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Venus Weeds

Postby Gizmo » 01/18/2008 8:35 PM

Prismatic Rengosett

Pygmis (Pyg)

Battlefield Serraptor


Temple Gyrraptor


"Eee!" Pyg yelped as he cracked open the clovernut.  "It smells almost as bad as Axarka in the Wilt'no Desert.  He put the rotten shell and its contents down.  The Rengosett, the Serraptor, and the Gyrraptor all looked at the sight before them.  Dead clovernut trees were lying all over the place.  They had all been strangled by a mysterious weed that had inexplicably started prouting up everywhere.  Pyg had gotten the nerve to get near one and it had almost bitten him in half.  Scarjaw managed to kill one and it cut it open to find that its contents were very very tasty.  The three friends decided to investigate this mysterious outburst of unknown plants.  They had just entered a clearing and stood in shock at what they saw.
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Postby Roxianna » 01/27/2008 4:54 PM

((Sorry fo taking so extremely long.  ^^;;; ))


The tiny Ballama spirt floated over head, softly landing on the ground near the injured Fenling.  Rista raised her head and looked at the tiny spirt.  "Damn, Anna, it got me good."  Stupid plants were everywhere, attacking everything in site.  

The Ballama, using a telapathic form of communication, asked Rista if she would be okay.  The Ballama knew there were other creatures near by, watching, but it would be best not to worry her friend.  Rista, smiling, mummered, "Yeah, I'm fine.  I won't be able to fight if we're attacked, but you can just make a force feild, yes?  I should be able to walk."

Slowly, the Fenling tryed to stand.  Pain shot up through her leg where she had been bit, but Rista clenched her teeth and forced herself to hide it.  But her dearest friend, Anna thre Ballama, could tell she was hurting.  But Anna said nothing.  And Rista started to walk away, deeper into the forest.
Its 2:45, the baby takes his first breath
The mother never knew he only had a few left.
And the father gets a call in the middle of the night.
His breathe gets short and his chest gets tight.

But he’s sixteen and he’s driving too fast
Takes a turn to the left, it would be his last.
Nobody knows what happens if he turns to the right
Nobody in the car would have died that night.

But he’s thirty-two and invincible
The cancer that he had, it was visceral.
He never saw it coming, though he had his whole life.
Sick in the morning and he died in the night.


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Postby Gizmo » 02/01/2008 7:12 PM

The three pets stared aghast at a gigantic weed growing among some rocks.  It was easily thirty feet tall at least.  Its flower at the top housed five-foot long stingers and its leaves were like tentacles writhing about.  Suddenly, the pets heard a rustling in the bushes on the other side of the clearing.  "Fenling," Scarjaw said.  "Wounded, too."  The giant plant heard the noise, also, and retracted back into the rocks, hiding itself from the place where the fenling would emerge, and preparing to strike.
"Yaaaaaaaaa!"  Pyg sprinted across the clearing, screaming his head off.  The giant plant swung a leaf down to smack him, but his fangs caught hold and he bit the weed as hard as he could.  The plant exposed its entire body and went into a rage.  Axarka mumbled a curse under her breath as she and Scarjaw ran to aid their companion.
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Postby Roxianna » 02/01/2008 7:37 PM

Rista lifted her head. "What was that?  Some one screamed."  Anna floated around the clearing, heading back in the directiong in which they had once come.  Rista followed slowly, but quietly, shifting through the grasses as soon not to be noticed.  Anna lead her the correct way, showing her how to aviod any potentionally dangerous situations or creatures.  Rista would have been fine on her own normally, but the pain was distracting to no end.  

Hiding in the bushes, Rista watched as three others fought the same plant that had itten her. She'd help if she needed to, but for now, she'd watch and see.  Anna rested on her friends shoulder, waiting ansd watching, already knowing that Rista was up to something, planning, as she often did.
Its 2:45, the baby takes his first breath
The mother never knew he only had a few left.
And the father gets a call in the middle of the night.
His breathe gets short and his chest gets tight.

But he’s sixteen and he’s driving too fast
Takes a turn to the left, it would be his last.
Nobody knows what happens if he turns to the right
Nobody in the car would have died that night.

But he’s thirty-two and invincible
The cancer that he had, it was visceral.
He never saw it coming, though he had his whole life.
Sick in the morning and he died in the night.


