Possibly the rainiest place on Evelon, Baian stretches for miles along the southern coasts. Thanks to the moist soil rich in minerals, wildlife here have developed unique adaptations. To travel through this thick, muddy area, most either take specially designed boats. (+2 Offense)

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Searching for Answers [Self][Training]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/29/2016 8:05 PM

Continued from Taming the Storm

Cvetka & Alice

The woman dragged herself upright, sputtering out the murky water they had landed in. She had been quite unprepared to say the least, and was now rather cross - but at least they were here, wherever here was, rather than back at the temple.

Cvetka listened to all of the new sounds with her ears perked up. She was from the Tuun Mountains, her demon informed her, and everything here was new. Mud, however, never changed it seemed, and both Cvetka and the woman were covered in it from head to toe.

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: Searching for Answers [Self][Training]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/29/2016 8:43 PM

"Well, that wasn't exactly graceful" remarked the woman, standing to shake the pond life off of her robe. "At least we're safe - the portal has never dropped two groups off in the same area."

Cvetka turned to face the woman, and nodded; she could no longer smell the musty scent of the temple and its inhabitants. She waited a moment, then cautiously led the way onto the driest piece of land she could find - though that wasn't saying much. They were, after all, in a swamp, and everything was wet and damp and muggy.

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: Searching for Answers [Self][Training]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/29/2016 8:45 PM

"You smell... funny" remarked Cvetka once they were both on the raised patch of ground. She wrinkled her nose in disgust; swamps smelled a lot, it seemed, and her enhanced senses now seemed like a bit of a curse.

"You're no better; we should find somewhere with a spring and clean ourselves up" retorted the woman with a smirk. At least she was getting herself together, Cvetka thought. It would be terrible for her to go to pieces just because of a little water, however bad it smelled.

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: Searching for Answers [Self][Training]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 11/29/2016 8:49 PM

"A spring in a swamp - right, you lead then; I'll be back here." Cvetka continued to jeer at the woman as they picked their way through the swamp, occasionally sinking into hidden holes in the moist ground. Everything was at least ankle-deep in scummy water, and they were soon covered in all manner of debris and insects.

Just as the woman was about to snap at her, Cvetka ran ahead and disappeared into what looked like a hollow tree trunk. "Come back" the woman cried; "you don't know what could be in there!"

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: Searching for Answers [Self][Training]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/01/2016 5:52 PM

"It's all right," called Cvetka from inside the hollow tree; "there's nothing in here but me and some sort of thick vine. You may want to have a look at it though - I think it's a Watervine."

The woman splashed her way over to the hollow tree and bent down to step inside it, to find that Cvetka was quite right. Moreover, the hollow seemed to extend all the way up into the tree trunk, and it was quite wide - wider than she had expected. She estimated that she could stretch her body across the space horizontally and not reach by about three feet.

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: Searching for Answers [Self][Training]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/01/2016 5:55 PM

The top of the tree trunk was open to the elements, and only tapered slightly from the width of the base, but that was a problem to be dealt with later. "I think we've found our shelter" she mused, "as long as we can find some straight branches and cut some notches into this trunk wall, that is."

Cvetka snorted, and wagged her tail as she sniffed at the long vines that were growing down inside the trunk on every side. "We might want to put some sort of roof up, too - I can smell rain coming. This is, after all, a swamp - but don't worry; at least the mud we're covered in will keep the insects at bay" she said cheerfully, flashing the woman a toothy grin.

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: Searching for Answers [Self][Training]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/01/2016 5:59 PM

The woman looked grim, but nodded; the insects were one of their main concerns, however, though she had neglected to think about it beforehand. It made her very glad to have her demon-bond, as someone else in that situation may not have had the insight they did.

Cvetka shook herself and sat down to scratch behind her ear with her rear leg, before getting up to look at the trunk walls. "There are a few holes which I think are about your head-height" she said, indicating for the woman to look. "Do you think you would be able to carve a proper hole all the way through? Then, if we can find some branches - or even saplings - long enough, we could shove them all the way across the trunk?"

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: Searching for Answers [Self][Training]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/01/2016 6:04 PM

The woman peered through the holes, then removed her silver dagger from her holster and used it to begin carving at the wood. After a few minutes, though, she shook her head and lowered her hand. "It's no good," she panted, "The wood is too thick - I can probably make a small hole, but we're never going to be able to shove a branch through it. Besides, the holes aren't level - they're all at different heights, from above my head to below my shoulders."

Cvetka cocked her head, and sniffed, before looking at the woman as she said "Would we be able to make a - I don't know, a net-sort-of-thing out of vines or rope? We could put the rope ends through the holes and tie them to large branches hanging outside the trunk, as counterweights maybe?"

