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Re: The Soulless (Self | LV)

Postby Sarah » 02/11/2017 7:01 PM

He was certain they were taking in his looks, as disheveled as they were now. He was wearing tight fitting, dark grey clothing. His body was not the well-muscled and imposing body of a soldier. He was muscular sure, but he was… scrawny in comparison. His body was made for speed and silence. A spy indeed. “I may not look the part, but I did get the training for it,” he said, not a complete lie. His clan had trained him to fight, but they mostly focused on turning him into a weapon of subterfuge.

Annabelle seemed to consider him for a moment. He wondered what she might be thinking about him. How much did she know? His clan was foolish to think they could trick her. Zli assumed that ignorance would be the safest card to play for now. With some internal conversation settled, her eyes then shifted to Reign. “She will be your guardian,” Annabelle instructed. Zli bristled, only losing composure for a heartbeat before regaining his mask. “I’m sure you won’t need it, but we must still provide it,” she added.
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Re: The Soulless (Self | LV)

Postby Sarah » 02/11/2017 7:01 PM

She was assuming he bristled because he did not think he needed protection? No, guardian implied bonded and Zli was not a wasteful man. He’d sooner submit himself to a god than bond someone so… unworthy to him. “I’m guessing you mean to send me elsewhere?” Zli prompted.

“Ah, yes,” Annabelle said. She seemed just as eager to change the subject as he was. “Our main general is still sorely lacking in vital resources. We are sending you to him, and I imagine he will find a suitable place for you under his ranks,” she said, but there was even more unsaid. Zli knew she did not get to her position without leaving words unsaid.

Zli nodded once, and then paused. “Will I be able to find services there, or should I make preparations here before I go?” he asked. His clan may not have had a hold of their magic for generations, but they still practiced the customs. Tattoos that writhed and spun together. It was a well-known practice.
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Re: The Soulless (Self | LV)

Postby Sarah » 02/11/2017 7:01 PM

“He will have what you require. Reign will be able to help you with that as well. I am sending you out now so that you do not have to grow bored here,” Annabelle told him.

Why was she still trying to push this woman on him? Was he such a threat with his bond still intact? Either way, he did need Reign to take him to his new place. “Thank you your grace. I hope I do not disappoint,” he said, bowing once more. The queen dismissed them and Reign opened another portal. Zli stepped through quickly, and hoped she would do the same. It appeared as though she was already willing to serve him, they had probably decided her fate when she was just a child.

Once through he turned expectantly towards the portal, and once she was through it closed behind them. They were in what looked to be a supply closet. The door was closed, but the light was on. Someone was waiting for them then, but the room was empty. It served his purpose well.
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Re: The Soulless (Self | LV)

Postby Sarah » 02/11/2017 7:01 PM

“Should we do it now then, and I will take you to Sevastion?” Reign asked, her face gave nothing away.

“We should,” Zli agreed, and planted a dagger in her stomach. Shock gripped her face, but before she could do anything against him, he tore upwards. The dagger sliced easily through her flesh until it met the cartilage that connected her ribs. Her eyes dulled and she slumped to the floor. Zli let go of the dagger and allowed her body to remain in the closet. A vertical goring was… unusual, but he found it left his enemies a little more inclined to die. It wouldn’t do him any good if she were able to pick up her insides and find a healer.
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Re: The Soulless (Self | LV)

Postby Sarah » 02/11/2017 7:02 PM

He stepped away quickly, no need to get blood on his shoes, and exited the closet. Closing the door behind him only out of politeness to the dead. He could hardly care if someone came across the body and pointed him out as the killer. Perhaps he should, considering Annabelle was the queen and had seen his face, but there were more important things in life; like staying without a bond.

Zli realized again, as he roamed the halls, that he was a sweaty disheveled mess. He hadn’t had the time to clean up after his practicing with Alencia. He’d been disheveled in front of most of the royal family. Now he was going to this high general looking no better. Why hadn’t his father done anything about it? The man would have at least scolded him for it. Zli frowned it wasn’t like his look, or body odor, were going to change any time soon.

