A dense jungle full of surprises and new places to explore! Scientists are still trying to document species found here, while travelers flock here for a sense of adventure. Be sure to make lots of preparations though, as it can be quite dangerous! (+3 Precision, +2 Offense)

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Re: The Lion and the Gazelle [P - Millie and I]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 08/10/2011 11:06 PM


What in the name of all that was good had possessed him to follow her here? Oh, that’s right. His mission. A’den silently cursed the Republic and all that it supposedly stood for under his breath as he strolled down the busy streets, getting very obvious and very annoying looks from passerby. The hair at the back of his neck prickled with unease, and he ground his teeth together as he tried to ignore their gaping. Hadn’t they ever seen a man in armor before?  A’den scoffed; no, he sincerely doubted it.

Lianna was a neutral planet; they hadn’t seen the Clones, and they most likely had never played host to any type of bounty hunter before. A’den had to admit, when Echo had suggested he go back to Lianna with her, he’d been hesitant at first. But the more he’d thought about it, the more it made sense; if he was going to see who she really was and why she was really on that backwater planet, then he’d need to follow her to her supposed homeworld.

Just the fact that she’d actually brought him here was an encouraging sign and one in favor of her character. A’den still didn’t quite trust her. She seemed innocent enough; there was nothing truly outstanding about her. But then, there never was, when it came to these types of people. Who knew what kind of things she dabbled in. A’den gritted his teeth as a group of teenagers waddled past, gawking and openly pointing at him. When they stopped to try and take a picture, A’den’s fist snapped out and snatched the camera away. “Listen, kids,” he growled, his voice tight with controlled anger. Was everyone here stupid? “I don’t think you want to be doing that. You see, I’m extremely camera shy.”

He crushed the camera in his gloved hand, watching in grim satisfaction as the silver pieces fluttered to the ground. The teens looked terrified, passing glances to each other, before they took off down the street. A’den grumbled under his breath, crossing his arms over his chest. “now you see why I never come to cities like this,” he grouched at Echo, who was just in front of him, her shock of teal hair swinging behind her and leading him through the crowd.

“How much farther to your place? I’d like to be out of here as fast as possible, if you don’t mind.” And it was true. All he needed to do was discreetly sweep her apartment for any types of bugs or separatist devices and then all would be clear. It wouldn’t take more than a few seconds, and then he could be on his way.

((OMG. Short post is short. My brain kinda short circuited at the end there. XD))

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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