Once home to the Crystal Cities of the Hunter clans, Craiss Caverns is now a hollow empty shell of its former glory due to a strange misfortune in the past. Man-made tunnels now lead to this place, but tales tell of some never returning. (+3 Defense, +2 Offense)

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Feeling Right at Home ~ Akail Hunt {ENDED}

Postby SkyWolf11 » 11/22/2008 1:49 PM

Gero (0 posts) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ahiga (0 posts)

"Will you stop it!"  Gero growled at the high screeching of metal against the rocks.

"Be quiet!" Ahiga retorted.  Their voices echoed down the winding tunnel. "Besides, it isn't my fault.  This place is too cramped for me!"  He huffed in a quieter voice.

Ahiga shifted his body, trying to avoid touching the walls with his blades.  All morning they had been searching these tunnels for an Akail, but no such luck had graced them.  The further they went, the more tight the paths got.  It was hardly a problem for the smaller Gero, but Ahiga on the other hand...

"All morning and still no hide nor hair of an Akail."  Ahiga snarled at the seemingly endless path.  

"Oh shut it." Gero sighed.  "Your complaining is probably scaring them away."  He snickered.

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Postby SkyWolf11 » 11/23/2008 5:21 PM

Ahiga bared his teeth and let a low growl escape his throat.

"Or maybe it's your looks that's scaring them away."  Ahiga snorted and purposely let the blades on his tails to drag along the rocks, once more creating the screeching sound that Gero hated so much.

Gero cringed at the sound and let out a hiss.  "You are the most annoying creature to walk this earth!" It was clear these two had a few quirks to work out amongst themselves.

"You stole the words right out of my mouth."  He lifted his tails and wagged them in an irritable fashion.  "If it wasn't Sky's wishes we come together then I wouldn't be here."

Gero scoffed and just stared ahead.  'Why did she insist we team up?  And with him of all creatures!'  He thought.  Sky rarely gave explanations as to what her intentions were.  They would just have to guess her reasons and bear it.

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Postby SkyWolf11 » 11/27/2008 5:30 PM

On and on the paths went, twisting and turning in every direction.  Take a left here, a right there, oh how annoying this was!  Gero stopped in his tracks, his scythe-like tail twitching with annoyance.

"Rahhhh!  Will these tunnels ever cease!"  He hissed through his clenched teeth.  His voice bounced off the walls and down the tunnel.  Ahiga rolled his eyes and sat.

"Drama queen..."  He said under his breathe before turning to him.  "And you tell me to stop complaining."  He huffed.

Resisting his urge to snap back at him, Gero took in a deep breath and took a seat a few inches away from Ahiga.  'What a bother...'  

Ahiga relaxed and let out a yawn of tiredness, flashing his canines.  'So boring...'

What a wonderful situation these two were in.  No sense of direction, no maps, and no clue of what exactly they were sent here to do.  Pretty much lost in a maze of tunnels.  Yet, it seemed they would do well in this place.  That is...if they weren't so resistant of each others company.

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Postby SkyWolf11 » 11/28/2008 3:52 PM

Somewhere further down the darkened tunnel, a small sound rippled down to the pair.  Both jumped at the break in the silence.  A few quiet minutes dragged by as both Gero and Ahiga sat frozen.  Again the small crackling sound sounded. Further away this time.  

"What do you suppose that was?"  Ahiga whispered, his eyes never leaving the path ahead.  Gero slowly stood and took a few steps ahead.

"Where are you going?"  He tried to keep his voice low.

"Shhhh!"  Gero spat back, still inching forward.  Ahiga cautiously climbed to his feet and cocked his head in confusion.  "I'm gonna go check it out.  Stay here."  With a huff of annoyance, Ahiga resumed his seat but kept ears pricked forward, waiting for Gero to call for his aid.

