Often called the 'Lover's Triangle' for the trio of waterfalls feeding in to a triangular gorge, the Idalani area is a picture-perfect place to spend time with that special someone, with a beautiful exotic backdrop and countless rainbows dancing across the sky. (+2 Speed)

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Can You Feel The Hate Tonight~[P/Azura &I][M:E]

Postby Kylo » 06/07/2011 7:40 PM

Anthos growled in irritation and snapped one last time at Talcen before the psychoatic boy fled laughing crazily. "I'll kill you when this is over, you irritating twit!" Anthos sat down and massaged his temples and he plotted his escape from this god forsaken happy place of romance. The last thing he wanted was to be here waiting for some guy to come hit on him. He already had Rufus he had no need for others. He got up to pace about and gritted his teeth. He thought over what the scheming Talcen had said and gritted his teeth even harder.  

"Just have fun with him Anthos! You'll enjoy him I just know it!" Anthos yelled in frustration and kicked at a rock sending it skittering away from him and falling into the foot of the waterfall that he was standing by. "I don't want to have fun with anyone! I just want to be left alone!"

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
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Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
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Re: Can You Feel The Hate Tonight~

Postby Azura Rayume » 06/09/2011 10:23 AM

This place was just so... so... happy!

Beyond cringed at how chipper people could be, how "lovey-dovey" this place was. The entire thing made him sick, actually. He might like romance, but his idea of romance was a little more... dark than anything that could be conjured here. He didn't care for all these hearts and flowers and rainbows. This actually made him want to hunt down the conceited jerk who had imagined these things.

He normally wouldn't even be here in the first place. If his landlady hadn't recently gotten the idea in her head that all her tenants were becoming lazy layabouts recently and kicked him off for some grand adventure, he wouldn't have even left the house at all. This had all been her idea, which made things even worse in his opinion. The moment someone ran up to him with a flower, his might just give them a swift kick to the head.

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Re: Can You Feel The Hate Tonight~

Postby Kylo » 06/09/2011 10:35 AM

Anthos got up and started to walk. He didn't remember how to get out of here due to be distracted by listening to Talcen's annoying voice. He stomped through the listy lands and hissed at anyone who dared to cross his path. He just knew he'd kill someone before he got out of here, he just knew it. Oh how he hated places like these, they made him want to rip something, or someone, apart. The only thing that made it worse was that he was to meet some random person Talcen had found to "have fun with."

He continued stomping until he ran into someone. "Hey watch where the hell you're going!" He glared at the man who strangely had red eyes just like his. He was slightly hunched other and looked as if he hadn't slept in a month of Sundays. "Hey wait a moment." Anthos fished a picture out of his pocket that Talcen had given him earlier saying that he was the person he was to meet. "You're the guy I'm supposed to meet!? Great, just great. Talcen just had to find some hobo of the street who is most likely on drugs, and Gaia knows what else," he ranted to himself. "Let's get one thing straight here, I don't know who are, don't care either, but we are not doing anything of the romantic area. Got it!?" he yelled visciously at Beyond. Normally Anthos was much more polite, but the atmosphere had really gotten to him.

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Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
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Re: Can You Feel The Hate Tonight~

Postby Azura Rayume » 06/09/2011 1:31 PM

Beyond barely resisted the urge to strike the man who stomped headlong into him. The only reason he didn't was because he stood in stunned silence as the stranger tore into him with a long tirade against someone named "Talcen" and a string of insults that equated him to a cracked-out homeless man. None of this made any sense to Beyond, and he was forced to resort to staring blankly at this man in the hopes that the wave of irrational anger would somehow pass him by. He glared silently at the man, trying his best to amuse himself with the numbers floating almost aimlessly above the stranger's head.

"Well, Anthos Kronos," he said, a sly smirk crossing his face at the thought of what kind of reaction he might be able to get out of this man, " I suggest you stop making misconceptions about people you have yet to actually meet and start with a more formal hello before insulting someone based on a lack of footwear."

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Re: Can You Feel The Hate Tonight~

Postby Kylo » 06/09/2011 1:50 PM

Anthos took a deep breath and collected himself before replying. "I'm sorry, but my landlord Talcen has a habit of picking the people who are from the worst walks of life to date me. Hence why I hate him and try to make his life hell. I normally don't act like this but today has not been a good day for me and...wait. How do you know my full name? Talcen only gives out my first name." Anthos narrowed his eyes at Beyond and studied him more carefully. "Besides I wasn't making the assumsion based on lack of footwear, but more on your complextion and dark circles. Those usually hint at some form of substance abuse or severe insomnia which can lead to more concerning mental health issues."

