Possibly the rainiest place on Evelon, Baian stretches for miles along the southern coasts. Thanks to the moist soil rich in minerals, wildlife here have developed unique adaptations. To travel through this thick, muddy area, most either take specially designed boats. (+2 Offense)

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Return to Baian Swamp

Postby Warnz » 10/26/2008 4:27 PM

    "Hello? This is the LEGSN operator speaking, who is this?" A gruff voice spake out, breaking over the weak transmission
    "Hi, its uh, Walt. There has been a slight... mishap." The fear was evident in Walt's weak voice, awaiting retribution.
    "Walt? Is that you? Speak up son**, I can't hear you."
    "I said, theres been a slight mishap." His voice was so strained and laced with tension that he could barely hear it himself.
    "Still can't hear you," the radio warbled, "but no matter, forget this job- I have a new `un I want you to cover."
    "You uh, what sir? Another show? Of course, of course." Walt's voice was evident in relief, and was quickly gaining its old confidence.
    "Now Walt, I want ya to come back as soon as possible - I want this one up and running ASAP, got it?" The radio grumbled on, hurriedly.
    "Of course, of course," Walt replied. It was about time he got out of this festering little sore of a swamp.
    "Alright then, I'll be expecting you at headquarters soon." The transmitter broke off abruptly.

{Walt: 4}

*I'm just trying to get Walt out of here ASAP, so since no one is going to reply, I'm just stacking : ( *Tear*
**Obviously, Walt is not the network operator's son, it's just an expression
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Postby Warnz » 10/26/2008 4:32 PM

It did not take long for Walt to arrange a deal with the airliner's pilot, and not long for the aircraft to start up and despise* the mudded ground. The flight over the Baian was not long, but the stunning beauty of the Swamp in full daylight was dazzling, even to Walt, as the aircraft glided over groves and pools, shining like sapphires and emeralds in the spring sunlight. It was almost enough for Walt to miss. Almost, but not quite.

{Walt: 5}
{Exit Walt}

*Fancy-pants wording - means take-off, in this case
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