He’d been giving his route only a passing memorization, being familiar with the building would not hurt. He had only just realized the walls were grey instead of red. What was this place made of? it was a nice change from red, but he couldn’t help feel grey was somehow worse. It was boring and thoughtless, just the way someone might want soldiers.

Zli was desperate to find a place to hide. He needed time to think, to fully process what was happening. Being distracted like this left him all too vulnerable.
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Re: The Soulless (Self | LV)

Postby Sarah » 02/11/2017 7:02 PM

”Can I help you?” A voice asked. It was light, aloof, and somehow holy. Was an angel talking to him? A seraph?

Zli’s focus returned in an instant. He spun around, daggers in hand, one poised to throw at the first sign of danger. The man was nothing extraordinary, hands politely behind his back, wearing what looked to be advisors clothing. He had a pleasant, if curious smile, and sharp eyes. Oh, and he was unnaturally beautiful.

“You must be Zli,” the man said, not bothering to hide the understanding in his voice. “Where is your handler?” he asked, looking around as if she might be hiding.
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Re: The Soulless (Self | LV)

Postby Sarah » 02/11/2017 7:03 PM

“She couldn’t make it,” Zli sneered. He did drop his weapons a bit reluctantly. The man reeked of the vaults, but he was fallen, and bonded. It was easy enough to tell, as Zli had seen such things before. A reminder that he needed to be careful in this place. He was just a soldier from an obscure village, sheltered and ready to serve. No one could know he was well traveled and defiant.

“Unfortunate,” the man said, and he looked shockingly sad. “That is no matter now. Sevastion will want to see you at once,” he added quickly. Time seemed to become of the essence as Zli was hurried away.

Although they were practically running down the halls, and Zli was still quite wary of this strange man, he found time to take in his surroundings. Where he was being led and which doors were where. They passed no one and all the doors were closed. What strange new hell had he entered? Soon enough he was ushered into what looked to be a war room. A grand table with a map, a desk in the corner, chairs for when meetings might take place.
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Re: The Soulless (Self | LV)

Postby Sarah » 02/11/2017 7:03 PM

There was a man there, who looked up in surprise at their sudden entrance. He was quite the man, taller than average and built like a fucking tank. Zli couldn’t say he was unattractive, but he was intimidating. Red eyes met his, and Zli couldn’t look away. The man, Zli assumed he was Sevastion, felt safe enough to let his emotions show. Curiosity, calculation, concern.

He killed his handler,” the man said in the tongue of the vaults.

Zli did his best to look confused, easy enough considering. It had been so long since the celestial’s language had touched his ears. He was still fluent of course, he wouldn’t be much if he let his mastery of language fade away. There was some challenge in keeping recognition or surprise off his face.
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Re: The Soulless (Self | LV)

Postby Sarah » 02/11/2017 7:04 PM

Sevastion seemed amused by this information. “A daring man to disobey Annabelle,” he mused.

So they both knew the tongue of the gods. That was an interesting prospect. How many other languages did they know? Living forever had its perks, but so few took the time to learn anything in their long lives. His train of thought was cut off as another entered the room.
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Re: The Soulless (Self | LV)

Postby Sarah » 02/11/2017 7:04 PM

“Speak of the devil and she will appear,” Annabelle said. She took the words right out of Zli’s mouth. She was also looking at Zli with dangerous intentions. No one disobeyed the queen.

“Leave him Annabelle, he is mine,” Sevastion said firmly.

Oh please. His clan is on the outskirts no one will miss him,” she snarled, speaking in high Helleon. Commoners weren’t supposed to know the language, must less those on the outskirts. It would be safe for them to talk about him in this language, only he was fluent in it too. So Zli was dangerous. How interesting, to be so big a threat so someone akin to a god. The feeling knotted in the shape of fear in his stomach.

