Once home to the Crystal Cities of the Hunter clans, Craiss Caverns is now a hollow empty shell of its former glory due to a strange misfortune in the past. Man-made tunnels now lead to this place, but tales tell of some never returning. (+3 Defense, +2 Offense)

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Could You Free Me? {P-Talcen and I} (M for Language)

Postby Code Chaos » 09/21/2011 7:57 PM

"Who the hell does she think she is, naming me like I'm a freaking pet." Zhede spat the last word, his anger burning like a forest fire inside of him, ready to consume anything and everything in it's path. "I will never answer to the name Blaze. I was born Zhede Gowerde, and I shall die Zhede Gowerde. Nothing will change that. Not even a psychotic witch with a hobby of binding desperate souls to her."

Of course, Zhede had no control over the situation. If Azurea told him to answer to the name Blaze, he would have to. She could control his every movement with the slightest command, if she so wished. That had been the agreement, written in dark magick and sealed in blood. There would be no going back now; it was too late for Zhede, and too late for Tzula.


If only Zhede had known that Azurea was tricking him, perhaps he could have found another way to bring Tzula back, and in her flesh form. It broke Zhede's heart to see Tzula in her phantom form, so close, and yet so far away. Right in front of him, reaching out, and yet forever unable to touch him.

"I'll break this bond," Zhede said in a determined voice. "If it's the last thing I do!"
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Re: Could You Free Me? {P-Talcen and I} (M for Language)

Postby Kylo » 09/21/2011 9:54 PM

"Damned assholes! Sending me out to die in this weird ass-backwards place!" He kicked fiercely at the dirt before continuing down the tunnels and passage ways. The place was a maze and he had quickly gotten lost. It didn't help that they had had him blindfolded for the first thirty minutes he was there being led through the tunnels. It was supposed to be a training excercise, but if one failed it they died. He continued to curse under his breath when he heard another's voice.

Looking up at ahead with the help of the glowing runes illuminating the area he saw a man cursing to himself. He had heard that he may face monsters in here, but not people. He cautiously approached the man.

"Hey, ya lost in here too?" He laughed a bit to himself at asking such a dumb question, after all it wasn't as if any sane person would be wandering these tunnels for the sheer fun of it. He walked closer and twirled his baton. The thing may look small and like nothing more than a a metal stick but it was one hell of a weapon and could pack a punch. Of course shooting electricity out of it like a tazer helped too. So he had no reason to worry even if the person did turn to attack him.

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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Re: Could You Free Me? {P-Talcen and I} (M for Language)

Postby Code Chaos » 09/22/2011 2:03 AM

Even in his human form, which Azurea forced him to remain in most of the time unless he "earned" a few lucky hours with his own wings, tail, and scales, Zhede had a spectacular sense of smell. He had caught the scent of another creature within the cave, and so when he heard a voice, he wasn't that surprised, and didn't even look away from the runes he was reading.

"No, I'm not lost," he said calmly. "I'm here on...business, I suppose you could call it. My mistress sent me here to translate these runes. As wise as she is, she has never spent much time learning to read these types of runes."

Turning, Zhede saw that the creature who had spoken was in a human form, although from the scent of him, it wasn't his only form. Looking him up and down, Zhede noticed a an odd rod-like object in the other's hand, and figured that it was a weapon of some sort. Raising an eyebrow, Zhede couldn't help but wonder what sort of weapon it was. In his quad form, Zhede had never had to worry about needing weapons to protect him; his claws and teeth as well as armor-like scales did the trick. But stuck in his human form, a weapon might be a good idea. He made a mental note to ask Azurea for one to take on his journeys when he got back.

"So, are you lost?"

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Re: Could You Free Me? {P-Talcen and I} (M for Language)

Postby Kylo » 09/23/2011 5:52 PM

"Ah I see. So why doesn't she jus' do it herself? I mean wouldn't she learn better doing it herself?" Rod lowered his baton to his side and relaxed. The guy seemed peaceful enough and he was unarmed. He could tell that like him and seemingly everyone else on this weird world could turn into a creature. He wondered just what it was he could turn into but he kept his thoughts to himself. After all people in his profession had to try and stay as inconspicuos as possible.

"Yeah just a bit, but I can handle it." He grinned cockily and jabbed a thumb at his chest. "I'm good at finding my way."

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
"Fighting Myself" by Linkin Park

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