Possibly the rainiest place on Evelon, Baian stretches for miles along the southern coasts. Thanks to the moist soil rich in minerals, wildlife here have developed unique adaptations. To travel through this thick, muddy area, most either take specially designed boats. (+2 Offense)

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Now, What Is Going On Here? {Private|Me and Seru}

Postby Redd » 08/22/2009 1:24 AM

..:: Crypt ::..

Crypt's lip curled back in disgust as he took a step into the thick muck that only Zu'hai knew what was in it.
The Khimera knew why he was here, and he was getting a little peeved off that he had ended up in this situation.
He had organised another fight club, and the authorities cracked down on him and Azie pretty quickly and were actively searching for him at this very moment. Well, that wasn't the bad part. He enjoyed the whole game really, but he hadn't made his monthly trip to the tomb and if he didn't head back there within the week, he'd be gone- back to the dust he came from. Right now, the only thing that showed how close he was cutting this deadline, was the dimness of his mechanical eyes, and his dangerous temper.
He took another step forward, wondering if he could find anyone else out here, and what he would do if he could find anyone.

..:: Etony and Roanin ::..

Etony trudged through the thick muck of the swamps, without the faintest trace of disgust. No, it was here he felt at home. Not even the light drizzle of rain, or the thick quagmire could deter him from his little trek through the swamps.
Even Roanin, the little bright purple Ttee enjoyed the swamps, as it was here that Toni had found the little creature. Yes, this place was just as much to home to him, as the sea was. Which was unusual for him, because whenever he was on land, his heart pined for the sea. But, the swamps were like the sea in their own right, but they were full of rich, brightly colored treasures. Yes, he was Ttee hunting.
He loved looking for the little critters- it calmed his aggressive and violent nerves, and hunting for bright critters was just exciting as looking for jewels.

The Nightlight Kuhna ambled slowly through the muck, navigating it as easily as he would do in the sea, but he paused for a second, his ear twitching, his mind immediately snapping back to his pirate mentality. Was that a noise? Of another person? Hah, highly unlikely. What kind of jerk would be in his swamp? His territory.


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Re: Now, What Is Going On Here? {Private|Me and Seru}

Postby seruame » 08/22/2009 1:56 AM

ImageNyre Image Domovia
Giggling. Loud and unfettered my the constraints of a crowded area. They echoed throughout the swamp, muffled faintly by the foliage. The one who was emitting such a joyous sound was a small Sky Yonyuu, who was squishing the mud between her toes happily, then hopping with the help of her wings, to about three feet ahead in the mud. A few feet away (out of mud flinging distance) the Yonyuu's sister, a slightly less playful creature, lay on a mat of vines she'd actually taken the time to clean and spread so she could keep as clean as possible. She didn't mind her sister's playing; she was happy that Nyre was happy. But..Why did she always pick such strange places? Sighing, Domovia lay down on her vine mat, resting her head in her paws.
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Re: Now, What Is Going On Here? {Private|Me and Seru}

Postby Redd » 08/22/2009 9:40 PM

Crypt's mechanical ear twitched- was that the sound of laughter? Who on Evelon would be out here? A child, or some exuberant pet? Not that Crypt was discriminating- a new toy to play with underground, was a new toy to play with, full stop.
Well, with his mind made up, Crypt sauntered off towards the noise his paws carefully picking their way through the muck of the swamp and trying their hardest to stay close to the trees and raised ground.
Luckily for him, the source of the noise wasn't too far away- and he didn't have to get his paws too dirty getting there, either.

Crypt casually sauntered over towards the two Yonyuu, his eyes glinting dangerously, and his fangs bared, in a scary grin.
"Hello there girls."
~        ~        ~

Etony waded quickly through the muck, first towards the noise of another noisily trudging through the swamp, then towards the laughter. His mind was a bit confused. Where there two parties here? Great, absolutely great. And if one party meant harm... doubly great. Would he have to play hero?
Roanin clung to his shoulder, her beady eyes darting around- she was intelligent and she had just as good hearing as a Kuhna too and Toni thanked Zu'hai, that the creature had enough sense not to jump of his shoulder towards the source of the noise.
"What do you think it is love?" The Nightlight Kuhna whispered to the critter. It just glanced blankly back at him- well, he didn't expect any other answer.

