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Reset / Restart [P][L]

Postby Moofius » 05/03/2018 10:45 PM


"Ah... Alright, stop being such a wimp!" She told herself, scrubbing her hands over her face to try and prepare herself for this. She was prepared, of course, in the ways that mattered most. She'd wrapped up or stabilized whatever projects she had on the go for her fath- her brother's suits and the beta testing for the newest rails were finished successfully with installations going ahead on schedule. Then she had spent a month doing intensive research on the brain, mind control and programming (both human and computer). She'd poured over the documents they had gathered on this 'Winter Soldier' from the smoldering ruins of HYDRA, and done extensive trial ruins in virtual space and on a number of lab rats. The last ten had survived, and thrived, the latest run. She was as ready as a human could possibly be.

It was still a little nerve wracking to walk the halls of her home and lab space with the end of this journey looming before her. He, of course, had no idea that the time was now. He had no idea if the time would ever come for him to return to the world of the living, or how long he might wait. While Wakanda had made no promises of speed, Shuri had promised herself that she would not allow him to see her jump from a young lady to an old woman in what would feel like a night of rest.

People moved about the halls around her, a murmur of life surrounding her and imposing it's noise until she lifted her kimoyo beads to a door reader. The door opened smoothly and when it closed behind her the silence was complete besides the hum of programs running checks and balances to ensure the Winter Soldier didn't become a permanent human popsicle. There was little else in this room besides the one armed white boy from across the ocean. He was certainly the only thing in here still alive, everything else was samples of organisms, diseases, cells, and a few larger samples such as the corpse of a chitauri soldier from the first invasion of New York.

All of these samples were protected from view, their glass cases running an opaque protocol. The soldiers cryo chamber was doing the same, both for his decency and to keep the lab techs from getting really freaked out. Shuri laughed, until she turned off the same protocol and froze. She had seen this man at quite a few stages of his life: joining the army from an old recording, interrogation from HYDRA, his "conditioning" by the same... Then the Winter Soldier and the easy way he just... killed everything, every target, witness, and liability. If she had not met the man who was afraid to hurt innocent people when he was first brought to her home, she would not believe this worth her time.

He seemed nice and deserved better.

A few twists of her kimoyo beads and purposeful taps of the keys and the slow process of his waking process would complete. Back against the wall, legs spread and arms open she tried to look relaxed as she positioned herself across from the cryo chamber and in his direct field of vision.

She would be right here when he woke up, and she would be with him through this whole process. She told herself, that she had this under his breath until his eyes opened.
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Re: Reset / Restart [P][L]

Postby Saahs » 05/03/2018 11:30 PM

(Bucky Barnes)

Before being put under, he'd been somewhat acquainted to Wakanda's nature. There hadn't been a tour, but just from what he could glimpse as they'd flitted to where he would be kept until there was a way to fix his mind, he could put two and two together: this place was unlike any other in the world. A part of him wanted to stay awake and see this new, unfamiliar place. But he knew that was too risky. He was a danger to everyone and anyone he was around, so long as he was conscious and vulnerable to losing control again.

Bucky could wait. If it meant that he wouldn't bring harm to anyone else, he was willing to wait centuries in a cryo pod. It wasn't like he'd be aware of the time passing, right? It could possibly mean, though, that he'd lose the friend he was only just getting to remember again. This was still worth it, of course. The idea just hurt.

But he didn't know what to expect to hear when he woke up. The technology here was beyond anything he could understand, so who knew-- maybe he'd wake up in twenty years, maybe much earlier.

It slowly dawned on him, as he roused from his sleep and realised he was no longer on the brink of being a large ice cube, that the time had come to find that out. His eyes cracked open, and he found that the answer was sitting-- more like lounging-- right in front of him. Bucky knew better than to try and move out of the pod right away. All he'd accomplish would be to flop face-first onto the floor. Best to wait a second.

Words took their sweet time to come to him as his mind cleared from its reprisal. "... Hey," he managed to fumble out, looking to the girl. Whom which he was quite relieved to see that she was still young and spunky, rather than wrinkly and spunky. That meant not much time had passed at all.
when that light goes out this eve,
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i am not a watchman, i do as i please.

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Re: Reset / Restart [P][L]

Postby Moofius » 05/03/2018 11:44 PM

Ah, this was the longest 30-to-60 minutes of her life! At the 30 minute mark she started regularly checking to make sure he wasn't coding. Sure there was numerous systems designed and on to beep, flash, and whine if he got even close to that, but still she checked. The room remained earily quiet besides a few hisses and the whir of code and programming running through the wires of the room and machines inside it. His words, creaky and soft, sounded more like a door being slammed in such a quiet space.

Shuri's shoulders came up in an agressively defensive shrug but soon relaxed back down, her worried expression gone just as fast.
"Hey!" She said, too at normal volume in most rooms but exceedingly loud in such a quiet one, "Hey," she repeated as she stood up, one knee giving a satisfying pop as she got up. The pod was still closed, but his voice was getting through just as easily as her through the speakers and microphones, "hang tight there James Barnes. All the systems aren't on yet so we'll have to sit tight like this for a bit. No big movements, but we can catch up." Which also counted as making sure he wasn't a vegetable.

"Do you know where you are? And who I am?" She asked, let me know what you're feeling, or not feeling, and I'll let you know what is and is not normal." She was grinning though, all the vitals she was getting were saying he was fine, "That... doesn't include your arm, of course." They'd removed that when they put him under, though she did wonder how all that metal was holding up in the chamber.
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Re: Reset / Restart [P][L]

Postby Saahs » 05/04/2018 9:15 AM

As Shuri shrugged her shoulders, Bucky's brows creased upwards in a soft if bemused little smile. A part of him was just waiting for the room to transform to a darker atmosphere, and for Shuri to change from being herself, to a group of men getting ready to drag him out and put him in a restraining chair. He couldn't help but wait quietly there, almost holding his breath as he anticipated the real world to present itself to him.

