Once home to the Crystal Cities of the Hunter clans, Craiss Caverns is now a hollow empty shell of its former glory due to a strange misfortune in the past. Man-made tunnels now lead to this place, but tales tell of some never returning. (+3 Defense, +2 Offense)

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Dungeon Crawl? Dungeon Crawl! [Open!]

Postby Moofius » 04/18/2016 10:31 PM

(( Hello! I am doing this RP for the April challenge, but anyone is free to join! I am going to be taking Grid and Lusrd out, whose information can be found in my zoo pen on the first page! Basically they are treasure hunters, and with an ancient civilization having set up camp here long ago, the really obviously places have been picked over so they're going to have to go off the grid... Which is Grid's thing! So feel free to jump in, or if you'd rather plan a bit with me, that's fine too! ))


“You feel anything?” Lusrd asked, mandibles rolling the strange sounds out; the sound of gravel rolling together in such a way to make words.
“Nope! But we're still pretty early into this place!” Grid said eagerly, turning her head towards Lusrd, lighting up his face with the headlamp she wore.
“Whoa! You are nightmarish!”
“Thank you.”

The young woman laughed as she turned her attention to the map in her hand. They had been walking along one of the most common entrances, but were headed for one of the more dangerous tunnels. There was a tunnel there, apparently, that had not been explored at all. That's where Grid wanted to be, but it was far from the main trail, so maybe they might meet other explorers in this place.

“Hey, so, Lusrd, did you read that book on this place?”
Lusrd's compact eyes rolled towards Grid, or well the spots that seemed to be his pupils rolled.
“Yeah, that's what I thought. No worries, you big lug, I read up all sorts! Which is to say, not a lot! There's a lot of unanswered questions in this place!”
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Re: Dungeon Crawl? Dungeon Crawl! [Open!][HUNT]

Postby Sarah » 04/18/2016 10:54 PM

405 - Carli
(Carli is a map maker who wants to map out the lesser known tunnels as well as keep detailed notes on the caverns. 405 is just a hired cyborg mercenary type woman who is there to make sure that Carli doesn't get killed)

Carli clasped her hands together eagerly. After mapping out nomad tribes of the wilt'no she was ready for a change. She had spent months in that sun filled, boiling hot place. There had been a reason why she had picked the caves for her next project, and it was because she was sick and tired of the sun beating down on her. Tracking the tribe's migration and trade routes had been fascinating work, but the whether conditions had been less than desirable.

"Where should we start?" she asked the cyborg woman. Carli knew full well that she was probably not going to get a response, but she felt that it would be inappropriate if she talked to herself the whole time. The map she had brought was not the best, but it did point out a few of the more well known entrances. She decided she would just do some kind of elimination between the two tunnels that had unexplored branches. "eeny meeny miny moe," she sang.

"That one," four-oh-five growled pointing to the northern tunnel.

"Very good!" Carli said cheerily. She started of towards the tunnel, and in her head double checked that they had all the supplied she would need. Not that if they were missing anything that they could go back. They had already walked over a mile just to get to where they were.

They reached the tunnel with little effort, and Carli was still feeling energetic. The northern tunnel was tall enough that they could enter without and struggle. Carli had feared that they would have to crouch or crawl through the tunnel, but so far everything was going swimmingly. "Now then," she whispered. "Which tunnel do we go down first?" she wondered aloud.

"The first one," four-oh-five said quickly.

Carli stifled a giggle. Obviously this woman was gong to make sure they kept on track. That would be excellent as Carli knew how easily she got sidetracked. The first tunnel was just up ahead of them, and it would lead them into unmapped territory.

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Re: Dungeon Crawl? Dungeon Crawl! [Open!][HUNT]

Postby ShadowStitches » 04/19/2016 4:32 PM

(whee more adventurers :D
Just a small Tidbit about these two: Rhys is a Archeologist/Adventurer, and the leader of a semi small expediton team. While he does care about his teammates, he is also great in somehow ending up in less savory situations. Octane is one of his team and...pretty much the guy who does the stuff others dont want to do, mostly because they are too dangerous. He is slightly hyper and a bit of a hardhead.

more about them and the rest of the team here


Name: Octane

Both played in human form.

