Possibly the rainiest place on Evelon, Baian stretches for miles along the southern coasts. Thanks to the moist soil rich in minerals, wildlife here have developed unique adaptations. To travel through this thick, muddy area, most either take specially designed boats. (+2 Offense)

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Re: Searching for Answers [Self][Training]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/02/2016 8:23 AM

Cvetka nodded before wading off into the swamp, leaving small waves in her wake. The woman watched her go, still amused at the way she had been tangled in the rope, before entering the hollow trunk. She hung the rope up on one of the nails she had hammered into the wall of the trunk earlier, reasoning that they would want to raise everything off the ground.

Cvetka meanwhile was learning how to hunt in a swamp, where smell is almost unusable and there's too much foliage to see properly. Perhaps you would have better luck if you held still and listened chastised her demon, and Cvetka sank obediently into the muddy water.

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Re: Searching for Answers [Self][Training]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/02/2016 8:47 AM

She listened carefully, and her enhanced hearing picked up the gentle lapping of a large animal drinking over to her right. Slowly, she walked towards the sound, being careful to keep only her head above the muddy water.

A herd of Taosigs had stopped to drink at the water's edge, and Cvetka felt her stomach rumble. She had never seen creatures like this before, but meat was meat, and fur was fur - and she had been sent to find something soft. She carefully aimed herself at the largest one, and exploded out of the water to latch onto its throat with her jaws.
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Re: Searching for Answers [Self][Training]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/02/2016 8:51 AM

She dragged the squealing Taosig under the water, holding it with all her strength until it stopped moving. She consciously ignored how long she had been able to hold her breath, instead focusing on dragging her prey back to the hollow tree - no easy feat, considering it was the size of a small tuskow.

"Well done!" exclaimed the woman when she saw the prize that Cvetka had brought back. "This will do well, once we get it dried out." She pulled her dagger out of its sheath, and helped Cvetka drag the body onto a large leaf she had placed outside the hollow tree; she then went to work skinning the fat taosig.

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Re: Searching for Answers [Self][Training]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/02/2016 8:54 AM

Cvetka shook herself till she was mostly dry, and sat down beside the woman to watch her work. She watched, fascinated, as the woman carefully made cuts at the creature's ankles and kneck, and finally down it's back.

Seeing Cvetka's interest, the woman began to explain while she was working. "By cutting it like this, it's easier to peel the skin off the animal - we'll then wash it, and stretch it out to dry." She pulled the hide off and rolled it up to the side, to be washed.

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Re: Searching for Answers [Self][Training]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/02/2016 8:58 AM

The woman asked Cvetka to watch the carcass for a moment, and returned shortly with a pile of thick, waxy palm leaves the size of platters. Cvetka watched silently as the woman cut as much meat off the taosig carcass as she could, scraping even the bones, and packaged it up into portions using the leaves.

"We'll be able to eat that for tonight, and maybe tomorrow, but it will all need to be cooked to prevent it going bad" she said. Cvetka kept her thoughts to herself about that, ignoring her demon's whispers, such as you won't get sick, we'll see to that. The woman finished with the carcass, and Cvetka grabbed the stalk of the leaf in order to drag the carcass away from the hollow tree.

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Re: Searching for Answers [Self][Training]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/02/2016 9:22 AM

When Cvetka returned, the woman was building a fire inside the hollow tree using large stones as an edging to keep it contained. "Isn't it a bad idea to build that under the sleeping platform?" she asked, head quirked to the side. The woman smiled before she answered "We'll be fine; the smoke will be able to escape through the canopy, and it'll keep insects at bay - besides, we need to cook the meat, and having it there will keep it safe from the rain."

She took a metal pan out from inside one of the bags that were hung up, and placed one of the packages of meat into it, hanging the rest up above their heads on the wall.

"Not what I meant; I mean, isn't it a bad idea to sleep above the fire?" Cvetka said, concern laced through her words.

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Re: Searching for Answers [Self][Training]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/02/2016 9:26 AM

The woman shrugged before responding; "I suppose so, but it won't get big enough to burn us, and like I said, the smoke will keep the insects at bay." She focused on the package in the pan, letting it sizzle until she felt it was done.

"Here" she said, laying a leaf on the ground in front of Cvetka, and tipping half of the now cooked meat into it. Cvetka wrinkled her nose, but accepted it nonetheless - she preferred her meat raw, but she would save that for the next time they had fresh meat. As if she could read her mind, the woman responded "I would have given it to you raw, but both you and the carcass were full of muddy swamp water, and I can't risk you getting ill."

