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Re: It all belongs to me! {private: Me & Moofie}

Postby Moofius » 03/02/2009 1:41 AM

"Oh... It's... very hot here, humid," Moofius exclaimed, flicking her ears to catch the sounds of the Tengel.  Ah away from home, doing what she wanted when she wanted?  This was the life, this was what she was always wanted but couldn't have back home with Nose, Ioma, Grr, Fur, Oreo and... And Think. She frowned then shook her head.  Nope, no she would not think about him.  She would enjoy this time in the Tengel.

Before leaving Olive and Kai to who knows what kind of mooshy lovey stuff she'd taken her gallizar.  She was a creature breed for war, she was a creature that couldn't sit in a pen doing nothing and be considered as happy.  The gallizar was, at the moment quiet.  She did not have human speech abilities.  For all intents and purposes she was an animal.  Which was fine by Moofius as she wasn't looking for company or conversation she was looking to get herself lost and maybe... Maybe think of the good part of her family.  In one pocket were her smaller family treasures.  A shard of scale from each of her closest family members (besides Think's, she'd left that one at home) and... well her keystones, obviously.

If the gallizar was capable of human speech it would probably complain seeing as Moofius was facing backwards and not guiding it, the cow anthros whole upper body leaned forward just watching the Tengel bleed away behind her.
Feeling fairly at home she started to hum to herself, trying to find a tune that suit this forest.

(( Do not be fooled by her happy humming. She just needs a reason~ XD;;

Also, here is a picture of Moofius))
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Re: It all belongs to me! {private: Me & Moofie}

Postby Moofius » 03/02/2009 2:17 AM

Moofius reached around, grabbing the gallizar by the neck gently and pulling back.  The gallizar hissed angrily but stopped.  It took a moment for Moofius to find the voice but the slight motion of the larger body rubbing against the bark of a tree helped her locate whatever it was that was bothering her.  The cow-anthro slipped off her beast, patting her gently.  The gallizar was looking across, clicking quietly; it's sharp claws digging into the soft, rich earth.  A fight?  Would there be a fight?

Hands on hips, brow furrowed Moofius looked up into the tree trying to locate with her eyes whatever it was that had decided to play some foolish game of hide and seek with her.
"I have every right to ask you the same, Idiot," well this was starting out nicely, "What are you doing, anyway? You're not very good at sneaking around..." she squinted then, a small smile, "and you're blue. I don't know where you come from but trees here are green,"

The palm of her hand remained on her hip but her fingers lifted and stretched out towards the hilt of her sword while her other hand slipped into her other pocket and shook it, KS and scales banging against each other and making a beautiful little sound.
"I would be taking a stroll if you hadn't interrupted me, are you blind as well? You're rather stupid, you know that?  I would give up on this little venture if I were you.  Thieves have to be cunning you know,"

She didn't look very threatening. For a human she was average height with abnormally cute ears (making her seem less threatening then the average bear... er, human).  She wasn't buff, from what could be seen of her she had some muscles. Wirey; she wasn't strong but maybe fast and agile.  Her arms were bare as the Tengel was no place for a sweater.  They were covered in deep, ragged scars.  Had she seen lots of fights?  If so she'd lost a lot of them, or was reckless.  Reckless seemed like that was probably true as she was 1. still alive and 2. mouthing off at a stranger.
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Re: It all belongs to me! {private: Me & Moofie}

Postby Moofius » 03/02/2009 2:56 AM

"Why thank you, foolhardy is my favorite compliment. Not enough people call me that these days," Yah she knew she wasn't the strongest, but she was skilled and she was prone to being underestimated.  Anybody who was anybody knew that underestimating an enemy meant mistakes and mistakes had consequences.  Consequences like slit throats, a sword through the chest or any other gruesome death you'd like.

"You'd like to start over? You know we're not friends, this isn't a meeting of two strangers.  This is a beautiful traveler meeting a thief who is really awful at being a thief.  I suggest you move on and leave me be.  I really don't want to waste my time battling some idiot creature right now,"

The gallizar hissed, the strange spikes along her neck stood on end.  She wanted a fight and her master seemed rather riled up.  Would there be a fight? Her clawed hands opened and closed expectantly. A real fight!
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Re: It all belongs to me! {private: Me & Moofie}

Postby Moofius » 03/02/2009 3:53 AM

The girl pushed her sword a little ways out of it's sheath with a quick flick of her thumb.  She loved that sound and she hadn't heard it in some time.  Her travels, posing as a human, they grew boring sometimes.  Sure the sights the sounds were all their but there was no real danger except in these situations.  Sometimes, when she was feeling reckless, she'd dream of just slipping into the darker alleys of the slums.  But she always thought of Nose and what stress that would cause him.