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Postby SkyWolf11 » 11/29/2008 3:44 PM

Ahiga sat quietly for a few minutes.  Nothing.  No sounds and nothing in sight.  He lifted his nose to the air and drew in the smells.  The scent was musky and Gero's scent was barely detectable.  Despite the two not being the greatest of friends, Ahiga still wouldn't allow a fellow pen-member fall victim to danger.

He stood again, anxious to rush ahead.  'No that wouldn't be the smart thing to do.'  He thought as he began to pace slowly from side to side of the tunnel, never lifting his eyes from the path Gero took.

He began drumming his claws on the ground and his tails wagged awkwardly. He felt a growl climbing up his throat.  Baring his teeth, he began to jog down the path.  

"That idiot probably got lost!"  He growled, paying no mind to the echo he caused.  A few feet ahead he stopped with mouth agape.  The tunnel split into two paths.  


Gero ceased his chase of the noise as it vanished.  He stood angrily and waited for it to reappear.  It never did.  He growled and took a few steps further, keeping low to the ground at the thought of a possible ambush.  He had always been a paranoid one.

"Perfect."  He huffed.  Deciding an ambush was unlikely, he stood and turned to return to Ahiga when he suddenly realized something.   He was lost.  "Oh come on!"  He had been so focused on the sound that he hadn't paid attention to where he was heading.  He tried to scent the air but Ahiga's scent was masked thoroughly with the cave's musky smell.

He attempted to back track his steps but to no avail.  "I remember two paths...then....was there another fork in the path?  Gahhh!"  He hissed at his stupidity.  

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Postby SkyWolf11 » 12/07/2008 3:30 PM

[center]  At the opening of the two tunnels, Ahiga paced manically, trying to form a plan to find his partner.  None came to him.  He growled as his violet eyes shone with a mix of anger and fear.  He may always act tough, but he was a real baby on the inside.  He preferred to be with a companion than wonder alone.  Being more of a follower than a leader when it came to groups, Ahiga began to panic.

"Gero, Gero, Gero!  Why did you act so rash?"  His heckles raised and he felt a mournful howl trying to escape.  He stopped pacing and drew in a deep breath then released.  "I have to calm down."  His body relaxed and he swallowed the growing fear.  

For a good while, he stood staring at the two paths.  Deciding on a path, he trotted down the one on the left and disappeared into the shadows.


As Gero backtracked , his tail twitched nervously.  He was confident that he himself would be able to escape this wretched place, but Ahiga on the other hand...  He knew, like the rest of the pen, that Ahiga panicked when faced with a challenge alone, even though he would never admit it.  

"Maybe that's why Sky paired us up for this place."  He thought aloud.  "Maybe she wanted to try and boost his confidence?  Ah, the heck if I know..."  He growled.  He couldn't think right now.  He had to focus on finding his way back.

He came to an opening in the tunnel.  Taking a moment to think back, he turned down another path.  This little mission was turning into more of a hassle than he wanted.

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Re: Feeling Right at Home -- Akail Hunt {Private}

Postby SkyWolf11 » 12/23/2008 2:16 PM

((Now separating their posts))

A few moments later, Ahiga found himself faced with yet another split in the paths.  His eyes shone a bright purple, almost red in frustration.  He let out an annoyed growl that echoed down the tunnels.  

"This is ridiculous!  It's turning into a dang rescue mission!"  He shook his head and took to the ground, trying to sniff out a familiar scent.  It was no good.  The cave's own scent overpowered everything else.  

He looked back then stood silent a moment, gathering his thoughts.  Quickly, he gave a short smirk and reared up onto the wall.  It was more cramped than he would have liked but he managed.  Placing his razor sharp claws onto the surface, he scratched away, making a noticeable mark in the stone.  He pushed off the wall and admired his work with a toothy smile.

"There.  Now I won't get lost if I need to turn back."  Taking another quick glance backwards, he sprinted down the right tunnel.