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Postby Gizmo » 02/09/2008 5:11 PM

"Raaaar!"  Pyg growled loudly as he clawed and bit at the plant.  Axarka ran for the plant's main stalk, but she was swept up by a large leaf.  Scarjaw had climbed up on the rocks and was trying to jump onto the flower.  He lept onto one of the petals when suddenly the plant's fruit emerged from the center of the bloom.  It was covered in poisonous stingers and attached to the plant by a long flexible stalk.  It started flailing around like a ball and chain.  Pyg was busy hopping around on the leaves and had to jump down to the ground when it almost smacked him.  After it missed, it swung around again and Pyg had to jump out of the way to avoid being impaled.  Meanwhile, Axarka was struggling to escape from the grip of one of the tentacle-like leaves.  Scarjaw jumped down and slashed at it until it let go, but then three others grabbed him.  They held him up high as the lethal spiked fruit coiled back up to the flower.  Soon, to Scarjaw's horror, it split four ways and opened up into a gassy maw of spines and pincers.  The leaves held him right above it and he almost threw up at the thought that they were going to drop him into it.
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Postby Roxianna » 02/09/2008 5:39 PM

Rista watched as the other's situations soon grew desprite.  Yep, they would need help.  But she was injured.  That plant had already found it easy enough to scoop up three, fighting others, and so one more- wounded, as it were -would be no problem.  Rista'd have to keep her distance, but find a way to help as well.

Which was bad.

Rista tended to fight in a close range style, using her tails and her speed to dodge attacks and her claws and teeth to shred.  There would be no way for her to move fast enough to get out of the way of the attacks she couldn't pary.  It wasn't as if she lacked the logic to come up with a creative solution, it just seemed pointless to do so if she had the means to force what ever she wanted out of her oponent.  Thinking for a moment, Rista turned to Anna, muttered a quick question to her friend, and nodded when the Ballama answered her tellipathicly.  They had two plans.  Which one they set into action was up to what the others did next.
Its 2:45, the baby takes his first breath
The mother never knew he only had a few left.
And the father gets a call in the middle of the night.
His breathe gets short and his chest gets tight.

But he’s sixteen and he’s driving too fast
Takes a turn to the left, it would be his last.
Nobody knows what happens if he turns to the right
Nobody in the car would have died that night.

But he’s thirty-two and invincible
The cancer that he had, it was visceral.
He never saw it coming, though he had his whole life.
Sick in the morning and he died in the night.


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Postby Gizmo » 02/09/2008 6:08 PM

Scarjaw was helpless as the plant lowered him into its "mouth."  Axarka tried to attack the main stalk, but was restrained and could only watch in horror as Scarjaw was brought ever so lower and closer to his doom.  "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"  Pyg screached as loud as he could, but the earless plant was unaffected.  Scarjaw looked around for any hope of life.  Then he saw the glinting eyes of the fenling through the trees.  "Help," he whispered softly and helplessly.
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Postby Roxianna » 02/10/2008 10:06 PM

Oh, that ruined plan one.  There was no way for Rista to attack to plant's head now without risking the Serraptor's life.  Nodding to Anna, who had already conclueded the same end result that she had, Rista set her plan into work.  They had to imobilize the plant's vines, so that it couldn't get her, but not get caught in the process.  It would be a simple matter if Rista was as fast as she usually was, but now, that she was injured, she would have to guess her limit and her speed.  

Grabbing a vine in her mouth, Rista dashed from her hiding spot to a shrub off in the corner.  Dashing under the beastly plant, she wrapped her vine around several of it's roots before quickly hiding behind it.  If she had been lucky, it would have seen her, and followed after,

Rista, prepared to dash again, felt a sting in her hind leg.  But she couldn't stop now.  Yet she couldn't move.  Anna, taking Rista's place, made herself soild and grabbed the vine from her friend while she wasn't looking. Sne knew Rista would never let her endanger herself like that, but Anna also knew that there was nothing else to be done.  One hit from that creature, and she would be killed.  If she did nothing though, the other's would die.

Anna carried the vine up and wrapped it around all of the rest of the plant.  All except around the vine that held the Serraptor.  There was nothing Anna could do for him quite yet.

Just as Anna finished the loop securing the terrible plant, one of the vines recioled and twapped her hard.  The tiny Ballama floated weightlessly down towards her worried friend, who'd been watching in fear since she noticed Anna's absence.