Well she hadn't walked into this on purpose.  If she had known she would have avoided him.
"I know all to well thieves don't fight because thieves are cowards.  Give me one good reason why I shouldn't fight you and kill you here and now.  Thieves or not-quite-thieves-but-close-enough-to-not-trusts," that was quite a mouthful, "are not to be trusted.  Even if we didn't fight now I know well enough that you could turn on me at any moment. So then, I ask again, why should I go against the better judgment Yepha gave me and not finish this now?"

She stuck her tongue out, "As for me not being beautiful I think the term goes... 'Thems be fightin' words'." at this the girl laughed.  It wasn't a happy laugh it was excited and maybe... Well, maybe it was just a little bit crazy?  Maybe she was just really angry I mean nobody could be happy about having some strange carpetfang demand your reason for traveling as he skulked about in the tree tops of the Tengel, right?
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Re: It all belongs to me! {private: Me & Moofie}

Postby Moofius » 03/02/2009 5:10 AM

Moofius actually laughed, her gallizar joining in by clicking at the carpetfang.
"And who, exactly, would I be allying myself with my helping the idiot thief? If you are allied to somebody I dare not wonder what kind of idiot he, or she, is," really, this was much too fun.

"I'm willing to discuss the possibilities though. I warn you now, serpent, I already have unwavering loyalty to my family," she seemed to be talking business now, not insults... well, not completely insults, anyway.  She wanted to know more on who this carpetfang served.  He seemed to think rather highly of him and well Moofius had many sides that were against her own.  If he was with the Hierarchy... or the Rebellion...?  She tried to decide what would be the wisest course of action.  Fight or flight as it went.  Well if he kept his distance flight was always a possibility.  He couldn't be trusted though, not completely.  She saw his eyes darting to her keystones, she wasn't blind.  She would even consider herself observant.
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Re: It all belongs to me! {private: Me & Moofie}

Postby Moofius » 03/03/2009 2:17 AM

"If your master this, Daemon character, holds loyalty so high in importance do you really think you should be asking for me as an ally?  Are you not worried that I will be disloyal or worse yet, betray you in some way?"
This serpent knew nothing of her.  She could be a purine loyalist upholding the laws of Barakka.  This was a fool serpent and his thoughts were clouded by the treasure he sought.

As for his master not caring, that too was foolish.  His master must be truly mad or perhaps truly stupid to not want to pay attention to such things as the world he wished to bring down; absolutely ludicrous.  What did he hope to achieve? Perhaps it was some bizarre human thing.  She didn't much care for the human realm besides it's beauty and to travel meant that both territories of Barakka and Lambastia had to be politically stable (traveling during the war had been particularly difficult as she'd been fighting with the imperials.).
"Anyway, I'm not really after treasure.  I'm just a traveler, not a treasure hunter.  What makes you think I would be of any use to you?"

She knew of a treasure.  A long time ago a friend of hers who had once lived with her (now moved on to who knew where) and two of her pets, Hanone and Olive, had discovered an old civilizations library.  The people were long gone but their knowledge was respected even now.  But it was lost... Until Hanone, Olive and a hand full of others had found it.  They had not ventured inside because they were attacked by moonlings and had been to weak and without provisions for such an adventure they had left.  The band had promised to come back together one day but for whatever reason they never had.
She wasn't about to tell the serpent this, not now, not this early.  He may be open to bearing his soul and his secrets but Moofius was a whole other story.

(( -got lost in her own post I think- @__@ XD;;))
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Re: It all belongs to me! {private: Me & Moofie}

Postby Moofius » 03/04/2009 2:32 AM

Perhaps this snake was foolish but she would be a fool not to try and pry more information from him about his master.  Any and all threats had to be assessed.  perhaps this Daemon person could be of some aid to her family, even.  She knew that the Chaos often warped the minds of humans who sought revenge to fight with them for a time until they were of no use or had already died.  If this Daemon was already a "twisted mister" he could be rather easy to use.  Work under him falsely to bring about her families name sake, to bring about chaos.  The manipulation in itself could be fun.