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: Searching for Answers [Self][Training]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/01/2016 6:11 PM

The woman smiled, and began to dig around in the backpack she had placed on the ground. "That's not a bad idea - come here, I need to search your saddlebags for a moment." After getting all of the rope they had together, they decided to put one length of rope aside for later use or use in emergencies.

"You make the holes bigger and start tying the rope into a net, I'll find us some suitable vines to add strength to it" said Cvetka, as she turned and trotted out of the hollow. The woman nodded, but didn't turn to look as she was already beginning to work away at the holes with her dagger.

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: Searching for Answers [Self][Training]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/01/2016 7:02 PM

Now, what kind of vines would be the best thought Cvetka as she walked towards the edge of the raised bit of ground the hollow tree was located on. As the answer - thin but strong, fibrous but flexible - slithered into her mind, she felt that she wasn't alone. It was a very odd feeling, as though the presence was inside rather than around her.

Ah, yes, demon-bond she thought to herself; however, when a random 'indeed' popped into her head she almost fell back into the water! What on earth was that, she thought, hoping that she wasn't going mad now of all times.

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Re: Searching for Answers [Self][Training]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/01/2016 7:07 PM

You should know, you asked me for help came the response from the tickle at the back of her mind. Cvetka shivered; the words gave her mind an oily feeling, slippery and smooth, and the thought that a part of her - or at least a part of something that was tethered to her - was answering her back was disconcerting.

I take it you have developed your own consciousness then she thought to herself, ears swivelling as she tried to get used to the sensation of having a conversation with another entity inside her own head. I always had one came the reply, it was simply a matter of learning how to make you understand me.

Cvetka paused to scratch behind her ear again, as she wondered whether the demon-bond would let whatever was inside her head read all of her thoughts.

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: Searching for Answers [Self][Training]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/01/2016 7:12 PM

Oh yes, I share everything you think and feel, but don't worry, no-one else can see or hear me whilst I'm inside your head the demon-bond whispered to her. Or rather, the demon whispered to her - Cvetka now realised that she wasn't merely tied to a part of the entity; rather, the entity was tied to a part of her, though it seemed that part had expanded to include her mind.

Indeed, the demon responded to her unvoiced question; I will soon be able to take shape outside of your being - though only for a short time it amended. It was a difficult sensation to process; Cvetka felt sure that if the demon had a tongue it was slithering it all over her mind. Madness, that was what it was; she shivered as she realised for the first time the situation she was in.

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Re: Searching for Answers [Self][Training]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/01/2016 7:17 PM

Ah, yes, realisation finally sets in; you're in a swamp, with a demon permanently tied to your heart, mind and soul, with another creature who shares the same fate. You're lucky you're bound to me; others would not have been so fortunate, for demons seldom allow themselves to be bound and often consume their host in the vain attempt to reverse the transaction. The demon fell silent, but Cvetka's thoughts were in a whirl.

Don't you mean the woman?
she thought; oh god, now I'm asking questions inside my own head; she sighed, and waited for the demon to respond.

Out of everything I told you, that's what you chose to focus on? Ah, but I can see you're ignoring the rest on purpose - you'll think about it later the demon said in that oily sensation.

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Re: Searching for Answers [Self][Training]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/01/2016 7:23 PM

That woman is no human the demon oozed into her mind; She wears the face of one but trust your senses - she doesn't even smell like one.

Cvetka sniffed; it was true that the woman didn't smell like the other humans there, but Cvetka had put it down to the fact that the men never seemed to bathe, and she assumed the woman did.

I see I've peaked your interest - you're planning to ask her about it later this evening; I suggest you ensure your shelter is ready before you do so, however. It is going to rain - and rain is never light in a swamp.

Cvetka snorted, and returned to her task of selecting vines for the rope nest. We'll talk about this later - and I'll want answers she thought to the demon; she felt it chuckle in her mind; I'll be waiting it replied.

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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Re: Searching for Answers [Self][Training]

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 12/01/2016 7:28 PM

By the time Cvetka returned to the tree with what she deemed to be enough vines, the woman had finished making the holes in the trunk and now seemed to be cutting into the bark on the outside of it, just above each of the holes.

"Need to shelter the holes, so rainwater doesn't come in" she panted; the trunk was thick and heavy, and even though the wood was long-dead it was strong, and making the incisions was hard work. "There" she said at last; she had made a deep curved cut above the hole, into which she inserted a long piece of waxed curved bark of which the three exposed inches formed a roof over the hole. This seemed to be the final one, as the other four holes already had a roof set up above them.

"I brought more vines" said Cvetka, indicating the loops of fibrous plant material that were hung around her neck.

"I remember who I was, who I've always been. Sometimes I forget I'm not that person any more."

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