Often called the 'Lover's Triangle' for the trio of waterfalls feeding in to a triangular gorge, the Idalani area is a picture-perfect place to spend time with that special someone, with a beautiful exotic backdrop and countless rainbows dancing across the sky. (+2 Speed)

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A Much-Needed Reprieve [Self][M:E]

Postby SpringsSong » 12/17/2017 6:21 PM

Again, imagine there's two Kuhnas here XD Also using the setting of Idalani for a place in SWTOR setting.

"I don't know why you would purposefully claim land here, my love," Lana said as she and Xyshari hiked through the forested terrain.  "Even if Vitiate and Revan are both gone from this place, it's still a great source of dark energy."

"It's also a beautiful view, despite that dark energy," Xyshari said, turning around and offering her hand to the human Sith woman.  "Come on, it's not much farther now."
Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

"Human", Rag'n'Bone Man

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Re: A Much-Needed Reprieve [Self]

Postby SpringsSong » 12/17/2017 6:25 PM

Lana couldn't help but give Xyshari a questioning look when she held out her hand, but she took the Cathar Jedi woman's hand all the same as she helped her up a rather steep ledge.  The abundant greenery and rainstorms made the ground slick, and Lana couldn't keep her boots from slipping from time to time.

"You make this look easy," she said bleakly.
Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

"Human", Rag'n'Bone Man

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Re: A Much-Needed Reprieve [Self][M:E]

Postby SpringsSong » 12/17/2017 6:34 PM

"I spent a lot of time during my young years as a Jedi finding all of the places I could climb, and seeing just how far I could climb before the Masters found me and made me go back and study the Code," Xyshari said with a sly grin on her feline face.  "Surely you had some of your own misadventures in your training?"
Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

"Human", Rag'n'Bone Man

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Re: A Much-Needed Reprieve [Self][M:E]

Postby SpringsSong » 12/17/2017 6:35 PM

"None so innocent by your standards," Lana admitted, stopping as they came to the top of a hill.  With the angle of it, she had not been able to see very well what they were heading towards, and now that they were at the top of the hill...

"By the Force..."
Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

"Human", Rag'n'Bone Man

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Re: A Much-Needed Reprieve [Self][M:E]

Postby SpringsSong » 12/17/2017 6:40 PM

Xyshari smiled as she observed her lover's expression.  It was rare that the Sith was speechless, but she appeared to have succeeded in making speech fail her.

"Well?" she asked, and Lana shook her head slightly.

"It's... and you're certain that there are no lingering spirits?" Lana asked, and Xyshari nodded.
Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

"Human", Rag'n'Bone Man

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Re: A Much-Needed Reprieve [Self][M:E]

Postby SpringsSong » 12/17/2017 6:48 PM

"There's... probably only one lingering spirit, but I doubt either of us would be able to get him to leave," Xyshari said.  Lana inclined her head slightly.

"You mean Darth Marr," she said.

"He seems particularly vested in the success of the Alliance--as does Satele," Xyshari said as she took Lana's hand gently.  "Shall we?"
Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

"Human", Rag'n'Bone Man

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Re: A Much-Needed Reprieve [Self][M:E]

Postby SpringsSong » 12/17/2017 7:00 PM

"Did... did Satele have anything to say about this when you met her and Marr in the wilderness on Odessen?" Lana asked.  "About... us?"

"I think she'd have had a stronger opinion about it if it had been Theron here with me, instead of you.  After all, he is her son," Xyshari said with a nervous chuckle.  "She... took it well, honestly.  I suppose because she's reminded of her own romance with Theron's father, even if she went into exile to give birth to him."
Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

"Human", Rag'n'Bone Man

:.:Eternal Spring:.:Tome of Records:.:Spring's Wishlist:.:Eternal Spring Breeders:.:
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Re: A Much-Needed Reprieve [Self][M:E]

Postby SpringsSong » 12/17/2017 7:06 PM

"I suppose Marr had more to say," Lana said.