She clicked her tongue which brought the gallizar to her side.  The beast clicked and hissed quietly, still eager for a fight.  Moofius patted her long scaly neck before running her hand against the side of the beasts face who obediently kept still and stopped growling.  There would be no fight?  The strange ridges along the back of her neck drooped and there was an unhappy, questioning purr.
"I do not trust you, you do not trust me... But I will work with you but know that I will only help you so long as it benefits me," the girl paused, "My name is Moofius Mania, this is Led."
The gallizar dipped her neck slowly towards the capetfang.  A long tongue (much like that of a komodo dragons) flicked out, black as night.  She wanted a fight!
"I suppose you'd prefer if I stopped calling you Idiot Serpent or Idiot Thief or... whatever else I've called you up to this point,"

She sounded more friendly now, but her hand still hovered close to her sword.  She didn't trust him, as she'd said and she wasn't going to hide it either.
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Re: It all belongs to me! {private: Me & Moofie}

Postby Moofius » 03/05/2009 1:26 AM

Well at least the idiot snake had self control, that was always nice.
"I'd say it's a pleasure, but then I'd be lying," Moofius laughed and went to pull herself onto Led's back to get started on this journey but then something happened.  Not to her, no she was fine, to Slithian.  When his body jerked Moofius did too but hers was much more productive then Slithians in that she had her sword out against him, a steely look in her eyes, something that was only seen in battle hardened warriors.

Led also reacted, but it was delayed.  Had Slithian attacked Led first she would have been at a great disadvantage.  But she was also the first to drop her guard, licking questioningly.  He overly large serpent wasn't moving and his... His eye colour had changed. Led relaxed and clicked angrily.  Slithian had wimped out of yet another fight.
Moofius, noticing the change quickly stuffed her sword in it's home attached to her hip.  When Slithian returned to himself he didn't seem to notice that Moofius had just about killed him.  Whatever had happened the carpetfang had been oblivious to the here and now.  That was good, at least for Moofius.
"Hmm? Vampires? Why would you need to know that now?"
So everyone was connected and they probably all had this weakness.  Perhaps if she could learn how these things were transmitted...
She opened a mental filling cabinet drawer and stored this information away.  For now she had to work on obtaining information which meant thinking too hard on what she had would mean missing new information.

Moofius climbed onto her joker gallizar's back.
"I know of a place that a friend of mine discovered.  An ancient library filled with treasure; the ancient knowledge of a long extinct civilization. I do not know how many shinnies there are but... I think it would be much more promising then aimlessly wandering the Tengel," With a quick pat on the side Led moved forward.
"So I guess we're traveling?" Moofius wasn't going to turn to look at Slithian but her queer ears were constantly on him.
"...Back home I live with a vampire. he's a really good cook,"
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Re: It all belongs to me! {private: Me & Moofie}

Postby Moofius » 03/05/2009 3:37 AM

Moofius was also watching the light. She hadn't been in Barakka for some time but, considering the time of year and the position in the sky...
"I'm a bit rusty for Barakka time but... If I'm right I'd give us an hour, tops, before the sun sets and were' in darkness," she turned off the path suddenly.  The thick underbrush of the untamed Tengel didn't seem to faze Led.  She had to work a bit harder to get through it, but her pace did not slow.
"We'll find a place closer to the Tengel river. There we'll set up camp,"

The girl was not happy with the idea of having to be anywhere near the snake while she slept. Her and Led would have to take sleep shifts if they planned to survive the night.  As for food and shelter, well, Moofius had some food she'd been planning to eat until Slithian had reared his scaly face.  As for emergency shelter building and getting water? She was set.  She'd been living away from home long enough to have some human-plain survival skills.  Besides she'd found she loved to do things with her hands.  To create... She'd never had that kind of power at home so the act of creation was still a great thrill for her.