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Re: Feeling Right at Home -- Akail Hunt {Private}

Postby SkyWolf11 » 12/23/2008 3:06 PM

Stepping lightly over the rocks, Gero crept through the tunnels like a ghost.  With his tiny size, he easily maneuvered through small crevices and narrowing paths.  He was attempting to work his way back into the larger tunnels.  He was no fool.  If he had any chance of escaping this torturous maze with Ahiga, he would have to get out of the places the Werecain couldn't venture.

A slight dripping noise made him stop dead, ears pricked.  Slowly, he inched towards a boulder large enough to veil him.  Settling behind the cover, he scanned both ways of the tunnel.  Deathly silent.  Then the sound of a small creature scurrying over the pebbles made his fur rise, in both a defensive and frightened manner.  In seconds, a small shadow darted past the boulder, causing Gero to jerk back slightly in surprise.

The shadow quickly stopped and a pair of small shining eyes landing on Gero.  He stared back, not daring to move an inch.  Despite his excellent vision, he couldn't make out what the creature was.  It's glowing eyes stayed on him for a few seconds before they vanished.  He quietly let out a sigh.  Without backup, he dare not confront anything here, even if his odds of winning were greater.  The fact that he was paranoid when alone wasn't helping him.  Unsure of what he should do next, he just lay motionless.

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Re: Feeling Right at Home -- Akail Hunt {Private}

Postby SkyWolf11 » 12/26/2008 5:49 PM

Tunnel after tunnel, Ahiga repeated his strategy of marking the walls.  Now that he had become more accustom to the dark, winding tunnels, he was in a full sprint, only stopping to mark the entrances of new tunnels.  

Stopping at a wall, he made the mark then started off to the left only to tumble down a  slope.  With a loud yelp, he rolled down the slope as sharp, jagged rocks pummeled him as he was thrown into them.  He clenched his teeth and winced with each jab.  Finally, he slowed to a painful stop.  Fragments of rock, knocked loose by him, showered over his shaking body.  

Weakened by the fall, Ahiga slowly made an attempt to stand.  Shifting his front legs under him for support, he pushed, ignoring the sharp pain shooting up his legs.  He managed to lift his chest a few inches off the ground before his arms gave out and he fell hard.  He tried to move his leg, drawing it towards his body.  He yelped and whined as a strong pain engulfed his entire left, hind leg.  He quickly stopped moving it and breathed out a heavy sigh.  

"I must of..ahh!"  He winced as another wave of pain washed over him, "..injured it badly..."  He hissed through clenched teeth.  Wow...now who was going to rescue him?  

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Re: Feeling Right at Home -- Akail Hunt {Private}

Postby SkyWolf11 » 12/30/2008 4:44 PM

Gero had finally gotten the nerve to move on after his encounter with the shadow.  Now it seemed he had moved back into the larger tunnels.  He hadn't come across anymore small squeezes.  

"I hope Ahiga is alright...", he whispered to himself.  He had right to worry.  

He came out of the tunnel's entrance in a slow walk, slower than normal.  He began to stagger a little, falling against a nearby wall.  He was having a weak spell.  Taking a hint from his body, he laid on the ground for a rest.

"I need to find water.", he concluded with himself.  "I'll be better off hydrated in this place."  

He opened his bony jaws, trying to drink in any trace of water.  The smell of water was very slim, other than the excess water on the walls.  He closed his mouth with a dull snap and looked around intently.  A marking on the wall parallel to him caught his eye.  He carefully stood and walked over to get a better look.  

"Looks like...it was made by...claws?"  He tilted his head then backed up.  "Well, that could be any creature in this dreaded place!"  He huffed.  He took another look at it, thinking.  

It could be a sign from Ahiga.  He could be tactically when it was called for.  But then again...it could also be from an Akail or any other creatures slinking around in this place.  He shrugged, knowing he was better off following the markings.  If it was made by a creature, maybe he could benefit from finding it.  