"Something about how we would have certainly... turned the galaxy on its ears had Vitiate not led us to Wild Space, and everything in the past five years happening," Xyshari said.  "But... he also said that you were a good woman, 'even for a Sith'.  And... may or may not have implied that if I were to do anything to betray your trust, I would regret it until my dying day."
Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

"Human", Rag'n'Bone Man

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Re: A Much-Needed Reprieve [Self][M:E]

Postby SpringsSong » 12/17/2017 7:15 PM

By now, Xyshari and Lana had reached the steps of what appeared to be an ancient temple.  The stones were slick with the rainwater, and some stray leaves that had been knocked loose from the trees were clinging to the wet stones.  The wind rushed around them, and a curtain of rain water began to approach them.  Lana eyed it warily.

"I believe we should seek out shelter here," she said plainly.
Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

"Human", Rag'n'Bone Man

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Re: A Much-Needed Reprieve [Self][M:E]

Postby SpringsSong » 12/17/2017 8:51 PM

"Well, I had been intending for us to stay here; make this... a sort of home, I suppose," Xyshari said.  "I know it's no Coruscant or Dromund Kaas apartment, or Nar Shaddaa sky palace, or a homestead on Tattooine, but... well, it was here or Manaan, and frankly, after my first visit there..."

"Tattooine?  Nar Shaddaa?  You can't be serious, my love," Lana said, taking Xyshari's hand this time and walking inside the main room.
Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

"Human", Rag'n'Bone Man

:.:Eternal Spring:.:Tome of Records:.:Spring's Wishlist:.:Eternal Spring Breeders:.:
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Re: A Much-Needed Reprieve [Self][M:E]

Postby SpringsSong » 12/17/2017 9:05 PM

"What?  There were postings listed for all of those places on Carrick Station, and I do know a good smuggler who could have easily gotten me into Dromund Kaas to set up an apartment for us there," Xyshari said, following Lana.  "Even with the dark energies here, this place was too beautiful to ignore."

"And there's no... other reasons?" Lana asked.
Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

"Human", Rag'n'Bone Man

:.:Eternal Spring:.:Tome of Records:.:Spring's Wishlist:.:Eternal Spring Breeders:.:
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Re: A Much-Needed Reprieve [Self][M:E]

Postby SpringsSong » 12/17/2017 9:13 PM

"You know, normally I'm the one who says something that's meant to be romantic, and then having to be more direct about it," Xyshari said.  "It's not Rishi, but... we had good memories here, didn't we?  After we defeated Revan?"

"You mean when we shared that brief moment before you were named Battlemaster, and I, Minister of Sith Intelligence," Lana said.
Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

"Human", Rag'n'Bone Man

:.:Eternal Spring:.:Tome of Records:.:Spring's Wishlist:.:Eternal Spring Breeders:.:
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Re: A Much-Needed Reprieve [Self][M:E]

Postby SpringsSong » 12/17/2017 9:24 PM

"I'd always hoped that that moment could have been... more, but we were still a Jedi and a Sith then," Xyshari said.  "Additionally, with how closely we were being watched, it's a miracle neither of us were confronted by our respective masters after that brief moment."

"Oh, Darth Marr had words for me afterwards," Lana said, turning to a stone doorway and pushing it open.
Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

"Human", Rag'n'Bone Man

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Re: A Much-Needed Reprieve [Self][M:E]

Postby SpringsSong » 12/17/2017 9:46 PM

"He did?" Xyshari asked, a note of apprehension coming into her voice.

"He did," Lana said, a small smirk on her face.  "He mentioned that it appeared that I'd gotten quite close to one of my allies.  Assuming he meant Theron, I tried to deflect him, but he pointed out that we approached the conference table together, not Theron and I, and not you and Theron."
Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

"Human", Rag'n'Bone Man

:.:Eternal Spring:.:Tome of Records:.:Spring's Wishlist:.:Eternal Spring Breeders:.:
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Re: A Much-Needed Reprieve [Self][M:E]

Postby SpringsSong » 12/17/2017 9:54 PM

"And... after that?" Xyshari asked, pointing to a rock next to a small pool of water, with water coming in through a hole in the ceiling.  They sat down together, and Xyshari pulled Lana closer to her.

"He asked me if I thought it wise, falling for a Jedi--knowing how your kind are with attachments," Lana said.
Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

"Human", Rag'n'Bone Man

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