Footsteps where echoing through the narrow pathways, giving away the presence of two men walking though the forgotten tunnels of, what they hoped, an acient civilisation. Or...at the very least the way towards one.
Honestly, with these many tunnels of former explorers, mixed in with what appeared to be mining tunnels and then again ancient looking ones, it was hard to distinguish them from eachother.

Rhys sighed in disapointment when his flashlight caught yet an other spider quickly scrambeling from the thin finger of light. "damn" he sighed "whats wrong?" Octane, the man he brought along on this small expedition, called  from a little ways behind him "I think we're getting closer to the surface again" "yeah? how can you tell?"
Rhys turned around, catching Octane poking at random stones sticking from the tunnels walls. "The increasing wildlife. Either that, or we're stumbeling into a nest full of spiders." Octane stopped his inspection and raised his eyebrows. "so. maybe not walk down this tunnel then." "I dont know." Rhys admitted. "we should probably go back to camp and try an other direction from there"

Octane seemed to completele ignore Rhys for a moment, turning his head to his right. "hey. are you listening?"
"yeeeah...I thought I heard something" he answered vagually, slowly starting to walk towards one of the many smaller tunnels branching from the one they where currently walking in. "Think we should check it out" Rhys hurried back to his collegues side, who did not exactly wait for affirmation of his boss, and simply went on with his investigation. It was The expedition leader however who spotted what seemed to be  two figures at the far distance of the tunnel they just walked into first. Now curious, he rose his flashlight over his head to try and get a light at whoever or...whatever this was. Knowing full well how risky this next part was, he anounced their presence with a loud and clear "Hello? Anyone there"
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Re: Dungeon Crawl? Dungeon Crawl! [Open!][HUNT]

Postby Moofius » 04/19/2016 6:45 PM

(( Carli and Grid are either going to get along GREAT or get all territorial about their maps. x'D

So just as heads up! I may or may not wait for you to reply since I DO want to get ten posts out of this thing before the end of the month. You can also reply without me, I'm pretty chill with that too, as long as everyone knows that by doing so they are at risk of leaving the other RPer out. Reply with caution etc.

That said I am also traveling across the continent on Saturday and so I might be a bit spotty as I approach the date (need to pack) and after I get home (need to unpack and get a job). ))

The caves here were quite big, the ground relatively flat with so many visitors. The main tunnels even had lighting, but down the tunnel Grid and Lusrd had been headed well, not so much.

The ground was not too uneven, there had been attempts at making it more palatable to visitors some years ago but a lack of government funding halted progress. There was a lot of debris in the form of rough rock and unpolished (and incredibly not-valuable) crystals strewn about. Less so on the latter because even invaluable they made for easy pickings on the tourist market (“GENUINE crystal from Craiss Cavern! Bring a little piece of the adventure home!”). Since it had already been hacked or blown out of the walls, it was a cheap option for locals.

Lusrd's feet easily walked over the large and small obstructions where Grid's hiking boots deflected off of or ground in hard to find purchase. If she stepped wrong she could easily twist her ankle, or worse. Further down the tunnel it only got worse and, when Grid looked up, the light would shine on what almost looked like a dead end. She had done her research though, and short of a collapse, she was fairly certain-

“Yello, fellow~” Grid sang out, turning her head towards the tunnel, lifting a hand to first shine her own head lamp towards the ceiling of the cave, before moving her hand to shield her eyes, “mind dimming that down, or moving it off my face?”

Lusrd's eyes were a non-reflective black, a natural defense against sudden light, but his wings buzzed irritably against his back, shifting to look at the new comers.
Grid was wearing a dusty, cotton shirt, tan or maybe olive. Her short blonde hair was lit up, adding to the sunny disposition she seemed to be sporting, still smiling even if she was seeing dots in her vision.
“Seriously,” ground out the bug, “turn light away... Please.”

The last word was said with what sounded like much personal grief, which Grid rewarded with a chuckle and a punch to his shoulder.

