Often called the 'Lover's Triangle' for the trio of waterfalls feeding in to a triangular gorge, the Idalani area is a picture-perfect place to spend time with that special someone, with a beautiful exotic backdrop and countless rainbows dancing across the sky. (+2 Speed)

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Re: :.:Risks of Thanks for Life Day! Extreme version:.:

Postby SpringsSong » 12/13/2010 10:07 PM

"You... want to come home with me?" Arlür asked, and the Turkezilla nodded as she sat down so that she could turn around and face the Kuhna as she looked into the Kuhna's eyes with sincerity.

"Yes.  Náriel wants to come home with Arlür," she said plainly, and the Kuhna laughed as she flicked her tails lazily as she lowered her head, smiling brightly.

"If you wish to come home with me, then you may.  You're in charge of explaining to them and convincing the rest of the people at my home that you're not like the others."

"Náriel is more than willing to convince Arlür's Brothers and Sisters that she is different," the Turkezilla said, smiling as she took off into the darkness.

Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

"Human", Rag'n'Bone Man

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Postby Firetra » 12/13/2010 11:41 PM

The two of them went far as to the edge of the cliff before they stopped. But the hydrolisk continued further to the verry edge. He then knelt down and put his hand over the edge. He soon procured a roll of paper with a ribbon tying it closed in a bow. "I've seen you around the forest for some time now and I wondered if you were lost. " He then opened up the roll and showed a map of the forest. " This is where you are," He said pointing near the edge of th map. " you just want to go a bit north east and you'll be out of the forest in no time."
   "Okay," he said raising his eyebrow. "whats the catch." He said knowing that there has to be some reason.
   " Fine, you caught me. I do want somthing in return for this information that I gave you. But its really small. Its a feather from a rampaging Turkezilla."
   To firemantra's surprise, it really was a small thing. "Sure, Acctualy I have one with me right here." And sure enough he pulled a feather from a corner of his body. And in no time flat he thanked the Hydrolisk and left. He was getting out of here.

Because I could not stop for Death,
He kindly stopped for me;
The carriage held but ourselves
And Immortality

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Postby Firetra » 12/13/2010 11:48 PM

Firemantra had walked for maybe more than an hour. And he still saw no sign of the end of endless trees. Hethen sat down and pulled out the map.Well of course he wasn't out yet. The scale of the map was one inch equals about 2 miles.And there was about two inches from where he was, to the end of the forest.Oh well now all he had to do was walk it off. He had gone at least 2 miles. Just a few more wouldn't hurt. Then he set off to the direction of the edge of the forest.

((almost done!))

Because I could not stop for Death,
He kindly stopped for me;
The carriage held but ourselves
And Immortality

- Emily Dickinson

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Re: :.:Risks of Thanks for Life Day! Extreme version:.:

Postby Soriana » 12/14/2010 9:28 AM

Risk was on his own now. As the Turkezilla lunged at him again, he dodged its attack and skidded to a stop near a tree trunk. Then, an idea occurred to him. "HEY! Hey! Can you understand what I'm saying to you right now?" The Turkezilla paused, as if surprised, and cocked its head. "And you can understand me?" Triskelion breathed a sigh of relief. "Yes. Yes, of course. Why didn't you continue to attack me?" The Turkezilla tilted its head skyward in defiance. "Because I refuse to be your dinner!"

If his mind hadn't been reeling with all that had happened in the past few moments, he may have begun to laugh very, very hard. "You think... You think I want to eat you? You must be joking! I thought you wanted to kill me!" The Turkezilla's eyes widened in disbelief. "You thought I wanted to kill you, and I thought you wanted to eat me. It's like a vicious cycle." Risk nodded, finding no fault with the creature's simple and rather profound logic. "Well, I'm Triskelion Nephthys--at your service--and I can tell you right now that I don't wanna come near your drumsticks." The Turkezilla let out a very odd noise that was somewhere between a honk and a screech. It was apparently laughing. "You are most amusing, Triskelion. I'm Valence."


The King beneath the mountains,
The King of carven stone,
The lord of silver fountains
Shall come into his own!

His crown shall be upholden,
His harp shall be restrung,
His halls shall echo golden
To songs of yore re-sung.

The streams shall run in gladness,
The lakes shall shine and burn,
All sorrow fail and sadness
At the Mountain-king's return!

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Re: :.:Risks of Thanks for Life Day! Extreme version:.:

Postby Thunder » 12/14/2010 9:39 PM

Adey felt her body getting tired. She'd have to land soon, or else she'd have no energy to move. "Man, I wish I had a burger right now," she muttered, flying away from the Turkezilla. The giant bird took off in pursuit, continuing to jump into the air and snap at her tail feathers. Branches and leaves smacked against Adey's face, making her wince, more in annoyance than pain. Soon she burst into a clearing with a small waterfall that dropped down into a crystal clear pool. The Turkezilla wasn't here yet, but it would be.

Suddenly, she got an idea. Adey landed behind a boulder next to the pool and swiftly changed into her human form. She could hide much more easily this way, and perhaps the sudden identity swap would confuse the Turkezilla. She remained crouched behind the boulder, waiting for it to arrive.