Already Jenova's voice was screamiing at him to get away as her cells usually did when something was wrong, but Anthos had a horrible habit of not listening to her when he actually should.

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I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
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Re: Can You Feel The Hate Tonight~

Postby Azura Rayume » 06/09/2011 2:09 PM

Mental health issues? Ha! If this man only knew the extend of his issues, he wouldn't have said a thing. Though if this Talcen person liked to pick people from the frowned upon walks of life, he certainly had picked a winner with Beyond.

"How I know your name is nothing of consequence," he explained. "It's not difficult to get information on anyone in this day and age. And you should be pleased to know that my appearance has nothing to do with the abuse or addiction to any kind of controlled substance. I just work late. A lot." Well, that was one way to put it. He supposed what he did could be considered work, though he wasn't paid for it. Leading L around in circles for months on end with this Kira case certainly did take enough effort to be considered a "job" though.

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Re: Can You Feel The Hate Tonight~

Postby Kylo » 06/09/2011 2:20 PM

"It is when they only go to this world only a few months ago. So it is a very much consequence to me." Anthos did not like how Beyond did not elaborate as to what his job is, or even what kind of job it is. Most people either brag or complain about their job. Hell even Anthos talked about his job. "And I know just how easy it is to get information. I work in the intelligence gathering career field. Now tell me, how do you know my full name?" Anthos felt the urge to interigate this man further back home. He was sure that ShinRa would find him to be highly interesting. He may even know of possible energy sources on this planet.

"If you can't tell me then maybe you can tell me what sort of job you have then, hmm?" Yes Beyond seemed like an interesting man to interigate. He also seemed like a person who was very good at abntering back and forth in an intelligent manner.

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From the anger that is constantly inside of me
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Re: Can You Feel The Hate Tonight~

Postby Azura Rayume » 06/09/2011 2:52 PM

This guy just wasn't going to let that go, was he? Beyond hated when people got this snippy over things like names, which he considered trivial. "I highly doubt you could comprehend my means of knowing certain things," he said in that calm, boring tone that he used so often when attempting to avoid talking about something. There was no way someone like this guy would have any idea what Shinigami eyes meant nor how they worked, which would lead into an entire explanation that Beyond really didn't want to dive into right now.

"My job, however, is simple enough. I'm working with a detective to find a very dangerous criminal." Of course he would leave out the fact that he knew said criminal personally. More than personally. And that he wasn't actually helping L, but rather redirecting the case with some kind of false evidence whenever L would get too close to discovering the truth. He couldn't have his precious little Kira locked safely behind bars and awaiting execution, now, could he?

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Re: Can You Feel The Hate Tonight~

Postby Kylo » 06/09/2011 3:25 PM

"Interesting. We don't have police or investigators like on this world. We just have the WRO and what's left of the Turks and SOLDIER." Maybe he could get to know this person afterall. He seemed to be of use. "So tell me more about how you investigate things in this world. The methods used here are, what's the word, gentle? We use more fierce methods to get what we need."

"I think we got off on the wrong foot. I'm Anthos Kronos, but you already know that. So what's your name? I'd like to get to know you Beyond. I think we could teach each other a few things." He held out his hand and grinned almost cat-like. Yes Beyond could teach him quite a lot.

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Re: Can You Feel The Hate Tonight~

Postby Azura Rayume » 06/09/2011 3:39 PM

Well, that was better. No more of this jumping down people's throats for knowing something stupid. "I must say, it is a pleasure to meet you, Anthos. You can call me Beyond." Quite the strange name, but it served the purpose. That was the name he had always had except when he called himself something else.

"The investigation process is both simple and complicated in its own right," Beyond explained. "Here, we need evidence to convict someone of a crime, proof that they were the ones who did whatever it is we say they did. Then they go to trial, where we have to convince other people with the evidence that the person really committed the wrong." He blinked, slightly surprised at himself for even wanting to bother with spelling out the process. "The main problem comes with the fact that criminals don't try to leave proof behind. And the guy that we're dealing with doesn't leave any evidence at all." Because he's never in the room. Because he doesn't need to be.