Etony rounded a mangrove tree and looked onto the little situation- well, there was a large Khimera, and two Sky Yonyuu's- that generally meant he had to don the hero role, and quickly. Weird, a pirate helping someone, who would have thought?
"Hey there," Etony waved to the girls, before turning back to the Khimera. "Ohkay, I'm going to ask you once to leave."

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Re: Now, What Is Going On Here? {Private|Me and Seru}

Postby seruame » 08/23/2009 1:30 AM

Nyre grinned and whirled around when somebody said hello to her and her sister. She looked at the male creature with an almost kittenish curiousity, and actually took a few steps towards him before the sudden growling drew her attention. She glanced back at her sister, who was giving the Khimera a warning, her hackles half-raised,  teeth just peeking out from her lips. She had risen, and her stance spoke of restrained violence, head held low, and legs spread out.
"Hey, sis! Cut it out, it's just a kitty-cat...With big teeth..." she started, then turned when Etony stepped in. She waggled her tail at him happily, and then blinked when he told the Khimera to leave. "Do you know him, little mister kitty? Who are you both?" she asked, looking back and forth, curious. The second intrusion was enough to kick Domovia's protective instincts a bit higher, and overcome her aversion to dirt enough to go stand by Nyre. She did, however relax her stance, sitting lightly on her haunches, eyes half narrowed.
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Re: Now, What Is Going On Here? {Private|Me and Seru}

Postby Redd » 08/23/2009 1:57 AM

Crypt looked between the two Yonyuu and the Kuhna, not knowing who to go for first. The 'kitty-cat' insult stung his pride more than anything though but, he had to play it cool. That Kuhna looked like he knew what he was doing.
"And what makes you think I'm going to leave so quickly?" Crypt sat down on his haunches and surveyed the group.

Etony scowled heavily, in response to his question, but said nothing else. Instead, he moved over to where the two Yonyuu were. "Hey, I'm on your side. Please don't hurt me." He added to Domovia. "My name is Etony, and I'll calm down this brute for ya. Have you ever seen him before?"
He didn't know the big Khimera, he had never seen it before but if it was going to harm some innocents then he would have something to say for it... and Rysk would have his hide if she knew he was helping people and not looting them.

Crypt watched curiously, his dim eyes flashing. So what was going to happen? Would the stranger Kuhna dare protect these strangers?


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Re: Now, What Is Going On Here? {Private|Me and Seru}

Postby seruame » 08/23/2009 2:30 AM

Nyre blinked at them, and skittered away from her sister and the Kuhna, giggling nervously at him. Both gave her the jitters, but she liked the snady-furred cat. She was a bit undecided though, and glanced back and forth again, before deciding maybe it was time to get to higher ground. She barely finished that thought When Domovia answered the Kuhna.
"I don't trust strangers with my little sister...She's a bit...daft, one could claim..." she muttered, and then stepped backwards. She didn't like being so close to another creature without his or her permission to be there. And they were a bit...suspicious.
When Nyre heard her sis call her daft, she snarled, snapped her jaws once, and pounced the Yonyuu. They went down in a flurry of wings and limbs, and it ended up with Nyre gnawing on her own leg, with a bemused Domovia stepping back and snickering slightly. "See? Daft..."
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Re: Now, What Is Going On Here? {Private|Me and Seru}

Postby Redd » 08/27/2009 1:04 AM

Etony suppressed a laugh, but smiled at Domovia. "Aah, don't worry lassie. She'll be fine. And she'll realise this brute's dangerous when she gets too close." Tony shrugged. "Plus, I don't think the brute will do anything too drastic to her, especially cause he thinks I'm a threat at the moment."

Crypt couldn't believe what he was hearing. That Nightlight Kuhna was a fool, to talk like that and not caring that he heard!
"Do you mind?" Crypt asked, raising one eyebrow. "I have business here, with these two Yonyuu. Don't I?"
He aimed this question specifically at Nyre, she seemed curious about him. Why not play this to his advantage. Then, he might get all three of them. The Nightlight seemed like an adept fighter. Why not make some money but charging people to fight him?

Etony's eyes widened.
"... I thought you didn't know this guy?" He asked Domovia. Then he turned to Crypt. "Ho, you big lout. Don't take another step closer."


(Heeey... I have a plot idea. Can I throw my Scordrake briefly, just to separate them and put Nyre and Crypt together and Tony and Domovia together? Make them try to find each other again? I dunnooo.... It's just a thought?)

