Often called the 'Lover's Triangle' for the trio of waterfalls feeding in to a triangular gorge, the Idalani area is a picture-perfect place to spend time with that special someone, with a beautiful exotic backdrop and countless rainbows dancing across the sky. (+2 Speed)

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Re: The Soulless (Self | LV)

Postby Sarah » 02/11/2017 7:06 PM

“Piercings first,” Zli said, and one of the men came towards him. As Zli explained what he wanted the mage began transfiguring the crystals. Taking bits off and turning them into jewelry. That part was over with rather quickly despite his asking for close to twenty piercings. Most went into his ears, but there were more than a few in his face. The man handed him a mirror. Zli had been wrong in assuming the two were regular demons, as the piercer was able to use healing magic. With the mana crystals as jewelry, he looked good. His reflection was beginning to show who he really was. He even pulled his hair back from his eye to see the complete picture. If he were a narcissist he might have used the word ‘stunning’.

The tattoo he needed was a small one. One used by his clan to denote the fact that he could see mana and those who used it. Zli pulled up his shirt, and pulled down his pants just a bit. He wanted the marking just above his right hip. It was a simple eye with some added details.
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Re: The Soulless (Self | LV)

Postby Sarah » 02/11/2017 7:06 PM

“This a clan thing or something?” The tattoo artist asked.

“Yeah,” Zli replied easily. “Black ink will do just fine,” he added when the mage stepped forward.

“What do you want me to do with the rest of this?” she asked. There was still quite a bit of mana crystal left.

“Combine them into a cute little cube for me,” Zli said, winking at her. The woman only huffed and did as she was asked. He’d be able to put it in his home, or maybe his workplace if he ever got one. It would help sell the idea that he was mana based in his magic.
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Re: The Soulless (Self | LV)

Postby Sarah » 02/11/2017 7:06 PM

Only a little bit of pain later, and the sigil was resting beautifully on his body. Zli had always had a sense for those that used mana, and now he would always be able to tell. A sigil for seeing, and – the one on his eye – to dampen his footsteps and make him less noticeable, plus his hearing was enhanced, and he was quicker. Power felt good, what little he had gained, and the lies he had to cover that power was even better. With a healer in the room Zli wouldn’t even have to go through the process of caring for the damn thing, it was just healed as soon as the ink had been set.

He got out of the chair and stretched. His body was not used to sitting still for so long. ‘Arc’ was waiting impatiently for him to finish, and they were back in the war room. It was a bit disorienting to go from one place to the next instantaneously. It was also a blessing, and Zli had to admit he would abuse the power easily.
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Re: The Soulless (Self | LV)

Postby Sarah » 02/11/2017 7:07 PM

Sevastion chuckled when he saw them again. “You look like a different person,” he commented.

“Not too horrendous I hope,” Zli said, adding some fake worry into his voice.

“No, not at all actually,” Sevastion assured him.

Zli looked just as shocked as Sevastion. What was that tone? It sounded so familiar, but he’d never quite been able to get a man to take it on. He smiled shyly, not really having to fake his emotions. “It’s good to hear that from you,” he said, biting his lip a bit. To get a high general wrapped around his finger… maybe the day had not been a total waste after all.
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Re: The Soulless (Self | LV)

Postby Sarah » 02/11/2017 7:07 PM

“Anyways. It seems Annabelle intends you to be our spymaster,” ‘Arc’ said quickly.

Zli laughed at that. His clan was filled with fools to think they could hide anything from the queen. Still, there was only much she could know, wasn’t there? “I’m only a soldier,” Zli reminded.

“We’ve needed one for ages, and Annabelle sees something promising in you,” Sevastion dismissed with a shrug.

Zli could feel ‘Arc’s’ suspicion so heavily it was palpable. Annabelle was a clever woman, and her high ranking underlings were little different, even if ‘Arc’ wasn’t hers. Zli would still keep his secrets close, there was no reason for him to out himself just because he assumed Annabelle knew about his purpose.
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Re: The Soulless (Self | LV)

Postby Sarah » 02/11/2017 7:08 PM

“Ah, but where are my manners,” Sevastion said suddenly, daring their eyes back to him. “I am Sevastion, the only person you will ever need to answer to,” he said firmly. A finger flicked to ‘Arc’. “That is my bonded, Arc, he is my most trusted advisor and you two will probably be working closely in this war,” he added.

“Good to meet you both,” Zli said, bowing his head slightly. A spymaster hmm? What was this game Annabelle intended to play? He was used to being used, but to be taken by the queen so directly was off-putting. Zli had mixed feelings about the situation. He wanted to be free, truly free from everything. At the same time, he couldn’t say he would mind being owned, just a little bit, by this high commander.

Oops, there it was, the only thing that could ruin him; his rampant libido, and hard-to-reach submissive nature.
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Re: The Soulless (Self | LV)

Postby Sarah » 02/11/2017 7:08 PM

Sevastion advanced towards him with unexpected speed. He could get around for someone so fucking huge. Zli tensed, he would have liked to move out of the way, but he held himself in place. Sevastion’s hand grasped his jaw gently. The man was searching his eyes, what was he looking for? What had he seen?

“Spymaster hmm?” Sevastion wondered. His intense gaze turning almost bored. “Why are you actually here?” he questioned.

“No good reason, I can assure you,” Zli replied tensely. Between Annabelle and his clan, there really wasn’t much need to lie.
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Re: The Soulless (Self | LV)

Postby Sarah » 02/11/2017 7:08 PM

“I would make you mine,” Sevastion said, his voice low. Was his tactic always going to be suddenly changing topics? Never allowing those around him to fully grasp a situation. Forcing them to move as quickly as he did to save face, and in the mean time they were open to creating holes in their web of lies.

Zli raised an eyebrow. “Oh? and if I wouldn’t have you?” he asked.

“I would not force your hand, but I would like to tell you a story,” Sevastion said, not letting go of the other man. “Imagine my surprise when Annabelle tells me she is sending me a spy from some clan in the outskirts of hell. What clan would be stupid enough to try and spy on the royal family? What information did they need from royals? None. It’s a power play. And the man they send, oh why would they send him? The only man who might be able to return them to their former glory,” Sevastion paused just long enough to let Zli understand his words. He was going to lay him bare, tell him his whole life story. “A multilingual man who has travelled the plane and learned its secrets. A man who harnesses the power of long forgotten magic. A man who utterly detests his clan.”
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Re: The Soulless (Self | LV)

Postby Sarah » 02/11/2017 7:10 PM

Zli leaned forward suddenly. His mouth clashing with Sevastion’s, if only to shut him up. It was strange, he’d never considered love at first sight before now. Never believed in soul mates. Understandably never believed he had a soul. Here before him was a man tearing his world down, and promising to rebuild it.

Sevastion broke the kiss. “You would be mine, but I would offer you another form of freedom,” he breathed into Zli’s ear.

Zli leaned away, forcing eye contact between them. “I am yours,” Zli vowed. To give himself away already... He was a fool to think he could play the game. Biting back tears, he couldn't even regret his decision. Zli had been bred to be owned.
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