Rista stared numbly at her weak friend as she entered Death's cold grip.  A single tear rolled off her face before she sprang into action, finishing the knot and cutting away the vine that held the Serraptor.
Its 2:45, the baby takes his first breath
The mother never knew he only had a few left.
And the father gets a call in the middle of the night.
His breathe gets short and his chest gets tight.

But he’s sixteen and he’s driving too fast
Takes a turn to the left, it would be his last.
Nobody knows what happens if he turns to the right
Nobody in the car would have died that night.

But he’s thirty-two and invincible
The cancer that he had, it was visceral.
He never saw it coming, though he had his whole life.
Sick in the morning and he died in the night.


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Postby Gizmo » 02/11/2008 10:59 PM

As soon as the leaves holding Scarjaw were cut, he went straight for the head. :twisted:   The giant fruit closed up and started slinging around again.  Scarjaw ducked and dodged around and slashed at the stalk with his claws.  "Help my friends," he said to the fenling as he continued to attack the plant.
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Postby Roxianna » 02/13/2008 8:18 PM

Rista nodded and, ignoring the pain in her leg, sprung back into action.  Even though she had ristainted the plant from grabing her, it still had managed to keep hold ogf the other two there, the Rengosett and the Gyrraptor.  Swiftfully, the Fenling used her readily sharp claws to cut the others free from the plant's deadly hold in a matter of a few swipes.  Then, she dashed away to the sucurity of the bushes to hide.  She had done enough for these stangers, adn for the time being, they needed to fend for themselves.  Rista had an injured friend of her own to take care of for the ime being.  SHe'd remain close by if the plant some how started trouble, but for now, she was gong to tend after Anna.

Pulling the tiny Ballama off to the side, Rista laid her head to her tiny friend and listened with catched breath.  Her heart was beating.  She was alive.  But would she remain that way, and if so, for how long?
Its 2:45, the baby takes his first breath
The mother never knew he only had a few left.
And the father gets a call in the middle of the night.
His breathe gets short and his chest gets tight.

But he’s sixteen and he’s driving too fast
Takes a turn to the left, it would be his last.
Nobody knows what happens if he turns to the right
Nobody in the car would have died that night.

But he’s thirty-two and invincible
The cancer that he had, it was visceral.
He never saw it coming, though he had his whole life.
Sick in the morning and he died in the night.


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Postby Gizmo » 02/15/2008 9:40 PM

"Let's blow this joint," Scarjaw said to Pyg.  Pyg nodded and screached as long and hard as he could, with fluxuations in the pitch.  Suddenly, a rumble came through the trees.  Soon, a large terratops came crashing in (pictured in sig)
"Getaway ride's here," he said.
"First we gotta take this thing down," said Scarjaw.
"He he.  Yeah," the big terratops said in a manly, brutish voice.
Scarjaw and Axarka distracted the giant plant while Pyg and the terratops, Cataclysm, found a nice strong and flexible vine.  They tied the ends of the vine to Cataclysm's horns.  Pyg grabbed a red fruit off a bush and hopped on top of Cataclysm's head.  He put himself in the slingshot and pulled back.  "Fiiiiiiiiiiiiyaaaaaaaar!" he screamed.  Then he let go.  "Eeeeeeaaaaat thiiiiiiis yooooouuu biiiiiiig mooooooother tr-" then he was slapped into the air real hard.  He flew straight up about a mile.  He hung in the air and then came straight down like a meteor.  The plant was opened up again, preparing to gobble him up.  He chucked the fruit real hard into the gassy maw.
Then all hell broke loose.
The fruit exploded as planned and it set the entire plant on fire.  But what was not planned was that the fire started rocketing out in all directions, sending spines and flaming chunks everywhere.  The pets ducked and dodged and fled as fast as possible.  Pyg had recieved the worst of the blast.  He had been grazed by a flying spine and was sent spinning and wounded down to the ground.  He landed with a hard thud.  Cataclysm heard the sound and spun around.  He noticed Pyg lying on the ground unconcsious.  And he noticed the giant flaming stalk falling down toward him.  "No!" he yelled and ran toward Pyg.  Suddenly, a large branching stalk landed in front of him and cut him off.  No, not Pyg.  Not now, he thought to himself.  Where was that fenling?
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Postby Roxianna » 02/19/2008 9:18 PM

Rista heard the shout of the newest member to the group, and, turning her head to see what was the matter, realized that they were, once again, in need of help.  But she just couldn't leave Anna.