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Re: :.:Risks of Thanks for Life Day! Extreme version:.:

Postby Thunder » 12/14/2010 10:18 PM


Adey could hear footsteps and the confused gobbling of the Turkezilla. There was the sound of leaves crunching, and it got louder and louder as the turkey approached. She peered out from behind the boulder. It was currently examining the plants around it, sniffing here and there, letting out a "humph" when it couldn't find Adey. Unfortunately, it was starting to approach the boulder, and Adey couldn't safely move away without being seen. She gritted her teeth and prayed that she wouldn't be spotted, since although her human form was probably more stealthy, it wasn't as tough as her Garudor one.


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Re: :.:Risks of Thanks for Life Day! Extreme version:.:

Postby Thunder » 12/14/2010 10:27 PM

The Turkezilla stepped closer to Adey's boulder. She held her breath and tensed up, waiting for the turkey to see her.



The sudden noise made her jump into the air and turn to look at the Turkezilla. It was running away. Something else, something big, was plodding through the trees. Adey ducked back behind her boulder, hoping that this new creature wasn't even more fearsome.

"Adey? Adey? Hellooooo?"

"What the-" Adey said, standing back up at the sound of a familiar voice calling her name. Then she realized who the giant lumbering creature was. "Oh no, seriously?" Just as it was about to step into the clearing, the big sloth turned into a boy with rather fluffy looking wings.



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Postby Kyrit » 12/15/2010 10:00 PM

The two Fellox seemed to have made it through the forest rather safe. From time to time there was a rustle within the trees as well as from any bushes they happened to pass by them. They hadn't found anything of interest, but it didn't seem like they lost anything either. When they got home it was quite possible that they might find out something that could be possibly upsetting. One Fellox, possibly a member of the family, had gone missing. A Clockwork Fellox to be exact.

(One Clockwork Fellox will be subtracted from your records.)

For a while, the Gyrraptor and Shartile pair seemed to be fine. They had been walking for some time now, possibly headed back toward the exit of the falls if they could even find it. Without warning, an echoing roar sounded somewhere in the distance, though it didn't seem too far off. Whatever it came from had to be some large beast. Did the Turkezillas roar? That didn't really seem like something a bird would do though. Whatever it was had many of the inhabitants of the surrounding area stirred, as one little creature ran right in to Azul. Apparently, a Choopa was going to be joining them on their way home.

(You have acquired a Muerto Choopa. I'll be sending you the code in a PM shortly.)

Jekonah seemed to be a goldmine for making friends today. First he met the Turkezilla that he had somehow managed to befriend, and now as the two of them walked together there seemed to be something blocking their path. Huddled in the middle of the path was some shivering, shadowy figure. Whatever it was, it obviously didn't enjoy being there. Maybe the two of them could take it home with them?

(You have won an edit-less custom! That means no add-ons(be they lineart edits or markings that need to be drawn) but it is still a custom of your choice. Please send me a PM with your order form.)

Having decided to leaving during the night, Ares left himself open to all sorts of troubles. Sure the Turkezilla were more active during the day, but at least you could see where you were going easier and could see anything coming at you. There were also some creatures who preferred to come out during the night. Luckily, Ares did not lose anything. After some time of walking through the night, something gave a small tug at one of his tails. Standing behind him seemed to be some sort of Batti that no one had ever seen before. Apparently, it wanted to go with him.

(You have acquired a Muerto Batti. You will receive a PM with its code shortly.)

Well, at least Zeru made a friend during his journey, as it seemed as though he hadn't found anything else. No new pet discovered, no random items sitting about, forgotten by some other traveler. He did seem lucky enough to not lose anything though. Back home was another story. He would probably be told about it later on, but it seemed as though a Sulkuhna had gone missing back home. Hopefully he hadn't been too attached to that creature.

(You have lost the Sulkuhna from Kualita and Oro's breeding. It will be removed from your records)

Yet another creature seemed to have managed to escape without loosing much of anything. Arlür was perfectly safe and could leave the forest any time she wanted to. As with a few of the other visitors this evening, she would probably find that back home others had not been so lucky. It was unknown currently as to what happened to them, but some creatures seemed to have simply... gone missing. Surely she wasn't very attached to them. Otherwise well... finding a Turkezilla wanting to go home with you might not have been such an amazing thing.

(Your roll ended in the loss of a bundle of seasonal pets. This loss includes 1 Lunafly, 1 Merham, 1 Anera, and 1 Sleepyheart. These pets will be subtracted from your records.)
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Postby jobiehanna » 12/15/2010 10:13 PM

As Ares was walking along he felt a tug at one of his tails. He turned around and saw a lonely looking bati. It looked like it wanted to go with him, so Ares offered a soft smile. Ares hadn't even sensed the batti was close, probably because he didn't have very good night vision. "Uh, I guess you can come home with me," he said with another smile. "I don't think anyone will mind," he added. He began to walk forward, the batti following closely behind. He was going to be home soon and rest in his nice, warm bed after the long day.

