Often called the 'Lover's Triangle' for the trio of waterfalls feeding in to a triangular gorge, the Idalani area is a picture-perfect place to spend time with that special someone, with a beautiful exotic backdrop and countless rainbows dancing across the sky. (+2 Speed)

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@@ Something Ridiculous [self]

Postby Chayden » 12/30/2010 1:55 AM


Want to see it, want to see? Oh, look, it's me - making money!
The Chimerantula hummed happily to herself as she strolled. She'd had the same troublesome song stuck in her head for quite some time now. Perhaps it had something to do with why she was out here in the first place. She couldn't seem to find a reason; all of a sudden, she was just plopped here. Whoever had done the plopping wasn't kind enough to provide her with an explanation, either.
Well, she was going to make the most of this circumstance! She was going to pick some flowers~
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Re: @@ Something Ridiculous [self]

Postby Chayden » 12/30/2010 1:58 AM

Eamery didn't know where she was. She didn't know the name of the place, and there weren't too many people around to ask... Just a couple frisking under the waterfall.
They didn't much look like they wanted to be bothered.
She busied herself with nosing around the spray-slick boulders, instead. Hopefully there were some bugs around here~!
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Re: @@ Something Ridiculous [self]

Postby Chayden » 12/30/2010 2:15 AM

Eamery was disappointed. The only things she could see were pebbles and the occasional flower... Well, that and the water. The particles that misted off of the falls cooled her back nicely. She nearly wanted to go for a dip, but did not know how she would fare. She had never swum before.
She sat amongst the rocks, resting her chin on a foreclaw dejectedly.
"It's hot," she complained to no one in particular. Ugh. WHY does it have to be summertime?!
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Re: @@ Something Ridiculous [self]

Postby Chayden » 12/30/2010 2:33 AM

The sun was quickly beginning to get to Eamery. It was unfair that it had to be so hot! She dug at the sparse grass, ravaging it to get out a bit of the frustration. She wasn't REALLY angry, though. Only... regretful. Yes, that was it.
"I should get some pretty flowers to take my mind off of this!" she suggested to herself jovially.
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Re: @@ Something Ridiculous [self]

Postby Chayden » 12/30/2010 2:36 AM

The Chimerantula set off up the bank. She had figured that the best flowers would grow amongst the trees. They would be more luscious there than in the sand that surrounded the falls. She hoped to find something blue. Blue was her favorite color! That was why she had dyed some of her scales that color secretly. If her mother had found out, she would have been in loads of trouble! Come to think of it, she might even get in trouble for going to the falls alone.
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Re: @@ Something Ridiculous [self]

Postby Chayden » 12/30/2010 2:38 AM

"But I'm NOT alone! There's still that couple in the water..."
Eamery frowned. There she went, reminding herself of the water again! Sadly, she looked back at it.
"Maybe... I could just go for a dip..."
With that, she trotted back down. What was the worst that could happen?
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Re: @@ Something Ridiculous [self]

Postby Chayden » 12/30/2010 2:41 AM

Eamery regarded the water warily. It had to be deep. The pool that the falls spilled into was very wide - she could barely even see to the other side of it! But if she wanted to be cured of the ridiculous heat...
"I've gotta give it a try!" The Chimerantula mustered up all of her courage. She plunged her front legs into the water...
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Re: @@ Something Ridiculous [self]

Postby Chayden » 01/01/2011 11:06 AM

...And they floated. She was bobbed around gently by the waves emanating from the point where the waterfall itself struck the water. Eamery squealed out in delight! At least she wouldn't drown this way. The waves were, after all, very small. Barely 5 inches high, and not large enough to crest. They were more like rivulets.
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Re: @@ Something Ridiculous [self]

Postby Chayden » 01/01/2011 11:07 AM

Slowly,, the Chimerantula eased herself the rest of the way into the water. It was cool enough to make her exoskeleton crawl, but it felt heavenly. Much better than baking in the sun! As of yet, she was too afraid to dunk her head under. She didn't want water in her nose.
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Re: @@ Something Ridiculous [self]

Postby Chayden » 01/01/2011 11:09 AM

Eamery floated on the water for a while. She stuck close to the shore. If she capsized, she wanted to still be able to touch the bottom.
Wait, what did the bottom even feel like? Gingerly, she extended a foot.
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Re: @@ Something Ridiculous [self]

Postby Chayden » 01/01/2011 11:10 AM

The bottom was surprisingly pebbly. It felt like a wet version of the ground she had just left. But she could feel something soft  under that, too. She wondered what it was. Eamery knew that there was sand down there, but that's not what it was. It was... furrier than sand.
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Re: @@ Something Ridiculous [self]

Postby Chayden » 01/01/2011 11:12 AM

Cautiously, Eamery reared up. She peered down through her forelegs at the clear water. The stuff was a fuzzy, greyish, brownish red. It waved at her in time with the motion of the water. It was just some kind of water weed.
"Nothing to worry about!" the child reassured herself as she drifted back down into the water.
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Re: @@ Something Ridiculous [self]

Postby Chayden » 01/01/2011 11:14 AM

Eamery paddled along contentedly. She had decided to leave the couple alone. They looked busy. Droplets of water rained down on her as she splashed about. It felt kind of like mist, but it shone in the sun. The sun, speaking of which, was getting even higher in the sky. It must be noon by now.
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Re: @@ Something Ridiculous [self]

Postby Chayden » 01/01/2011 11:16 AM

The water was beginning to warm up. Eamery was gaining courage, too. All this keeping to the shore was becoming boring. She was adventurous by nature. She needed excitement! Slowly, the Chimerantula pushed off, heading toward a tiny island in the middle of the lake.
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Re: @@ Something Ridiculous [self]

Postby Chayden » 01/01/2011 11:18 AM

At first, she was rather wobbly. She whimpered a little. She REALLY did not want to go under! There was no one around to save her, should she drown. She'd be all alone at the bottom of the lake. And she still had to be home for dinner!
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