Thinking for a moment, Rista grabbed the weak Ballama in her mouth and sprang into action.  The firey brach was easy enough of her to get around, even though the jump killed all feeling to her injured leg.  That was never a good sign, but, for now, it was better than the constant pain.  

Taking her Ballama friend and holding her firmly in one of her four tails, Rista used the other three ot lift the Rengosett and carry him to freedom.  There was no fear of the plant attacking this time, adn Rista had trained continuously with fire in the desert, and so she found it easy enough to escape the flaming coloums of death that seemed to appear at her every turn.  This was a forest, for goodnes's sake!  This place was going togo up on flame!  Taking the Rengosett to the Terratops, Rista shouted up to him at the top of her lungs, "You need to get out of here!  This section of hte forest is going down in flames!  If you don't know the way out, get your friends to follow me!"  The Fenling took off through the forest, pausing for a moment to make sure they were coming, or if they had another way out.  And her leg was starting to regain feeling, causing shockwaves of pain to travel up her leg.  God, it was painful.
Its 2:45, the baby takes his first breath
The mother never knew he only had a few left.
And the father gets a call in the middle of the night.
His breathe gets short and his chest gets tight.

But he’s sixteen and he’s driving too fast
Takes a turn to the left, it would be his last.
Nobody knows what happens if he turns to the right
Nobody in the car would have died that night.

But he’s thirty-two and invincible
The cancer that he had, it was visceral.
He never saw it coming, though he had his whole life.
Sick in the morning and he died in the night.


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Postby Gizmo » 02/19/2008 10:39 PM

Cataclysm hoisted Pyg ontop of his head.  "Run, follow the fenling!" Scarjaw shouted as he and Axarka ran toward him.  Cataclysm turned and ran after the fenling while the two other pets caught up.  The terratops had just entered the trees as Scarjaw and Axarka jumped onto his back.  Cataclysm ran as fast as he could through the forest.  Suddenly, he stumbled on a root and Axarka lost hold of the unconscious Pyg.  Scarjaw jumped back onto the terratops's tail and held on with his feet while he grabbed Pyg with his claws as the rengosett was rolling onto the ground.  He threw Pyg back to Axarka and, in doing so, lost his own grip and fell of the giant reptile.  His claw caught into Cataclysm's tail and he was dragged along behing him.  When he felt this, Cataclysm started flailing his tail around in pain.  Scarjaw flew off of the big tail and landed right on top of the terratops's eyes.  Not being able to see,  Cataclysm almost ran into a bunch of trees before Scarjaw got off.  The group then continued on their course, following the fenling out of the woods.
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Postby Roxianna » 02/21/2008 5:59 PM

Rista darted and dashed along the forested trail, looking solemly over all of the plant life that she knew would not be there much longer.  The fire was spreding faster than expected, but there was nothing she could do about that now.  She only hoped they'd make it out in time.

As the Fenling ran, she switched her tiny friend from tail to tail, careful to aviod any lose vines that may have injured Anna.  The forest was not a safe place if you were injured, and Rista was especially unsafe, for with each step she took, a drop of blood dripped out of the wound on her leg, for it had opened up.  She was making a trail of blood on the path, a trail that any carnivore could follow.  But again, there was nothing she could do about it now.  

Soon Rista had reached the river, and, jumping across, she ran but a few more feet before finally stopping to rest.  The water would keep the fire away from the rest of the woods, and so it would keep the fire away from her and Anna as well.  The only thing that was left was for the others to make it across as well.
Its 2:45, the baby takes his first breath
The mother never knew he only had a few left.
And the father gets a call in the middle of the night.
His breathe gets short and his chest gets tight.

But he’s sixteen and he’s driving too fast
Takes a turn to the left, it would be his last.
Nobody knows what happens if he turns to the right
Nobody in the car would have died that night.

But he’s thirty-two and invincible
The cancer that he had, it was visceral.
He never saw it coming, though he had his whole life.
Sick in the morning and he died in the night.


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Postby Gizmo » 02/21/2008 7:42 PM

The four pets came crashing through the trees.  They had lost sight of Rista, but they were able to follow a trail of blood.  Eventually, Cataclysm came to a river.  Without stopping, he hurled himself over it.  He came up short and landed in the river with a huge splash.  Luckily, it was shallow, and he could walk out with all the pets in tact.
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