(( If it wasn't obvious, Grid and Lusrd have run into Rhys and Octane, since they mentioned seeing somebody and hearing voices. ))
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Re: Dungeon Crawl? Dungeon Crawl! [Open!][HUNT]

Postby Sarah » 04/19/2016 10:53 PM

They walked with ease down the tunnel they had chosen. It was smooth sailing until Carli could have sworn she heard someone. Carli stopped abruptly and she felt four-oh-five stop behind her, just barely touching her. "Did you hear that?" Carli hissed. Her heart was racing with fear, and she struggled trying to decide whether she should turn her head lamp off or not. Whatever the noise was it had sounded human, but that didn't mean there wasn't danger. Plus for all she knew there was some native predator that roamed the caverns that just happened to sound like a person.

"Of course I heard that," four-oh-five snapped back.

"What should we do?" Carli whispered. She was almost one hundred percent certain that the mercenary would want them to head a different direction. Carli didn't want to go back, they were doing just fine so far, maybe the noise was coming from another tunnel nearby. Before the cyborg could say anything Carli kept walking forward.

"I strongly advise against this," Four-oh-five said firmly. There was nothing she could really do if the foolish map maker wanted to continue forward.

"I know, I know," Carli grumbled. Her mind didn't advise this either, but Carli held fast to her decision. They walked farther, and Carli could hear more talking. The voices were sounding a lot closer as well. "Is that another light?" She asked, probably too loudly. Her heart sank as she realized how loud she had been. Whatever this thing was, it probably knew they were there now.

G̵u̴i̶d̶e̶ m̸̹̍e̶̫͝ ȋ̴͙̗͒͗ņ̸̈͂ţ̶̯̣̥̦̎͗͒ổ̴̭̙̻̄̉ D̸̡̛̦̗̋͗̊̃̌̕͜ä̴̡̳̬͔̩̳̫͔̯̙͔̬͉̱̯̊̄̒̏ŗ̷̟̱͚̻̠̠͔̥̺͔͔̰͙̝͉̃̆͊̉ͅk̸̡̡͔̫̼̱̬̭͓̮͙͔̀̑̇̊̐̊͆̍̏̃ͅn̴̢̫͔͕̤̖̳̠̘̩̙̍͋͌́̍̊̈̓̂́̈̕̕͘͝͝ȇ̶̢̢̡̛̦͓̟̾̈̐̐̈́͊̑͠͝s̵̢̧̛͉̼̮̫̝̰̟͙̭̦͇̮̥͈͖̅͋͑̾̈͋̐͘͝s̴̨̢̧̨͚̗̗̹̱̞͉͖̻̰̹͓̲̎̊̒̈́̿̏͑͝͝

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Re: Dungeon Crawl? Dungeon Crawl! [Open!][HUNT]

Postby ShadowStitches » 04/20/2016 1:22 AM

Octane lowered the light when he was asked to, with a short "ah, yeah sorry" Before almost raising it again to get a better look at Lusrd. They where still quite a bit away, and so Rhys really hoped that the two strangers did not hear the following, not as hushed conversation the two men had "Holy..." Octane exclaimed, as Rhys pushed this arm down to prevent him from shining it into the Betanke's face again. "The hell are you doing" He hissed angrily. "sorry. its just,...I've never seen one of these guys up close before" There was nothing but curiosity in Octanes voice. Rhys could fully understand curiosity, but he still had a very hard time to not facepalm at his partners lack of social etique. "just...try to not piss him off, okay?". He was taking a wild guess here, given that the creature only spoke once. The voice sounded...manly enough tho.

The both of them slowly started to aproach Grid and Lusrd, Octane with his flashlight to the ground, and Rhys
pushing his head mounted lamp towards the ceiling to not shine it directly towards the newcomers. Taking in their attire, the archeologist recognized them as some sort of explorers too. The two men themselves wore practical and confortable clothes in muted aerth tones, and had bunch of equipment with them. Namely two cards, which they knew by now where outdated and useless, and heavily altered by them by now, spare lights, ropes, water, more climbing equipment and some tools for light digging. along with a few seemingly random things, which all had their purpose though.