And I was runnin' far away
Would I run off the world someday?
Nobody knows
Nobody knows, and
I was dancing in the rain
I felt alive and I can't complain

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Postby Sappheara » 12/15/2010 10:41 PM

As Azul and Cursed continued on their way towards the water fall. They both heard the unusual roar bounce off of the trees, making Cursed jump. "What was that Azul" the Shartile said with a shaky voice. Azul looked around the forest unsure if they were going to be attacked. "I don't know but get ready to fight. I think it may be an attack call." Getting into an attack position, Azul saw something jump out from behind a bush. The creature ran into Azul, knocking him down to the ground. It was an unusual looking Choopa, making both Azul and Cursed question what kind of spices lives here. "I can join you?" He Chopa said in a tried voice. "Sure." Cursed said as he continued on the path, not looking at Azul. A tick started in the Gyrraptor jaw as both Cursed and the Choopa dismissed him. He followed behind the part, not saying a word.
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Re: :.:Risks of Thanks for Life Day! Extreme version:.:

Postby Elektra » 12/15/2010 10:52 PM

Finally the two managed to find the route that the Learf beside him had been talking about.  Sighing, he looked gratefully at his new found companion.  Hopefully he hadn't been away to long though.  Of course, no one really even noticed he lived in the Caves, so the chances of them noticing he was missing in the first place were quite slim.  As he emerged, Zeru praised Zu'hai that he'd come out alive and well, and headed back home.

If you knew knew what the bluebirds sang at you
You would never sing along
Cast them out cause this is our culture
These new flocks are nothing but vultures

Because they took our love and they filled it up
Filled it up with Novocaine and now Im just numb
And don't mind me, Im just a son of a gun
So dont stop, dont stop until your heart goes numb
I dont feel a thing for you

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25 (done)

Postby Firetra » 12/15/2010 11:40 PM

Firemantra had walked for another two hours and made no headway. Was he going in circles? No he had been going in the same direction. He just continued on for another fifteen minutes. He could swear that he had seen this rock shaped like a dalma before. So he traveled still for about twenty minutes , and he came back again to the same rock. "Uhh could I help you by good chance?" said a voice from the tree tops. "Who's there?!" Firemantra shouted. "Oh don't worry, I wont harm you." It replied in a gentle voice. "I'm guessing your looking for a way out, am I right?"
   "Why yes. Would you by chance know the way?" He asked the mysterious voice. "Yes, go east for about one hour , then you'll see the edge of the woods. And eventualy, the falls."
   "Thank you good person, whoever you are." He then bolted off to where he was told and muttered under his breath "I'm coming home don't worry." But he didn't see the creature drop down and get a real look at it.
"Yes, I will see you there." It said, then it vannished.

Because I could not stop for Death,
He kindly stopped for me;
The carriage held but ourselves
And Immortality

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Re: :.:Risks of Thanks for Life Day! Extreme version:.:

Postby Thunder » 12/16/2010 6:20 PM


The girl groaned as Acedia, the boy, ran towards her and enveloped her in a giant hug. He squeezed her until she thought she was suffocating, and she proceeded to stomp on his foot. Letting out a squeal of pain, Acedia let go and whimpered.

"What'cha do that for?!"

"You were choking me!" Adey hissed.

"O-oh. I'm sorry." The demon lord chuckled sheepishly and ran a hand through his messy black locks.

"What are you doing here anyways? Shouldn't you be with Azrael or something?"

"Azrael went to hit on girls." Adey rolled her eyes at this. "I was wondering where you were, and it looks like I came just in time!" He gazed in the direction the Turkezilla ran in.


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Re: :.:Risks of Thanks for Life Day! Extreme version:.:

Postby Thunder » 12/16/2010 6:27 PM

"I think I have a little something to say to Azrael when I see him again," Adey huffed, crossing her arms. Acedia looked confused for a moment, but then realized what she meant.

"Oh! Right. He told you to come here, didn't he?"

"Yeah, and he totally lied about there being a party. Instead I had a portion of money stolen from me and was chased by a giant, rabid turkey. Fun, fun." Acedia frowned and moved to hug Adey again, but she pushed him away. "Please don't."

"Aww, fine." Acedia pouted and backed off. "So what will you do now?"

"Try to get back home, I guess." She shrugged and looked at her surroundings. "Except I have no idea where to go."

"I'll help you!" Acedia responded, now beaming again. "And if any other turkeys come, I'll scare 'em off!" Adey sighed. He would be rather annoying help, but he was help nonetheless.


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Re: :.:Risks of Thanks for Life Day! Extreme version:.:

Postby Thunder » 12/16/2010 6:31 PM

"So which way did you come from?" Adey asked. "I don't know where I came from. I flew here."

"You FLEW?" Acedia asked, eyes widening. Adey slapped a palm to her forehead.

"Garudor," she reminded him.

"Ohhh. Right. It's so weird having these alternate forms here. I'm a weird...kangaroo...thing... I still like my sloth form better though. Anyways, I know where I came from, so follow me!" Acedia started to head east, and Adey tagged along.


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