Possibly the rainiest place on Evelon, Baian stretches for miles along the southern coasts. Thanks to the moist soil rich in minerals, wildlife here have developed unique adaptations. To travel through this thick, muddy area, most either take specially designed boats. (+2 Offense)

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Time to Train [Self]

Postby ToxicShadow » 05/25/2016 3:05 PM

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"We're ready. Open a portal." The command spoken by the woman, Yanora, was not one that could be denied. And, it was those words, that landed the two of them on the very outskirts of the swamp.

Stepping out of the diamond shaped, black and sparkling portal they had passed through, the woman's expression did not change. She knew their destination, after all. However, the man with long, bright pink hair grimaced as he felt the earth squish beneath his feet and designer boots.

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Re: Time to Train [Self]

Postby ToxicShadow » 05/25/2016 3:11 PM

Glancing around them, the man took in the new scenery. It was not difficult to realize just where they were. Still, knowing where they were did not explain why they were there. "Yanora, what are we doing here?" He turned to glance at his companion as he asked.

The black haired woman did not immediately answer his question. She was busy, slipping her phone safely back into the pockets sewn into her pants.

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Re: Time to Train [Self]

Postby ToxicShadow » 05/25/2016 3:33 PM

As they stood there, the portal behind them faded out of existence. It was no longer needed, and it could be summoned again with a single call over the phone. The other wordly mage responsible for it, one that lived at the woman's estate, was always on call.

"We are here to train," she finally answered. Her vibrant, yellow eyes shifted over to Zelosis. "It has been far too long since I have actually been in combat."

"To train?" He repeated her words.

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Re: Time to Train [Self]

Postby ToxicShadow » 05/25/2016 3:38 PM

After a moment, he asked another question, one that clarified just what was on his mind. "You are planning to join us in the fight?"

"I have to be able to defend myself," Yanora answered. "I can't stay with you, if you will always have to protect me. You can't possibly fight to your full capabilities if you're constantly having to worry about me." Judging by her words and the expression she wore, she had given this some thought.

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Re: Time to Train [Self]

Postby ToxicShadow » 05/25/2016 3:49 PM

"I don't particularly plan to go looking for a fight. Though, it is likely that one will come looking for me, eventually." There wasn't really anyone that was safe during a war. There were many causalities, and not just soldiers. Many civilians lost their lives, as well.

Zelos sighed, but nodded his head in agreement. He understood where she was coming from, although part of him disagreed with it, a larger part of him agreed. It was obviously her wish to take care of herself rather than entirely relying on him.

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Re: Time to Train [Self]

Postby ToxicShadow » 05/26/2016 3:26 AM

"I can't disagree with you." Zelos, rarely, went against Yanora's wishes. Aside from that, however, she was accurate in thinking that if she was anywhere near the war grounds, then it would only be a matter of time before she was dragged into a fight. It was impossible for him to be with her and protect her always. "But why the swamp?"

"I heard that it was a decent place to train." There really wasn't any other reason, aside from the fact that they likely wouldn't be bothered in such a remote location.

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Re: Time to Train [Self]

Postby ToxicShadow » 05/26/2016 3:33 AM

Offering his designer boots a glance, he found they were already covered in muck just from stepping out of the portal. Zelos wanted to sigh, but it was really his fault for wearing such things even as an active solider. At least, being the head of the company that designed them meant that he could easily get his hands on a replacement pair once this was all over. And the rest of his clothes, too, if it became necessary. Though, preferably, a good dry cleaning would take care of things.

"Zelos. The woman could not help but to call out to him when he remained silent.

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Re: Time to Train [Self]

Postby ToxicShadow » 05/26/2016 3:36 AM

Hearing her voice, calling his name, Zelos' snapped his head up, eyes on her once more. His attention was easily pulled away from mourning the likely loss of his shoes.

"You will take me seriously, wont you?" Yanora absolutely had to inquire about such a thing. He was the kind of man that would take it easy on someone that he cared for, but that was not what she needed right now. She needed him to take her seriously.

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Re: Time to Train [Self]

Postby ToxicShadow » 05/26/2016 3:41 AM

He knew the answer that she wanted to hear, but he was not certain that he could give it to her."You don't fight with any weapons." That was his answer. How could he possibly attack someone seriously when he was well versed in weapons and magics, while they were not? If she was barehanded, how was he supposed to attack her without hurting her?

"Don't under estimate me! You know very well that I am capable, armed or not."

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Re: Time to Train [Self]

Postby ToxicShadow » 05/26/2016 3:46 AM

Besides, there were things that he did not know. Yes, Yanora typically and commonly fought without weapons in her own hands. Others, dedicated to fighting, were much like her weapons. Her ability to command such people and creatures was one of things that made her so powerful.

Suddenly, the woman jumped backwards, away from Zelos, procuring throwing needles from her sleeve and flinging them at her companion all in one fell swoop.

The man barely had enough time to react to the surprise attack, leaping to the side and out of harms way. Although, one of the needles grazed the exposed portion of his arm.

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Re: Time to Train [Self]

Postby ToxicShadow » 05/26/2016 3:51 AM

He did not seem to take notice of the very minor injury. It stung, just slightly, but it was nothing compared to what he had suffered before. Staring down the woman, he smirked. "You have her needles. Toxicosis' throwing needles."

The woman's expression was difficult to read, as it usually was, but her eyes had subtly narrowed. "I've picked up a lot of tricks; things that you're not aware of."

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Re: Time to Train [Self]

Postby ToxicShadow » 05/26/2016 2:55 PM

"Just, against you, they're not poisoned. So don't worry, it wont kill you." Toxicosis, something of an ally to them both, was entirely toxic. She fought bare handed and with throwing needles, which was poisoned simply from her touch. Yanora was using the same weapon, only some that had come in, new. She had every intention of using poison, just one that she had created, rather than the deadly one belonging to their friend. Yanora's creation was designed to temporarily paralyze.

Zelos' smirk did not fade. Seeming  to have finally decided to take her at least a little seriously, he grabbed the chain whip that was hanging on his hip.

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Re: Time to Train [Self]

Postby ToxicShadow » 05/26/2016 2:58 PM

"Dare I ask what other tricks you may have up your sleeve?" If she had decided to learn from their numerous companions, there was no telling exactly what she was capable of. There was no denying that Yanora's hand-to-hand combat was great. He only treated her with care because it was still not a fair fight when he was armed as he was. Learning more could have made her a frightening opponent.

"I wouldn't tell you. You'll have to find out for yourself."

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Re: Time to Train [Self]

Postby ToxicShadow » 05/26/2016 9:04 PM

Zelos chuckled in repose to her words. "I don't think I like the sound of that." Considering that she did not appear to be armed, it was difficult to say just what she might have on her. There was nothing obvious, so if she was carrying weapons other than the needles, they were just as well concealed.

"I don't doubt that you will be perfectly fine." Yanora didn't really have to go out of her way to say that she would never actually bring harm to her friend, he already knew it, but she did anyway.

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Re: Time to Train [Self]

Postby ToxicShadow » 05/27/2016 3:51 AM

With these words exchanged, Yanora no longer stood idle. She rushed left from where she had been standing, sending another barrage of needles in the man's direction.

He responded to her movement by bracing himself rather than attempting to chase her down, at his decision was rewarded. Because he did not move, he could see the very moment she threw the needles. Lashing outwards with his chain whip, he was able to intercept the needles before they could reach him. He had been able to predict their trajectory.

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