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Re: Now, What Is Going On Here? {Private|Me and Seru}

Postby seruame » 08/27/2009 11:15 AM

"I don't...But Nyre, she wanders around, sometimes alone...Nyre, you know him?" Domovia relaxed slightly. Etony seemed a lot less dangerous than this Khimera did...At least, to her. But, should he change his mind about helping them, she'd go straight for the throat. She was a little like her sister, Trea, that way...
Nyre glanced at the Khimera again, and smiled at him. "Sure, sure..." she grinned, and scratched at her ear. She turned back to Domovia, and winked. Domovia smiled, trotted over close enough to nuzzle her sister's cheek with her muzzle, and then whisper, "Be careful...Remember, watch their eyes first and last...If he wants your throat, it'll show there first..." Nyre nodded, and then turned her back on her sister.
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Re: Now, What Is Going On Here? {Private|Me and Seru}

Postby Redd » 08/28/2009 3:32 AM

(Oh, just so you know this is what Etony looks like at the moment. He's in his Anthro form. Hope you don't mind, but I'm going to throw Cetain in to stir things up. You didn't mention anything, so I'mma gonna go with it =3 )

For the minute, it seemed like Crypt had won Nyre over, and got what he wanted, though when Nyre had whispered something to Domovia, Crypt had flicked on his sensitive hearing too late and had only caught the final words of their conversation. What interesting words- maybe he had judged these two too early and they could fight, or at least they were intelligent. In that case, he’d have to watch his manners and his actions.
But... that Kuhna needed a good reality check.
“I think you took that comment too far.” Crypt growled in anger.

Etony was secretly worried about Nyre... but she did say she had met the brute before. Was that right? If she hadn’t and was putting on, she was stepping into very dangerous territory.
“Really? And I think you’re just a big coward.” Etony laughed, his hand moving down to his cutlass at his waist.
With an angry snarl, Crypt crouched down low and was about to leap at Tony, but something else made him change his mind.


Out of the blue, a deep green shape soared down from above and landed in the middle of the group, lashing its’ tail at Nyre, who happened to be nearest to the insect-dragon.
Etony instinctively jumped in front of Domovia, and drew out his cutlass. That just made the creature laugh, a thin, rattling noise.
“Oh, heroics. Very nice.” Cetain commented dryly. “Not that they’ll be too handy. Though... you lot interest me. I’ll give you all... three minutes to hide. Then expect no mercy trespassers!”


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Re: Now, What Is Going On Here? {Private|Me and Seru}

Postby seruame » 08/28/2009 3:34 PM

Nyre leapt back, landing lightly on her paws, and then shifting so she could fling that momentum back at the creature that had stricken at her. She growled, and pounced, speed as her ally and maw wide open. She may be tiny, but she was quick...
Domovia shifted so she was beside Etony, and crouched, bunching up her muscles and leaping at the same time Nyre did, at a different angel. If she missed, they'd both hit the ground running. The pair of them were part of a pack, and both somewhat missed the ruthlessly vicious sister, Trea. In a fight, she was one to have on your side...
(Level up.)
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Re: Now, What Is Going On Here? {Private|Me and Seru}

Postby Redd » 08/29/2009 2:44 AM

"Oh~ So you want to fight?" Cetain hissed angrily. "Then so be it!"

Cetain speedily dived under both Yonyuu and flitted around to face them both again. Angrily, he lashed out his tail, aiming to at least hit one of them.
Now while both of those two Yonyuu's licked their wounds and chased their tails he focused his attention on the other two. These two looked more capable, so he'd have to watch his back... but, where had the Khimera gone?

In fact, Crypt had hidden himself up a tree, out of sight. Call him a coward, but he physical state wasn't so good at the moment and he'd be even worse if he had to fight that rogue Scordrake. He'd come down and hunt for everyone once the insect had gone.

Etony growled and flicked Roanin off his wrist. The little critter squeaked as it hit the earth, but it quickly scurried away and hid. "Right then. You want a fight Scordrake? Come down where I can hit you." Etony growled, quickly giving the Yonyuus a nervous glace to see id they were okay. Well, he'd stay if none of them were injured. Otherwise, he'd have to get them both out of here.