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Re: Can You Feel The Hate Tonight~

Postby Kylo » 06/09/2011 3:49 PM

"That seems rather drawn out and in my opinion, pointless. We don't really mess with people who commit trivial crimes such as a few murders here and there. There's no real point when another will just rise up to take the place of the previous. In the older days ShinRa kept people in their place using fear tatics, but now they've been, well, highly frowned upon." He smiled almost as if he was reminiscing on good times. "Anyway, those days are gone and the WRO is trying to set up a system like yours hence why I am curious."

"In the past people were too busy fighting to survive to care about others, but lately they seem to have a change of heart and try to help each other. I'm not trying to be cruel, but I don't much see why one would care about those who do not affect them. It doesn't make any sense to me." Anthos picked at his nails absent-mindly. "So now that we've shared are systems of criminal action, what would you like to talk about?"

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Re: Can You Feel The Hate Tonight~

Postby Azura Rayume » 06/11/2011 3:25 PM

Beyond cocked an eyebrow. Now that was a judicial system he could really get behind. Or around. Definitely around, since he would never have been put in jail at that point. Of course, Raito would never agree to implement such a system, but HE liked it, which was all that really mattered to him in the end. He personally would see it as an improvement.

Oh, conversation. "Well," he said, starting to walk. He was feeling like a bit of a stroll and would rather get away from the rest of these crazy people with their lovestruck delusions. "How about that person who made you come here?" He had only left the house today because Azura had forced him out today. Apparently he was getting lazy.

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Re: Can You Feel The Hate Tonight~

Postby Kylo » 06/11/2011 3:56 PM

"You mean Talcen? He's my landlord slash worst nightmare. He always has some crazy idea he wants me to carry out. He claims that that is my payment as he doesn't make me pay him in cash. He's insane in that annoying childish way that makes you want to hit him. Yet I put up with him. I guess that makes me crazy too." Anthos laughed half heartedly and followed Beyond. "He's a good kid, but he always gets himself into trouble one way or another. So what about you? I doubt you came here of your own free will. You don't look like the type to enjoy a place such as this."

They headed towards a much more secluded spot and Anthos looked around. He had to admit it was kind of pretty, well at least the waterfalls anyway. He could do without everything else. Especially all the lovy dovy idiots who thought that no one else could see them. Then again maybe they just didn't care. Anthos himself rarely ever displayed signs of affection publicly as he believed it to be inapropriate. He could not help but wonder why Talcen would randomly set him up with someone who looked so similiar to himself. With the red eyes, black hair, and pale skin they could almost be mistaken for relatives.

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
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Re: Can You Feel The Hate Tonight~

Postby Azura Rayume » 06/11/2011 8:29 PM

Beyond frowned at those they passed, hands jammed in his pockets. Scenes of nothing but love and happiness always made him a bit sick; it was all too mushy for him. He didn't enjoy or understand it at all. And to top it all off, he failed to figure out why people would just throw themselves at each other in public like that. It was hardly appropriate.

"I think your landlord and mine had been conspiring," he said, a bit amused by the idea of Azura conspiring with anyone. "Azura has a habit of tossing me out when she thinks I've gotten to lazy for my own good." He scoffed at the idea of that. Him? Lazy? Never.

His feet carried him away from the waterfall and the people to the quieter edge of the forest. He would rather have a conversation all the way out here anyway. Fewer ears to hear him, and fewer prying eyes as well.

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Re: Can You Feel The Hate Tonight~

Postby Kylo » 06/11/2011 9:37 PM

"I'm always busy with something, if it's not on this world it's back home on Gaia that Talcen has me working. It also sounds just like Talcen to conspire with someone. He's always trying to get someone to join him in his insane schemes. So what do you want to do out here?" Anthos picked at his nails again out of habit. He then went and looked around for a nice place to sit down where he would not get as dirty. Spotting a rock he perched upon it and waited for Beyond's reply. It wasn't like he had anything to do at the moment so he might as well stay with Beyond. the man seemed nice enough despite Jenova's warning.

Anthos had to admit that he was a bit bored and needed something to do, but had no idea what that something was. "We can just keep talking if you want. It's up to you. Your choice."

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
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