The gallizar plowed through the Tengel, stepping delicately but quickly as they head towards the river.
"If I remember right," Moofius said turning, "The library is along the river, some feet inland.  I'm not sure which side but I'm sure I'll remember.  If this wasn't a surprise adventure I would know for sure."
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Re: It all belongs to me! {private: Me & Moofie}

Postby Moofius » 03/07/2009 12:13 AM

The girl watched as the carpetfang disappeared.  She hadn't expected the sudden speed and had quickly lost track of the beast.  Her eyes narrowed automatically; he was fast in the water.  Moofius, though she'd never admit it to him, could not swim.  She'd never really been taught.  It was a practical thing to learn but Nose hated liquids of all kinds, so he would be of no use to her.
She moved a ways inland, just so they could have the coverage of the trees.  Even the small about of wind the river could (and would) create could mess with her ability to sleep.

Then there was a pile of squirming fish to deal with... some too small to use anyway. But Moofius didn't complain.  She was, however, suspicious of poison. She managed to thank him for the fish gracious showing that she did, indeed, posess manners.
"Thank you, Slithian. You sure you don't want me to cook them?"
So she did plan on cooking them and even offered to cook his.  How nice or perhaps... devious?  Hard to say, hard to say.
While she waited for the answer she got to work on preparing her fish.  She snapped off a large, fresh fern leaf and placed the fish on top, taking it to the river.  She didn't have a huge mouth to carry her meals around in so this worked, too.
"Led, you can be my garbage disposal?"

clicks and happy hisses were heard from the gallizar.  She couldn't help but feel excited to have something to eat.  And fish, too.  had she ever had fish?  Well she couldn't remember every meal now, could she? But Led was excited, hopping after the girl and to the edge of the riverbank.
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Re: It all belongs to me! {private: Me & Moofie}

Postby Moofius » 03/08/2009 4:01 PM

Okay so he wasn't venomous.  That was good because she did have an herb that neutralized most venoms but it was bitter and would have messed with the taste of the fish.  She would have sacrificed her taste buds but if she didn't have to that was good.  Aswell as this reassurance she got more information on this Daemon character ("Has skills as a doctor or has skilled doctors working with him" that note was filed away for future reference) along with this hot air bit.  She would have made a snarky remark about Slithian being full of hot air but decided against it.  Better to keep things neutral.  If she was going to work with him she'd rather he was more willing to help out.  Like catching fish.  She was cooking them which meant they were working together and were willing to trust enough in that sense.

Back to the fish. She pulled out a smaller blade from her back pocket, whipping it open.  First she scraped the scales off one fish, turned it over in one hand and slit open the belly.  The motions were swift and sure, she had no qualms with gutting the fist and dealing with their slimy wet bodies.  Moofius pulled the guts out and carelessly tossed them towards Led.
The gallizar in question had settled herself down at the rivers edge, snapping up the fishes innards when they were thrown.  It was an entertaining game and it filled her up.  Moofius had taught Led to do this before going out to hunt for herself because, well, it was a pain in the ass to bury them to keep predators from her camp.

Once the large amount of fish were gutted (damn Slithian for being so big and needing so much food) the leaf returned to Moofius' unofficial camp and she started working on clearing an area to safely construct a fire.
"Led? Help me clear this,"
The sun was setting and she needed to get the fire going really fast so she could not freeze to death, eat and see.  She still needed to find herbs of some sort for the fish!
She picked a few mushrooms up as they cleared an area, tossing most away but keeping some.  Most mushrooms were poisonous but a few from the Tengel were good.  These were those few.

She'd spent a lot of her life after the age of 16 traveling and learning survival stuff in and out of the city.  She was a Jane of all trades, master of none.
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Re: It all belongs to me! {private: Me & Moofie}

Postby Moofius » 03/11/2009 2:24 PM

Once she'd cleared a large enough area she started to build her fire.  Building an actual pit would have been better, but by the looks of the suns position and the chill that was seeping in she didn't have time for that. Rocks from the river (pants rolled up high.  She wouldn't do that in public but then she was just working now.  Whatever the snake thought, or even saw, was not something that concerned her) were placed in a circle, still leaving some of the cleared area out of the circle for the stray sparks to land harmlessly.  One rock, especially picked, was flat and pushed a bit further into the circle.  This would be her frying pan of sorts.