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Re: Now, What Is Going On Here? {Private|Me and Seru}

Postby seruame » 08/29/2009 2:55 AM

Nyre and Domovia crashed together with (several) loud crunches. They tumbled to the ground, and there was a sickening pop, and a yelp as Nyre's wing was torn a bit, and the bones shifted to where they really shouldn't have been. Domoia was no better off; her head was smashed into a rock, knocking her out cold. Nyre yelped as she tried to untangle herself, and managed to, but not quite unscathed.
The pain of simply standing made her vision swim and her conciousness waver. Somehow, though, she found herself flatout running, heading deeper into the swamp. The pain drove the logic and sisterly bonds from her mind, made her go temporarily feral. She didn't know how long she ran; the pain eventually made her stop and assess how bad she was hurt. She shifted into her human form, but her wings refused to retract. She had some nicks and cuts on her limbs, and was missing a few feathers, and the one wing was most certainly busted, as she could faintly see a tiny bit of whitish bone protuding the skin. She shifted back to her yonyuu form, and lay down, stretching out as much as she dared in the safety of her little hollow tree she'd found, and licked her forelegs. She had also twisted her paw around somehow, and, in human form, it was her left wrist. It was already swelling...
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Re: Now, What Is Going On Here? {Private|Me and Seru}

Postby Redd » 08/29/2009 3:11 AM

Cetain hissed in triumph, then turned to Etony.
Etony scowled heavily, his grip tightening around his sword. He wanted to go and get Domovia out of harms way, but Cetain wouldn't allow that. At least Nyre had run.

"Go! I'll distract this insect." Crypt growled, leaping down from the tree. "Hey bug. You wanna go me? Hey?!"
Cetain turned his head towards the Khimera, which was now occupying his full attention.

Etony took this chance to run over and heavily lift Domovia, and quickly flee the scene. She was heavy- but they were about the same in weight, so somehow, he did manage. Like Nyre had done, he found a small hollow in a tree, and laid her limp form inside the tree.
"Domovia? C'mon wake up lassie." Tony said, worry edging his voice.


All the stories
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Re: Now, What Is Going On Here? {Private|Me and Seru}

Postby seruame » 08/29/2009 3:27 AM

Domovia stirred slightly, whimpered at the peircing pain in her neck, and shifted into her humanoid form. She cracked her neck slightly, to realign it, and sighed as the pain went away slowly but surely. "Ow...I'm awake...Oi, my neck...Nyre and I...Let's see...We crashed, didn't we? So...Where's Nyre?" she forced herself to think. Her wings hurt; she'd landed on them, but they weren't broken. No, Nyre had always had fragile bones, whereas Domovia had her fair share of bone buildup. Better if they fell, not so good for long distance flying. "Where's my sister?" she demanded shifting so she was sitting up. She had long, straight blueish hair that got lighter the closer it got to her waist, and wore a bellow-sleeved, thigh-length top that had geometrical designs, as well as a pair of shorts under that. She had no boots, though. She didn't bother waiting for an answer, and whirled away, taking off at a steady, fast pace. She would find Nyre, and get out quickly.

A little further away, Nyre could hear the Khimera's voice, taunting the bug to chase him, and blinked a little in confusion. Why was he distracting it, when he had no reason to do so? Maybe he had found a way to lie with his eyes, after all...They had shown viciousness, to be sure, but... Nyre rose, and began to stumble towards the Khimera's voice. Maybe she'd find him, maybe she'd just let the pain take her away...Or maybe she'd hole up again, and rest after a few moments. Her sight was blotchy at best right then...
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Re: Now, What Is Going On Here? {Private|Me and Seru}

Postby Redd » 12/24/2009 4:19 AM

"Hey. Don't move. You're gonna make it worse for yourself." Etony called out to the Yonyuu-girl. "I don't think you're in any condition to move!"
Sighing, he got up and hastily chased after the Yonyuu, worried that maybe her strength would fail and they'd be at the mercy of the angry Scordrake.

Crypt sighed, he'd have to fight this bugger alone and in his weaker state. What fun~ Well he had his plan made up in his mind. Save these guys now and earn their trust. Then he could go and visit his tomb which would restore him to his former state. Then, everyone would be right where he wanted them. But first... the bug.
Cetain darted forward, his claws stretched out to rip and tear. Crypt spun around, whipping out his sharp barbed tails and almost howled in laughter. This guy didn't know who he was dealing with. What an amateur!
Cetain felt the sharp metal cut into his chitinous hide and he hissed out in anger- not before his claws found the Khimera's hind leg.

All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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