"Ah, hello there! sorry for that" Rhys said, taking the lead and squinting slightly towards the head lamp in front of him. They stopped at a respectfull distance. "wouldnt have thought we'd meet anyone else so soon. Or...at all for that Matter" He beamed. he always liked meeting fellow travelers and explorers. If anything, they usually had some interisting storys to tell. He was just about to introduce himself, when Octane, who so far only had eyes for Lusrd, suddently piped up "Not to botch in or anything but...did you guys bring friends?" he pointed down the tunnel they all where standing in "Because I think there is someone else up there"
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Re: Dungeon Crawl? Dungeon Crawl! [Open!][HUNT]

Postby Moofius » 04/20/2016 2:25 AM

“He doesn't bite!” Grid offered as he watched the other two approach slowly, almost like one might approach a wild animal, “We're... Well okay I am friendly. Lusrd is himself.”

There was the buzz of wings as Lusrd readjusted his stance, a huff of irritation before he crossed his arms. Yeah, he didn't exactly enjoyed being starred at, and Octane was not exactly being subtle. Well, neither was Lusrd as he attempted to create a relatively natural starring contest, pretty confident his eyelid-less self would win. He usually did.

Both party members were also carrying supplies, Lusrd carrying the bulk of it while Grid worked with a lighter pack as she was map reader, navigator, and the lead. She still carried her own food and water, enough to last a few days in the tunnels assuming they didn't hunt anything down themselves.

“Well these caverns do get visitors, from time to time.” Grid offered, “But this particular one isn't popular with the locals. Guess you're looking for more than the average spelunker, huh? Man, are the locals dishing out all my same secrets at once?”

“Seems we beaten to your not-secret, Grid.” Lusrd chuckled to himself, looking towards yet another light, “Perhaps there is party here? Four is crowd, so then more is party, yes?”
Grid looked at Lusrd in awe, “Are you trying to be funny? Ohmygawd, you're never funny!”

Grid laughed before she turned towards the other light source, flashing her light towards the mystery light, then away, then back again.
“HEY! You down there! Are you lost?!”

(( So, Sarah, are your characters ahead or behind? I was thinking behind, Shadow's wording makes me think you're ahead. I tried to keep it vague, you can put yourself wherever. ))
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Re: Dungeon Crawl? Dungeon Crawl! [Open!][HUNT]

Postby Sarah » 04/20/2016 12:01 PM

(I suppose I'll come in from ahead of the group)

More talking ensued and Carli decided to meet with whoever the people were. They had gotten close enough that she could make out a few shapes as the light up ahead cast shadows.

"Still don't think this is a good idea," four-oh-five continued mumbling.

"It'll be fine," Carli insisted. Just then a light was shined and a voice called out to them. "We're not lost, are you?" Carli called back.

She continued walking towards them, eventually meeting up with the four people. Well it was three people and a Beetanke. "Hello there!" Carli greeted hoping that no one was going to knock her out or kill her.

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Re: Dungeon Crawl? Dungeon Crawl! [Open!][HUNT]

Postby ShadowStitches » 04/20/2016 1:37 PM

(ah, sorry for the confusion!
I though that Rhys and Octane where in front of Grid and Lusrd, because they are kind of (accidentally) going closer to the 'surface' again, and would meet both groups head on. sorry for the confusion, and I hope this makes sense XDD)

Octane seemed oblivious to the idea that staring at Lusrd might make him slightly unconfortable. Though it was not malicious in intention, it still made Rhys all the more nervous. As much as he liked to meet new people, and as much as he could understand his partners fascination, he really wished Octane would be a little more subtle sometimes. The last they all needed was an unescesary confrontation.

"Your secrets?" Rhys asked, now intrigued. Seemed like these two could know a thing or two about these caves... "Ah yeah. We're actually trying to find out more about a particullar lead on the Hunter disappereance." he shrugged "I know, its kind of clichee, but we think there is more to it then what
has been uncovered"
Octane grinned "well...or you think so" Rhys rolled his eyes, but before there
could any more banter between the two ensue, the two newcomers where drawing closer

"Not lost either!" Octane called out, before adding "at least I dont think so" in a much more hushed tone.
Rhys offered a smile at the newcomer. "This sure seems to be a hotspot" he chuckeled at Lusrd's comment.
"well, I might as well pretend that I have manners and introduce myself. My name's Rhys, this is Octane."
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Re: Dungeon Crawl? Dungeon Crawl! [Open!][HUNT]