But to cook the fish she needed fire.  She sent Led out to get bigger bits of wood while Moofius gathered kindling and found her lighter.  Long, dry grass went towards starter balls.  Fast burners. The gallizar returned with wood.  Some of it dry, some of it... not.  Well the gallizar didn't know how to make a fire so Moofius just kicked those logs and sticks away.
Led took offense but didn't say anything as she let her master work. Why build a fire?  The cold helped her sleep better.  To warm the night was foolish.  The earth had a natural cycle and the master was messing with that cycle.  Humans were strange creatures.

It took two tries (damn stray wind off the Tengel River) but the fire was started and turning to something healthy.  Ash smudged her face as she'd had to help the fire into life which had flared up with some ash just for her.
She got up off her stomach, coughing a little.  The smoke wasn't so bad but not perfect either.  The Tengel was rather damp so perfectly dry wood was harder to come by then she liked.  Hopefully it would calm down and become more manageable.
"If the fire tries to spread, just call for me, alright? I need to get some herbs so the food is good!"

Moofius had always liked cooking.  It seemed all of the Chaos back home had no hope of being passably good cooks.  They were always adding to much of a spice and they never seemed to notice when they burnt the food.  No the Chaos were absolutely bizarre in that respect.  So, from a fairly early age, Moofius had had to make her own food and was thus had perfected the skill.  It was really fun, really.  To make something delicious from all sorts of bits and pieces.  Some combination were bizarre to think about but the outcome...?

Her passion for cooking wasn't a secret and she loved to learn new things.  A few years back she'd been in the Tengel area and had spent a good amount of time in an old mans herb garden.  She didn't remember much from that but two herbs she remembered well.  Very specific leaves.  She wouldn't touch other spices but those two she knew well and knew how to use them, too.
It took a bit of time and the darkness was awful but she finally figured out where to find them (One was under the low lying leaves of a plant with bright red leaves, the other found among mosses).  She brought them back to the fire, sorted out twigs and plants she'd mistaken for the herb in the dark, tossing them aside.
"Going to have to be a bit skimpy..." she murmurred to herself.  That was a shame but they'd started late and she was hungry now.

She ripped up the herbs as finely as she could trying to spread them out evenly on the inside of the raw fish before laying them on the flat rock.  The fish sizzled happily, the noise rising to a din as the last fish that could fit was placed on the rock.
She got herself a good poking stick so she could flip the fish over and check to see if they were done along with a long, thin stick that she sharpened the end of.

Another fish was deboned chopped up into cubes and skewered along with the mushrooms she'd food.  The stick was stuck into the ground, the fish and mushrooms cooking over the fire.
"Ugh... Led, I wish you were more helpful," The gallizar hissed and clicked in protest.

"Yah! Well... It's cooking, anyway!" She wished the snake was more helpful... But then she hated people helping her cook, anyway.  So in all reality she would have shooed him away even if he did ask to help.

She still needed to build a shelter of some sort.  The Tengel was prone to sudden, violent, rainstorms being a rainforest and all.
"Damn it..."

(( FEAR! For Moofius is cooking! XD;; Enjoy the post? P= ))
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Re: It all belongs to me! {private: Me & Moofie}

Postby Moofius » 03/14/2009 2:09 AM

Moofius sighed.  Too bad Led hadn't been trained for more then fighting and a fast mode of transportation.
"Yah, it's not Led's fault though... But thanks," Ugh, thanking him again.  That was a trying process in itself and he was hard to be around.  Damn it she hated big snakes.  Small snakes she could handle but... Ugh...
Subconciously she scooted away from him, wanting to keep her distance.

"Oh, er... Well the Tengel is... a rainforest so... I'm worried it might start to rain which would in turn soak me and put out our fire.  I might get sick and, if not taken care of die,"
Okay so it was drastic but she was kind of annoyed at the moment because she had to make sure the fish didn't burn.
"Ah... Well I don't know if you can cook and I don't really want to chance it right now," Being brutally honest was what she did best, "but I still need a safe spot for me to sleep tonight.  Preferably close to the fire.  If you'd be willing to maybe work on that I'd be... grateful,"
She'd suck up her snarky comments and dislike of huge snakes long enough to get a shelter out of him.  It was hard, though, but her survival came first.
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Re: It all belongs to me! {private: Me & Moofie}

Postby Moofius » 03/17/2009 8:33 PM

Whenever Slithian returned Moofius' ears followed him around as she cooked and Led didn't bother to stealth watch him, her head swiveling around this way and that as he worked.  Sometimes she would hiss or click at him but Moofius smacked her on the nose and she'd calm down again.  She could tell Moofius didn't like him much and thus shared the sentiments.