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Re: Searching for Answers [Self][Training]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/02/2016 9:35 AM

Cvetka grimaced, but ate the meat anyway; hunger was a great motivator, after all. The meat itself wasn't too bad; having been cooked in the leaf, and therefore in its own juices, it was tender and juicy. She finished her share quickly, and the woman nodded to herself in approval as she ate her own.

Whilst they ate, the woman continued placing packages of meat onto the pan until all of them were cooked. As she removed each, she wrapped it in a clean leaf and hung it back up on the wall to cool.

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Re: Searching for Answers [Self][Training]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/02/2016 9:39 AM

Once they had finished with the meat, it was time to deal with the hide. The woman unrolled it and took it out to the swamp, to wash it in the muddy water as best she could. "Ideally we'd do this with clean water" she said, as she scraped at the inside of the hide with the edge of her dagger, "but we really don't have much of a choice right now."

Cvetka just nodded, watching as she shook the excess water out of the hide, before they returned to the trunk. The woman then used some vines and the empty nails in the wall to stretch the hide out, hammering in new nails where she needed them.

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Re: Searching for Answers [Self][Training]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/02/2016 9:44 AM

"There" she said, standing back to admire her work. "That should dry out soon, especially with the fire in here. We should gather more firewood, however, just in case it's too wet to light after it rains."

Cvetka agreed, and they separated, hunting for any dry bits of wood they could find. Before long, they had a large pile, which was stacked up away from their small fire inside the trunk.

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Re: Searching for Answers [Self][Training]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/02/2016 9:49 AM

They now had food, water from the vines, shelter, fire and firewood, as well as a place to sleep off the ground. The woman unrolled a large sheet of leather which she had had tied to her backpack and laid it down on the platform, ready for sleeping on. A smaller sheet of leather which had been tied to Cvetka's backpack was also unfurled, and placed atop the sleeping platform as a cover; it would not be very soft or comfortable, but it would be warm with the fire below them, and they were both tired by this point.

"I can jump or climb" said Cvetka, demonstrating by making the high jump with relative ease, "but how are you going to get up here?"

The woman sighed, and pouted; "I had hoped it wouldn't come to this, but there's nothing for it" she said, before morphing into a small, white and blue albie with large eyes that mirrored her previous human ones.

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Re: Searching for Answers [Self][Training]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/02/2016 9:53 AM

Cvetka gaped as the albie (previously a woman) nimbly jumped up beside her, before morphing back into the human woman she had gotten used to seeing.

I knew she wasn't human! crowed the demon inside her mind; now, time for a little chat, I think it said, and Cvetka privately agreed.

"What are you" she asked, getting straight to the point; the woman sighed, nodded, and began to talk. "I am human" - she paused as Cvetka snorted, before amending her words. "Well, mostly human; my demon-bond was forged quite some time ago, and it allows me to take on that form when necessary."

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Re: Searching for Answers [Self][Training]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/02/2016 10:16 AM

"I see; so when you talked about harnessing your demon, this is what you meant" Cvetka said, still a little ruffled. She tried not to think about what else the woman may have been hiding, and she was definitely a little more wary than before.

The woman sighed; "It is part of it, yes - though there is more." She frowned in concentration, before continuing; "For example, my demon can manifest itself physically at my wish." A small demonic form materialised beside her, and moved forward to inspect Cvetka for itself.


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Re: Searching for Answers [Self][Training]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/02/2016 10:47 AM

Cvetka pulled back in surprise as the demon bumped against her nose. Her own demon chuckled, and she felt it slithering forward in her mind. To her surprise, her demon pushed against the front of her mind and she felt it flow out of her, materialising beside her.

The demonic being blinked it's eyes, and crawled forward to inspect the floating demon. It seemed quite happy, if the feelings Cvetka was receiving from it were anything to go by.


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Re: Searching for Answers [Self][Training]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/02/2016 10:55 AM

Cvetka smiled at her demon, and looked forward to where the woman was staring at it in shock. "How did you manage that?" the woman asked, "I couldn't do it until recently, and I've been demon-bound for years!"

The scribblen chuckled, and turned it's head towards her; "That's because you have a weak demon, and therefore a weak demon-bond. Don't worry, it'll be sufficient for all you need - it's easier to work on a human than it is a beast." The fluttering demon-ball bobbed up and down in agreement beside it.

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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