A dense jungle full of surprises and new places to explore! Scientists are still trying to document species found here, while travelers flock here for a sense of adventure. Be sure to make lots of preparations though, as it can be quite dangerous! (+3 Precision, +2 Offense)

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The Temple of Ichaca. [P/PG-13]

Postby Mousen » 12/23/2010 10:45 AM

The jungle was hot and humid, the bugs swarmed around the pale figure and already a bead of sweat crawled down her face, whether it was stress or the heat was unknown, from the look of apprehension on her face it could be either. In her arms was clasped a shii. This small creature carried an air of wisdom and age rarely seen in anything. That tiny animal seemed to carry the knowledge of a thousand people and a thousand ancient trees, the aura of serenity and peace around it was almost stunning. Still, the young woman holding it seemed immune to it's charm. She was very, very tense.

"We'll be there soon." She whispered. Her eyes flickering to the forest scenery around her.
"Good, you know what you must do." The tiny creature replied, his voice much quieter than his companions. After after a moment or two Amelia looked around again, they should be getting closer still. The place they needed to be was reported to be very hard to find, as Cipactli himself knew. Had he had legs he would have easily been able to show her the way, as it was he was already playing back seat navigator.

"Travellers, why are you here? You have no supplies, nor are you dressed for this place." A youth come from behind a rather lush fern, he was like the very jungle he came from. His earthy skin tone and deep, almost reddish coloured hair made him blend in with the jungle easily. His large blue eyes looked confusedly from the woman to the shii, as if unable to believe his eyes. "How could you have survived as such? There isn't even any dirt on your clothes, the nearest town is a five day trek from here... Impossible!"

"Fear us not, young Nazahuatl, we are here only to get stronger within ourselves and seal some of the cracks which threaten to break this place apart."

Nazahuatl stepped back in shock, his eyes with fear. "H-how? Who are you?"

"She is Amelia Lockheart, a trustworthy friend should you show her kindness." Here he paused. "There is a time, when all greatness is lost and we are reduced to a tenth, no, a hundredth of what we once were. I am almost ashamed to introduce myself as Cipactli of the Tonuac Tribe."

"Ahmo." He breathed. "No. Impossible. It can't be." The youth's eyes were even wider than before and his mouth hung open in shock.

"You always knew I would return, did you not?"

Nazahuatl couldn't speak, he just stared blankly at the tiny creature which claimed to be the creator of his entire tribe. After a moment or two his brain had processed enough thoughts for him to sink to his knees.

"Don't." Cipactli warned. "I refuse point blank to be worshipped. Especially looking like something out of a Powerpuff Girls commercial." Clearly he had changed since he last visited them, clearly he had lost some of the brashness he had in his youth.

Nazahuatl laughed, weakly standing up. "F-f-follow me." He murmured, still in something of a daze. He knew immediately this was no imposter, though that did nothing to make him any less dazed. After several minutes of walking, his head seemed to be a little more together. "We are here, Cipactli." He said, his voice quiet.

Sure enough there was clearing, the smell of woodsmoke and cooking was heavy in the air and several shacks stood up in the tree lines, what used to be a large, grand tribe was only reduced to a handful people. One of those wasn't even one of the tribes.

"We need to see the temple first." Amelia said, speaking for the first time. "Please."She added after a moment of silence.
Nazahuatl nodded, his expression understanding. He lead them on through the small clearing, almost everyone was asleep, hiding from the midday sun. Not that the sun could be seen from the jungle, it was green, everything was so green. The trees obscured the light, and as the sun shone through the leaves it gave off a rather strange light. Ferns and moss covered the tree trunks as well as a mix of ivy and strange flowing plants. There was nothing that didn't have a little green on it. No one noticed them slip down a path, obscured by hills on both sides, the hills seemed to be what was left of some caves, they teeming with all sorts of plant life. As they made their way down the narrow path, it seemed to widen, eventually coming to a sight that took Amelia's breath away. A small temple made of what seemed to be pure Malachite. There were no words to describe it's beauty. Before Amelia could turn to thank the youth he was already gone, climbing over the stone like a monkey climbed up a tree. She smiled at her comparison, though it soon faded to a look of grim determination as she took a deep breath and entered the Temple.

(Makes more sense if you've read this) Or just page four. XD;;

We’re all hysterical & going nowhere together.

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Re: The Temple of Ichaca. [P]

Postby Mousen » 12/23/2010 11:21 AM

Upon entering the Temple Amelia was once again struck with how beautiful it was, she was amazed that any civilisation, especially one that wasn't so advanced was able to do such a thing. Cipactli was also taken with the beauty of the place, as it had been built after his death he'd never actually gotten to see it, aside from in his  dream. Even know his dream seemed to be severely lacking in quality compared to how beautiful the place actually was.

"Is there really no other way, Cipactli? No other choice?" She asked, almost begging.

"There must be Death before there can be Life, Cocotzin. I'm afraid there is no other way." His voice was firm, though it had an odd almost ragged touch to it. "Nothing will go wrong, I swear."

Amelia knew she was going to get that answer though she couldn't have helped but ask. The thought of doing what Cipactli asked her to do was more frightening than anything she'd faced yet.