With that, he started down the tunnel the marking suggested at a steady walk.

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Re: Feeling Right at Home -- Akail Hunt {Private}

Postby SkyWolf11 » 01/04/2009 7:27 PM

Ahiga jerked awake as the echoes of crumbling rocks sounded in the distance.  He blinked a few times, trying to focus his blurry vision.  He must have blacked out for a few minutes.  He carefully turned his neck, looking around.  He was still laying on his side.  His body began to shiver from the cold rock beneath it.  He let out a small growl.  He needed to get to his feet or there could be a chance of hypothermia setting in.

Rolling his top half over, he once more made an attempt to stand.  Another wave of pain shot up from his legs as he made it a few inches from the ground.  This time, though, he continued, fighting the pain.  Making it  further off the ground, he quickly positioned his good leg in the correct position and could support his weight more.  A few seconds more and he had succeeded.  He could now stand, holding his injured leg off the ground.  He stood, letting the pain dull and catching his breath.  When he felt comfortable, he took a step forward with a limp.  

"Yeah, I can manage."  He huffed.  With that situation overcome, he now took the time to look around the room.  

The tunnel had apparently led to large room.  He couldn't be certain if it was human made or not, but he guessed not judging the leading tunnel's size.  Stalagmites and stalactites littered the area.  He cautiously sniffed the air.  Nothing out of the ordinary alerted him.  He did smell a larger concentrate of water though.  He limped around, head lowered with alertness.    

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Re: Feeling Right at Home -- Akail Hunt {Private}

Postby SkyWolf11 » 01/07/2009 7:49 PM

As Gero continued down the marked paths, he grew weaker with every step.  He was becoming dehydrated.  Falling into a wall, he collapsed and decided on another rest.  He couldn't push himself in this place.  Rash actions would only worsen the situation.  

The low temperature of the cavern made him shiver.  There was light air movement, meaning some type of crack leading outside.  He doubted it would be large enough to allow his body to pass through judging by the power of the current.  He stood and started to pace along the wall slowly, trying to warm his body with movement.  

He had a feeling he would find Ahiga sooner or later.  His hope was on sooner.  His fur spiked as cold chills washed over his body.  This place was not for someone like him.  Sure, he looked the part of an inhabitant, but no way could he live in here.  He shook off the chilling feeling and looked for the next tunnel to venture down.

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Re: Feeling Right at Home -- Akail Hunt {Private}

Postby SkyWolf11 » 01/07/2009 7:59 PM

Ahiga's trusty nose led him to a fair-sized body of water.  Smiling with relief, he quickly lapped up enough water to quench his thirst.  He rocked slowly, still adjusting to balancing his weight on three legs.  He scoped out the room, focusing on every detail.  It sure looked like it could be the living quarters of an Akail.

He decided to start exploring this greatly welcomed large area.  At least now he could move freely without worry of being closed in by the walls.  The blades on his tail made a slight grading sound as they were drug along the ground.  

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Re: Feeling Right at Home -- Akail Hunt {Private}

Postby SkyWolf11 » 01/10/2009 6:45 PM

Gero staggered along the tunnel.  His mouth was so dry...   He stumbled over a rock, barely catching himself before he fell.

"Raaaaaa!  I hate this place!"  He growled loudly.  His voice echoed as usual.  By now, he could care less if they found an Akail.  All he wanted was to find Ahiga, return home, and take a nice, long nap.

As he reached the end of the tunnel, the floor quickly dipped off into a room.  Gero gasped as he dug his claws into the ground, just catching himself from tumbling down the slope as Ahiga had.  Of course, Gero had no idea he had accomplished his goal to find Ahiga.  A few rock fragments rolled down into the room, suggesting the ground here was less secure.  

He stood, panting softly, debating the best way to scale down the slope.

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Re: Feeling Right at Home -- Akail Hunt {Private}

Postby SkyWolf11 » 01/11/2009 5:15 PM

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