A dense jungle full of surprises and new places to explore! Scientists are still trying to document species found here, while travelers flock here for a sense of adventure. Be sure to make lots of preparations though, as it can be quite dangerous! (+3 Precision, +2 Offense)

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Re: Lost {Fallen Snow and myself}

Postby Fallen_Snow » 02/04/2010 11:28 PM

Marbie nervously clawed at the mossy floor beneath her padded paws. She was afraid of Zyek coming at her, but also she feared for the little girl's safety. It felt too important to let him get away with the abuse he caused to Nadia, seemingly on a daily basis. But if it was up to Marbie, she would be stuffing food down that skinny thing's gullet and giving her a good rub-down bath, as the girl needed both badly. And Zyek... most likely he'd be a rotting corpse in a dumpster somewhere, but she was good with putting him in an acid-proof jail cell. If there was such a thing.

Nadia... are you up in a tree? Marbie asked tentatively, furrowing her brow while trying to focus on where Zyek was. She could hear his growls and mumbles and tried to keep up with where he might be, but for the most part, she couldn't keep track. It was like he was everywhere at once. The mist was both a blessing and a curse in disguise for her and Nadia; she could only hope that it was more blessing than curse by the end of the day.
About you and me: it's plain to see,
We only ever want to stay inside and watch TV,
Because that's just as good a memory,
You're just good company,
And I am finally accepting that.

Remember the time when we stole the whole day?
And nobody knows it, we took it away,
And it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours
Now we own the night, and it can't be undone,
We'll never forget how it feels to be young,
Cos it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours.

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Re: Lost {Fallen Snow and myself}

Postby Kitsune_Beauty » 02/11/2010 6:19 PM

Nadia had gone as far as she could without her strength failing and her connection with Marbie getting broken. Y-yes...I can't see anything below me..." Her voice was timid as she looked below her perch. The base of the tree seemed to dissolve into nothingness under her. Her claws gripped the slick bark tightly as she tried to convince herself that the ground hadn't disappeared. Zyek is trying to get into my mind...I don't know how much longer I can block him..." Truth be told the whole idea of blocking Zyek, the only being that had ever had access to her mind, made her feel a twinge of guilt and doubt. Nadia didn't know this Cake kuhna and had grown up with Zyek, yet she was giving Marbie access and keeping her brother out. It was confusing and new to the Dusk kuhna and she couldn't say she liked it much.

Zyek was getting highly impatient. Nadia's mental barrier was like rubber. He'd pound against it, it would fall, and another would spring up in its place. His crippled vision was beginning to rake on his nerves as well. The Poison kuhna lifted his nose in the air again to try and sniff her out, sneezing acid onto the ground as mist gathered around his nostrils. What he picked up wasn't Nadia, it carried the slight hint of frosting. The interfering Cake kuhna. A very calm smirk tugged at his maw as he turned to face where the scent was coming from, feeling his fire building. Even if he couldn't burn away all of this thick fog, he could at least burn a path that lead to the creature who dared butt in between himself and his sister. Zyek's pupils constricted as he took in a deep breath and let loose a wave of bright green flames that made the air sizzle and was heading right at Marbie. The Poison kuhna let the blast fly at her and he followed close behind. Even if his fire missed, he would not.
How can you see into my eyes like open doors,
Leading you down into my core where I've become so numb,
Without a soul my spirit's sleeping somewhere cold,
Until you find it there and lead it back home...

Kirk Grimm
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