The main hall of the temple was amazing, it was a circular domed structure, with a single crystal alter in the middle of the room. Hesitantly Amelia placed the tiny, obviously weak animal on the altar. He sighed. "Now, do not fear about anything, nothing will ever be your fault, understand?"

"Yes." She muttered, her eyes filling with tears.

"Good." He said quietly. "Now draw your knife." Cipactli closed his eyes and focused, focused on being somewhere away from the prison he was trapped in, the useless body he was confined to.

After a moment Amelia drew her knife it was a simple thing with an obsidian blade and a wooden handle, it wasn't particularly a large knife, but hell it was sharp. Her hands were shaking. After a moment she raised her hands high above her head and brought it down with a small sob of despair.

Silence followed.

Her heart skipped a beat, and her eyes were closed tight, though she could feel the cold, ancient blood running though her fingers, the silvery liquid that she'd come to know as Cipactli's blood was pooling around her hands and around the knife. She hadn't realized that the blood was running down to an inset in the floor of the temple, a round ring that circled the altar before running around the length of the circular temple. The blood quickly completed it's circle around the altar and in that moment-- it set on fire, cold silver-green flames danced, growing higher with every passing moment. On impulse Amelia, stepped back, dropping the knife and squeezing her eyes more tightly shut than ever, almost scared that if she opened them, everything that was going on around her would stop. The flames spread down, encircling the room and Amelia fell on her knees as the ferocity of the flames knocked the breath from her.

Several seconds of complete chaos followed, and Amelia sat, barely daring to breath in the middle of it all. As the flames reached their climax there was a terrible, unearthly crack that echoed in her ears long after it stopped. It was only when the echoes did stop she looked up, and her breath was taken away, the very altar she'd placed Cipactli on was broken into several splintered pieces, possibly by the weight of the thing that stood atop it.

Cipacli. Though this wasn't the Cipactli she'd ever known. A grand mane of malachite framed his green features and green eyes glimmered. A Malachite hunter. A smile found it's way onto his face, and for a moment Amelia was almost intimidated by this large and imposing figure.

"Amelia." He greeted, his voice a deep rumbling growl. Powerful, but oddly comforting. It fit him well.

"Hello Aslan."Despite her shocked tone, it seemed she was still able to make a joke.

Cipactli smiled, flicking his tail back and fourth playfully. "Now, Cocotzin, I've got go see a Cinderella missing her prince charming, one faun in need of a little guidance, one Sleeping Beauty that needs to find her Prince and several hundred skeletons that reside in one man's closet."

"I think I'll wait for you here."She said faintly, not bothering to attempt to get to her feet. "I need to get my head around a few things..."

Nodding the imposing hunter headed for the green sunlight outside. "You are a brave woman, Amelia. I owe everything to you, and I won't forget this as much as you'll want me to." With that he left the startled Lieutenant on the floor of the small malachite temple.

(*Cocotzin is Nahuatl for Little Dove. Cipactli's favourite nick name for Amelia. x3;;)

We’re all hysterical & going nowhere together.

C’mon rapture. Let’s go bedazzling.

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Re: The Temple of Ichaca. [P/PG-13]

Postby Mousen » 12/28/2010 1:50 PM

Nazahuatl was stood by the entrance of the path. He smiled at Cipactli, bowing his head as he walked past, despite the obvious change in appearance, Naz knew immediately who it was. If anything the aura of wisdom that had seemed to out of place before on the tiny Shii, seemed to have intensified, and now perfectly fit Cipactli.

"You often worry about the tribe." Cipactli commented. "You often second guess yourself and worry that what you've done isn't the right thing."

"...Yes." The youth agreed slowly.

"You have done alot of good for this small place, despite your age, yet have you to make a seriously wrong decision for your people. I hope it stays that way."

It was only as Cipactli walked away that Nazahuatl noticed the small whispering in his ear. A ballama, no less. The small creature danced around his head a moment before settling his shoulder. Now he had something to second guess for him. Laughing quietly to himself Nazahuatl followed after the great stone cat.

Nanti Campden had suffered alot on her relatively short life, acting like a magnet for all kinds of bad luck, the only thing that had managed to counteract her bad luck had been the love of her life, the reckless, overprotective and completely, undeniably, lucky. Apparently even his good luck wasn't enough to balance out her's as he died in a fire seven and a half years after their first child was born. Ever since that the young woman travelled from place to place trying to 'out run' the bad luck that had always plagued her.

She sat by the dying fire, staring blankly into it's embers, her mud coloured eyes swimming with tears. As she heard the soft pad of stone paws on damp leaves she looked up, and was immediately taken by surprise to see the impressive figure.
"It's Cipactli." Nazahuatl quickly said, grinning from ear to ear.
"Like, your Cipactli, like god slash the whole creator of the tribe, Cipactli?" She asked, her eyes wide. Had she not seen some of the stuff she had done she wouldn't have even bothered asking that question.
"Indeed." Cipactli said.

Nanti's mouth opened slight in surprise.
"You've suffered great trauma in your life, something that sadly was a direct fault of my own."
Nanti opened her mouth to ask a question but she was promptly cut off.

(Will finish later. o3o;;)

We’re all hysterical & going nowhere together.

C’mon rapture. Let’s go bedazzling.

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