Mine Annabelle. You don’t send me people of waste. I will personally make sure he is not a danger,” Sevastion countered. The implications were not wholly lost on Zli, but it left him with an unsettling feeling of disbelief. They didn’t know each other, and this man claimed him so easily?
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Re: The Soulless (Self | LV)

Postby Sarah » 02/11/2017 7:04 PM

Annabelle only scoffed. When she was gone, Zli wondered what exactly the price was for his life. The queen of hell would not let him go for nothing. His eyes flickered over Sevastion once more. Who was he that he could dissuade the queen?

Hearing the words ‘clan’ and ‘outskirts’ together like that is rare,” the unnamed man mused. They were back to speaking the language of the vaults.

He looks to be the caliber. Go get him cleaned up, and take him to get those mana crystals taken care of. When you’re done return to me with him in tow,” Sevastion commanded.

So I’m to be his handler?” the unnamed man asked, clearly outraged.
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Re: The Soulless (Self | LV)

Postby Sarah » 02/11/2017 7:04 PM

Zli was forced to stand there, looking stupid, as they talked. He was dying to speak, just to see the look on their faces, but he could not. This was a secret he needed to keep for as long as possible. It made him dangerous whether they knew he was multilingual or not. In the end, he knew he would have more value if he was multilingual, but they had deserved that yet.

“Arc,” the name was barked. “Please, for me?” Sevastion’s voice was softer, pleading.

‘Arc’ sighed and then nodded. “Come. Let’s make you at least somewhat presentable,” he said, turning his attention to Zli.
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Re: The Soulless (Self | LV)

Postby Sarah » 02/11/2017 7:05 PM

“Please,” Zli said eagerly. ‘Arc’ put his hand on Zli’s shoulder, and they were out of the war room and into a bathroom.

“Shower,” he commanded. “I’ll find you clothes,” ‘Arc’ added before teleporting again.

Ah, teleportation, one of the many gifts given to the Seraphim. Refocusing, Zli peeled his off his dirty clothes. They were normally a dark grey, but what he pulled off of him was a mixture of dull red and black.

The shower was roomy, and the temperature gauge was easy enough to figure out. He showered just long enough to get clean, scrubbing his body vigorously with some ferociously minty soap, and doing the same with his hair. When he was done he reached out for the single white towel and dried of his hair and body before tying it around his waist. ‘Arc’ still hadn’t returned and he was certain the Seraph would not appreciate his nude form. Although his reaction to a naked demon might be amusing.
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Re: The Soulless (Self | LV)

Postby Sarah » 02/11/2017 7:05 PM

Zli didn’t know how much time he had before the Seraph returned, so he snooped through the drawers of the bathroom. He found a hair dryer, and even a straightener. It was a lucky find considering his hairstyle did not come about because it was natural. He set to work on his hair, but without product there was only so much he could do. In the end though, he did look miles better than when he arrived.

‘Arc’ arrived shortly after with clothes. Zli put on the underwear and dark grey leggings first. He took a moment to admire himself in the mirror, vain indeed. A lot of a hard work had been put into him looking this way, someone had to appreciate it. Then he put on the shirt, tight-fitting, long sleeved, dark grey. He was, essentially, wearing what he had come in with. It was nice though, familiar, in this very unfamiliar place.
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Re: The Soulless (Self | LV)

Postby Sarah » 02/11/2017 7:05 PM

“Shall we?” Zli prompted when he was dressed, and had on some makeup. Hand on shoulder, and they were off to someone else. Three someones actually. A mage, and two regular demons.

“Good I’m glad you could make it on such short notice,” ‘Arc’ said.

The mage took his crystals before he had the chance to say anything, and ‘Arc’ sat him in a chair. The room was a shop he realized. Tattoos and piercings. Why in the hell was there a shop like this in the middle of a war camp? Where they in a town right now?
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