Postby Moofius » 04/20/2016 5:03 PM

(( Wow! You're all so eager for this open hunt! So excited, hopefully I will lead us on a wild adventure! Anywho we're all together and that's what matters. Sorry for not picking up on that “headed towards the entrance” detail, I do recall you saying it now, haha. Okay well hopefully our adventurers, explorers, and map-makers will have a better sense of direction really soon. ))

So everyone was here with a mission in mind, huh? How exciting! A bigger party could be either fantastic or disastrous, but considering Grid's own weird power of sensing and attracting trouble had not been alerted, these guys were at the very least, neutrals. So unless everyone present was a bumbling idiot, they likely weren't a disasterous option.

“Hey! As far as I can tell we're not lost. I am looking to get lost though, that's when stuff gets interesting. Or it did last time.” Grid shrugged, waiting for everyone to arrive. Three groups of two, with what looked to be a pretty basic lead and enforcer set up for each.
“Wowie, so nobody is here for a gentle stroll, huh? That's a pretty big mystery to solve. In terms of what we know, it's not much.”

Which was sort of funny, if you thought about it. Hunters could live a LONG time, so it was possible survivors of whatever happened to the hunters here could still be alive. If that was not the case, well, surely it would be a story passed down somewhere? If it was the hunters in Basantha (and perhaps elsewhere?) were keeping tight lipped about it.
“I dabble in treasure procurement, map making, and adventuring. Lusrd has a masters in dealing with all the rough customers.”
“Graduate with honours.” The beetanke rumbled.

Grid looked to Rhys, “So I guess you've done your research on these ruins. I did a bit too, and then I talked to some locals to see if there was anything they might have heard or seen that might not have gotten the thorough look it deserved. Which brings me to this tunnel... Hang on.”

Adjusting the lamp so it shone straight down infront of her face, then she pulled a folded piece of paper out of her pocket. It was a good, if fairly common map of the known tunnels, depths and hazards and difficulty. She shifted the large map so that one tunnel, near the edge of the map was  in view. There were marks in pen, a few lines and some very messy looking chicken scratch.
“I found an uncharted tunnel that was NOT made in the last 50 years.”
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Re: Dungeon Crawl? Dungeon Crawl! [Open!][HUNT]

Postby ShadowStitches » 04/22/2016 1:22 AM

(I'm going ahead and skip once, Sarah, sorry. I think once the 10 posts are there, we could fall back into some sort of order? that is if everyone is up for continuing this :D)

Rhys nodded "Well, we've tried to find out as much as there is on the caverns and Hunters, but both is relatively scarse." Octane nodded in agreement. "yeah, either that or just plain wrong information."
If Octane was honest, he had been slightly against the mission. Him, of all people. But there was so little
new to go with, he almost deemed the mission was ment to fail. Still, it  gave him a opportunity to crawl around in caves and climb a lot, so, that more then made up for it in his mind.

He tilted his head slightly "ah yeah, I guess we could say we are adventurers too - " "Archeologists..." Rhys barged in, before having to lough slightly, taking the edge of his statement "so...basically Adventurers, trying to sound fancier."

Octane turned around to Four- Oh -Five and Carli, raising his lamp slightly again. Not high enough to blind them, but to get a better look. "So. are you guys here for a specific reason too? or just...general exploring?"  

Rhys looked at the map with deep interest. It was, in some ways, simmilar to his and those the rest of his team had, but clearly more detailed and more used. He nodded slightly "yeah I can confirm that most of the tunnels over here-" he pointed at an area on the map to the west to them "are either useless old tourist tunnels or failed efforts of miners or previous adventurers, all...maybe 30 years old, at most."
He smirked, his eyes sparking with excitement "But if you indeed found a tunnel that is older then that,
that could be a lead
" you could tell he was getting excited over those news, burning to get there as soon as possible. "Well, if you dont have any specific goal in mind, we could check it out together?" he offered, looking into the round. His mind added //like...right now//. But he managed to repress the urge to blurt that out.
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Re: Dungeon Crawl? Dungeon Crawl! [Open!][HUNT]

Postby Moofius » 04/22/2016 11:32 AM

Grid nodded, “Hey takes time to become an archeologist, a legit one anyway. Adventuring is for the archeologist who can't afford the fancy training. I'm not about to claim perfection-”
“Would make you a liar.”
“... Not perfect, but we try not to be too destructive when it comes to discoveries.”

