Often called the 'Lover's Triangle' for the trio of waterfalls feeding in to a triangular gorge, the Idalani area is a picture-perfect place to spend time with that special someone, with a beautiful exotic backdrop and countless rainbows dancing across the sky. (+2 Speed)

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Return to Idalani Waterfalls

Postby SirMax » 10/19/2007 11:33 AM

Vicky grinned at Twist, nodding happily. "Yeah! Race ya!" she exclaimed, and with that she was off like a shot, dashing towards the pool at top speed, ready to leap into the cool, inviting waters.

Raiden tilted his head quizzically at Viridian, and staring at her in the way that had earned him so many scoldings from her. He couldn't help it, she puzzled him. And more than that, she puzzled him in such a way that it kindled a desire in him that he'd never had before- he had the burning desire to put together the pieces and work out the puzzle that she presented. Anyone else in the past that had puzzled Raiden before, he had been content to leave them an eternal mystery, with no real desire to figure them out. But something about Viridian interested him, and at some very deep level he needed to understand Viridian, and at a concious level wanted to. So when ever she did or said something that perplexed him- which, admittedly, was not particularly difficult to do- he stared, trying to find some sign or signal that would give him a glimpse into her psyche and reveal the meaning that was so hidden from him. "Amusing?" he asked finally. "What do you mean?"

"Ummm... I think I'm going to go ahead and... go talk to that guy over there." said Rina, still rather distractedly. Sala groaned slightly, but Rina didn't seem to hear as she scooted over to Territo with a silly grin on her face. Sala sighed, turning back to Daerimbor. "Sorry about that, Dae. She gets like that sometimes." Sala muttered. "Anyway, it's nice to meet you, too." she smiled warmly as Rina bounced up to Territo. "Hiya my name's Rina what's yours?" she asked, all in one breath, silly grin still on her face.

Ender went silent, looking down at the ground before mumbling. "I'm not too good at socializing." he admitted quietly, feeling the net of loneliness that lived with him at the pen tangling around him again.

[[Raiden: 58 || Vicky: 9 || Ender: 18 || Rina: 36 || Sala: 11 ]]
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Postby Stoffelees » 10/19/2007 11:52 AM

Giggling, Dae shook her head and gave a wave of her paw, "Don't worry about it, I know Kuhnas like that too. Rina will learn soon enough that Territo isn't a very suave guy." She chuckled at this last comment. "So you only came to the party as a tag-along? Caecus did the same thing. You should meet him!" Dae then looked around herself, "Wait...where is Caecus?"

Territo, who was on his way to the inviting-looking munchies, suddenly found a Cake Kuhna before him. He stared as a quick stream of words spilled towards him, "Uh...Hi. I'm Territo." He was unsure of what to say to this bouncy female and slightly confused as to why he was suddenly getting so much attention. Perhaps it was because all the females at home knew of his antics and wouldn't dream of getting cozy with him.

A wave of sympathy came over Caecus, "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm not very social either. Usually it's just easier to stay to myself and listen to everything around me." Caecus usually didn't like meeting new creatures, he always had the same problems: they yell at him as if he's deaf, they pity him, and sometimes they even treat him like a kit. He had been blind all his life; the lack of vision was never a problem to him, it was just a normal way of life.

[center]{Caecus 8 | Daerimbor 8 | Territo 8}
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Postby SirMax » 10/19/2007 12:11 PM

Sala shrugged and grinned a little. "Well... actually, I'm not the tag along in our group. I mean, if Rina hadn't told be about this I wouldn't be here, but I came here of my own free will. The real tag along with us is Ender..." Sala glanced over at where Ender was apparently talking with someone. "He's a real shy one..."

Rina grinned happily at Territo, grabbing a drink from the table behind her. "Nice to meet you Territo." she said, turning on the charm- well, her own type of charm. "So what's a cute Kuhna like you doing at a party like this?" she asked, smiling cutely.

Ender glanced up at Caecus and shrugged slightly. "I don't get much chance to socialize at the pen." he murmured, not quite sure why he was telling Caecus this. "I'm a bit of an outcast there..."

[[Ender: 19 || Rina: 37 || Sala: 12]]
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