No such thing happened, and he relaxed when Shuri spoke up again. Despite her speaking in an ordinary room level volume, her words felt too loud, though they only barely processed in his brain. His head nodded to her nonetheless. "O.. okay," he murmured, his gaze shifting back towards her. His voice seemed too loud as well, no matter how gently he could whisper them. But, he was willing to wait, so long as nothing about the room changed. So long as Shuri kept being Shuri.

It took him a moment to come up with an answer, as much as he remembered what was going on around him. "I'm... in, uhm, in Wakanda..?" he ventured, "Your name is Shuri, you're, uh.. T'Challa's... little sister..?" Bit by bit, he was more convinced that this was all real, the more he spoke the more the world felt tangible.

Rolling his right shoulder, he reported, "Feel about the same as any other time I've been put under. ... Little better, actually. Not as sore, I don't think. The cold's fading a lot quicker." He paused to check that he could move what remained of his left shoulder. It always held up better in the cold than ordinary metal, but where the metal met flesh was never comfortable when he first woke up. There wasn't much to move, but the shoulder segment inched a little. It was... unnerving to not see or detect the rest of the limb there, but he nodded his head regardless. "How... how long was I under?"
when that light goes out this eve,
some will run, and some will grieve.

if you have a reason, or if you believe,
in darkness we trust.

the whores and gentlemen, they lead,
trails of insecurities.

i am not a watchman, i do as i please.

in darkness i trust.

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Re: Reset / Restart [P][L]

Postby Moofius » 05/08/2018 10:33 PM

What was cryo sleep really like? It must be weird defrosting like that. In reality not everything froze, if they did it would mean the water inside would expand, destroying the tissue. If he didn't die upon freezing he would as soon as he was thawed enough for the systems to start up and die. It was a more complex system of cooling and warming that kept him in stasis without going full popsicle. The man's status as Super Soldier meant they could be a little loose and free on the exact numbers, though Shuri had been sure to be as careful with him as anyone else.

Which might explain why he was coming to so quickly.
“Hey, you got my skill testing questions right! When you're better thawed out I'll get you a lolli,” she said with a tease in her voice, “we'll take a few days making sure you're in top condition before proceeding with my deprogramming procedure, assuming that after we have talked you through it you feel the plan is solid enough.” Shuri made sure to make that clear from the get go, “we'll get to all of that soon but, yes... How long, sorry for the wait. It's been ah... about six months? six months and ten days since we put you in the cryo chamber. We'll take mm... I would prefer a week, but maybe a little less to get you prepped for whatever we decide to do next.”

Shuri put a hand to her cheek and sighed, “But I'm talking too much! I'm going to open the door, but I want to see you stretch your arm straight out, up, touch your nose. Then we'll work on leg movements. If you fall I won't be able to pick your muscley slab of a body off the floor.”
With that she reached out to the side of the cryo pod, her bracelet reacting to the pod like a key. The curved glass of the Bucky's tube slid back into the rest of the machine with a hiss, cool airfalling forward against Shuri before collapsing against the much warmer air of the room to slink across the floor as a thick quite mist before mixing with the air and becoming no more distinct or special than any other air molecule in the room.

“Then like... walk in place, you're strapped in at the waist so if you lose your balance you won't hurt yourself.” Shuri said, “and I won't hurt myself trying to pick you up. Win-win.”
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Re: Reset / Restart [P][L]

Postby Saahs » 05/13/2018 8:42 AM

At Shuri's remark on him earning a lolli, Bucky's eyebrows creased once more, and the tiniest of chuckles escaped him. "Glad I got 'em right," he started, "Was worried I was makin' things up or something." His lips pulled to once side as he paid attention to what Shuri was saying, slowly nodding his head to let her know that he understood. Truthfully, he was pretty sure he'd still be alright with the plan no matter what it entailed. Anything to get the rest of HYDRA out of his head was solid enough for him, and he had no doubts that it was possible here. When Shuri answered his question, a small amount of relief washed over him. It was still arguably a long while, but he'd been iced for longer, so he appreciated the small timespan compared. "A week, okay."

This was all quite alien to him, despite how it was also at the same time familiar as all get out. When was he going to get yanked out of the pod and slammed into that chair before he could even really move his limbs on his own? Wasn't happening. And he was, in short terms, damn pleased at that notion. So while the time being took to adjust him to being out of cryo was strange to him, it wasn't unwelcome. Nodding again to Shuri's request, he waited for her to open the cryo pod, and then a tinge of a moment longer in hesitation, before reaching his one arm up and out, taking it slow so as not to strain himself.

Aha, there was the telltale soreness one has for holding still for months straight.

Once he was holding his arm out, he kept it there a while before raising it the rest of the way above his head. This was a little trickier to do, but eventually, his arm was up as if he were waiting for a teacher to call on him. After a bit, he slowly lowered his arm to press his fingers to his nose. His joints (at least, in his arm) were starting to get used to the movements, the soreness fading over time.

And now for the trickiest part. "Okay. If you laugh at how silly I look, I'll, probably laugh too, really." With that, he started moving his legs, imitating walking movements; at the speed of a startled sloth at first, and with little to no grace. It was hard to be anything but hilarious looking when, one, he was strapped in place, and two, his legs were convinced they were still supposed to be holding still.
when that light goes out this eve,
some will run, and some will grieve.

if you have a reason, or if you believe,
in darkness we trust.

the whores and gentlemen, they lead,
trails of insecurities.

i am not a watchman, i do as i please.

in darkness i trust.

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