she couldn't force him to open up, but she could help. Well, if he didn't want her help then that was a different story. But he had yet to tell her to leave.

No family. He didn't seem to care, though. So they were both technically alone in the world. Raven had his friends, she had the sweet little old lady that lived downstairs from her. He had said his friends' names were Alex and Kozo..."friends" wasn't a very good description. Were they best friends? Good friends? Just friends? Or acquaintances? Raven had said he cared for them, and if he could kill an innocent girl out in the woods caring for them had to be something, right? Great, now she really was sounding like a therapist. Oh, the irony. Becoming the thing you hated to help someone you barely know. She really must be delusional. His tail surprised her, snaking around her from behind. How sly, she thought. The purple flame was so close but she could barely feel it. Iylene stopped breathing for the few moments it took her to realize he had done it to stop her from falling. She almost felt guilty for thinking he'd hurt her. Almost. If a guy wraps his big, scaly taila round you what are you supposed to think? That you're going to get a balloon?

Oh, so now he was laughing at her? Iylene didn't make a big fuss. She was, again, too tired to care. "Was that permission?" She couldn't help it, the temptation was too great. And besides, a little laughter could do him some good. The black water flowing over the edge of the cliff in the darkness was gorgeous. She imagined going with it for a second, being pulled down into the darkness, deep down...Ilene snapped herself awake, opening her eyes which had drifted closed in her little moment.

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Re: Within light sleeps the dark (OPEN) pg 13

Postby Silverin » 02/01/2010 10:52 AM

Now that he was at the top Raven took his human form and sat by a large pool full clear spring water. He knew she was still sitting on his shoulders, looking back at her his red eyes had narrowed with disapproval. Hoping she would take that as a signal to get off now unless she really wanted to tick him off. Still not use to contact from others even though he had let her ride on his back, he still expected her to know when to get off even if he did not give her a defiant get the hell off me response. He was unreasonable, a complete jerk, prideful and would rip peoples heads off when ever he had snapped even with out warning, yet he expected some one to try to push their limits with him whether it be a guy or a girl. “Yes… I want a challenge… I want to be confused and pushed to the breaking… I want to get angry and yet be so relaxed…I want to love it and hate it… That’s twisted in it’s own way…” He said with a small grin on his face as looked though his pockets for a smoke. “At least I can admit it? What is that suppose to mean?” He continued as he started looking more franticly.

With a sigh he gave up on looking for a cigarette he was not likely to find one either he had run out or lost the packet. “Yes they are friends but guys I have not fully excepted them yet though… but I get a long with them better than any other people.” He said as he started to grit his teeth again, breathing heavier. Well that was semi true… Kozo and his relationship was a little bit more then that just of friends. Actually he wanted to see his fishy friend right now but that did not seem possible at the moment. “Permission to annoy me? I am not sure if you could bother me more then you have so far but you could try?” He said as he bit his thumb and made it bleed to satisfy him self before he went wacko. When it came to his addictions he had no endurance, no mental endurance at all, but when it came to physical pain he saw him self the king of enduring it.

Because of Iylene, he had so many thoughts that were rushing through his mind as he flopped down on the soft mossy ground. He slipped off his trench coat and hat, placing them be side him self. Running his bloody finger along one of the scars that marked his body. To Raven this scar had a particular meaning to him but he could never remember what that meaning was. “Try to make me mad….” He said licking his finger again. A new darker smile was now on his face, he was daring her to try and make a move to irritate him. “Make this demon happy... Humm careful I will bite.” He said in a dark, charming voice.

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Re: Within light sleeps the dark (OPEN) pg 13

Postby clackno1 » 02/01/2010 4:57 PM

Iylene slipped off his shoulders and made her way to her own spot by the water. She sat in the shadows and leaned up against a tree, her wings once again disappearing. Raven's cravings for smoke seemed worse and she sighed. He'd probably take it out on her, saying that it was her fault that he'd bitten through his last cigarette. "That is quite twisted," she agreed. He'd just better be careful of what he wishes for, she thought. One day he could find himself a puzzle he couldn't figure out, and with the temper and amount of patience he has she wouldn't be surprised if he gave up. "Well, you can admit that what you've done is wrong even if you don't feel any regret. Criminally insane people think all the sick and twisted things they've done were good and necessary."

He was willing to let her try to annoy him. It wasn't really a death wish anymore so much as just something to do. She thought for a moment. What could really get under his skin and make it crawl? He'd chosen his own blood to cure his cravings. Except...She'd forgotten all about it, not wanting to look at the stupid thing ever again. A bit of impulsive buying while in a drugstore. It was probably still in her jacket somewhere...There, inside pocket. Iylene pulled out the little pack of cigarettes. It made her sick to even look at it but she could use it. "Well I do have this. I'm hoping for an irritating effect but I'm not really sure. I bought it impulsively so I might as well throw it over the waterfall." She toyed with the little package, looking at Raven the whole time. It wasn't even opened.

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Re: Within light sleeps the dark (OPEN) pg 13

Postby Silverin » 02/02/2010 2:03 PM

He had almost broken out in laughter when she had said that he knew they were wrong. Although he did know it was wrong, he quite enjoyed killing, it was good for him at least and that was just about all he cared about. He chuckled before saying " Thats were your wrong... I see it to be good for me and thats about all I care about, I don't care if I hurt the ones that loved whom I killed, they are just more people to lay dead at my feet when they try to avenge their loved ones, nothing but sacraficial lambs to quench my thursts.". His words cruel and cold, stright from the heart of the demon that was Raven. If he had a soft spot it was very small and now that he was irritated by his cravings, his darkest side had raised it's head.

When she had taken out the packet he had tryed his best not to snatch them out of her hand. Although why did she impulse buy a packet of cigs? "Why in the world you impule buy something you don't like?" He said rasing a eye brow while trying to keep his cool. He did not want to lose to him self or let her win but it seemed likely that he would give up. "Why don't you just give them to me and maybe I wont try to kill you later..." He muttered.

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