As for Moofius she was getting use to the sound he made and the way he moved and that he wasn't trying to kill her... At least right now he wasn't.  She was still useful to him so he had no reason to kill her which meant she had no reason to be scared right now.
Still she was wary.  Moofius couldn't help it I mean Chaos outside the family were not to be trusted and... It was just... scary...  Think had conditioned her whether she realized it or not.
She flipped the fish over, really checking it to make sure it was cooked all the way through.  Course Slithian could eat raw fish (that's what he was use to) this was more for a chefs pride.  Limited tools were no excuse for burned or under cooked fish.  It looked good. She flipped the fish off the hot rock onto another leaf, one after the other.  Led chirped and clicked, looking hopeful.
"No Led, these are Slithians," Moofius said not even looking up at the gallizar as she the last, smaller fish onto a different leaf for herself.

Led drooped a little but didn't complain further, turning her attention to Slithian again.  A quick check on her skewered fish and mushrooms and Moofius snapped the stick and set that down on her leaf aswell.  Well her dinner and Slithians was done and there was a fire.
"Alright, you can stop ... now... Hey, Slithian, that's not half bad,"
Her attention had been on dinner and even though she'd been listening to Slithian move about she didn't look over much at him.  The little shelter was kinda' awkward but for a first time it wasn't half bad.  The way he had to move things around though?  That was just funny and explained some of the awkward angles.
"Thanks for helping.  But you should stop before the fish gets cold,"
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Re: It all belongs to me! {private: Me & Moofie}

Postby Moofius » 03/21/2009 6:34 PM

Moofius sat by the fire and ate her dinner of fish and mushrooms.  It wasn't too bad considering what she'd had to work with.  She mushrooms and the skewer in general were over cooked a little but that's how she liked her mushrooms because, well, mushrooms were gross!
Having nothing better to do while she ate she watched Slithian eat.  It was weird to be around an extremely large lizard that wasn't a Chaos by any means.  Weirder still to be sitting with a giant serpent instead of running from one.  But Slithian wasn't Think; he may not have been godly good and righteous but he was nothing compared to Think.  She'd have to learn to stop being scared of Slithian; at least not as scared as she was right now.

The dinner itself passed without a real conversation, though Slithian finished faster then she did.  Moofius knew herself too well to eat quickly; hiccups were a pain.
"The plan is to rest, then follow the river.  Against the current," she said, pointing in the direction she had been headed originally.
"If we keep right up against the river I think it will be easier to find the library.  It's hard to miss, at least that's what Hanone said.  I'm sure we'll find it by tomorrow.  Depending on what time we'll get to the library we'll either set up camp or start an exploration."

That was her plan.  She wasn't sure if Slithian felt they should do something before hand or what.  She had her sword and her own fighting skills.  Hopefully that would be all she needed along with a bit of luck.
"I usually become aware of something unwelcome when it gets close to me.  Thank you for the concern," a quick, try to attack me at night and I WILL know about it, message.  She trusted him minimally.  For the most part she didn't trust him; the girl hoped that this fine line of trust and mistrust was something healthy and not something that leaned to far to either side.

With all of that cleared up Moofius started disposing of most of the lesser tools. The leaves used for cooking went down stream so as not to attract unwelcome predators, the skewer jumped into the fire along with many other wooden tools. All of that taken care of the cow anthro slipped into the shelter.  She tested the sides and felt that the structure, though a little unorthodox, was secure.  The gallizar joined Moofius under the shelter, coiling around the girl and clicking softly.
Three taps on the gallizar's neck meant that the creature should stay awake three hours, then wake Moofius and she would take a shift.
With that settled the girl curled up, the scales a comfort that allowed her to fall asleep without a worry.  Led may not have been as warm as her father but the texture was enough to put her out like a light.

The light of the dying campfire danced, the light reflecting off the gallizar's eyes as she scanned the area for any predators... or any surprise attack/visits from the enormous serpent in the trees above them.
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:.: Let Us Free You From The Darkness Of Ignorance And Weakness :.:

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