Lusrd laughed at that, “Fail, but try.”

Grid grinned.
“Exactly, the mining efforts have been in the last 30, I think this is older than even 50... But I'm being cautious with what I have.” Grid said, folding the map back up. Past this area she really had nothing to go off of, it was essentially unexplored territory. All she knew was that it looked like a dead end, but had the distinct chance at being more than that.
“The locals said none of them or their last generation of people mined it, and that it was meant to be bad luck down here. Things went missing... Even a person, though I could not find ANY proof of that in the newspapers I found.”
And the town was pretty famous now, with all of the visitors coming to the caves. They would have records about lost or dead villagers and tourists. People had gone missing, but none that lined up with this specific tunnel, or the stories the villagers had told her.
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Re: Dungeon Crawl? Dungeon Crawl! [Open!][HUNT]

Postby Sarah » 04/23/2016 12:50 PM

"I'm Carli, and this is four-oh-five," she introduced them. "We... Well I am a map maker. She is just here to make sure that I stay alive," She said. "Before this I was doing a lot of mapping in the Wilt'no, and I chose this place next because I'm kind of tired of the sun," Carli laughed.

Carli felt a little out of place among the two groups. They all seemed so knowledgeable about the tunnels and the surrounding area. Carli had just taken the job, and the map, and had gone on her way. There was no conferring with locals or really anything of the sort.

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Re: Dungeon Crawl? Dungeon Crawl! [Open!][HUNT]

Postby ShadowStitches » 04/23/2016 2:33 PM

(sorry guys, short one today)

Octane laughed slightly" 'Bad luck' is just an other way of saying 'More fun'."
Rhys raised one eyebrow at his friend. "yeah, the locals we met where suspiciously vague and kind of hellbent on trying to keep us away from this area too. We figured its either that they tried to pull the whole tourist spiel on us, or if there's more to see that they wanted to protect" He turned his attention towards Carli and Four-Oh-Five too. "well, I guess we hit the Mapmaker jackpot then" he chuckeled "which is good, because I fear ours are grossly outdated." He turned more serious again "we should still be carefull. Even if the locals are excaturating, I could imagine that in some parts there might be some sort of toxic gasses around, happens sometimes in caves." he paused before adding "could explain the missing person case",if thats true
His partner already lost his focus and rocked slighly on his feet. "Okay righty, should we get going then?"
Cannot say, I'm breaking the rules
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Re: Dungeon Crawl? Dungeon Crawl! [Open!][HUNT]

Postby Moofius » 04/25/2016 4:22 PM

(( Sorry for not replying, like I mentioned I was travelling across the country on Saturday and then Sunday was settling in. Should be able to reply at LEAST once a day for a bit. c: ))

With the introductions out of the way (she was so going to get those numbers reversed, yikes), Grid grinned and took in the group, nodding.
“Whew, alright! Well this should be fun!” Grid clapped her hands together, rubbed them, and turned back towards the direction she had been headed before. There was still quite a bit of space, since Carli and Five-o-four (Four-o-five? crap!) had been further down the tunnel. Grid started walking, adjusting her head lamp as she did to shine it on the ground before her.

“Really?” Grid frowned, “I did not get that impression, hmm... Well I really hope they don't pull any silly Indiana Jones shenanigans to keep us out.” That would be annoying!

Oh right, gases! Grid patted a pocket on her backpack.
“I have  a sensor, so if any dangerous gases, or just a lack of oxygen occurs, the machine SHOULD go off. Probably.”
“Can sense changes, too, if funny machine fail.” Lusrd offered before he turned to follow Grid down the rough tunnel.
“So, Carli, did you see the dead end?” Grid asked, stepping around the worst of the debris, “or even better, did you find the entrance that's suppose to be there?”
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